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17th of May Photos Norwegian Heritage Hipp Hipp Hurra for To the promised Syttende Mai! land with Anne Den største visdommen ligger ofte i Photo spread on page 8 and 9 spørsmål som ikke krever svar. Elisabeth Skogen – Frejlif Olsen Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 21 May 27, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at Uncertainty reigns as ash rains down www.norway.com News Aviation officials Norwegian health authorities uncertain whether are about to destroy 290,000 unused units of vaccine against the new volcanic swine flu, worth an estimated NOK 200 million. Norway ini- eruptions in tially bought around 5.6 million Iceland would units, worth around NOK 400 million, when the epidemic hit seriously disrupt the country in 2009. More than half of the Pandemrix vaccine airline traffic in was never used, the newspaper Norway VG writes. (blog.norway.com/category/ news) Ni n a Be r g l u n d Views and News from Norway Business The international shipping ex- hibition and conference Nor- At the time of press, flights Shipping, regarded as one of the to and from Svalbard faced delays most important meeting places and air ambulance service was for the global maritime indus- halted, while more volcanic ash try, opened in on May 24. was expected to reach Norwegian (blog.norway.com/category/ air space later in the week. business) Westerly winds were likely to Photo: SAS The eruption of Grímsvötn volcano in Iceland caused logistical headaches as transatlantic flight schedules were disrupted Sports CONTINUES PAGE 6 in Norway and across Europe. The Norwegian women’s foot- ball team defeated Finland 5-1 in a friendly in Oslo on May In memory of Sverre 19, in preparation for the up- Education for life coming World Championship Vesterheim Museum opens exhibition of Distinguished in Germany in June-July. Elise Thorsnes scored three goals and Norwegian-American Lutheran colleges scholar Sverre Cecilie Pedersen two for Nor- Lyngstad translated way. Thorsnes’ first came after only 30 seconds. Norway will Norwegian works meet Germany and the U.S. be- to English fore the championship starts. (blog.norway.com/category/ Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e sports)

