September 12, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1687 TRIBUTE TO COL MICHAEL W. been enriched by crossing paths with Mike WELCOME TO PRESIDENT ROH DEYOUNG, ARMY DeYoung. This is his greatest legacy. Years MOO-HYUN OF THE REPUBLIC OF after Colonel DeYoung is only a memory to KOREA HON. the United States Army, the values that he im- OF parted on those that he has served with will HON. HENRY J. HYDE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES live on. These same values are what make OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, September 12, 2006 our Army the most formidable military force on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 Mr. OSBORNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to earth—loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor and pay tribute to a great American pa- honor, integrity, and personal courage. Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, as you are aware, President Roh Moo-hyun of the Republic of triot, COL Mike DeYoung, who is retiring with Mr. Speaker, as this great American patriot Korea is scheduled to visit the United States over 27 years of honorable service in the moves on, and as this invaluable friend of the United States Army. from September 12 to 15, 2006, for a summit House of Representatives begins the next Colonel DeYoung was born in Lincoln, Ne- meeting with President George W. Bush. After braska. Then, as he says, he was given not chapter in his life, I know I speak for all the meetings in Washington with President Bush only the normal baby inoculations of vitamin B, Members of the House, in thanking Colonel and Members of the congressional leadership, but also vitamin C for ‘‘Cornhusker’’ which DeYoung for his many years of service to our President Roh will travel to San Francisco. began a lifelong passion for Nebraska football. Nation and extend my best wishes to him, his Mr. Speaker, recently I had the privilege of He is well known to many Members of Con- wife Deborah and their wonderful children Alex visiting South Korea and meeting with Presi- gress in that for the last 4 years he has and Denia. dent Roh and other Korean officials, as well served as the chief of the House Liaison Divi- as with U.S. soldiers and members of the dip- sion for the Army. In that time, many of us f lomatic community. The Korean people treated have had the privilege of working with Colonel us with warmth and hospitality, for which I am DeYoung on a wide variety of legislative initia- TRIBUTE TO THE OMAHA FEDERA- deeply grateful. tives, programs and congressional travel. I can TION OF ADVERTISING ON THEIR While in South Korea, I had an opportunity to lay a wreath in tribute to GEN Douglas personally attest to his professionalism as it 100TH ANNIVERSARY was Mike who escorted the delegations that I MacArthur at his statue at Incheon harbor. The statue was erected by the citizens of the led to Iraq and other stops in the Middle East City of Incheon to commemorate the General’s in the spring of 2005 and again in December HON. LEE TERRY vital leadership during the Korean war, includ- last year. Thus, it is my distinct honor to rec- OF NEBRASKA ing his implementation of the daring landing at ognize his many accomplishments over the Incheon in the darkest days of the Korean course of a distinguished career and I com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES War. In his farewell address before this Con- mend his superb service to the United States gress in 1951, General MacArthur said: ‘‘Of Army and this great Nation. Tuesday, September 12, 2006 the nations of the world, Korea alone, up to Colonel De Young is an Army ‘‘brat’’ as they Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, the Omaha Fed- now, is the sole one which has risked its all say, the son of retired COL Dee De Young eration of Advertising will be celebrating their against communism. The magnificence of the and Anne DeYoung. He was commissioned a courage and fortitude of the Korean people second lieutenant in the Air Defense Artillery 100th anniversary at a centennial gala event defies description. They have chosen to risk after graduating from the College of William on November 18, 2006 with the induction of their first Legends of Advertising Hall of Fame death rather than slavery.’’ and Mary. He began his military career with Korea and the United States have been al- honorees, a salute to the top 100 local ad the 4th Infantry Division, serving as a platoon lies and friends for more than half a century. leader and later battery executive officer in the campaigns and a theatrical retrospect of the Our economic ties are strong. With a per cap- 4th Battalion, 71st Air Defense Artillery. Over last 100 years. ita income of $14,162, South Korea is the the course of the next two decades, Colonel Founded in 1906, the Omaha Federation of world’s 11th-largest economy and the 7th larg- DeYoung served in a variety of command and Advertising, OFA, is considered the unifying est trading partner of the United States, with staff assignments, with increasing levels of re- a trade volume amounting to over $72 billion sponsibility. Highlights during this period in- voice of advertising in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metropolitan area. The professional as- each year. The United States and South clude commanding companies both here in Korea are currently engaged in negotiations sociation is made up of and represents cor- the United States and in Europe at the height that will lead to a U.S.-Korea Free Trade of the cold war, chief of the Joint Intelligence porate advertising, agencies, marketing, Agreement, which will further solidify and ex- Center’s Crisis Action Support Center in the media, printing, suppliers, academia and other pand U.S.