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CLEVELAND, TN 22 PAGES • 50¢ Local Response Evaluated in Wake of Tragedy FRIDAY 161st YEAR • NO. 67 JULY 17, 2015 CLEVELAND, TN 22 PAGES • 50¢ Local response evaluated in wake of tragedy By TONY EUBANK In the meantime, local authorities are emergency responders could complete a four and the wounding of three others, 11:30 a.m. with the Cleveland Police Banner Staff Writer evaluating their own emergency response preliminary investigation of the including a Chattanooga police officer. Department’s SWAT team swarming the and to a “shots fired” call that resulted in the Chattanooga attack — including the fatal The shooter died at the scene of his sec- mall, both inside and outside, along with RICK NORTON five-hour lockdown of Bradley Square shooting of the suspect, 24-year-old ond attack. officers from the Bradley County Sheriff’s Associate Editor Mall and a massive police presence that Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez who By press deadlines today, identities of Office and the Tennessee Highway Patrol. Cleveland and Bradley County resi- included a full sweep of the shopping cen- opened fire on two different military tar- the shooting victims had not been dis- The mall was evacuated of all shoppers dents today are still struggling to come to ter before its reopening to patrons around gets on Lee Highway and Amnicola closed. and employees before members of the terms with how close a possible act of ter- 5 p.m. Highway. Although no shootings occurred in the CPD SWAT unit performed sweeps of the rorism Thursday came to the community, Various Cleveland businesses, and The attacks, whose motives have yet to Cleveland and Bradley County area, local mall and the parking lot, according to and are joining hands in prayer for their other sites including Lee University, also be confirmed by FBI, Homeland Security law enforcement and emergency response Evie West, CPD public information officer. Chattanooga neighbors in the wake of the reportedly locked down as a precaution- and Chattanooga and Hamilton County teams went into high alert. fatal shootings of four U.S. Marines. ary measure until investigators and investigators, resulted in the deaths of The local response began at about See RESPONSE, Page 10 Inside Today Cleveland steps up for victims of tragedy Blood Assurance extending hours By LARRY C. BOWERS Banner Staff Writer Cleveland’s reputation as a giving community was evident Thursday as word spread about the shooting tragedy in Chattanooga. Passing time With media reports circulating The Walker Valley Mustangs that Blood Assurance needed additional donors, there was a continued to sharpen their pass- Banner Photo, TONY EUBANK ing attack Thursday, with a 7-on-7 substantial increase in the num- CLEVELAND POLICE SWAT team officers sweep the parking lot of Bradley Square Mall on Thursday afternoon. The officers made their ber of donors reporting to the scrimmage against Boyd- way through the parking lot row by row, checking all vehicles for a possible shooter. Buchanan inside “The Corral.” Cleveland Donor Center in Former Cleveland High School Village Green. track coach Casey Price has The local center also stayed joined the coaching staff at Lee open longer than usual, with University. The TSSAA has voted Eyewitnesses give accounts of shootings some technicians not being able to get away until after 9 p.m. down a proposal that all public From what she could see, the only target and private schools play Division I By SARALYN NORKUS Kathie Logan, Blood Banner Staff Writer in the gunman’s sights was the recruiting Assurance’s operations manager sports. See Sports, Pages 13-15. “We were face to face — he was center as he unloaded multiple rounds into One hundred feet was all that separated for the Chattanooga Area, just facing my salon.” the plate glass front of the building. happened to be in Cleveland Work, home life Foil Salon owner Sunni Hubbard from the — Sunni Hubbard “We were face to face — he was facing my spray of gunfire coming from 24-year-old when the tragedy happened and salon,” Hubbard stated. was unable to return to balance debated Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez during Hubbard ran back into the salon, but side and about 100 feet away from me, was Chattanooga given local lock- Most people try to maintain a Thursday’s attack on the Lee Highway emerged moments later to see the shooter a guy in a whiteish-silver convertible with downs. She issued a call-back for proper balance between their armed forces recruiting center. slowly driving off. the top down ... a gun sticking out and local technicians to come in and work and home lives, and some Just two doors down from the recruiting According to Hubbard, Abdulazeez fired pointed at the recruiting place,” Hubbard handle the overflow of traffic do it better than others. Yet, one center, the morning was business as usual on the recruiting center for two to five min- described over the phone during Friday through the afternoon. writer takes another perspective for the salon owner, who was sitting at her utes of shooting, stopping several times for morning’s ‘Mark in the Morning’ radio talk A waiting line quickly devel- — one that believes those who desk when Abdulazeez first began his what she assumed was to reload or change show. “I thought it was a joke or something, oped, and some potential donors find a job they love won’t have to assault. weapons. but then he started shooting again — I left with plans to return later. worry about balance. See the “I heard two loud noises which were fol- lowed with a ‘bang, bang, bang.’ I went out- didn’t know what to do.” See SHOOTINGS, Page 8 The Village Green center usu- guest “Viewpoint” on Page 16 of ally get from 20 to 30 donors on today’s edition. a typical Thursday, according to technician Jose Velez. Thursday Family Promise, the center had about 80 prospec- Forecast tive donors, most being able to give blood. BCSO partnering Eight of the individuals were deferred (rejected), due to vari- ous reasons, but the center col- to help children lected 53 units of blood, more than double the center’s normal collection. Today’s forecast is for sunny and By LARRY C. BOWERS Banner Staff Writer The main donor center in hot conditions, with a high near 93. Chattanooga collected 78 units Tonight should be mostly clear, with Family Promise of Bradley County has joined in of blood Thursday afternoon. a low around 72. Saturday should partnership with the Bradley County Sheriff’s There were six working at the see mostly sunny skies, but with a Office to relieve stress for children caught up in center in Cleveland Thursday slight chance of showers or thunder- volatile situations such as homelessness, traffic afternoon, when normally there storms. The high should be around accidents or domestic incidents. are only three. 94, with heat index values as high Family Promise VISTA Jessica Moore met with Blood Assurance’s main office Bradley County Sheriff Eric Watson, and adminis- as 99. Saturday night looks to be in Chattanooga extended its trative officer Brian Smith, Thursday to enroll the hours Thursday afternoon, until partly cloudy, with a low around 74 law enforcement agency in Project Night Night. all donors could be accounted and a slight chance of rain. VISTA is the acronym for Volunteers In Service To for. Hours were extended today Sunset: 8:54 p.m. America. from 8 a.m. until 6:30 p.m., with Sunrise: 6:40 a.m. She provided the two officers with 30 packages normal hours being 9 a.m. to filled with tote bags. The bags are filled with 5:30 p.m. books, stuffed animals and blankets to give to Hours will return to normal on Index children when they are involved in a stressful sit- Banner photo, LARRY C. BOWERS Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., uation. Thirty additional packages will go to the unless the need should arise for Church........................................6-7 FAMILY PROMISE of Bradley County is partnering with the Sheriff’s Office in Project Sheriff’s Office when they arrive. Night Night. The Cleveland Police Department is already a participant in the program. additional hours. Classified................................20-22 County officers will place the packages in Velez, along with Victoria Comics.........................................17 patrol cars for use when needed at the scene of Family Promise’s Jessica Moore, left, provided Sheriff Eric Watson, center, and officer Battles and Cindy Kirkpatrick, Editorials......................................16 Brian Smith with 30 tote bags filled with books, stuffed animals and blankets. The tote Horoscope....................................17 See FAMILY PROMISE, Page 10 bags are for children in homeless or otherwise stressful situations. See CLEVELAND, Page 8 Movies..........................................18 Obituaries.......................................2 Banner photo, Stocks............................................4 JOYANNA LOVE Sports......................................13-15 PTS pays tribute HARCOURT TV Schedule...........................18-19 AND CELES- Weather........................................11 TINE Poitier’s to strong legacy children gather Around Town around a paint- ing and plaque Sheeko Ndegwa winning at the of Bishop Poitier dedicated to video game version of “Wheel of their parents’ Fortune” ... Autum Miller hanging By JOYANNA LOVE memory. out with a new friend ... Pam Banner Senior Staff Writer Caprara making an appearance Twelve of the at a new client’s business ... The memory of a humble but influential 13 remaining Gayle Clark discovering she is leader for the Church of God will live on at the children (four definitely “not a ninja” after trying Pentecostal Theological Seminary in the are deceased) to break down a locked door ... Curtsinger Ministry Center Poitier Commons. attended the Courtney Goodwin having some The commons area was dedicated in memory dedication of river fun with Shannon Collins, of Bishop Harcourt Garfield Poitier during a Poitier Danielle Mayo and Daniel Brock.
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