Generic medications save you money Price comparison chart — brand name versus generic

Brand Brand Generic Generic Your Name Cost Name Cost Savings*

Ativan 1 mg $39.45 Lorazepam $5.10 $34.35

Buspar 15 mg $70.90 Buspirone HCl $9.00 $61.90

Cardizem CD $74.15 Diltiazem HCl $24.30 $49.85 240 mg 240 mg

$39.81 Doxazosin $6.30 $33.51 Cardura 4 mg Mesylate 4 mg

Cleocin T-1% $41.81 Clindamycin $5.62 $36.20 60 ml Phosphate 1%

Darvocet-N 100 $80.34 Propoxyphene/ $5.77 $74.57 100; 650 mg Acetaminophen

Dyazide 25 $19.80 Triamterene/ $4.80 $15.00 37.5 mg HCTZ 25

$71.53 Terazosin HCl $12.00 $59.53 Hytrin 5 mg 5 mg

Imdur 60 mg $58.42 Isosorbide $6.30 $52.12 Monoitrate

K-Dur 20 meq $24.95 Potassium $9.60 $15.35 Chloride

Klonopin $33.02 Clonazepam $5.10 $27.92 0.5 mg 0.5 mg Brand Brand Generic Generic Your Name Cost Name Cost Savings

Lasix 40 mg $10.20 Furosemide $2.70 $7.50

Lopressor $33.01 Metoprolol $1.94 $31.08 50 mg Tartrate 50 mg

Nitrostat .4 mg $7.15 Nitroglycerin $5.35 $1.80

Procardia XL $72.40 Nifedipine $28.94 $43.46 30 mg Extended Release 30 mg

Prozac 20 mg $75.65 Fluoxetine HCl $6.75 $68.90 20 mg

Tenormin 50 mg $41.06 Atenolol 50 mg $2.66 $38.41

Valium 5 mg $48.73 Diazepam 5 mg $1.47 $47.26

Vasotec 10 mg $29.93 Enalapril Maleate $6.30 $23.63 10 mg

Vicodin ES 7.5 $24.03 Hydrocodone/ $4.37 $19.66 750 mg Acetaminophen

Xanax 0.5 mg $39.97 Alprazolam $2.12 $37.85

Zantac 150 mg $70.07 HCl $4.80 $65.27 150 mg

Zestril 20 mg $45.00 Lisinopril $9.00 $36.00 20 mg

Ziac 5 $48.25 Bisoprolol $12.00 $36.25 6.25 mg Fumarate/ HCTZ 5

For more information on generic drugs, visit Other brand name drugs with generic alternatives

Brand Generic Brand Generic name name name name Aldactazide Spironolactone/ Ditropan Oxybutynin Cl HCTZ Diuril Chlorothiazide Aldactone Spironolactone Duricef Aldomet Dymelor Acetohexamide Amoxil Amoxicillin Dynapen Sodium Amoxil Susp Amoxicillin Susp Eldepryl Anafranil Clomipramine Enduron Methyclothiazide Anaprox Naproxen Sodium Erythrocin Erythromycin St Ansaid Flurbiprofen Estrace tab Estradiol Antivert Meclizine HCl Feldene Piroxicam Anturane Sulfinpyrazone Flagyl Metronidazole Apresoline Hydralazine HCl Flexeril Cyclobenzaprine Artane Trihexyphenidyl Garamycin Asendin Amoxapine Glucotrol Glipizide Atarax Hydroxyzine HCl Haldol Haloperidol Azulfidine Sulfasalazine Hibiclens Chlorhexidine Gluc. Bactrim DS Sulfamethoxazole/ Hydergine Ergoloid Mes TMP Hydrodiuril Hydrochlorothiazide Benadryl Diphenhydramine Hygroton Chlorthalidone Bentyl Dicyclomine Ilosone Erythromycin Est Blocadren Timolol Inderal Propranolol Bumex Bumetanide Indocin Indomethacin Calan SR Verapamil Isordil Isosorbide Dinit Capoten Captopril Keflex Cephalexin Cardene Nicardipine HCl Keflex Cephalexin Susp Cardizem Diltiazem K-Tab Potassium Cl Ceclor Lasix Furosemide Ceclor Susp Cefaclor Susp Lioresal Baclofen Cleocin Soln Clindamycin Phos Lodine Etodolac Clinoril Sulindac Loniten Minoxidil Cogentin Benztropine Mes Lopid Gemfibrozil Compazine Prochlorperazine Mal. Lopressor Metoprolol tartrate Corgard Nadolol Lotrimin Soln Clotrimazole Depakene Valproic Acid Lozol Indapamide Desyrel Trazodone Ludiomil Maprotiline Diabinese Chlorpropamide Macrobid Nitrofurantoin Macro Other brand name drugs with generic alternatives

Brand Generic Brand Generic name name name name Maxzide HCTZ/Triamterene Pronestyl Procainamide Meclomen Meclofenamate Proventil Albuterol Sulfate Medrol Methylprednisolone Proventil inh. Albuterol inhaler Mellaril Thioridazine Provera Medroxyprogesterone Metaprel Metaproterenol Sulf Sectral Acebutolol HCl Mexitil Mexiletine Sinemet Carbidopa/Levodopa Midamor Amiloride Stelazine Trifluoperazine Minipres Prazosin HCl Symmetrel Amantadine HCl Minocin HCl Tagamet Moduretic Amiloride/HCTZ Tavist Clemastine Fumarate Motrin Ibuprofen Tegopen Mycostatin Nystatin Tegretol Carbamazepine Mysoline Primidone Tenex Guanfacine HCl Nalfon Fenoprofen Tenoretic Atenolol/ Naprosyn Naproxen Chlorthalidone Navane Thiothixene Tenormin Atenolol Neptazane Methazolamide Tessalon Perles Benzonatate Norpace Disopryaamide Thorazine Syrup Chlorpromazine HCl Norpramin Desipramine HCl Tolectin Tolmetin Ogen Estropipate Tolinase Tolazamide Omnipen Trilafon Perphenazine Orinase Tolbutamide Trimpex Trimethroprim Pamelor Nortriptyline Vibramycin Hyclate Parafon Forte Chlorzoxazone Visken Pindolol Pen Vee K VK Vistaril Hydroxyzine Pamoate Periactin Cyproheptadine Voltaren Diclofenac Sodium Persantine Dipyridamole Zantac Ranitidine Plaquenil Hydroxychloroquine Zovirax Acyclovir Sulf Zyloprim Prolixin Fluphenazine

*Savings are based on purchase at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma participating pharmacy. Costs are estimates as of the dates of publication and are for a comparison of potential savings only. Charges will vary by pharmacy. Brand name cost based on Average Wholesale Price (AWP) obtained using First DataBank. Generic cost based on Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) schedule or discounted AWP. Prices calculated on a typical, 30-day treatment. Does not include any copayments. ® Registered Marks Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 10.344 (06/04) Web version