BEFORE THE -J&ral Communications $ommission WASHINGTON D C 20554. OPPOSITION TO “PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION, OR, IN~ -THE ALTERNATIVE, FOR DE.CAARATORY RULING” c -3 -5- 6- queztic,rl, ;JFHC (&.C,i), hraL Sarlles, Florida, operated for over - iiwo .;?SIS, and for more ihzn one full year after the ~ffec:i.~~tckte $af Secion 312(q) on the wrong frequency i::;., rathor t'lar its licensed a',location of 1550 KHZ! at 3c ~~1r~~~~~:tIhorized1ocati:n. This -~iolationdid net incur th? a:itom:ti c license cEncellatian contemplated by- Section _.- :,I< icj: , apsarent11; txczcse the stati.on did operate in some - sl-,sp+ ;I ~c>rrin. .- 3 1: FMYC ',wsrE mrrect in its facts (YJhich ,-L~LL,..::de,~, . .. ,- ~ :ieiause 1 ts petiticn is procsdurally ISCI~~Siti=rwn above) , Sestiorl 312 (g) doss n,:?r ap~:.,~.~ r~r. t.!ii~s '-a=?, Serause WESP-LP did in fact return 1~_#_ -, .I- ~~-;?air before chc '~neld'far ai?nivzrsary of its hecorning ''!3r .:" ;c.,:k pl;cl.. FMBC Has No Rights Vis a Vis Channel 9 13. !~lthouqil ?MBC has filed an FCC Form 30i ;~lr:~:1,or1 621 cligrtatl ,:'pe:ai:isns ciii Ciiiiiriel 9, this ~:L:C,.-$ is ,a 1eq-l i~l~lli?:;, z~~drr.,?.y iiot be accepted for ~~ 'r .. -. ~ , fi 1ii-q ,-, 1': L ~ imn1 i 2 1 Tl;is i_; L-era?se Secricn /j,E,?~;(,Z,i:, of 'Lhe F,lllE5 5ta:t.z rh3.t: Applications may be filed to construct DTV broadcast stations only on the channels designated in the DTV Table of Allotments set forth in pat-agraph (b) of this Section, and only in the communities listed therein.
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