Sverre Lyngstad, the distin- What’s inside? guished critic and translator of News 2-3 , died on May 2, 2011 in Port Jefferson, N.Y., Business 4 where he had retired after a long Photo: Eléonore M. Zimmermann Research & Education 5 Professor was a well- CONTINUES PAGE 11 known translator of Norwegian works. Opinion 6-7 17th of May Photos 8-9 Suzann gets her groove back Roots & Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 Suzann Pettersen Arts & Style 12 Photo: Vesterheim Archives gets her first win in In Your Neighborhood 13 The Norwegian Lutheran College (Old Main), in Decorah, Iowa, in 1865. 20 months at the Norwegian Heritage 14 Sybase Match Play Sports 15 Ve s t e r h e i m Mu s e u m Vesterheim Norwegian-Amer- grateful to the many people whose Wa g g l e Ro o m ican Museum announces a new generous donations made the exhi- www.waggleroom.com $1 = NOK 5.6066 exhibition, “Norwegian-American bition “Norwegian-American Lu- updated 5/23/2011 Lutheran Colleges,” on view now theran Colleges” possible. Suzann Pettersen credited her In comparison until April 7, 2012, in the museum’s The exhibition focuses on the fitness routine for grinding out a 4/23/2011 5.3577 Main Building. Gallery talks and founding of Norwegian-American 1-up Sybase Match Play victory 11/23/2010 6.0811 special events in connection with Lutheran colleges and other insti- May 22 over Cristie Kerr. the exhibition will be announced tutions of higher education during “Being healthy, being fit, it 5/23/2010 6.5159 throughout the year. Vesterheim is CONTINUES PAGE 11 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Photo: suzanngolf.com 2 • May 27, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Norske studenter rett ved vulkanen Solheim tror på Norsk professor truleg funnen død Geografi-studentene Ein mann vart funnen død på øya Oahu i verdensarvstatus Hawaii. Leitemannskapet seier det er den fra Bergen fikk oppleve sakna norske professoren Are Hjørungnes vulkanutbruddet på for Lofoten (40) som er død. Identiteten til den avdøde er framleis ikkje klarert, men dei frivillige Island på nært hold. som fann mannen seier til lokale media at – Slikt opplever man det er norske Hjørungnes som no er funnen. Ingen andre er sakna i området. Mannen bare én gang i livet, sier blei funnen i botn av ein tørrlagd foss, if- ølgje den lokale fjernsynsstasjonen KITV. Alexander Øren (24) Den norske professoren forsvann under ein joggetur på øya den 14. mai. Ingen andre er Ne t t a v i s e n sakna i området. (NRK) – Nå pakker vi og skal forsøke å komme oss til Reykjavik, sier Alexander Øren fra Norge sender representant til Libya Eikefjord i Sogn og Fjordane på telefon fra Norge sender en representant til Libya Island. Han og 16 andre bachelorstudenter som blant annet skal ha samtaler med op- på geografistudiet ved Universitetet i Bergen Foto: Pål Bugge/inn/Innovation Norway prørerne. Det er første gang siden opprøret befinner seg bare fem, seks mil unna vul- startet at Norge oppretter kontakt på denne kanen Grímsvötn. Den våknet til liv lørdag måten. Ambassadesekretær Martin Yttervik Foto: Alexander Øren Ad r e s s e a v i s e n og blåste ut en askesky som nå brer seg Alexander Hovland fra Florø er en av geografistu- skal blant annet til Benghazi for å møte Gad- sørover og østover. dentene fra Universitetet i Bergen som nå befinner Dersom kommunene i Lofoten slutter dafis motstandere. – Det er for å få større Studentene er på Island for å studere seg på Island. Her poserer han med vulkanen in- opp om søknaden, har miljøvernminister forståelse for hva som skjer i Libya, både breenes utvikling, men programmet for nhyllet i støvskyen i bakgrunnen. Erik Solheim (SV) stor tro på at Unesco kan politisk og humanitært. Jeg regner med å tildele verdensarvstatus til Lofoten. møte personer i overgangsrådet og en del dagene på sagaøya ble brått endret da andre naturkrefter gjorde seg gjeldende. til Reykjavik. – Det må være opp til kommunene selv andre som vi allerede har litt kontakt med, – Planen er å reise nordover og komme sier Yttervik. Gruppen kom til Island onsdag og dro å vurdere fordeler og ulemper ved en verden- oss til Reykjavik, hvis det er mulig å kjøre. sarvstatus. En slik status vil utvilsomt øke (NTB) til gjestehuset Frost og Funi ved Hof i Öræfi fredag. Det er litt tåke i dag, så vi ser ikke så mye. tilstrømning og turisme, og utløse behov for I går var sikten ganske dårlig på grunn av Togforsinkelser kostet én milliard Her skulle de etter planen gjennomføre mer infrastruktur, sier Solheim til NTB. et feltkurs om breer og blant annet kartlegge asken, sier Øren. 23. mai deltok han på et møte i Lofot- Stortingsrepresentant Borghild Tenden (V) vegetasjonen i området. Han forteller at de må bruke støvmaske rådet i Svolvær. Han tolker ordførerne og har spurt samferdselsminister Magnhild utendørs. varaordførerne i de seks kommunene til å Meltveit Kleppa (Sp) hvor mange timer med Men Alexander Øren (24) og hans re- isefølge føler ikke at de er i fare og gir ut- – Hva gjør dere når dere kommer til være positive til å komme på Unescos liste. forsinkelser det har vært til sammen på jern- Reykjavik? banen i inneværende stortingsperiode. Og trykk for at dette er en opplevelse de ikke Men det endelige vedtaket om kommunene – Nei, vi får se hvordan det går med hva prisen for dette er, målt i samfunnsko- ville vært foruten. skal søke eller ikke blir gjort i møtet på Røst askeskyen og når det blir mulig å fly hjem, stnader. Når det gjelder forsinkelser, svarer – Dette er utrolig spennende for oss alle. 9. og 10. juni i år. sier Øren. Kleppa ganske så nøyaktig. I tidsrommet Slikt opplever man bare én gang i livet, sier English Synopsis: Minister of the Environment Erik 15. september 2009 – 11. mai 2011 har Jern- Øren til Nettavisen. English Synopsis: Geography students from the Solheim believes that Lofoten can be awarded UNES- baneverket og NSB sammen vært ansvarlig Men gruppen av studenter og lærere fra University of Bergen went to Iceland to study glacier CO World Heritage status if the municipalities support development, but the program was changed when for i overkant av 21.000 forsinkelsestimer. Universitetet i Bergen må likevel evakuere the application. Solheim visited with Lofotrårdet on Grímsvötn volcano began to erupt. May 23 to discuss the application. I samme periode har det i tillegg oppstått forsinkelser på 9.200 timer som skyldes ytre forhold. Tilsammen blir dette 30.200 timer. Angrep Forsvaret (Aftenposten) Norge er utsatt for spionasje Jarle Andhøy hedres med pris med datavirus Forsøk på spionasje mot norske interesser Andhøy får På Kanten-prisen for å ha ut- Dagen etter at norske øker sterkt i omfang viklet sin egen livsfilosofi, og for å utforde seg selv, samfunnet og omgivelsene. På fly gikk på vingene over Kanten-prisen tildeles en person hvert år VG som gjennom ord eller gjerninger har gitt Libya, ble Forsvaret nye perspektiver på menneskelivet, heter angrepet – av datavirus I en garasje på Akershus Festning sit- sivile. Via sensorer ute i virksomheten analy- det i statuttene til prisen. Prisen deles ut på ter de 20 ansatte i NSMs operasjonssenter serer de trafikken på jakt etter avvik. Mange Filosofifestivalen i Kragerø fredag 3. juni. Ne t t a v i s e n NorCERT og vokter statshemmelighetene. av hendelsene rapporteres fra visksomhetene Prisen er et kunstverk signert Katja Cecilie – Det er de stadig mer målrettede selv. Ræder Aarflot, samt et enkelt diplom, og i år Dagen etter at norske jagerfly letter fra forsøkene på å stjele informasjon fra sam- – Virksomheter som utsettes for angrep har juryen valgt å dele ut prisen til Berserk- basen på Kreta for å fly sine første oppdrag kaptein Jarle Andhøy. Seilbåten Berserk og funnskritiske virksomheter, som opptar oss blir som regel svært bevisste etterpå, gjør sine over Libya, ble Forsvaret rammet av et viru- mannskapet på tre forsvant i mars, og det er mest, sier Christophe Birkeland, avdelings- egne datasystemer mer robuste, og skjerper sangrep. Flere hundre forsvarsansatte mottok senere funnet rester av båten. Ekspedisjon- direktør i Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmyndighet, til sin sikkerhetskultur. Dermed oppdager de ssjef Andhøy har fått mye kritikk i ettertid en virusinfisert e-post, skriver VG. Tilsynela- VG. uønskede angrep de kanskje ikke kunne op- fordi de ikke hadde de nødvendige tilla- tende var det en e-post fra Integrerings- og Sommeren 2010 ble det oppdaget mis- pdage tidligere. Det gir oss grunn til å tro at telsene til å reise til Antarktis. mangfoldsdirektoratet, men i vedlegget lå det tenkelig trafikk fra en datamaskin som en rekke datamaskiner allerede er infisert, og (NRK) programvare som kunne gjøre stor skade. tilhørte en ansatt i et departement. Maskinen at de hendelsene som blir avdekket bare er – Vi ser dette som et målrettet cyberan- inneholdt såkalte trojanere, som kopierte alle toppen av isfjellet, sier Birkeland. Ultralyd kan gi flere venstrehendte grep mot Forsvaret. Her kom forsøket på dokumenter opprettet eller endret den siste Mange av angrepene har også til hensikt Det er indikasjoner på at ultralyd under infiltrasjon kort tid etter beslutningen om å uken, og gjorde dem klare til sending til an- å skade økonomiske interesser eller å lure graviditet gir økt sannsynlighet for at bar- sende norske styrker til operasjonen i Libya. griperen. penger ut av systemene. net ikke blir høyrehendt, ifølge en ny norsk Vi har ikke sett slike angrep så nært i tid i for- Det målrettede angrepet mot Forsva- I vinter ble det avslørt et betydelig svin- studie. Professor Kjell Åsmund Salvesen hold til konflikter Norge har vært involvert i ret i mars følger den samme trenden, ifølge delforsøk rettet mot nettbankene. Den såka- ved Nasjonalt senter for fostermedisin tidligere, men vi kan ikke si det er en sam- Birkeland: – Vi ser at de mest alvorlige an- lte spyeye-saken viste at hackerne hadde ved St. Olavs hospital i Trondheim hadde menheng, sier Ivar Kjærem, major og sek- grepene kommer via de samme vektorene. klart å spesialtilpasse angrepet til norske net- nesten 9.000 barn med i studien, og klas- sjonssjef ved Forsvarets senter for beskyt- De spres gjennom e-post med infiserte ve- tbanksystemer. sifiserte dem som enten høyrehendte eller telse av kritisk informasjon, til VG. dlegg, eller via minnepinner som har skjulte Ifølge Finanstilsynet kunne svindel- ikke-høyrehendte, skriver Dagens Medisin. Angrepet ble stoppet i tide, men Forsva- filer, sier han. forsøket i verste fall ha loppet bankene for Barna som ble screenet med ultralyd hadde ret mener det dreier seg om et såkalt rekog- – Det er politiets jobb å etterforske 100 millioner kroner, men ble avslørt før det omtrent 15 prosent økt sannsynlighet for noseringsangrep – et forsøk på å kartlegge hvem som gjennomfører slike angrep. Men gjorde større skade. ikke å bli høyrehendt, sammenlignet med Forsvarets systemer og svakheter – og at et noen av angriperne har åpenbart ressurser, barna som ikke ble undersøkt ved ultralyd. English Synopsis: Norway’s National Security Au- annet lands etterretning kan stå bak. tid, tålmodighet og kompetanse. Det er egen- thority (NSM) reports that there are more targeted at- Blant guttene var sammenhengen sterkere tempts to steal sensitive information from critical state når ultralydundersøkelsen ble gjennomført English Synopsis: The day after Norwegian fighter skaper som fremmede etterretningstjenester jets took off from Crete for their first mission over agencies, including Forsvaret (Norwegian Armed før om lag 20. svangerskapsuke. Da var risi- ofte har, sier Birkeland. Forces). NSM is responsible for critical infrastructure Libya, several hundred employees at Forsvaret (Nor- NSM har ansvaret for såkalt sam- koen for ikke å bli høyrehendt 30 prosent. wegian Armed Forces) received a computer virus. It is for military and civilians, but the police are respon- (NTB/Adresseavisen) seen as a cyber attack against the Armed Forces. funnskritisk infrastruktur, både militære og sible for finding the perpetrators. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news May 27, 2011 • 3 News Art Commission at Trade mission to Scandinavia This week on Norway.com Launch of the moratorium is one Trygve Lie Plaza Washington Secretary important step forward of State sponsors trade Norway congratulates Indonesia’s President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on signing the and cultural mission to two-year suspension for issuance of new Norway, Denmark and licenses for use of primary forest and peat land. “The launch of the moratorium is one Sweden in September important step forward for Indonesia. What Indonesia is embarking on is a very seri- Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d ous development choice. Indonesia’s efforts Managing Editor to combine the goal of 7 percent economic growth with reducing greenhouse gas emis- sions by 26 percent by 2020 are commend- Sponsored by the Washington Secretary able,” said Erik Solheim, Minister of the En- of State Sam Reed, an eleven-day mission vironment and International Development. to Copenhagen, Denmark, Oslo-Trondheim, (Ministry of the Environment) Norway and Stockholm, Sweden will take place in September 2011. 17th of May Greetings from Secretary of “Scandinavians buy the best the U.S. Photo: CH/www.visitnorway.com State Hillary Rodham Clinton Photo: Wikimedia Commons has to offer – high technology. They are pro- “On behalf of President Obama and the digious consumers of medical technology, people of the , I send my best No r w a y .o r g lation here in Washington state, many of drugs, high-end consumer goods and travel wishes to the people of Norway on your New York City Department of Cultural and tourism services. English is widely spo- whom are business persons who would like Constitution Day this May 17. For nearly Affairs Percent for Art has issued a Call to ken, business agreements are reliable, and to expand their work overseas and others are 200 years, the Norwegian people have con- Artists for a new Commission at Trygve Lie the infrastructure is first rate,” said Patrick those wanted to visit their homeland.” tributed in ways large and small to Ameri- Plaza in New York City, N.Y. McDonald, Assistant to the Secretary of “We are working closely with both ca’s growth and prosperity. Today, we cel- State. “There is a large Scandinavian popu- ebrate Norway’s strength, the contributions CONTINUES PAGE 15 CONTINUES PAGE 15 by Americans of Norwegian descent, and the rich legacy woven throughout our common Shipping Name history. Norway’s commitment to the tenets Support for development aid of democracy, progress and human rights in- spires countless countries around the world. 90 percent show strong support for Norwegian of the Year 2011 These ideals guide us as we work together to cooperation in developing countries support those who stand up against tyranny and oppression. Norwegian contributions to St a t i s t i c s No r w a y the international forces in Afghanistan and to the NATO mission in Libya are a key part of the global partnership in these regions. Nine out of ten Norwegians are positive amount. In the survey carried out in 2006, We are grateful to be working side by side to the Norwegian cooperation with develop- one out of four thought the same. A very with Norwegians on these and many other ing countries and the share that has a positive small group thinks that Norway shouldn’t issues of common concern. On this Syttende view has increased. At the same time have, have a development budget at all. Mai, please accept our warmest wishes and however, the share that believes develop- The development budget for 2010 was know that the United States is committed to ment aid produces good results dropped. NOK 28 billion (approximately USD 5 bil- this relationship and to the future of both our In 1972, seven out of ten were positive lion). people.” to Norwegian development aid to countries Since 2006 the proportion that believes (Norway.org) in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Almost development aid produces good results has 40 years later, nine out of ten think the same. fallen by 13 percentage points, and in 2010 Hurum wins Emerging Explorers prize The share of the population that supports six out of ten believe that development aid Norwegian paleontologist Jørn Hurum has development aid has been high and stable gives good results. It is particularly in the been awarded the National Geographic So- throughout the 20th century. younger age groups that this proportion has Photo: Ministry of Trade and Industry ciety’s Emerging Explorers prize for his im- In earlier surveys women have been fallen the most. The differences between the portant finds of prehistoric giant sea reptiles more positive than men. In this survey it age groups are more even in 2010 than in Mi n i s t ry o f Tr a d e a n d In d u s t r y on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard. Hu- would appear that men and women have be- 2006. rum is chief palaeontologist at the Univer- come more similar in their attitudes. Norwegian development aid is given State Secretary Rikke Lind is voted sity of Oslo’s Natural History Museum and Twenty-two percent believe that the through different channels, and in the sur- “Shipping Name of the Year 2011” by WIS- is the first Norwegian to receive this prize. budget should be smaller. This is a reduc- vey we ask people about which channel they TA Norway (Women’s International Ship- The $10,000 prize was also awarded for Hu- tion of 10 percentage points since 2006. think is most effective. The two channels ping & Trading Association). rum’s ability to communicate the results of On the other hand, one out of ten think that most people mention are voluntary organi- Lind received the award in connection his findings to the media and the public. this amount should be higher, while half of sations and the U.N., with one out of three with the Nor-Shipping conference May 23. (Norway Post) the population believes it is an appropriate CONTINUES PAGE 12 CONTINUES PAGE 12 Celebrate 17th Of May with uS! Norwegian Constitution Day was celebrated May 17, which is also our 122nd birthday! Honor your heritage and subscribe to the only Norwegian-American newspaper, or give as a gift to your fellow Norwegians! Special 17th of May Offer: $ Name: ______Only 40 for the first year (Regular price: $55) Address: ______That’s less than $1 per issue City/State: ______Zipcode:______Questions? Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] Phone: ______Email: ______Special offer valid for all new subscriptions Given by: ______through May 31, 2011. Sorry, this offer is only valid on new subscriptions, not renewals. Is this a gift? Yes No Join our enewsletter list? Yes No Canada: $60 • Norway and all other countries: $160 Send this form to Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115, or call (800) 305-0217 to pay by credit card

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • May 27, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (May 23, 2011) A center for creative thinking Norsk Kr. 5.6066 Telenor Innovation Centre opened May 9 in Oslo Dansk Kr. 5.3134 Svensk Kr. 6.3751 Canadian $ 0.9786 Euro 0.7126 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Photo: Telenor The Telenor Innovation Centre was formally opened May 9 by the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. . This new facility is equipped with the latest interactive technology designed to facilitate and stimulate creative thinking.

