Foot-Prints, Or, Incidents in Early History of New Brunswick [Microform]
'' f t <^o 1783. 1883. IToot^Prints; OR. Incidents in Early History OF NEW BRUNSWICK. "Its Days suoild Simuic, an,, Mr,.T,Trnn ok Ykaks Tkach Wisdom." ny J. W. LAWRENCE, 0,;Te.po„rf,«^ Member ^'e^o England instorical and Genealogical Sociefn^' Honorary Member Quebec Literary and Hislorical Society Honorary Member Worcester Society of A ntiquity. SAINT JOIIX, N. IJ.: J. & A. McMillan, 98 Pkince William Street 1883. 163193 '^^^^^^^c^. J.00 To JoSEPK W. Lawrenck, Esq., President New Brunm'ick Historical Society: Sir,—Feeling that the publication of your paper on "Early Incidents of Saint John History," with suggestions for a series of celebrations in 1883, the Centennial year of the landing of the Loyalists at the mouth of the River Saint John, would give an impetus to your suggestions, we, the undersigned, respectfully request that you will consent to its publication in suitable form. (Signed) S, Jonks, Mayor. J. C. Allkx, Chief Justice. G. E. King, Judge Supreme Court. John Boyd, Senator. Isaac Burpee, M. P. \Vm. Elder, M. P. P. G. M. Armstrong, Rector St. Marks. D. D. CuRRiE, Minister Centenary M. Church. David S. Kerr, Q. C. LeB. Botsford, Pres't Natural History Society. Ward Ciiipman Drury, Reg'str Deeds & "Wills. A. A. Stockton, M.A., LL.B. St. John, N. n., December, 1881. Entered accordinc; to Act op Parliament, in the Year 1883, By J. W. LAWRENCE, In the Office op the Minister of Agriculture. f Intro&uttion. BY A. A. Stockton, M. A., LL. B. s of the "IxciDKXTs IX Early History ok Nkw Brunswick," it is un«lerstoo<l iver is but the forerunner to other works on iciidred topics froni the same pen.
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