Hereby Given to All Persons Interested, That Appli
[ 1644 ] hereby given to all persons interested, that appli- worth, HiglrConscliffe, Garlbury, Pierce-Bridge, • cation .will be made to Parliament, in the ensaing Denton, Summerhouse, Bolam, Killerby, Morton, session, for leave to- bring in a Bill for paving, Tynemouth,-Hilton, West Auckland, Bondgate in lighting, watching, watering, and cleansing the Auckland, Witton, Evenwood, Evenwood barony, said town of Romford ; and for removing and pre- St. Helen's Auckland, CockBeld, and Escomb, in venting nuisances, annoyances, and encroachments the said county.—Dated the 9th day of Sep- therein.—Dated this 9th day of September 181S. tember JS18. Wasey Sterry, Romford Leo. Raisbeck and Pros. Mewburn, Solicitors. Parish of St. Luke, Chelsea, in the County of "JVT Otice is hereby given, that application is in- Middlesex. JL^I tended to be made to Parliament in the next session, for an Act for making and maintaining a "Otice is hereby given, that application is in- cut or canal for the purpose of navigation from the tended to be made to the -Honourable the river Tees, at or near Stockton, in the county of House of Commons during the next session of Durham, to Darlington, in the said county, with a Parliament, for leave (o bring in a Bill for building branch from the same, terminating at or near a new church in this parish; and for other pur- Egglescliffc, in the said county, and with such re- poses relating thereto.—Dated this 12th day of servoirs, aqueducts, .and other works and appur- September 1818. tenances as maybe deemed requisite; which said cut or canal, branch, aqueducts, reservoirs, and Otice is hereby given, that application is in- 'other works, are inten'ded to be made in, through, N tended to be made to the Honourable the and into the .respective parishes-of Stockton, Long House of Commons during the next session of Newton, Egglesclitte, Middleton St.
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