Ra s m u s Fa l c k Oslo, Norway

LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: The Telenor Innovation Centre just from mobile operations. They have 33,000 Certified Public Accountant Small businesses opened in Oslo. The new facility is equipped employees worldwide. In the first quarter (206)789-5433 Individuals with the latest interactive technology de- this year, 9 million subscribers were added. 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance signed to facilitate and stimulate creative The main operations are concentrated Seattle, WA 98119 thinking. It is made to serve as an arena where in three geographic regions. In the Nordic new services and solutions can be conceptu- countries, Telenor is a leading provider of alized together with partners and customers, mobile and fixed services as well as a strong MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE as well as being a showroom where Telenor position in the rapidly growing broadband a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w can tell how they innovate. At the opening, market. Telenor President and CEO Jon Fredrik Bak- The second market is the Central and saas said that “Innovation is vital in order to Eastern Europe, where they have a strong Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, secure growth. It has always been important. position as provider of mobile services in commercial transactions and estate planning. And it is an integral part of our strategy go- Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro. Telenor ing forward.” This will strengthen the com- has an economic share of 31.67 percent in 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 pany’s continuous efforts to create value for VimpelCom Ltd., offering mobile services the customers. This shows that the company in an additional 20 markets. And lastly the Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 do more and more through open innovation. group is one of the largest mobile operators For more than 150 years, the telephone in Asia, and they have strong and growing Proud to bring you the company has enabled people to communi- operations in Thailand, Malaysia, Bangla- Norwegian American Weekly cate. They have accumulated experience desh, Pakistan and India. They have more within telecommunications, coupled with a than 100 subscribers in India. pioneering spirit and a quest for knowledge With the goal of contributing to the and developments that have brought the global innovation arena, Telenor is commit- LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. company where it is today. ted to several industry initiatives in order Sales and Service The Telenor Group is one of the world’s to continually improve the customer expe- major mobile operators with 120 million rience. At Telenor innovation is part of the mobile subscribers. The main revenues come strategy! Business News & Notes Norway’s financial system healthier, risks water reservoir levels. During the last winter Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK remain and at the end of 2010, Statkraft contributed phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 with high production in a strained power mar- fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Norway’s financial system is less vulnerable now than six months ago due to improving eco- ket, while there was less inflow than normal to nomic conditions and bank earnings, though the water reservoirs,” says President and CEO rising levels of debt represent a potential risk, Christian Rynning-Tønnesen. the central bank said on May 19. Norwegian (Statkraft) [email protected] banks had passed stress tests gauging their abil- 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 ity to take on more loan losses if the presently DNV contributes to sustainable health care strong Norwegian economy weakened or if in China housing prices fell. The crown was unmoved Zhengzhou Orthopedics Hospital in central th by the report. China’s Henan Province has become the first Celebrate 17 of May (CNBC) Chinese hospital to apply for DNV’s Interna- Norwegian Constitution Day is coming soon! tional Accreditation Standard, which addresses To celebrate, subscribe today for Lower power generation yielded reduced patient safety and quality of healthcare. The profit two parties signed the agreement May 17. “We $ chose to work with DNV because we believe Only 40 for the first year A weaker resource situation and lower energy generation as a result of high production in that DNV can support the sustainable devel- Honor your Norwegian heritage and support the 2010 yielded an underlying EBITDA of NOK opment of our hospital,” said Lian Hongkai, only Norwegian-American newspaper 4249 million for Statkraft in the first quarter of president of the hospital. 2011. “The quarterly result reflects that Stat- (Det Norske Veritas) For more information, see page 3 kraft reduced its power generation due to low norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research May 27, 2011 • 5 Research & Education Storm shopping On the Chicago Stock Exchange, it is possible to buy and sell heat, rain and snow. Professor Fred Espen Benth at the has found the formula for reducing the risk of storm shopping

Yn g v e Vo g t Apollon at the University of Oslo

A decade ago people were amazed that derivatives for Copenhagen. The Chicago it was possible to buy and sell electricity. Exchange sells temperature derivatives for Today it is quite common. On the Chicago only ten European cities – among them Oslo, Exchange it is now possible to trade in finan- Stockholm, Berlin and Amsterdam. cial contracts based on the weather. The US This means that the electricity supplier market is growing. in Copenhagen has to purchase weather de- “This type of trading makes it possible rivatives for other cities and balance them. to make money, or lose money, depending An optimal solution might be perhaps to on whether it is too hot or cold or whether purchase a half derivative in Oslo, a quarter it is raining and snowing,” explains Profes- in Stockholm, and eighth in Berlin and an sor Fred Espen Benth of the Centre of Math- eighth in Amsterdam. ematics for Applications (CMA) at the Uni- Mathematicians call this balancing of versity of Oslo. weather derivatives “spatial financing.” During recent years he has done research Working with his wife, Jurate Saltyte on how one can earn money and acquire fi- Benth, who several years ago was a post- nancial guarantees against bad weather. doctoral research fellow at the University Earlier Benth developed robust finan- of Oslo, Fred Espen Benth developed new cial simulations aimed at increasing the un- mathematical models for analyzing weather derstanding of risk in options trading such as derivatives in the market. These are statisti- the purchase and sale of electricity at fixed cal simulation models based on stochastic prices and at given points in time. differential equations. Stochastics is the ex- act science of chance occurrences. Differ- No burden of proof ential equations are mathematical equations The purchase and sale of inclement describing changes in time and space. weather is primarily associated with the “This is the first time we bring spatial Photo: Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team at NASA / Public Domain electricity market. Electricity suppliers are statistics into financial models. We put to- On Aug. 28, 2005, Hurricane Katrina was set to become one of the most powerful storms to strike the United States, with winds of 257 kilometers per hour (160 miles per hour) and stronger gusts. The air fond of sub-zero temperatures. Cold weather gether a number of weather contracts and pressure, another indicator of hurricane strength, at the center of this Category 5 storm measured 902 means that they make lots of money from the have optimized the model to achieve the millibars, the fourth lowest air pressure on record for an Atlantic storm. The lower the air pressure, sale of electrical power. On the other hand, least possible risk. These are entirely new the more powerful the storm. Two hours after the National Hurricane Center issued their warning, the they can incur large losses during warm win- stochastic models,” said Benth. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) captured this image from NASA’s Terra ters. In order to ensure themselves against Within the models they have incorpo- satellite at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. temperature fluctuations, the power compa- rated seasonal variations throughout a year’s nies can shop for so-called temperature vari- time. It has been shown that uncertainty in There is a lot of financial secrecy in the pri- Purchase and sale of wind ants on the exchange. the purchase and sale of weather derivatives vate business world. The sale of temperatures and precipita- “The power companies can ‘exchange’ is greater during the summer and winter than “But of course those who use our model tion is only the first step. varying temperatures with a fixed tempera- during spring and autumn. have an advantage,” he point out.” If ev- “Wind derivatives are on the way. They ture. This can be compared with borrowing “Our hope now is to obtain real financial eryone traded in the same way, all demand target the windmill parks. Windmill parks money at a fixed or floating interest rate. data so that we can see if the model predicts would be wiped out, but the need for weather need to ensure themselves against the lack of Before the advent of stock exchanges it was correctly,” he said. shopping varies. Some use simple models; wind and against excess wind. In both cases, possible to enter into similar contracts with others use more advanced models. Some windmills come to a standstill. insurance companies, but in contrast to insur- Lacks a memory people speculate; some hedge against risks. With small adjustments, Fred Espen ance companies, there is no burden of proof In contrast to ordinary stocks, weather Still others go in when the volume is high, Benth’s financial model can also be used to required by the stock exchange. The high or derivatives have a memory. while others choose to trade when volume is analyze the purchase and sale of wind. low temperature level is proof enough,” said If the market perceives that a company low.” Benth. will become bankrupt in the near future, the Storm shopping may also be interest- share price will plunge towards zero straight- ing for airlines and large companies that away. This is called a Markovian feature. stand to lose large sums of money due to This is not the case with weather, however. bad weather. Schiphol Airport in Amster- “If it is -10°F today, one knows that the dam purchases Frost Index products on the probability is slight that it will be 5°F tomor- Chicago Exchange. Slippery runways entail row, even though one has no guarantee at all extra expenses for both the airport and the concerning the weather. In the temperature airlines. market, one therefore witnesses that uncer- The storm market also attracts financial tainty declines just before the issuance of a speculators. temperature derivative. In the commodity “Since the stock market obviously does market, the situation is the opposite,” said not influence temperatures, one is able in this Benth. way to spread one’s risk,” he continued. Question: Isn’t this rather obvious? Benth: The same should hold true for Mathematical models the gas and electricity market, but we don’t th There are great differences between see the same effect there. Celebrate 17 of May weather derivatives and normal stocks. Q: Have you developed a new field of Norwegian Constitution Day is coming soon! In the financial world, a stock is a stock mathematics? To celebrate, subscribe today for regardless of how it is purchased. Weather Benth: No, but we have developed a $ derivatives, however, are different. Imagine new method based on an existing theory. Only 40 for the first year that a supplier of electricity in Copenhagen Honor your Norwegian heritage and support the wants to buy temperature products in order His models have already created a stir only Norwegian-American newspaper to ensure the company against an excessive- internationally. Fred Espen Benth does not ly warm winter. There are no temperature know if the models have been implemented. For more information, see page 3 6 • May 27, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE Norway and the Germa Lionel Case By John Erik Stacy, Contributing Editor at the Norwegian American Weekly

