School of Graduate Studies – Graduate Transfer Agreement University of New Brunswick PO Box 4400 Sir Howard Douglas Hall, Room 318 Fredericton NB, E3B 5A3, Canada
[email protected] Student Name: Student ID#: Program: Residency: Purpose of Visit: Coursework Research Has permission to take the following at _________________________________________________________________________________ Course Number Course Title Fees (host completes) Credits Term Year Has the applicant ever taken advantage of this or related transfer agreements? Yes No This request form originates at the Home institution, usually at the department level. The department completes, signs and forwards an electronic copy to the School of Graduate Studies for approval and signature. The form is then forwarded to the School of Graduate Studies at the Host institution to arrange final departmental approval. A copy of the completed form (with all required signatures) is to be sent to the home institution. The Host institution will retain the original document. ======================================================================================================================== Home Institution ___________________________ ________________ ____________________________ ______________ Signature (Department) Date Signature (Dean/Office of Grad Studies) Date ======================================================================================================================== Host Institution ___________________________ ________________ ____________________________ ______________ Signature