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Flhi=Llllliilihlii CONTENTS R- M-477 ZS 2 2-_C2 Order Code IB92120 Romanian Political Developments and U.S.- Romanian Relations Updated July 27, 1994 by Sergiu Verona Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division CRS flhI=lllllIIlihlII CONTENTS SUMMARY MOST RECENT DEVELOPMENTS General Trends Romanian Revolution Constitution Political Parties Local, Parliamentary and Presidential Elections The Government Political Changes New Government Reshuffle The Opposition Recent Developments Inter-ethnic Tensions Economy Relations with the IMF and European Institutions Foreign Policy Europe Romania and NATO U.S. Policy Toward Romania Recent Issues in US - Romanian Relations 392120 05-694 Romaniaa Political Developments and U.S.-Romanian Relations SUMMARY in the parliament, Nicolae Vacaroiu, a Like other formerly Soviet-dominated Romanian economist, was to be named East European countries, Romania is un- Prime Minister. dergoing a political and economic transfor­ mation. The fall of the dictatorial On July 9-10, 1993, during its congress, Ceausescu regime opened the prospects of the DNSF decided to rename itself the "So­ advancing towards democracy, a market cial Democracy Party of Romania." Adrian economy, and reintegration with the rest of Nastase was elected executive chairman. Europe. On Sept. 27, 1992, Romania held Previously, the DNSF had concluded a pact Parliamentary and Presidential elections, with the communist and ultra-nationalist parties to counter the growing strength of The major parties that took part in the centrist opposition election were the National Salvation Front (NSF); the Democratic National Salvation On Oct. 4, 1993, the permanent repre­ Front (DNSF) incorporating the supporters sentatives of the Council of Europe unani­ of President Iliescu who left the NSF; and mously approved Romania's application. the Democratic Convention (DC), the main Romania became the 32nd member of the centrist opposition force created in Novem- Council of Europe. ber 1991 and consisting of 18 different groups, acting to restore the rule of law and On July 2, 1993, President Clinton sent a market economy. Many experts refer to to Congress Proclamation 6577 in support the existence of a "Nationalist Bloc" of of the ratification of the U.S.-Romanian parties, which incorporates extremist politi- Trade Agreement. On Oct. 12, 1993, the cal parties, with declared nationalist and House and on Oct. 21, 1993, the Senate totalitarian ideologies. These are the passed H.J.Res. 228 providing the most­ Romanian National Unity Party (PUNR), favored-nation status for Romania. the Greater Romanian Party (GRP), and the Socialist Party of Labor, which is the Romanian Foreign Minister Theodor former Communist Party. Melescanu visited the United States Decem­ ber 15-17. Between June 14-17, 1994, Rom­ The Presidential elections took place in anian National Defense Minister Gheorghe two rounds --on Sept. 27 and Oct. 11, 1992. Tinca visited Washington and on July 18, In the second round Ion Iliescu was elected U.S. Defense Secretary William Perry ar­ President with 61.27% of the vote. The rived in Bucharest as part of a visit to Parliamentary elections ended on Sept. 27, several Balkan and southern European 1992. Contrary to all opinion po!ls,the left- nations. wing Democratic National Salvation Front won the plurality of the seats in the parlia- During his meetings with President ment -- 117 in the Chamber and 49 in the Iliescu, Foreign Minister Melescanu, and Senate. The Democratic Convention came Defense Minister Tinca, Secretary Perry in second. stated that Romania had a special place in future European security arrangements. On Nov. 4, 1992, Iliescu announced that following deliberation within the DNSF, as well as after talks with all parties Congressional Research Service 0 The Library of Congress IB92120 6516.94 MOST RECENT DEVELOPMENTS On Mar.6, 1994 a new government reshuffle occurredin Romania. Fournew mi­ nisters--justice,nationaldefense, interior,andtransportation,were appointed.On June 10, the National PeasantParty,the core of the centristopposition, announced that it would start impeachmentproceedingsin ParliamentagainstPresidentIliescu because he had allegedly violated the constitution by trying to block court rulingson returning propertynationalizedby the Communistsfourdecadesago. The actionsofthe opposition coincided with anti-governmentprotests in Bucharest launched by a march of about 10,000 workers from the major trade unions. Many political observers feel that this representsa more aggressiveposture by the Romanianopposition'sstrategy. Between June 14-17, 1994, Romanian National Defense Minister Gheorghe Tinca visited Washingtonand on July 18, U.S. Defenae SecretaryWilliam Perryarrivedin Bucharest aspartofa visit to severalBalkan andsouthern Europeannations. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS General Trends Romanian Revolution The Romanian revolution of December 1989 led to the overthrow of President Ceausescu's dictatorship. Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were captured on December 24 and executed on December 25. With the fall of Ceausescu, Ion Iliescu was named to head a provisional government as President of the newly established "National Salvation Front (NSF)." Iliescu had been a leading Communist Party official prior to his dismissal by Ceausescu in 1971. The new government promised the introduction of democracy and a free market economy. Romania held its first multiparty elections on May 20, 1990. The National Salvation Front won a sweeping victory. The main opposition came from the Peasant Party,the National Liberal Party, the Social Democrats, and the Hungarian Democratic Union. In what was perceived as a blow to the democratization process in Romania, the government called miners into Bucharest to "save the revolution" against demonstrators on June 13, 1991. The miners attacked protesters in bloody street clashes. Renewed miners' riots in Bucharest in September 1991 brought the resignation of Prime Minister Roman and negotiations to form a coalition government. The new government, which was formed on Oct. 19, 1991, under Prime Minister Theodor Stolojan, continued to be dominated by the NSF. The National Liberal Party (NLP), a former "historical party," became part ofthe government for the first time in 45 years. Constitution In July 1991, the draft of a new Constitution was submitted to the Romanian Parliament. The Constitution was adopted by the Parliament on Nov. 21, 1991 and entered into force pursuant to its approval by a national referendum on Dec. 8, 1991. According to official data, the Constitution was approved by 53.5%of the eligible voters, 14.1% voted against, and approximately 31% abstained. CRS-1 EB92120 05-16-94 The Constitution describes the Parliament, the President, and the Government as the three branches of power. The Constitution gives the President broad powers in both the domestic and international spheres, including powers over the judiciary; the power to designate the Prime Minister; to dismiss and appoint ministers on the proposal of the Prime Minister; and to be the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and President of the Supreme Council of National Defense. Political Parties Immediately after World War II and the Soviet occupation of Romania, during the fraudulently manipulated elections of 1946, the Communist Party was brought to power and remained the only legally functioning political party until the December 1989 revolution. After the Revolution, a decree was issued permitting the reestablishment of political parties. The new parties were required to provide their program, and have at least 251 members. Later, according to the 1991 Constitution, this provision was reiterated, maintaining that "political parties may be constituted and pursue their activities in accordance with the law" and that "pluralism in Romanian society is a condition and safeguard of Constitutional democracy." (Article 8.) By Jan. 19, 1990, foarteen political parties had already been formed. At the end of July 1992, the total increased to 151 registered parties. The rapid growth and expansion of Romanian political parties is similar to that in other East European countries after the fall of communism, and may be considered a natural reaction to a half-century of the one-party system. Most experts on Romanian affairs agree that only a small number of the registered parties and ethnic unions and associations are politically significant. The major political parties are as follows. Social Democracy Party of Romania (PSDR) formerly Democratic National Salvation Front (DNSF). During its congress in March 1992, in preparation for the general elections, the Romanian ruling party (the National Salvation Front) split. Supporters of President Iliescu left the NSF and a new party was launched, considered to be its conservative wing. The new party initially renamed itself the Democratic National Salvation Front. According to observers, the new party favors a slower pace of reform. The DNSF is backed by elderly and rural voters. After its July 10, 1993 conference, the party's name was changed to the Social Democracy Party of Romania (PSDR). National Salvation Front (NSF). The Front took power in the December 1989 revolution and later in was reconfirmed in government after May 1990 elections. Before the September 1992 elections, the NSF was the major partner in the coalition cabinet led by the former Prime Minister Theodor Stolojan. In May 1993, NSF merge with the Democratic Party and the party resulting from the fusion was named the Democratic Party-NSF. Democratic Convention
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