No Time to Countdown: Migrating Backoff to the Frequency Domain Souvik Sen Romit Roy Choudhury Srihari Nelakuditi Duke University Duke University University of South Carolina Durham, NC, USA Durham, NC, USA Columbia, SC, USA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION Conventional WiFi networks perform channel contention in Access control strategies are designed to arbitrate how mul- time domain. This is known to be wasteful because the chan- tiple entities access a shared resource. Several distributed nel is forced to remain idle while all contending nodes are protocols embrace randomization to achieve arbitration. In backing off for multiple time slots. This paper proposes to WiFi networks, for example, each participating node picks a break away from convention and recreate the backing off op- random number from a specified range and begins counting eration in the frequency domain. Our basic idea leverages the down. The node that finishes first, say N1, wins channel con- observation that OFDM subcarriers can be treated as integer tention and begins transmission. The other nodes freeze their numbers. Thus, instead of picking a random backoff duration countdown temporarily, and revive it only after N1’s trans- in time, a contending node can signal on a randomly cho- mission is complete. Since every node counts down at the sen subcarrier. By employing a second antenna to listen to same pace, this scheme produces an implicit ordering among all the subcarriers, each node can determine whether its cho- nodes. Put differently, the node that picks the smallest ran- sen integer (or subcarrier) is the smallest among all others.