Regeneration Board

130 Manor Way Bay Bognor Regis West PO21 4HL A27 Bypass Highways Bridge House 1 Walnut Tree Close Guildford GU1 4LZ

9th October 2017

Dear Sir

Re: Response to A27 Arundel Consultation

I am writing to you on behalf of the Bognor Regis Regeneration Board regarding the above Highways England project.

The Board was established in 2007 to act as an independent advisory body, bringing together leading representatives from the key public, private and community stakeholders in Bognor Regis.

The Board has three key objectives: 1. To collectively promote Bognor Regis as a great place to live, work, visit and invest 2. To consider, give opinion and comment upon how and to what extent planned and proposed developments contribute to: • the town's growth and development • addressing and overcoming the town's socio-economic challenges; and, • maximising benefits and opportunities for the town. 3. To consider and evaluate strategies which impact upon the economic growth of Bognor Regis and offer comment, opinion and where appropriate modifications.

Board membership is drawn from the major local private and public organisations including the University of , County Council, Council, Butlins, Sime Darby London and Landlink Estates.

The case for the A27 Arundel Bypass The Board supports the A27 Arundel Scheme as an integral part of the strategically important A27 improvements in Highway England’s Road Investment Scheme. The Arundel scheme is capable of being implemented independently and is critical for the economic prosperity of Bognor Regis and Coastal West Sussex. Future growth will result in demand further exceeding capacity through Arundel, and this section of the A27 will act as a constraint to the planned growth in housing and employment in the area. The single carriageway section and junctions through Arundel do not cope with existing traffic. This often results in long queues of traffic approaching Arundel. Due to congestion, some longer distance traffic diverts away from the A27 to alternative routes which are less suited to high volumes of traffic and larger vehicles.

Highway England’s ‘Traffic Forecasting Report’ identifies that improving the A27 at Arundel would bring the following benefits:

• Considerably reduce the existing queues and delays • Improve journey times, air quality and road safety • Remove traffic from less suitable routes within the South Downs National Park • Help businesses to reduce their cost, support expansion and provide new employment opportunities • Support the growth of tourism

Concluding that: ‘It is clear from modelling results that a Bypass is required to provide the network improvements and reduce delay and improve travel time’. This view is supported by the Board.

Preferred Option The Board has studied the options put forward by Highways England and has concluded that Option 5A is the preferred solution to ensure that the A27 Arundel Bypass will bring the benefits outlined above. The advantages of Option 5A over Option 3 which was the other considered alternative are:

1. The route has the best average peak hour journey time savings in both directions 2. The benefit to cost ratio is 2.6 compared to 2.0 for Option 3 also with Option 5A costing £10m less at £250m. 3. The impact of the route on the Ancient Woodland to the north of Binsted village is limited to 6 hectares compared to 24 hectares at Tortington Common for Option 3. 4. Option 5A reduces the impact of rat-runs through the South Downs National Park by 36% (4399 vehicles per day) compared to 23% under Option 3 (3,300 vehicles per day).

The A27 is an integral element of the economic infrastructure in West Sussex, the South East and nationally. The Board urges the Secretary of State to recognise the importance of the Arundel Bypass by approving the improvement programme.

Yours faithfully

David Myers Advisor to the Bognor Regis Regeneration Board

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