Norwegian jets have dropped hundreds disco in Berlin. We were again reminded of of bombs in Libya this spring as part of the Gaddafi’s shenanigans when health work- 27. mai NATO-led campaign to hit pro-Gaddafi tar- ers, among them Bulgarian nurses and a Bruce Sverre Vatne Mendota Heights MN Mrs. Kaare Bang Eugene OR gets. But this is not the first time Norway Palestinian intern, were accused of delib- Magne A. Spor Milwaukie OR has been in a tangle with Gaddafi. In 1984, erately infecting Libyan babies with HIV Malena Haugen Hannaford ND Norwegians were forced to see the brutality in 1998. But were there other “low profile” Inga Rude Jamestown ND of the dictator first hand as the crew of the cases, like the Germa Lionel, ignored by the Ingeborg C. Lange Santa Ana CA Germa Lionel were tortured – and one crew international media? Could the aggregate Einar Goday Brick NJ member killed – by Gaddafi’s thugs. of such cases have been enough to push the Cherie Iverson Oak Harbor WA It was early morning of May 5 when Photo: Forsvaret world to stop “business as usual” had they Larry Locken Mount Vernon WA armed men from Gadaffi’s revolutionary Two Norwegian F-16 fighter jets which took part been brought into the light? 28. mai guard stormed the Germa Lionel as it lay in the bombing of Libya during Operation Odys- Dagbladet quotes Chief Officer Johan- Elmer K. Bakke Astoria SD in Tripoli harbor. The crew was accused of sey Dawn in March 2011. sen as saying that he hopes that Gaddafi Sverre Velle Straumgjerde Norway using a light on the ship to send signals to will be chased from power, but that he not Carl I. Jarnes Aberdeen WA Howard S. Tronsdal Stanwood WA land as part of an imagined coup. Chief Of- entanglements connect to bullies like Gad- be followed by another despot. At this point Richard Stenerson Redmond WA ficer Bjørn Ivar Johansen beaten so brutally dafi. In late February, as evacuations began, Norway has its forces committed to help Bill Peterson Mora MN that his teeth were broken his skull frac- approximately 6,000 U.S. citizens were in with the chasing. But perhaps we could 29. mai tured. Sailor Bjørn Pedersen died as a result Libya. Norwegian authorities struggled to have had a decade or two less of Gaddafi Nettie Brown Albert Lea MN of similar abuses inflicted by the captors. account for its citizens and Statoil closed its had the world – that is, the world’s media Ralph L. Egeland Aurora IL The surviving crew of 13 men were held offices in Tripoli. Britain estimated 3,500 – paid more attention to “below the radar” Maurice Odegaard Ada MN and intimidated for another 67 days. of theirs and the number of Chinese was cases like the Germa Lionel. The Norwegian government worked reported to be about 20,000. That’s a lot of Footnote: The Germa Lionel was built Thora Madland Arlington Height IL through diplomatic channels to solve the foreigners living in Libya. There must be in Singapore in 1979 for Gerner Mathisen Bertha Peterson Wallingford IA Germa Lionel situation. It is difficult to un- Shipping. Now it sails under Cambodian David Brueland Seattle WA a reason all these folks chose to live in the derstand why the response to such an insult flag as the Nesibe E. Karoline Svendsen Northridge CA land of “the mad dog of the middle east.” Edna Gahler Iver Grove Heights MN against Norwegian civilian sailors was so Perhaps that reason is money? In light of Rev. E. Bonnevie Kluver Patterson CA soft – especially now in light of the current this, Hansen’s suggestion seems a bit ob- John Erik Stacy lived Norway from the early Mary E. Carlson San Pedro CA situation. Journalist Bjørn Hansen raised vious. More interesting may be what else 1980s through 2003. He is a frequent contrib- Marianne Anderegg Redmond WA this question in a recent opinion piece for could have been done at the time and in the utor to the Norwegian American Weekly with Rich Olsen Richland WA NyeMeninger.no. Hansen, who covered the prevailing climate? special expertise in Norwegian biotech and life-sciences. He attended the University of John E. Monson Hackensack MN inquiry back in August 1984, speculated The Germa Lionel case was a window Oslo and earned a Ph.D. through the Depart- 30. mai that there was a “business as usual” atti- on the twisted disregard for humanity that ment of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Glenny Inghagen Dearborn Hts MI tude toward the regime. Norwegian interest is Gaddafi’s exercise of power. The case Grace Hansen Jamaica Estates NY in Libya were established and projected to Natural Sciences. He currently works with was all but unknown outside of Norway. PubGene, a company focused on information Floyd W. Lien Minneapolis MN grow. Olyve C. Orfield Winter Park FL Many remember the 1988 downing of systems for biomedical research. In addition The events this spring force us to take Sverre Hatley Seattle WA Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie and some re- to his interests in technology, John also keeps Clarence A. Clausen Northfield MN notice of the degree to which international member the 1986 bombing of the La Belle current on Norwegian culture and politics. Virginia Onsrud Eugene OR Clara Aasland Williamsen Tucson AZ The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an Grace Hansen Jamaica Estates NY endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Vita Davies Sequim WA Charles Olsen Westland WI uncertainty… 31. mai (…continued from page 1) The ash itself, which continued to rain mercial flights could avoid ash by setting an Helen Anderson Carpio ND down on Iceland, is different from the ash that easterly course, also avoiding the need for Åsta Abogen Foldereid Norway send ash towards Scandinavia, but officials caused massive disruption last spring, when cancellations. Erling Røthe Estevan, Sask Can at civil aviation authority Avinor couldn’t the erupting Eyjafjallajökull volcano spewed Flights to and from Iceland, though re- Halfdan Tronsdal Stanwood WA say whether it would cause problems for massive clouds of ash that posed a hazard to mained cancelled for the second day, strand- Winnie Slaaen Farsund Norway airline traffic and thus force closure of air aircraft. The ash from Iceland’s Grímsvötn ing hundreds of Norwegians and others in Trini D. Aasen Anaheim CA space over Norway. Air ambulance service volcano, which started erupting again on Reykjavik. An Oslo school class that was 1. juni Saturday, is coarser and thus heavier, mean- supposed to fly to Reykjavik for special June Fosmoe Seattle WA between the mainland and Svalbard was John N. Melland Modesto CA stopped Monday afternoon, because the air- ing it will more easily fall back down to earth sporting events this week also faced see- L. Brekken Spokane WA craft involved had to fly too far east to get instead of remaining in the air. ing their long-awaited trip literally go up in Helga Lellelid Colman SD around the ash clouds. The strength of the weekend eruptions, smoke. Carrie Mjelve Camrose Alta Can Other flights remained in service, but though, “came as a surprise to all of us,” “We still think there’s a possibility the Starleen Corrion Mt. Vernon WA were taking longer to reach their destina- Adalbjørn Sigurdsson of Iceland Radio told ash could reach western Norway on Tues- Tor M. Olufsen Burnaby BC Can tions. All airline passengers, both in north- newspaper Aftenposten. The winds were day,” Jens Petter Duestad of Avinor told Nor- 2. juni ern and southern Norway, were being told to sending the ash in unpredictable directions. wegian media at the time of press. No airline Laura Johansen Silverton OR head for the airport as usual and then deal Ash arrived late Monday over Norway’s cancellations were expected on Monday, but Hermod Bakke Leavenworth WA with their airlines directly if flights need to Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, where avia- they couldn’t be ruled out later in the week. Kristofer Michael Virding Tigard OR be cancelled or rerouted on Tuesday or later tion authorities were monitoring it closely. “The situation on Iceland has no im- Erik Andersen Lomita CA in the week. They were optimistic, though, that com- CONTINUES PAGE 7 SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

UPDATE norwegian american weekly May 27, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Letters to the Editor 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, these eight translated and published. I found CEO and Executive Director, NAF Ballard had a fantastic 17th of May cel- a lady who was willing to translate all eight Kim Nesselquist [email protected] ebration this year! The weather was not too yearbooks. I then put them into book form Managing Editor hot, not too cold and the little bit of a breeze the size of the original yearbooks. The size is Christy Olsen Field [email protected] made it just right for walking in a parade and half the size of an 8x11 paper. These year- Assistant Layout Editor wearing bunader! Our parade had 94 units books include stories, biographies, geneal- Harry Svenkerud [email protected] with over 3,000 people marching in it! This ogy, obituaries and other information. These Advertising & Subscriptions is larger than Seattle’s Seafair parade. Wow! stories give up-to-date information on fami- Two of the judges this year were Leif Erik- lies. This is one way that genealogy can be (206) 441-3044 [email protected] son lodge members Gail Engler and Bjarne made available and shared by one another. Contributing Editors Varnes. Parade winners are on the 17th of The years of these eight year books are: May website at 17thofmay.org. 1923, 1927, 1928, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1936- Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. The luncheon at Leif Erikson Hall was Photo: Solveig Lee 37-38, and 1939 – 40 – 41. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. absolutely wonderful! Tusen, tusen takk to All 13 translated yearbooks do not have Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Jim Vatn, the long-time organizer of the 17th of Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway Trident Seafoods for donating the delicious May parade who died in November 2010, was the pictures which were in the Norwegian Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland Crab-Stuffed Pollock and to Me & You Ca- honored in this year’s parade. yearbooks. I scanned all the yearbooks and Drew Gardner Seattle, Wash. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. tering for cooking the meal to perfection. made a picture yearbook from 1921 – 1941. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Thank you to Leona Olson who has coordi- es for the crowd. Each year with the pictures and names are in Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway nated the luncheon for many years. order in this book from the first yearbook to Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. The fjord horses at the museum were Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. Solveig Leithaug started us off nicely by an absolute hit with both children and adults. the last. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. singing a lovely song she had written called If anyone is interested in purchasing any Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Parade goers were happy to see them there, Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. “A Prayer for Norway.” She is from Norway too. The museum also hosted the children’s yearbook they may telephone me at (308) Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. but has lived in the US for the past 20 years games. 237-5651 or e-mail me at evykuecker@fron- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. and performs in Nashville. She accompanied I was honored to be Chair of the 17th tiernet.net. These books sell for $25 postage Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. herself on the guitar and sounded wonderful. of May Committee this year. While we are included. The picture yearbook sells for $30 Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. Then Sølvi Barber showed us a short clip postage included. David Moe Juneau, Alaska in transition without our beloved Jim Vatn, Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. from a film documentary she made of the we have a group of dedicated volunteers I would also like to know if anyone has Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, 17th of May parade in 2008. A good portion any original Norwegian Aarbooks (Year- Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. who work hard to put on this celebration. My John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. of the clip showed Jim Vatn, which was very deep appreciation and thanks go to the 2011 books) that they would like to sell or get rid Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. moving. Sølvi had videos for sale and were committee. Without them, the day’s events of. I need 1921-22, 1923, and 1925. I have Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway they ever popular! would not happen. all the other years. I do not have these three Then our Honorary Marshal, Laura Hipp, Hipp Hurra for Syttende Mai!! years. I would like to obtain two copies of CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives Loge, sang two selections from Grieg for each of these years if possible. to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage us, one of which was “Våren.” The audience Sincerely, call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly visibly enjoyed her music and was so quiet Kae Ellingsen Hilsen, reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for you literally could have heard a pin drop. Chair of the Seattle 17th of May Committee Evelith Kuecker style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Both women were very well received and are Seattle, Wash. Via email taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. invited to sing for us again any time. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Since he is King Harald’s main speech- letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian writer, Knut Brakstad, our Grand Marshal, uncertainty… American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Dear Editor, (…continued from page 6) not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions gave an excellent festtale. Everyone raptly Opdalslag was an organization that and complaints about the opinions expressed by listened to his every word. Knut Brakstad, started in Washington state and then an the paper’s editorials should be directed to the mediate consequences for us until tomorrow publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published Laura Loge and Knut Einarsen, our other eastern branch of Opdalslag opened up. (Tuesday),” said Jo Kobro, information chief weekly except the first week of the calendar year, Honorary Marshal, all received sashes to Both Branches put input into the Original at Norway’s gateway airport, Oslo Lufthavn the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks wear and plaques commemorating their ac- Opdalslag Aarbooks (Yearbooks). Thirteen of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Gardermoen (OSL). Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. tivities this day. Some of Knut Einarsen’s were published in the years 1921-1941 and Trans-Atlantic flights like those running NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription relatives traveled here from Norway to see then the Lags decided to stop meeting. Ten to and from New York steered a new course Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, him honored at our 17th of May. years ago we re-organized our Opdalslag and to avoid air space over and around Iceland. US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. After the luncheon came the live music we meet in September each year. Ash over the North Sea and west coast SINCE MAY 17, 1889: at Bergen Place Park. Anastasia Alto and Thirteen yearbooks were published. Five could also disrupt helicopter service to and Formerly Norway Times Western Viking & Washington Posten Sara Sjölin of the Nordic Heritage Museum had been translated into English and put in a from Norwegian oil rigs. A control center for arranged the entertainment this year. Bonnie book by Western Studies at Augustana Col- civilian and military flights in Bodø was also Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- Birch & Paul Ostler, the Bressler Trio from lege in Sioux Falls, S.D. That left eight yet to monitoring the ash movement, along with Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Idaho, the Norwegian Male Chorus, Leikar- be translated. Western Studies could not find the volcanic center VAAC in London. Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven ringen of Leif Erikson Lodge, and the trio of anyone who would translate and they gave Reprinted with permission from Oslo- NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Solveig Leithaug, Solfrid Brekkå and Syn- up on this project. I was able to obtain per- based news service “Views and News from nøve Aanensen gave delightful performanc- mission from the director Art Husebo to get Norway.” Visit www.newsinenglish.no. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • May 27, 2011 norwegian american weekly 17th of may photos Hipp, hipp, hurra for Syttende Mai! Norwegian Constitution Day celebrations took place from coast to coast

Photo: Luttig Imaging & Photography Syttende Mai King and Queen Dick and Barb Entwistle with Princess Jil- Photo: Leslee Lane Hoyum lian Enke and Prince Jacob Gibson in The Syttende Mai Minnesota banquet was held at the Minnesota Valley Country Stoughton, Wis. Club in Bloomington, Minn., with dinner, songs and more. Photo: John Froschauer/Pacific Lutheran University PLU seniors Kelsey Larson (left) and Elise Nesselquist liven the crowd during the Sytt-ende Mai celebration and announcement of the Svare-Toven Professorship in Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies at Pacific Lutheran University on May 17.