-Korean economic ties. Pacific region and then again commanding a advertising and public relations professionals. With a population of well over one million, battalion in Germany. As advocates for the rights of advertisers, they the Korean-American community has become, There are few officers who could even begin educate policy makers, the media and the in the past century, a vital and important part to rival Colonel DeYoung’s expertise and ex- general public on the value advertising brings of the American mosaic. The greater Los An- perience in working with the United States to the well-being of our community and the geles area, with its vibrant Korean-American Congress. He was selected as an American economy. community, is now one of the world’s centers Political Science Association Foreign Affairs of Korean culture. But Korean-Americans are Fellow at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced The OFA hosts a multitude of events and not only found in California. From Hawaii, east International Studies and then served as a fel- activities throughout the year that serve the to New York, and from Alaska down to Flor- low in the office of former Senator Richard public and attract a wide audience. A small ida, Korean-Americans are making a critical Bryan of Nevada, with subsequent assign- example of such activities include: a national contribution to the United States in such di- ments in the legislation liaison arena working award-winning program to introduce college verse fields as medicine, education, science, for the Secretary of the Army and as a military students to advertising professionals, called engineering, martial arts, small business enter- assistant for the Secretary of Defense. Colonel Meet the Pros; an annual awards event recog- prises, entrepreneurship, music and the fine DeYoung has played a significant role shaping arts. America has been enriched by the Ko- nizing creative excellence, called the American the greatest Army on the planet. Upon grad- rean-American community’s many contribu- uating from the Industrial College of the Advertising Awards; a scholarship program in tions, and its existence has bonded us even Armed Forces, Mike expanded his legislative which thousands of dollars are awarded to closer to the Korean peninsula across the Pa- re´sume´ serving as the chief of the Congres- students attending accredited universities and/ cific. sional Inquiries Division for the Army and then or advertising/design trade schools; and a It should come as no surprise, then, that the finally, as was stated previously, the chief of public service program committed to the goal United States is also a popular destination for Army Liaison to the House of Representatives. of helping deserving non-profit groups to travelers from South Korea, whether they are While Colonel DeYoung’s duty titles and as- achieve their marketing/communication goals. coming here to visit their family members who signments sound impressive, what is far more have become part of the American community, I’d like to congratulate the OFA on their impressive and more relevant is the character attending U.S. colleges and universities, or of this selfless soldier and the thousands of 100th anniversary and wish them the best in meeting with business colleagues in the pur- young men and women whose lives have the next century. suit of greater trade and investment.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:03 Sep 13, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12SE8.029 E12SEPT1 E1688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 12, 2006 The U.S. consular section at our embassy in I am honored to congratulate the current high-risk families, adults, and youths. With 30 Seoul is the busiest non-immigrant visa President of EaglePicher Corporation, David sites in California and over 12,000 clients per issuing post in the world, processing between Treadwell and the President of EaglePicher year, the staff provides a wide array of health, 1,800 and 2,000 visa applications each day. It Technologies, Steve Westfall and all of the social, and rehabilitative services to combat is clear that South Koreans want to visit the employees of EaglePicher on this special oc- poverty, homelessness, unemployment, and United States, and they have good reasons for casion. psychological and substance abuse problems. doing so. f Sushma Taylor’s dedication has been the driv- There are currently efforts underway to ing force behind the creation of this expansive bring South Korea under the umbrella of the TRIBUTE TO KENNETH AND LINDA and successful agency we see today. U.S. Visa Waiver Program, which already ap- STEIGERS Center Point’s mission is to provide a range plies to 27 other countries, including the of affordable support services by offering edu- United Kingdom, France, Canada, and Japan. HON. C. L. ‘‘BUTCH’’ OTTER cation, training, health care, and counseling This program, established in 1986 with the ob- OF IDAHO support so that those they serve can claim jective of promoting better relations with U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES self-worth and dignity. Dr. Taylor’s values and allies, also eliminates unnecessary barriers to experience have been an ideal match for this Tuesday, September 12, 2006 travel, stimulates the tourism industry, and mission. permits the U.S. Department of State to focus Mr. OTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ask Throughout her career, Sushma’s primary consular resources in other areas. my colleagues to join me in recognizing to the focus has been to create opportunities and re- The South Korean Government has made it actions of Kenneth and Linda Steigers of move barriers for high-risk clients. She has clear that it intends to meet all of the statutory Juliaetta, Idaho. long been a champion of those requiring so- and regulatory requirements of the Visa Waiv- Nine years before the Steigers purchased a cial rehabilitation to improve their quality of life er Program. Seoul is working with the Depart- section of land in Clearwater County, Idaho, a and their personal and social responsibility, ments of Homeland Security, Justice, and flood tore through the area. It destroyed many Sushma’s father was an ambassador for the State in a diligent fashion to make sure that large cottonwood trees and other vegetation in government of India, where she was born. The relevant South Korean governmental agencies a riparian zone of Lolo Creek which runs family relocated frequently, giving her a multi- have implemented