THE CANADIAN WHISKY FL VOUR WHEEL© Acrolein Acrolein Geosmin Acetic Acid, Lactic Acid 2-Methylisoborneol Dimethyl Trisulfi de Dimenthyl Sulfi de Sulfi Dimenthyl Dimethyl Disulfi de 2- and 3-Methylbutanal and 2- Dimethyl Sulfi de (HEMF (HEMF Furanones Hydrogen Sulfi de Guaiacol Phenol, Creosol, Phenol, or HDMF) Ethyl Palmitate Dimenthyl Sulfi de Sulfi Dimenthyl Musty, beets Musty, Peppery Vinegar, dill pickle dirt Earthy, Struck match, meaty corn potato, Ethyl Laurate ower, caulifl Vegetable, Onion, garlic Eugenol Wort, malty, malty, Wort, Vegetable, caulifl ower, ee f potato, corn To Phenyl Ethyl Acetate Yeasty, rotten egg bacon peat, Smoky, 4-Ethyl Guaiacol 4-Ethyl Mild wax, creamy corn potato, Vegetable, caulifl ower, ower, caulifl Vegetable, Sweet soap, waxy cereal Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol Guaiacol clean clove Spicy, SOUR Sweet rose, lilac, SPOILAGE Spicy, smoky, clove smoky, Spicy, honey, lavender MALT SULFUR Ethyl Caprate Creosol Fragrant, roses, Spicy, smoky, savory smoky, Spicy, violets CORN SOAPY 4-Ethyl Phenol 4-Ethyl Ethyl Caprylate Apricot, sweet apple vanilla leathery, Spicy, FLORAL RYE Pear, pineapple bacon smoky, Spicy, Iso-Amyl Acetate GRAIN Furan ee, nuts ee, f Banana to Caramel, BARLEY vegetable, wood vegetable, Ethyl Acetate Green apple Hexanal FRUITY citrus, Grassy, YEAST Winey WHEAT WOOD Isobutanol yeast cereal, Bready, Yeasty, solvent, oily 1-Pentanol Alcoholic, pear oil, Amyl Alcohol almond fruits, apple GREEN GRASS dried bread, Sweet, Grassy, citrus, ee, nuts ee, f to Caramel, vegetable, wood CASK Propanol AGE Furfural Buttery
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