ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMICS % J CZD ONLINE CONFERENCE IN COOPERATION WITH "IDEAS LAB" AND "GLOBAL RESEARCH NETWORK" USA JSiAb 2522-334'J Submission requirements: 1st INTERNATIONAL The text is single-spaced; employs italics, and all CONFERENCE figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, ON SUSTAINABLE rather than at the end. DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMICS Indexing: All papers will be pub lished as official pro ceedings of the sepa rate periodical with ISSN. All papers will be cited on Google Scholar _ 840 Mount Katahdin Trail Alpharetta, Georgia, SCOPE: 30022, USA. Economic, Business Administration, Management, V * +62 811-3340-887 Sustainabiliy & Corporate Social Responsibility, Mar keting, Tourism, Corporate Finance, International Fi 1^1
[email protected] nance, Accounting, Banking, Islamic Banking and Fi nance, Insurance, Business informatics. www.icsde.researchparks.org GLOBAL RESEARCH m I0EAS NETWORK ONLINE RESEARCH HUB I LA B , AUGUST 10-11,2018 Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Sustainable development and Economics (ICSDE) 10-11 August 2018 840, Mount Katahdin Trail Alpharetta, Georgia, 30022, USA. ISSN: 2622-3341 Organizers IDEAS LAB Technical Sponsors G R E A T RESEARCH jfi&h International Conference on SHSSJ. K INETWORK 9Sustainable Development ONLINE RESEARCH HUB Technical support & inquiries IDEAS-LAB Email:
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