Photo: Martin Fossum/Royal Norwegian Consulate General in New York Miss Norway of Greater New York 2011 Jennifer Egeberg shines at the 17th of May parade in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Photo courtesy of Tore Heia Norge, rain or shine! From left: Alyssa Anderson, Tore Heskestad and Yann Heskestad (all from Carmel, N.Y.) gathered in Brooklyn to celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day.

Photo: Janet Boye Sons of Norway Bernt Balchen Lodge (from Rowland, Pa.), Oslo Lodge (Syra- cuse, N.Y.) and Norsemen Lodge (Oneonta, N.Y.) met at the Land of Vikings recre- ation center in Susquehanna, Pa., celebrate 17th of May in the rain.

Photo: John Froschauer/PLU Knut Brakstad, private secretary to Photo: Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum HM King Harald, was the grand mar- The young Nordic Dancers of Decorah, Iowa, performed traditional folk dances shal of the 17th of May parade in Se- during Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum’s Syttende Mai celebration. attle, and the honored guest at PLU.

Photo courtesy of Eugenie King A historic day in San Diego, Calif., on the morning of May 17th 2011, as rain fell on the crowd during the flag raising ceremony to celebrate Norway’s Constitution Day in Balboa Park, San Diego. None of the members could remember it raining on May 17th before, agreed Darleen Bradley, Secretary of the House of Norway Photo: Eleanor Froiland Andrews (left) and Eugenie King, President (second from left) as ladies in bunads brave Sons of Norway Maine Nordmenn Lodge #3-664 celebrated 17th of May with a great crowd at Pineland Farms in Gray, the severe weather conditions to watch the flag raising. The House of Norway ar- Maine. Activities included a parade, games, a cookout, music and a wonderful afternoon with friends. ranges a parade and lawn program celebration on the Sunday closest to May 17. norwegian american weekly May 27, 2011 • 9 17th of may photos

Photo: Charlotte Beyer-Olsen Photo: Lorraine Straw Thomas and Michele Sukkestad, Photo: Karen W. Stricker Rain and wind couldn’t keep down the buoyant spirits at the 17th of May Parade dressed in Sunnmørs bunader, enjoyed Viking Chapter members of the Norwegian Society of Texas gathered in front of in Chicago, Ill. Festivities were sponsored by the Norwegian National League. the parade in Seattle, Wash. the Orman Lange II for the 2011 Syttende Mai Picnic held in Ferris, Texas.

Photo: Fredrik Fallegård Over 800 people came to celebrate 17th of May with the Seamen’s Church in Houston, Texas. Consul General Jostein Mykletun (above) addressed the group.

Photo: Mette Storvestre/Norwegian Seamen’s Church in San Francisco, Calif. Around 220 people gathered at Fort Miley near San Francisco, Calif., on May 14 to celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day. In addition to the traditional 17. maitog, participants shared pølser, Solo and played games.

Photo: Inger-Torill Kirkeby The Norwegian-American community celebrated 17th of May with the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in Miami at the Port of Miami, Fla. Photo: Vesterheim Museum Go Norway! Kids in Decorah, Iowa, Photo: Wendy K. Winkleman celebrated Syttende Mai with Vester- Mike Opoien carried the banner at the heim Norwegian-American Museum. Syttende Mai parade in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Photo: Inger-Torill Kirkeby Norwegian pride is found everywhere at the 17th of May celebration in Mi- ami, Fla.

Photo: Sissel Ilstad Parade with Mindekirken Norwegian Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minn. Photo courtesy of Sherry Mullery Ottar Johansen, Norway’s Johnny Cash, comes to Minnesota! He performed with his group Norville (named after a strong connection between Norway and Nash- ville) with Joe Sun at the Mall of America and at the Syttende Mai celebrations. How was your 17th of May celebration? We would love to hear from you! Photo: Liisa Hennessy Tusen takk to all who sent us Write to us: Norwegian American Weekly Norwegian spirit was everywhere at 17th of May pictures! 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 the parade in Brooklyn, N.Y. or email: [email protected] 10 • May 27, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch All about Ants Ants (Maur) A song about nature

Children in Norway spend a lot of time outside watching things in nature. Many The weather is getting warmer so the ants are marching. But of the songs they sing are also about things they find or do in nature. Here are the they aren’t marching two by two! Sometimes there are so many words to a very popular song about going for a walk and talking to a bird. of them it looks like the road is moving. Sometimes they build nests that are taller than a person! Around my house, and in Jeg gikk en tur på stein (I went for a walk along the path) the forest nearby, there are many ants. Often they build their mounds og søkte skogens ro. (looking for the peace of the forest) around a tree. The most common kind are kind-of reddish. They are called vanlig rød Da hørte jeg fra lien (then I heard something from a grassy hillside) skogsmaur (normal red forest ants) and they bite, so don’t get too close. But don’t worry, en gjøk som gol koko. (that sounded like a crow) they aren’t dangerous. Koko, koko, kokokorokoko (cuckoo….) Koko, koko, kokokorokoko

Jeg spurte den hvor mange, (I asked how many) hvor mange år ennu. (how many this year?) Den svarte meg med lange (It took a long time to answer) og klagende koko. (and then it sang out cuckoo ….) Koko, koko, kokokorokoko (cuckoo….) Koko, koko, kokokorokoko

Jeg spurte om dens make (I asked about its mate) og om dens eget bo. (and the place where it lived) Den satt der oppå grenen (It sat up on a branch) og kikket ned og lo. (peeked down at me and laughed) Koko, koko, kokokorokoko (cuckoo….) Koko, koko, kokokorokoko

“Vi bygger ikke rede, (“We don’t have a nest) vi har hjem, vi to. (we have a home, we two.) Fru Spurv er mor til barna (Mrs. Sparrow is mother to the children) vi galer kun koko”(and we can all crow cuckoo”) Koko, koko, kokokorokoko (cuckoo….) Snack time! Koko, koko, kokokorokoko Norwegians haven’t quite caught Learn more about ants on to this tasty treat, but you can make ants on a log at home. Cut a piece of cel- Ants are very interesting to watch. Did you know that an ant can lift 20 times its ery in half, fill it with cream cheese or own body weight? If a second grader were that strong, he or she would be able to lift a peanut butter and press raisins into the car. Go outside with a magnifying glass and look very closely in the grass. What do you cream cheese or peanut butter. Enjoy! see? Look up information about ants on the Internet. Here is a good website to get you started: www.pestworldforkids.org/ants.html