the most up-to-date pass- through their property. Eventually, grass grew cultural and multi-lingual orientation. She port controls, using biometric and other tech- back near the banks of the creek, which at- moved to Marin County in 1974. With a Mas- nologies to prevent fraud and abuse. Mr. tracted grazing cattle. At that time the Bureau ter’s Degree in Public Administration, and Speaker, I am almost certain that the Republic of Land Management raised concerns that the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, and as a Li- of Korea’s entry into the Visa Waiver Program cattle may be adversely affecting the water censed Marriage Family Therapist, she had will be one of the topics discussed by Presi- quality of the creek and the salmon spawning the background to serve as Director of Marin dent Roh and President Bush during their beds in the area. and Sonoma County’s Treatment Alternative summit meeting this month. The Steigers, through support from the Con- to Street Crime projects in coordination with There are, of course, other issues that cer- servation Reserve Program, CRP, have each county’s mental health department. She tainly will be discussed at the White House by worked diligently to rectify the problem. They worked to develop a unique justice diversion President Bush and President Roh, including used program funding to build a fence around project that was replicated nationally. the free trade negotiations, North Korean nu- the riparian area and also developed a spring In 1981, Sushma became Executive Direc- clear weapons development, and South Ko- at the top of a nearby slope to provide an al- tor of Center Point. Today the agency’s clients rea’s active participation in the global war on ternate drinking area for the cattle. With the receive a continuum of individualized services terrorism and its contributions to the war effort cattle no longer grazing in the area, cotton- created by Sushma and funded through grants in Iraq. The United States and South Korea wood trees and shrubs are growing in the and contracts that she has successfully pur- have enjoyed a long and productive alliance, area again. The salmon habitat has improved sued. Graduates of the treatment programs which, based on blood ties forged in the Ko- and elk, deer, geese, ducks, blue herons, and move on to transitional housing and continuing rean war, will deepen into the indefinite future. other small water birds have become abun- care services as they prepare to successfully The frequent meetings of U.S. and Korean dant. reintegrate into the community. Sushma has also expanded Center Point leaders are a clear manifestation of the close For their actions as CRP participants the programs to the state of Oklahoma has estab- relationship shared by our two countries. Steigers will be presented with the Conserva- lished them in California state prisons, dra- Therefore, Mr. Speaker, let me take this op- tion Reserve Program Outstanding American matically reducing crime and recidivism. She portunity to welcome the president of the Re- Conservationist Award by Agriculture Sec- is one of the foremost authorities in the nation public of Korea, Roh Moo-hyun, to the United retary at the U.S. Department of on treatment for women and provides con- States as he visits Washington, DC, and the Agriculture on Wednesday, September 13, sultation around the world. She also works golden State of California. I invite all Members 2006. closely with local state, and federal agencies of the House to join me in offering President Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the to form policies that advance the field of ad- Roh our best wishes and hospitality as he vis- House of Representatives to join me in con- gratulating the actions of Kenneth and Linda diction treatment. its our Nation’s Capital. Mr. Speaker, Center Point’s graduates are f Steigers. It is accomplishments like this that make our world a more beautiful and enjoy- living proof of the achievement of their mission CONGRATULATING EAGLEPICHER able place to live. and of Dr. Sushma Taylor’s belief that her true success is the successes of those she serves. f HON. ROY BLUNT Center Point believes that adversity can be TRIBUTE TO CENTER POINT INC. overcome and the extraordinary achieved. And OF MISSOURI AND CEO DR. SUSHMA TAYLOR with Dr. Taylor’s guidance, this has been dem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES onstrated many times over. It is a pleasure to Tuesday, September 12, 2006 HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY honor Dr. Taylor and Center Point on this memorable occasion. Mr. BLUNT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- OF CALIFORINA f ognize EaglePicher, an advanced technology IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES company that was founded in 1843. Today, Tuesday, September 12, 2006 TRIBUTE TO HOLY REDEEMER EaglePicher provides innovative products for a CATHOLIC CHURCH CENTENNIAL wide range of industries and employs approxi- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to CELEBRATION mately 3,900 people worldwide. honor both Center Point, Inc. and its President I would like to congratulate EaglePicher on and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Sushma Tay- the achievement of their nickel hydrogen bat- lor. The agency is commemorating 35 years of HON. EARL BLUMENAUER OF OREGON teries that reached one billion cell hours of service to the people of California while cele- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES successful flight time in space on September brating Dr. Taylor’s 25 years of visionary lead- 9, 2006. EaglePicher Technologies, which ership with the agency. Tuesday, September 12, 2006 makes these batteries is headquartered in Founded as a small rehabilitation program Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I offer my Joplin, Missouri and has a long history of in Marin County, California, Center Point now congratulations to the people of Holy Re- being one of Joplin’s leading employers. offers a continuum of statewide services for deemer Catholic Church in Portland on their

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