THURSDAY September 19, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents Bond set at $25,000 for teen robbery suspect BY JAMES SWIFT dicial Circuit Assistant District nold Ragas. “He missed the bus that can be attached, that can be
[email protected] Attorney Suzanne Brookshire for school and he was walking fashioned, to allow him back at said. “He did have his hand in to school and he stopped to get home with his aunt and his mom.” Cherokee Judicial Circuit his backpack … and essentially snacks without money, and with- He said the defendant is cur- Judge Suzanne H. Smith set bond robbed the place.” out a weapon … he went into a rently taking classes at a youth at $25,000 for a 15-year-old Car- She said the defendant walked store, with his hand in his book development campus [YDC.] tersville High student who was out of the store with $770. He bag, and said ‘Give me the mon- The defendant’s father, a resi- arrested Sept. 9 for allegedly was apprehended by police short- ey.’” dent of Anderson, South Carolina, committing armed robbery. ly thereafter and allegedly con- The defendant, Ragas said, has briefl y addressed the court. Cartersville Police Department fessed to committing the robbery. no previous arrests nor any major “I feel like I’m somewhat to spokesman Capt. Mike Bettikofer He is also being charged with school disciplinary records. blame for the situation myself,” he told The Daily Tribune News that possession of a Schedule IV con- “He thought if he didn’t have a said.