Roald Amundsen South Pole Expedition Centennial From the journal of 1911 – 2011 27 mai – lørdag May 27 – Saturday Svak Elig bris –30°. Næsten helt Slight E’erly breeze. –30°C. Nearly overskyet. På sådanne dage er det så completely overcast. On days like this it mørkt att det ikke er muli att finne fremm is so dark that it is impossible to _ nd the till depoe. Utgravingen, den sisste er nu way to the depot. The digging out is now helt færdi og det store snearbeide er forbi. completely finished and all the work in the Jei skall nu oppta kart over det hele. De snow is behind us. I shall now make a map gamle Framslæer er nu reduceret fra 50 till of the whole area. The old Fram sledges 35 uten att styrken er forringet. Det var et have been reduced from 50 to 35 kilos pent resultat. Den ubehagelie historie jei without affecting their strength. This is a fikk i ennetarmen efter annen depotur har good result. The discomfort I suffered in været slemm og hissi liketill nu, skjønt jei my rectum after the second depot tour has har brukt klyster vær dag. Dette har ab- continued to be bad and irritating, even solut været en nødvendihet. Det er først though I have used an enema every day, i de senere dage efter att jei begynte att which has been absolutely necessary. It is bestryke de såre punkter med helvedesten only since I have begun to smear the sore att det har begyntt att ji sei. Jei har nu det places with ointment over the past few besste håp om att bli der kvitt. days that it has begun to get better. I have Brought to you by the Fram Museum in Oslo now great hopes of being rid of it. norwegian american weekly May 27, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. George Benny Pedersen Christians in Politics In these political times, the irrelevant gain. He found a peaceful solution instead November 3, 1934 – March 21, 2011 question whether or not a Christian should of war in his confrontation with England be engaged in political life has been and France because he cared about human George B. Pedersen, 3, 1934, in Brooklyn, N.Y. raised. One might just as well ask: Should life. This “infidel” surely followed Chris- a retired Block Op- Survivors include his wife of 54 years, a Christian become a housewife, a teacher tian ethics in his political life. erator for the Long Rosalie; his daughter, Karen Pedersen Mavi- or a lawyer? So – let’s beware of over-simplified Island Railroad, and ca of Pine Bush, N.Y.; his son, Jeffery Peder- Martin Luther said, “To be qualified conclusions. a nine-year resident sen of Pine Bush, N.Y.; three grandchildren: to rule, it is not enough to be pious. A Piety and godliness do not, in them- of Pine Bush, N.Y., Jennifer Rivera and her husband, Jahmel, jackass is also pious. Ability and experi- selves, either deny a person a political ca- passed away March Nicole Pedersen and Erik Jeffery Pedersen; ence are required in order to rule. One may reer or qualify him or her to enter the po- 21 at St. Luke’s one brother, Stanley Pedersen of Wisconsin. find a pious person who can hardly count litical arena. It is largely a matter of talent, Cornwall Hospital in George is further survived by several niec- to five.” vision and inner drive. And as Christians, Newburgh, N.Y. He es and nephews, and is predeceased by his President Thomas Jefferson was we also would do well to look for moral was 76. daughter Susan Pedersen Matson and son-in- fiercely attacked by contemporary Evan- integrity in those we elect. The son of the late Peder Pedersen and law John Mavica. gelicals. They considered him an infidel Believers or not – let the best be Solveig Reisolt Pedersen, he was born Nov. and dangerous for the Christian cause. chosen. Rhetoric and cleverness in using in memory of… There hardly, however, has been a Presi- Christian terminology is not enough. A (…continued from page 1) dent with a better record of moral integ- candidate’s actions and record speak loud- rity and depth. He died in poverty because er than platitudes. life in New York City. Sverre was born April he put the public good ahead of personal 30, 1922, in Lyngstad, Norway. He studied at the University of Oslo from 1941 – 43 for a degree in English, and again in 1945 – 46 for a degree in history. In 1946, he came to the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church University of Washington in Seattle, Wash., as a graduate exchange student, and earned Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke his master’s of arts in English. He then at- The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, Scandinavians and others who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of tended New York University and earned his Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Please visit us soon Ph.D. in English in 1960. and help support this Norwegian tradition. Pastor: Sigurd Grindheim. He was awarded the St. Olav Medal “as a recognition for [his] exceptional work to June 2011 make Norwegian literature known to an Eng- Photo: Eléonore M. Zimmermann lish-speaking audience” in 1987, and in 2004 Lyngstad (right) received the Royal Norwegian June 5 he received the Royal Norwegian Order of Order of Merit, Knight’s Cross, First Class, in Norwegian Service, 11 a.m. Merit, Knight’s Cross, First Class, conferred 2004, which was conferred by the then Consul June 11 Nordic Voices Spring Concert, 5 p.m. by the then Consul General Liv Mørch Fin- General Liv Mørch Finborud. borud, in the name of HM King Harald V. Admission $10 Sigurd Hoel His translations of some of the major The Troll Circle (1991) June 12 Norwegian Service, Communion, Norwegian writers and of several contempo- Road to the World’s End (1995) 11 a.m. rary ones, have been published in England Meeting at the Milestone (2002) and in the U.S., and have been universally Fortnight Before the Frost (2010) June 19 Norwegian Liturgy/English Sermon praised. They also are widely used in college Dag Solstad 11 a.m. classes to introduce students to Norwegian Shyness and Dignity (2007) literature. A few of his translations include: Sverre is survived by his wife Eléonore June 26 English Service/ Communion, 11 a.m. M. Zimmermann, professor Emerita from (1996; 1997; 1998) Stony Brook University; his daughter, Karin (1997) H. Lyngstad Hughes and her husband Ken S. Pan (1998) Hughes of Great Neck, N.Y.; granddaughter SAVING MONEY IS ONLY HALF THE CHALLENGE. (1999) Fiona, grandson Erik, and several siblings, MAKING IT LAST, THAT’S ALL IN (2001) nieces and nephews in Norway, living in (2003) Lyngstad, in and near Molde, and near Oslo. (2004) HOW YOU SLICE IT. Victoria (2005) Takk for alt, Sverre. (2007) You invested carefully. But how you distribute your education for life… retirement income is just as important. With (…continued from page 1) cludes photographs and other memorabilia high industry rankings and more than 100 years from Morris Hasvold, a 1924 graduate of of experience, Thrivent Financial understands both the ins and outs of retirement investing. the 19th century and the early part of the Luther College. Visitors can also read many 20th century. It examines the conflict and of the charmingly personal but timeless let- From tools that protect your money to products that provide a lifelong income controversies that resulted in the creation of ters Morris wrote home from college to his mother in Flandreau, S.D. These materials stream, put our careful, disciplined approach several contemporary Norwegian-American to work for you. Lutheran colleges, including Augustana Col- have been specially loaned to the museum To learn more, visit Thrivent.com/howyousliceit lege, Augsburg College, Bethany Lutheran by Morris Hasvold’s son, Paul Hasvold, of College, Concordia College, Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. Pacific Lutheran University, and St. Olaf Vesterheim is a national treasure that ex- College. plores the diversity of American immigration through the lens of Norwegian-American ex- “It was interesting for me to learn that Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available many of the colleges were founded because perience, showcases the best in historic and in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned of the conflicts and controversies that were contemporary Norwegian folk and fine arts, subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of going on in the Norwegian-American Lu- and preserves living traditions through class- Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. theran churches as well as the larger Ameri- es in Norwegian culture and folk art. For • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE can society,” said Jennifer Kovarik, Vester- complete schedules of events, exhibitions, For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. heim Registrar and curator of the exhibition. and classes, and more information about 26349NAW N5-11 Appleton, WI • Minneapolis, MN • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201101755 In honor of Luther College’s sesqui- ways to donate, check out Vesterheim online centennial, a section of the exhibition in- at vesterheim.org. 12 • May 27, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style

Style Highlight of the Week Calendar of Events In with the new (cans) What’s going on in your neighborhood?

Colorado businesses and private sponsors allows this Scandinavian Midsummer Festival free, open-to-the-public, family-fun event June 25 – 26 to take place at Stinson Park, located at Estes Park, Colo. 67th and Center Streets in Omaha. Music, Weekend of Scandinavian music, dance, dancing, children’s games and crafts and food, crafts, Viking re-enactors, as well as food venues are just some of the planned craft and lefse demonstration tents. Starts activities. The theme this year is “Trolls.” 9:30 a.m. at Bond Park, located at E. Elk- Call (402) 740-4159 for details. horn & MacGregor, Estes Park, CO 80517. Join us for the raising of the maypole, fol- New Jersey lowed by procession of flags and national Rosemaling & Carving Sammenkomst anthems. Continuous entertainment daily. July 19 – 23 Free, family event, wheelchair accessible. Rockaway, N.J. For more information, visit www.estesmid- Come join the fun and learn Rosemaling summer.com, call (303) 449-9596 or email and Acanthus Carving! Lessons are for all [email protected]. levels of learning at a four-day session at Nor-Bu Lodge at Lake Telemark in Rock- Illinois away, N.J. Let’s preserve our heritage Bjornson Male Chorus Concert and through this cultural event! Eldrid Dinner Dance Arntzen, VGM will teach Rosemaling and June 10 Ken Arntzen, VGM, will teach Acanthus Photos: Line Grundstad Hanke Carving. (Acanthus Carving Class has lim- Elk Grove Village, Ill. Norway is transitioning from the metal trashcans (left) to the plastic recycling bins. You are invited to the Bjornson Male Cho- ited space) This is a great opportunity for all to spend the week with Vesterheim Gold rus Concert and Dinner Dance on June 10! Li n e Gr u n d s t a d Ha n k e The evening will take place at Avalon Ban- Medalist teachers and learn from the best. Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design quets, located at 1905 East Higgins Road, Hotel accomodation information available in Elk Grove Village, IL. The social hour upon request. Admission: $25 per day per On my visit to Norway this May, I was Seattle and the Pacific Northwest has begins at 6:30 p.m., and the concert be- class. For more information, contact Deb- happy to see more “green” activities and re- been into green thinking and recycling our gins at 7:30 p.m. Dinner follows the con- orah Landvik-Larsen at (973) 784-4564 cycling taking place. When I came to Asker garbage for some time now. In the last few cert with dancing to the Dave Kyrk Trio. (day) or (973) 442-4642 (evening). and visited my brother and his family, my years, our garbage cans have changed from Admission: $35 per person. To make a first words were, “Look, you have garbage being full to almost empty due to all that we reservation, call John Lee at (847) 741- North Dakota and recycling bins like we do in Seattle.” can sort out in to different recycling bins. 4210. Vestlandslag Stevne June 23 – 25 This made me think of the design of the gar- Oslo is now following. The garbage in Illinois Norsk Rosemalers Show Fargo, N.D. bage can. For as long as I remember, the Oslo had increased by 40 percent from 1995 June 22 Three of our member lags – Hardangerlag, Norwegian garbage can was made out of to 2009, and the goal is that by 2011 all of Geneva, Ill. Rogalandslag and Sunnhordlandslag – had metal. My first recollection was a square de- Oslo will participate in kildesortering. New A juried rosemaling show featuring hun- their beginnings in 1911 and are planning sign, then later came a more rounded design garbage cans are placed in Oslo and they are dreds of one-of-a-kind, hand-painted special things to commemorate their anni- and after that a funny looking can that we called miljøsøppelkasser, one will sort out woodenware by members and Vesterheim versary at the Vestlandslag stevne June 23 inserted plastic bags into in order to have a into four categories: paper, glass, food waist Gold Medalists! Join us from 10 a.m. – 5 – 25 in Fargo, N.D., at the Best Western cleaner garbage can. Now we see plastic be- and plastic. p.m. at the Geneva History Center, located Doublewood Inn. For more information ing used and they have wheels to move more In 2009, 78 percent of the garbage was at 113 S. 3rd St., Geneva, IL 60134. Featur- and to register, contact Robert Hanson at easily. Soon we will only see the old garbage gjenvunnet (recyclable) and the goal is to ing a raffle, coffee stoga with Norwegian [email protected], (763) 441-4463 or cans in the movies and this will make them have 100 percent gjenvunnet. (651) 470-0236. goodies and the Association’s ornament more nostalgic. of the year are also part of the show. This program is partially supported by a grant Pennsylvania Development aid... from the Illinois Arts Council. For more Land of the Vikings Lobster Fest (…continued from page 3) percent mention voluntary organizations, information, call (262) 767-2857 or email June 3 – 5 compared to 30 percent in 2010. One of the aims of the survey is to in- [email protected]. Susquehanna, Pa. mentioning these two. In comparison, 14 vestigate how interested the Norwegian Stay for the weekend at Land of the Vi- percent of the population mention govern- population is in development politics in the Maryland kings and the Lobsterfest is included in ment channels. The channels the people have your food package. The Lobsterfest will be media. Five percent state that they are very Genealogy 101 little faith in are the World Bank and similar held on Saturday, June 4 at 1:30 p.m. Meal interested, one out of three say they are quite June 11 banks and private cooperations. will include potato, corn on the cob, salad interested, half of the population are some- Ellicott City, Md. Even though a high proportion believes and rolls and of course dessert. Extra Lob- what interested and 14 percent are not inter- The Sons of Norway Washington, D.C. in voluntary organisations, the proportion Genealogy Interest Group invites you to a sters will be $10 each. Don’t eat Lobster? ested at all. has fallen since the last survey. In 2006, 44 “Genealogy 101” session for people inter- Ask for a steak or chicken on the BBQ. ested in exploring their Scandinavian roots. Hot dogs and Hamburgers available for the kids! Take advantage of our extra day rate shipping name... No prior experience or knowledge neces- (…continued from page 3) industry for many years. It also emphasized sary! We’ll share “how to get started” tips ($40/night + $10 extra adult) and come a that “Lind has been on the barricades to get and, of course, FOOD!!! (We are Norwe- day early or stay an extra day! If you prefer more women into the boards, and she uses “This is a very pleasant surprise, and I gian, you know!) Please plan to join us for to come just for the day, the cost is $30 per every opportunity to emphasize the impor- feel honored. WISTA is an important organi- this FREE, fun, and informative session. adult (includes lobster, steak or chicken), tance of having a diversity of gender, age and Children under 11 free with parent w/o zation that makes a significant work both in For more information, call (410) 480-1850 background on boards and management.” lobster, Children 11 – 17: $15 with parent Norway and abroad,” says Lind. or email [email protected]. “Women’s rights issues are in important (includes lobster). Make your reservations WISTA is an international organization part of the basis of my political involvement, early! Contact Beverly or Rick at (570) for women in senior positions in the mari- Nebraska and it has been on my agenda throughout my 461-3500 or visit http://lov.3dsofn.org. time industry. Candidates are selected on the Scandinavian Midsummer Festival career. The maritime industry has many tal- basis of professionalism, diligence, openness June 12 ented women as owners, managers and staff, and commitment. Omaha, Neb. Send us your and I have had a deliberate strategy to give In Omaha, Neb., the 2nd annual Scandina- The jury states that Lind gets the award them room to grow,” Lind says. vian Midsummer Festival takes place June summer events for because of her commitment to the maritime 12 at 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. A collaboration of support from varying Scandinavian groups, our calendar! Funeral Home Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 SOlie and Crematory to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! Honoring • Caring • Serving Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us May 27, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood Syttende Mai at Cal Lutheran Centennial celebrations! Norwegian immigrant Hardangerlag, Rogalandslag and Sunnhordlandslag explains Norwegian to commemorate 100 years at Vestlandslag Stevne Constitution Day at CLU Scan Center

