Remarks in a Discussion on Strengthening Social Security in Omaha, Nebraska February 4, 2005
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Feb. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 Remarks in a Discussion on Strengthening Social Security in Omaha, Nebraska February 4, 2005 The President. Thanks for being here. you. And of course Congressman Tom Thanks for inviting me back. One of the Osborne is with us today. last times I was here, I remember, I was Mayor, thanks for coming—former out there with Senator Hagel, and he said, Mayor Hal Daub is with us today. Mayor, ‘‘Give them your best fastball.’’ [Laughter] thank you for being here. He, by the way, This wasn’t a political moment; this was is Chairman of the Social Security Advisory the College World Series. [Laughter] I fi- Board. The President needs a lot of advice. nally remember the college—Mr. Mayor, The country needs advice on Social Secu- I appreciate you being able to extend the rity, and that’s what we’re here to talk contract for the College World Series here about after a while. to Omaha, Nebraska. By the way, Tom Osborne and I had We’re not here to talk baseball today, the honor of being at the National Prayer and we’re certainly not here to talk college Breakfast Thursday. He gave a fantastic football—[laughter]—if you know what I talk. He’s a humble, decent guy. I re- mean. [Laughter] We’re here to talk public minded people that the State of the Union policy, about how to make America a better was kind of like a giant prayer session— place. Members of Congress were praying I’d I want to thank the Governor for joining keep my speech short. [Laughter] us today. Governor, where are you? Thanks for coming. I appreciate you being here. It’s good to be here on the—right after I guess you kind of like my decisionmaking. the State of the Union. See, I believe one I’ll be frank with you; I didn’t ask Johanns of my responsibilities is to travel our coun- to join my Cabinet to make you Governor, try talking about problems and how we in- although—[laughter]—I’m sure you’re tend to solve them, reminding people that going to do a fine job. I did it because, the job of a President is to confront prob- one, he’s a fine guy; two, agriculture is lems, not to pass them on to future genera- important to this country, and no doubt tions and future Presidents. he’s going to be a fine Secretary of Agri- One of the problems we face is the war culture. on terror. The war on terror goes on. And I am pleased to be working with Senator it’s important as the Commander in Chief Chuck Hagel. He is a smart, capable man. that I speak as bluntly and frankly as I He loves his country. He loves Nebraska. can about the perils we face. That’s why Looking forward to working with you, I told the Congress it’s important for the Chuck, for 4 more years. I’m proud that Congress to continue to support our men Senator Ben Nelson is here. He is a man and women who wear our Nation’s uniform with whom I can work, a person who is as they pursue the terrorists around the willing to put partisanship aside to focus world. on what’s right for America. Senator, thanks It’s important for us to continue to work for coming. Working my way through. Con- with our allies and friends to make the gressman Lee Terry is with us today. Con- world a safer place. Every terrorist we gressman, proud you’re here. Thanks for bring to justice makes our children and coming. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry is grandchildren safer, and every country that with us today. Thank you, Congressman— accepts democracy as a way of life makes [applause]—sounds like they’ve heard of our children and grandchildren safer. 146 31 2005 13:57 Sep 09 2008 Jkt 206694 PO 00000 Frm 00146 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\94A XXX 94A Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 / Feb. 4 This has been a remarkable time in his- Iraqis defend themselves. We’ll accelerate tory. It has been an amazing time. In Af- training. We’ll make sure there’s a chain ghanistan, millions went to vote in a coun- of command so that the troops that are try where, 3 years earlier, people had trained can effectively operate. We’ll help doomed those people to the life under the them stand up a high-quality security force. Taliban. Millions of people voted for a And when that mission is complete and President for the first time in 5,000 years. Iraq is democratic and free and able to It’s an amazing moment in the history of defend herself, our troops will come home mankind. And that matters. That matters with the honor they have earned. And we to future generations of Americans because will be able to look back and say that this the more free countries there are in the is a part of a more peaceful future for world, the more likely it is we’ll have peace. our grandchildren. You see, free societies The Ukraine voted for a President. The will be peaceful societies. And peace in the Palestinian people elected Abu Abbas [Abu greater Middle East will be a legacy that Mazen].* And now I believe peace in the our generation can be proud of for genera- greater—in the Middle East is within our tions to come. reach. I know that we’ll achieve peace I was pleased to see our economy added when the Palestinians develop a truly free, 146,000 new jobs in the month of January. democratic society, which is what we’re That’s a good sign. More people are going going to help them achieve. And then we’ll to work around our country. The unem- be able to achieve a goal, two democracies ployment rate dropped to 5.2 percent. But living side by side in peace, Israel and the we shouldn’t be content. I’m looking for- Palestine. ward to working with the Members of Con- And finally, last Sunday an amazing thing gress to create the conditions for continued happened in what used to be a dark and economic expansion. discouraged part of the world. Tyranny was Look, I’m worried about a society in firmly rejected, and the people of Iraq which there’s too many lawsuits. I believe went to the polls in spite of violence, in all these lawsuits make it hard for people spite of the ambitions of a few. They to form capital. I’ve called upon Congress showed the United States of America, our for legal reform, reasonable, commonsense coalition, and the whole world that deep legal reform to keep our economy growing. within the soul of every human being is But I also understand what these lawsuits the desire to be free. are doing to health care. Whether it be I was incredibly touched at the moment rural health care or urban health care, when the mom of the fallen marine hugged we’ve got too many lawsuits that are run- the woman from Iraq who had been given ning up the cost of medicine and running a chance to vote because of the sacrifices too many good docs out of practice. of this woman’s son and people like her. We’ve got to get us an energy plan. It was a reminder that the people of Iraq We’ve been talking about it for 4 years. truly appreciate the chance to live in free- Now is the time for Congress to get a dom. It was a powerful moment when the good plan to my desk. I’m looking forward country could see two women from dif- to working with Members of Congress on ferent cultures embrace for the sake of both sides of the aisle to encourage con- peace. servation, to encourage renewable sources We’re making progress in Iraq because of energy whether it be ethanol, biodiesel, the Iraqi people do want to be free. Our or clean nuclear power. We’re going to strategy is clear. We’re going to help the spend money on new technologies that will help us leapfrog the old command-and-con- * White House correction. trol debate, so we can burn coal in clean 147 31 2005 13:57 Sep 09 2008 Jkt 206694 PO 00000 Frm 00147 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\94A XXX 94A Feb. 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 ways that people couldn’t imagine 20 years ancy is now 77 years old. And as a result ago. I mean, there’s things to be moving of living longer, you’ve got people who have this process forward in a practical way. But been made promises by the Government one thing is for certain: We need an energy receiving checks for a longer period of time plan to make us less dependent on foreign than was initially envisioned under Social sources of energy. Security. Secondly, the benefits that had I’m going to submit a budget on Mon- been promised are increasing, so you’ve got day. They’ve been—the people in Congress more—and thirdly, baby boomers like me on both sides of the aisle have said, ‘‘Let’s and Hagel and a bunch of others are get- worry about the deficit.’’ I said, ‘‘Okay, ting ready to retire.