Congressional Record—House H7165
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December 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7165 Martha and I wish you and Clarinda; children. His youngest son, Gregory Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. your combined families; your three Kratz, practices law in Fairbury, Ne- Madam Speaker, I rise today to recog- kids, Whitney, John, David; and their braska, and also serves as an officer in nize a friend and colleague who will be families many, many happy days on the Nebraska Air National Guard. Jeff retiring from Congress as the 116th the trail in the years to come. Kratz, his oldest son, serves as my leg- Congress comes to a close. I have You will be missed here in the peo- islative director and has worked for served with Dr. PHIL ROE since we ple’s House. You will be missed by your many years serving the needs of Ne- came into Congress together as class- friends. These Halls will be a little braska taxpayers. mates in 2009. emptier without your smile, your Paul Kratz’s dedication to Nebraska PHIL represents the First Congres- voice, and your love expressed daily for has touched countless lives, and his sional District of Tennessee. His path- the people of east Tennessee. positive example has surely inspired way to Congress includes being an f another generation of his family to Eagle Scout, veteran, mayor, and med- carry his torch for many years to ical physician, delivering more than RECOGNIZING PAUL KRATZ ON HIS come. 5,000 of his future constituents. RETIREMENT We thank him for his dedicated serv- PHIL and I have sat next to each The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ice to our city and wish him the best in other on the House Education and Chair recognizes the gentleman from future endeavors. Labor Committee for 12 years. We started at the very end of the seniority Nebraska (Mr. BACON) for 5 minutes. RECOGNIZING STEVE NELSON ON HIS Mr. BACON. Madam Speaker, I rise RETIREMENT seating and now sit prominently as today to recognize a faithful public Mr. BACON. Madam Speaker, I rise senior members. servant who served the city of Omaha today to recognize Mr. Steve Nelson, a b 1230 for nearly 23 years. man who has been at the forefront of Congressman ROE has left his mark Paul Kratz, who led the city’s legal Nebraska’s booming agriculture indus- serving the American people as chair department as the city attorney, re- try and who retired on December 8 of and Republican leader of the House tired last week to spend his days with this year as the president of the Ne- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. He au- his wife of 47 years, Diane. He is also a braska Farm Bureau, a position he has thored the MISSION Act, which en- wonderful friend of mine. faithfully served since 2011. sures veterans have the ability to re- A 1975 graduate of the University of A farmer his whole life, Steve has ceive the best possible care now and in Nebraska College of Law, Paul oversaw produced irrigated corn, hybrid seed the future, and the Forever GI Bill, a staff of 35, including 24 attorneys, corn, and soybeans at his farm near which ensures veterans won’t lose ac- and negotiated redevelopment agree- Axtell in south central Nebraska. cess to the education benefits that ments and managed litigation. Origi- In his work with the Farm Bureau, they earned through their service. nally hired by former Mayor Hal Daub, both before and during his tenure as Madam Chair, in his own words, Con- also a former Congressman here, he president, Steve has helped to secure gressman PHIL ROE said it best: ‘‘I’ll served during the administrations of farm bills and worked to reform and leave Congress at the end of the year Mayor Mike Fahey, Mayor Jim Suttle, lower taxes to help protect farm and knowing that our Nation’s heroes are and current Mayor Jean Stothert. ranch families. better served today because of our Mayor Stothert had this to say about He has also fought to bolster animal work.’’ Mr. Kratz: agriculture against those who want to Thank you, PHIL. And thank you to Paul has been an important adviser, nego- end it and sought initiatives to grow his wife, Clarinda, and their family for tiator, and taxpayer advocate for more than Nebraska’s livestock industry. sharing PHIL with us. Best wishes for two decades. He has guided mayors and city While Texas and Nebraska may have whatever the next chapter’s adventures councils to make decisions that make had a rivalry on the football field, they bring. Omaha the great and growing city it is today. also have held a rivalry in livestock. FAREWELL TO CONGRESSMAN GREG WALDEN During Steve’s time as president, Ne- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Former Mayor Suttle said this about braska was ranked first for several Madam Speaker, in 2018, Congressman him: years in commercial red meat produc- GREG WALDEN won his 11th term in During my time as mayor, Paul Kratz al- tion. Congress to represent Oregon’s Second ways told me what I needed to hear, not nec- Steve has also advocated for Nebras- essarily what I wanted to hear. Out of this Congressional District. When the 116th foundation came a strong relationship built ka’s agriculture industry to other Congress ends, he will retire after 22 on trust and honesty. In addition, it made countries, serving as a delegation years of service to our Nation. me a better mayor and a better leader, espe- member to Denmark, Japan, South GREG graduated from the University cially as we led the city through the two Korea, Belgium, and many others. of Oregon with a journalism degree and major tragedies of a potential bankruptcy I am sure his wife, Elma, a retired took over the operations of his father’s and the devastating 2011 Missouri River nurse, is looking forward to spending radio station in Hood River—and added flood. more time with her husband and is another—before winning his congres- Former Mayor Daub said this: proud of the work he has done, as are sional seat in 1998. Paul Kratz brought unique skills and a his kids: Scott and his wife, Amy, who In 2014 and 2016, he successfully love of public service to Omaha city govern- farm with Steve; and their daughter, chaired the National Republican Con- ment. Always the gentleman, his calm and Stacy, and her husband, Bobby, who gressional Committee. GREG served as pleasant demeanor provided stability in his live in Ashland. Sadly, their daughter, chairman of the House Committee on well-managed office and earns broad agree- Energy and Commerce in the 115th ment of admiring his objectivity and wise Sarah, passed away unexpectedly in advice. He understood and appreciated the 2006. Of course, his four grandchildren, Congress and currently serves as the political ramifications of legal advice, the I am sure, will spend more time with Republican leader of the Committee on value of compromise, and his insights and grandpa on the farm. Energy and Commerce. creative recommendations to a multitude of I thank Steve for advocating and bol- Madam Speaker, I am honored to tough issues were always helpful. His talent stering Nebraska’s agriculture indus- have worked with Congressman GREG and tenacity in public service is rare, and he try. I thank him for his friendship and WALDEN and share passions with him: will leave very large shoes to fill. his counsel. his passion to improve forest manage- Paul Kratz may have been the man Madam Speaker, I wish Steve the ment and lead reforms to make our behind the curtain in negotiations, but best on his retirement from the bureau. Federal forests healthier, make our his legacy will remain because of doz- f rural communities more financially ens of projects, including the CHI solvent, and make our forests more re- Health Center, the Bob Kerrey Pedes- FAREWELL TO PHIL ROE silient to climate change. trian Bridge, the TD Ameritrade Park, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The To his wife, Mylene, thank you for and the College World Series contract. Chair recognizes the gentleman from sharing this lifelong Oregonian, Eagle In addition, the legacy of service of Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 Scout, and great public servant with the Kratz family continues with his minutes. us. 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