Ri c h a r d Lo n d g r e n Director of the Scandinavian Center California Lutheran University

Though the Brown-Bag Lunch Bunch gathered a day late for Syttende Mai at the Scandinavian Center at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, Calif., they got an eyewitness account of past parades in Oslo from an immigrant from Norway During his talk on May 18, Willy Wen- nberg not only described the festivities asso- Photo: Richard Londgren ciated with a typical parade in Norway, he Norwegian immigrant Willy Wennberg shares noted the absence of military involvement in the history of Syttende Mai with the Brown-Bag the parade there. Lunch Bunch at California Lutheran University in Then he outlined the history of the Thousand Oaks, Calif. Syttende Mai – going back to 1814 when At that time, Norway created a new flag Norway expected to gain its independence. by inserting a blue band in the white cross of At that time, a constitution committee had Photo courtesy Lucy Ghastin the Danish flag, said Willy. Previously, from worked carefully to create what Willy calls Rogalandslag is celebrating 100 years in 2011 at the Vestlandslag Stevne in Fargo, N.D., this June. 1844 till 1899, a corner insert modified both the best consitution ever. That committee the Norwegian and Swedish flags to show Lu c y Gh a s t i n included the best parts of the constitutions the connection between them. That mixed Vice President of Vestlandslag of the U.S. and France. But, unlike those design was called the “herring salad.” two countries, Norway did vote to retain the Besides the ScanCenter event, The monarchy. Despite that preparation, Norway Three of our member lags had their be- June 24), Dr. Arne Brekke (Emeritus profes- Scandinavian American Cultural & Histori- had to put the constituion on hold. Instead of ginnings in 1911 and are planning special sor from University of North Dakota, Grand cal Foundation (SACHF) participated in the being spun off into freedom from Denmark, things to commemorate that event at the Forks and founder of Brekke Tours; Talk at Syttende Mai Sunday worship service at the the allies awarded the country to Sweden. Vestlandslag stevne June 23 – 25 in Fargo, 3 p.m. on June 24). Our visiting Norwegian Norwegian Seamen’s Church in San Pedro. Finally, in 1905, Norway got its inde- N.D., at the Best Western Doublewood Inn. performers are Knut Hamre (Hardanger fid- On May 17, Larry Johnson, president of SA- pendence from Sweden. So, explained Willy, A group of 80 Norwegians from the Hardan- dle), Rannveig Djonne (accordion) and the CHF, addressed a group of about 200 from Norway dusted off and tweaked the constitu- ger area will be coming to this event and par- Hardanger Spelemannslag dancers, directed the Norwegian organization at nearby Nans- tion for the new nation. ticipating (speaker, dance group, Hardanger by Jon Helge Oppheim. en Field. fiddler, accordionist). For further details and to register (dis- promised land... Among the speakers are Terje Joranger count rate by May 28), please contact Robert (…continued from page 14) Erie Canal to head further west. As winter (Assoc. Prof. of history at Sogn og Fjordane Hanson. Registrations are still accepted after is upon them, the canal freezes and at least University College in Sogndal, Chair of the early discount date of May 28. For more one man ice skates 300 miles along the canal NAHA-Norway. Lecture at 10 a.m. on June information, contact Robert Hanson, 13569 ferred to as the Norwegian Mayflower, Res- to his new home. Some settle in Rochester, 23), Dr. Verlyn Anderson (Emeritus librarian Riverview Drive, Elk River, MN 55330. tauration is only one-fourth of the size of the N.Y., and the descendants of this voyage, from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn.; Email: [email protected], and phone: original Mayflower. now known as “sloopers” pepper New York Talk at 1:30 p.m. on June 23), Rasmus Sunde (763) 441-4463. Forty-five passengers and seven crew State and the Midwest. (historian from Norway; Talk at 1:30 p.m. on left Norway on the three-month southbound The Restauration and captain remained trip and 46 passengers and crew arrive in in New York. The sloop was sold for $400 New York, with a baby girl born out at sea. and disappears from history, apparently fall- While sailing up the Atlantic coast, they ing off any traceable maritime registration. apparently missed the entrance to New York But that’s not the end of the story, at least for harbor and sailed up past Long Island. Then the descendants of the “sloopers.” Restauration sailed west into Long Island During April 2010, a full-sized replica of Sound, entering New York waters through the Restauration was completed in , Hell Gate. They traveled down the East Riv- the joint effort of the Restauration Founda- er to dock in New York City. tion and boat builder Trebabyggieri. Several newspapers wrote about the ar- It took three years to construct the handcraft- rival of the small band of Norwegians. The ed wooden boat. It was christened by Jill sloop Restauration turned out to be an even Elaine Russell, a descendant of Lars Larsen smaller vessel for the amount of passengers Geilane, who was the leader of the original it can legally accommodate. Proud to bring you the 1825 group that settled in America. The boat was confiscated and a hear- Norwegian American Weekly Skogen, who attended the christening, ing was set for violation of The Act of 1819, tells me the Queen Mary was in the Harbor at which states in American Maritime Law that the time and this grand liner gave a resound- only two passengers are allowed for every ing salute to the Restauration when she was five tons. The Restauration had 21 passen- christened. The Restauration acquired, with The Wooden Spoon gers too many, and the penalty is $150 per a special agreement with Anne Elisebeth, her SCANDINAVIAN SHOP passenger or $3,150, which is more than original manuscript of “Through Hell Gate twice the cost paid for the sloop in Norway. 1617 Avenue K, Plano, Texas 75074 to The Promised Land.” In an episode which can only be called On the web: www.woodenspoon.ws “The manuscript will never be printed,” miraculous, the captain was pardoned by states Skogen. “It will only be told verbally [email protected] • (972) 424-6867 U.S. President John Quincy Adams, and the by me or someone onboard Restauration.” Restauration and captain were released from For further information visit Skogen’s Exclusive designs of the Wooden Spoon! bondage. The passengers and crew make Full Service Agencywebsite: With www.forteljarkokeriet.no Experienced Uff da Wine Glass $12.95 their way to Albany, N.Y., and then Norwegian to the Speaking Consultants! Uff da is-- $9.95 Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! Shipping $12.00 information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 We carry a complete line of Scandinavian gifts and food at the Wooden Spoon! Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Call us at (800) 2-NORDIC or place your order online. Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 [email protected] [email protected] 14 • May 27, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner To the promised land The boys from Vangen: A tale of the first Norwegian emigration to the US

Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

HEST MED HORN A HORSE WITH HORNS The ox Peik is now completely broken Oksen Peik er nå helt temt, og «Vangs- in, and the Vangen boys drive to the forest gutane» kjører til tømmer-skogen med den. with him. People stare in awe at them and Folk glor forundret etter dem og oksen. Et the ox. At one place a young boy shouts: sted står en guttunge og roper: «Nei, se der, “Look at that, Mom, the Vangen horse has mor, Vangshesten har lange horn!» Men long horns!” But Peik just tramps proudly Peik bare tramper verdig i veg, og «Vangs- onward, and the Vangen boys don’t take gutane» bryr seg ikke om spydig-heter. nasty remarks to heart. Kåre har tatt med seg ei korg til sko- Kåre has taken along a basket to the gen, og Steinar undres på hva han skal forest, and Steinar wonders what he is go- bruke den til. «Det skal du nok få merke,» ing to use it for. “You’ll see,” answers Kåre, svarer Kåre, og han har et lurt glimt i øyet. with a crafty glint in his eye. Then he sets Så setter han korga opp øverst på tømmer- the basket up on the top of the timber stack, lunnen, men Steinar skjønner fremdeles but Steinar still doesn’t understand. ingen ting. They drive down toward the river De kjører ned mot elva med et stort with a big load. Then they see a boy and lass. Da får de se en gutt og en hund i skog- a dog on the edge of the forest. Larris and kanten. Det er Larris og Troll som er ute Troll are out again. The dog sees the bas- igjen. Hunden får øye på korga oppe på ket on the load, recognizes it and stops in lasset, kjenner den igjen og bråstanser. Så his tracks. Then he puts his tail between his stikker den halen mellom bakbeina og leg- legs and runs toward the forest again at full Photo courtesy of Bill Osmundsen ger til sprangs mot skogen igjen i full fart. speed. “But Mons isn’t here! The basket is Storyteller Anne Elisebeth Skogen admires a bronze sculpture of the “Restauration,” of which she tells «Men her er da ingen Mons, korga er vel an oral story in her tale “Through Hell Gate to the Promised Land.” The sculpture is by the author surely empty?” says Steinar. “Yes, but Troll tom?» sier Steinar. «Ja, men det veit ikke of this article Bill Osmundsen and is part of the permanent art collection of the Norwegian Seamen’s doesn’t know that!” laughs Kåre. “That was Troll!» ler Kåre. «Det var jammen et godt Church in New York City. The sculpture was commissioned by the Norwegian Immigration Association, definitely a good idea,” says Steinar. påfunn,» mener Steinar. Inc., for exhibition in 2000. Auctioned in 2001, it was won by Victor Samuelsen, and then donated to the Norwegian Seamen’s Church. Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods • Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. Bi l l Os m u n d s e n www.astrimyastri.com New York City, N.Y.

