RELAX EXPLORE FAST FORWARD Linger in the healing mineral Check out the farmers markets Feel the speed at Summit waters in Berkeley Springs. around Martinsburg. Point Raceway near Ranson. Explore The EASTERN PANHANDLE of West Virginia PUBLISHED BY New South Media, Inc. 709 Beechurst Avenue, Suite 14A Morgantown, WV 26505 304.413.0104 • PUBLISHER & EDITOR Nikki Bowman,
[email protected] PROJECT MANAGER Buddy Butler,
[email protected] ART DIRECTOR Carla Witt Ford,
[email protected] EDITORIAL TEAM Pam Kasey,
[email protected] Zack Harold,
[email protected] Jess Walker,
[email protected] PHOTOS PROVIDED BY Jefferson County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Ranson Convention & Visitors Bureau, Martinsburg-Berkeley County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Travel Berkeley Springs, Chris Weisler, Seth Freeman, Nikki Bowman, and Carla Witt Ford EXPLORE THE EASTERN PANHANDLE IS A PRODUCT OF EXPLORE The Eastern Panhandle is published by New South Media, Inc. Copyright: New South Media, Inc. Reproduction in part or whole is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the publisher. The Eastern Panhandle © NEW SOUTH MEDIA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVE features e three counties of the 2 Panhandle of Paradise 18 Berkeley County Eastern Panhandle of Martinsburg Just a short one-hour drive from West Virginia—Morgan, Washington, D.C., discover West Rich in history and culture. Berkeley and Jeerson— Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle. 26 Morgan County make up the Washington 4 Jefferson County Berkeley Springs Heritage Trail. Experience a rich Gateway to West Virginia. e arts spring to life. timeline of American history that includes a colonial spa town, sites of 5 Harpers Ferry Explore the Eastern Panhandle is sponsored early industries, railroad landmarks Conuence of history.