^7 «lli WMTincE NET PRESS RUN roiaeaat or U. a. Mfeaiaer 8« tm«, AVERAGE-DAILY CIRCULATION • . 1.-. ^am'Maeeo for the Month of March, 1929 Mostljr tflondyf ?wlth rtumifii. Sunday ai^ in norfb and nMfrt poc- *■; 5,326 tlotu tbhight. ^ ■Member of the A adit Bareaa of Ctrcalatioae r>j"svr'y^' •i,. PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, G0NN:,"SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1929. SIXTEEN PAGES VOL. XLII., NO. 159. (Classifled Advertising on Page 14) TIBETANS USE SKULLS FOR PRACTICAL NEEDS. UNION BUILDINGS WRECKED DESPITE TROOPS UTTLE CHANCE Chicago, April 20.— The pe culiar practices of the Tibetans of using human skulls and other bones for various practical pur FORDIRTROAD poses and as symbols of their DEAUtOCK IN PARIS religious ceremonies were told here by Dr. Berthold Laufer, curator of anthropology of the APPROPRIATION Field Museum. Dr. Laufer re cently returned from Tibet and' AS SERIOUS MATTER brought with him bowls made of State Aid Funds to Go for human skulls and other objects. ys.. Hillstown Man, Once Arrest Bowls made from skulls are used by the Tibetans for liba ed Here for Bigamy, If War Debt Controversy Gravel Roads— Fanners' tions in honor of the Lama gods. PRIVATE PARLEYS Tambourines made of skulls and Bloc is Defeated in State trumpets made or thigh bones Chooses Prison Rather Fails, U. S. Will Stand to are upon exhibit. OF DEBT DELEGATES <S> - Lose Many Millions; Con ....... Than Support Wife No. 1. , CliAKENCE G. WILLARD OUR FUTURE MEN Victor Lozeau of Hillstown, was Trying to Prevent Collapse gressmen Take Sides I found guilty of non-support la, the What was probably the most un Manchester police court this morn of Negotiafions Expected With Germany in Dis expected occurrence of the present TO BE BRAINIER ing and given a jail sentence pf' 30 session of the General Assembly days.
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