Deb Nelson Gourley presents Kings of Norway In May, storyteller Anne Elisebeth Sko- for centuries. Written and illustrated Kings of Norway includes 3 CDs that gen gave her performance titled “Through In Norway, storytelling has been studied by Anders Kvåle Rue feature bilingual text, bilingual audio and full- Hell Gate to the Promised Land” to two on the university level since 1907. Skogen color illustrations of 57 kings and one queen who lucky audiences: she visited the Norwegian completed her study in 2001 and 2005. She ruled Norway from circa 875 to present. Ideal for Seamen’s Church in New York on May 11, is also certified as a drama teacher, which she first-year Norwegian classes and heritage/cultural and Mindekirken Norwegian Lutheran Me- finds to be a much different discipline than programs. Includes text and audio of both morial Church in Minneapolis, Minn., on storytelling. Astri, My Astri and Astri, Mi Astri. May 17. Her story is about the first Norwe- “I prefer ‘storytelling,’” Skogen tells For all ages on both sides of the Atlantic! gian emigrants, who arrived in New York on me. “I like how you can always find a good Oct. 9, 1825, with the sloop Restauration. point and something interesting in everyday • 58 bilingual stories & audio in English and Norwegian • Book includes 3 CDs — hear all stories in both languages Skogen has always been a storyteller. life.” • Hardcover, 128 pages, all in full color, illustrated Sometimes telling tales can get a young per- Skogen has spent several years develop- • $29.95 (1 book & 3 CDs) with FREE shipping in the USA son in trouble at school, but for Skogen there ing the story of the Restauration, the sloop Astri My Astri Publishing has always been something magical and that brought the first Norwegian immigrants Deb Nelson Gourley www.astrimyastri.com compelling about her storytelling. to the U.S. Like many true-life stories, the 602 3rd Ave SW [email protected] Waukon, IA 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 “I remember when I was five years old. heroes and heroines are more steadfast than I loved to tell and hear stories. When I was heroic. Their bravery comes forth in the Norway.com eight years old and in my second year of life-changing choices they make as they op- Royal Norwegian Consulates school, I would wait for the teacher to stop pose the rigid state religion of Lutheranism Organization of the Week in the United States for a time and as she rested, I would see an in favor of Quakerism. Living in and near Virginia opportunity to begin a ‘story,’ which my Stavanger, Norway, the Quaker group tried Daughters of Norway classmates would be eager to hear. Once I to make concessions so they could continue Embla Lodge #2 Honorary Consul General Rolf had everyone’s attention my teacher would to live in Norway but it becomes evident to Tacoma, Wash. Anders Williams let me continue and tell the whole story,” she both parties that they could only “agree to Royal Norwegian Consulate General said. disagree.” Emigration to the newly-formed Meets the first Thursday of 201 East City Hall Avenue In Europe and Scandinavia, “stories” are democratic land of religious freedom in month at 6 p.m. Norfolk, VA 23514 tradition. The Norwegian sagas came down America is chosen as the only solution. Tel: (757) 446 7300 to us verbally because there wasn’t a lot of To make the journey, the group pur- For more information, visit E-mail: norwegianconsulate@ reading and writing in Viking times. The sto- chased a sloop of about 39 tons, built in 1801 www.daughtersofnorway.org anderswilliams.com ryteller was the journalist, novelist, historian in Hardanger, Norway. They rechristened the For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, and entertainer of the day, and a good story boat Restauration. Although it is often re- visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations around a fire at night kept this magic alive CONTINUES PAGE 13 norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports May 27, 2011 • 15 sports Solbakken leaves national team Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League Norway’s national team results Standings coach makes a surprise 5/19 Strømsgodset 2 – 1 Strømsgodset Tippeligaen PLD PTS 1. Tromsø IL 8 16 5/19 Start 0 – 1 move to FC Köln 2. Strømsgodset IF 8 16 3. Stabæk Fotball 8 15 No r w a y Po s t At the time of press, 4. Molde FK 8 14 the scheduled mataches 5. SK Brann 8 13 Norway international football coach were postponed due to a 6. Sarpsborg FK 8 13 Ståle Solbakken, who was to coach Norway’s 7. Fredrikstad FK 8 13 national team next season, has changed his strike. The strike has since 8. Ålesunds FK 8 13 mind. He instead will move to the German been resolved, and we will 9. IK Start 8 10 Bundesliga club FC Köln. report on the scores in The 43-year-old, who will formally take 10. Lillestrøm SK 8 9 charge of the Bundesliga outfit on July 1, will the next issue. 11. Rosenborg BK 8 8 be officially presented as Köln’s new trainer 12. Odd Grenland 8 8 To read more about football in Norway, at a press conference on Tuesday. Capped 58 Photo: UEFA.com 13. Vålerenga Fotball 8 8 times, Solbakken ended his playing career at Ståle Solbakken will start as head coach of FC visit www.norway.com 14. Sogndal IL 8 8 FCK in 2001 due to a heart condition, fol- Köln in Germany July 1. & www.uefa.com lowing stints with the likes of Lillestrøm SK, 15. FK Haugesund 8 8 16. Viking FK 8 6 Wimbledon FC and Aalborg BK.Solbakken to pay the NFF an undisclosed sum in com- is presently coach of Danish club FC Copen- pensation. hagen, and has led the club to a command- Though the NFF will have to look for Trygve lie plaza… (…continued from page 3) June 15, 2011. ing 26-point lead at the top of the Danish another coach for the Norwegian National One or more artists will be selected League. Team, there are those who hope that current A group of donors have allocated to develop and create permanent artwork The Norwegian Football Association coach Egil “Drillo” Olsen (69) may be per- $350,000 for a permanent artwork on the within the plaza. The successful artist or art- (NFF) has agreed to relieve Solbakken of his suaded to continue. contract with them, and FC Köln has agreed west side of First Avenue between East 41st ists must be experienced, professional, and and East 42nd Streets. The public artwork have the ability to work well with a team of groove… will commemorate Norwegian politician City agencies. The selection of the winning (…continued from page 1) Pettersen has perfected the approach. To Trygve Lie, the first United Nations Secre- artist(s) will be made according to the pro- overcome elbow surgery and a history of tary General, at the Trygve Lie Plaza in New cedures of the Percent for Art program and obviously is an advantage when you have back and hip woes, she has worked as hard York City. The purpose of the artwork is to the artists’ ability to translate the history of to play six rounds, 36 yesterday, 36 today,” on her fitness regime as she has on her game. tell the story of Secretary General Trygve Trygve Lie and the Norwegian history in the Pettersen told reporters after her 1-up win at Holistic therapies and physical workouts Lie and the Norwegian history in the United United Nations into an art and/or design- Hamilton Farm Golf Club. encompassing cardio, stretching, and core Nations. The deadline for submissions is based concept. strengthening have helped Pettersen improve Match play is nothing if not a test of Leif erikson Lodge 2-001, sons of norway one’s mental and physical fortitude. In ad- her range of motion and balance and con- dition to outlasting a field of some of the serve energy, she said. Culture, entertainment and fun for young and old – Come join us! best women golfers in the world, Pettersen Pettersen’s body work paid off big time Norwegian Classes battled the flu all week. Still, she was the last last week, when she outlasted an exhausted Join us for the remainder of our free Monday classes (6/6, 6/13, woman standing after 103 grueling holes of Kerr. Indeed, she and Ian Poulter, who won 6/20) “Norwegian for Travelers.” 7:15 – 8 p.m. golf that the 2007 LPGA Championship win- the Volvo World Match Play Championship June 8 Membership Meeting and Ice Cream Social at 5:30 p.m. ner likened to a turn at qualifying school. Sunday, passed the perseverance exam that match play entails. June 11 “At least if you’re fit, you can last to • 2nd Saturday Kaffestua. $4 donation for traditional smørbrød, the very end,” Pettersen said after defeating “We played six rounds of golf,” Petters- vafler, småkaker and kaffe. All welcome. 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Natalie Gulbis, Stacy Lewis, Yani Tseng, and en said after draining a 15-foot birdie putt on • 2nd Saturday Social Hour. $5 for light supper and two beverages. Na Yeon Choi to reach the finals. the 18th hole to capture her first victory in 20 All welcome. 5 – 8 p.m. Tiger Woods may have made physical months. “It feels like a Q-School.” Every Monday and Wednesday fitness de rigueur in professional golf, but “Fit after 50” exercise classes. $3 per person. 10 a.m. Be our fan on Facebook! Questions? Need membership info? Call 206-783-1274 trade mission… Leif erikson HaLL, 2245 n.W. 57tH st., seattLe, Wa 98107 (…continued from page 3) agencies. The trip will provide individu- als with a unique opportunity to experience American and Scandinavian government cultural aspects of the Nordic region, includ- agencies and trade associations to put to- ing local foods, native dance and music, and The Scandinavian Hour gether a great program. Typically, trade mis- historic and cultural sites. The group size is Celebrating over 40 years on the air sions are the first attempt of exporters, im- expected to be around 25 people. porters and service providers to familiarize Here is the expected intinerary: KKNW – 1150 AM themselves with a new market, and the many Sept. 7: Depart from Seattle, Wash. contacts that are made will often lead to busi- Sept. 8 – 10: Copenhagen, Denmark Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST ness relationships and transactions following Sept. 11 – 13: Oslo, Norway Streaming live on the internet at: the missions,” said Andreas Udbye, Senior Sept. 13 – 15: Trondheim, Norway Advisor at Pacific Northwest Advisors and a Sept. 15 – 18: Stockholm, Sweden www.1150kknw.com has been a major force in pulling the mission Sept. 18: Arrive in Seattle, Wash. together. The cost is $3,350 for a double or Sons of Norway Building, B-20 “Trade with Washington state and Scan- $3,750 for single occupancy, which includes Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street dinavia has grown over 110 percent since hotel accommodations, intra-Scandinavian (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 2000 and the products and services avail- transportation, most meals, sightseeing and able in this region would translate well in cultural events, and printed materials. Trans- www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] the three countries we will visit – especially atlantic airfare is not included. By appointment please in the area of green energy resources,” adds “Scandinavia is not a cheap place to McDonald. travel these days, especially with the low th The mission is open to anyone with an dollar. This mission is providing a lot of Celebrate 17 of May interest in building business relationships in value for the attendees, and there is no way Norwegian Constitution Day is coming soon! Norway, and is especially suitable for small an individual could have the same access or To celebrate, subscribe today for and medium-sized enterprises with little or experience the same quality of program by $ no previous knowledge of the region. Partici- traveling alone,” said Udbye. Only for the first year pants will gain first-hand market information, For more information, call Andreas Ud- 40 access to key government officials, potential bye at (253) 564-2822 or Patrick McDonald Honor your Norwegian heritage and support the business suppliers and partners. Daily events at (360) 902-4151, or visit http://www.sos. only Norwegian-American newspaper will include commercial briefings, field trips, wa.gov/itrade/UpcomingMissions.aspx. factory visits and meetings at government For more information, see page 3 Not for Profit Retirement & Assisted Living Community serving Seattle for over 50 years!

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