Masterplan Vision

Reshaping Soham – a 21st Century Market Town

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Soham is setting out bold and ambitious proposals for its future which will help to complete its transformation into a welcoming and thriving 21st Century Cambridgeshire Market Town.

The traditional north/south axis of the town will be complemented with a new east/west axis to transform the town’s linear structure into that of a cruciform structure.

Four new town gateways will establish Soham as a key development opportunity with the potential to play a signifi cant role in the sustainable growth of the district.

Future growth of new housing, employment and facilities will, for the fi rst time, allow the town to discover and utilise its edge to attract jobs and investment.

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The Heart of Soham • New town market. • Extended and new shops. • New car parking and bus connections. • Improved High Street and Churchgate Street. • Better community facilities. • An improved town park. • Access to the Lode waterway.

The Eastern Gateway • Major landmark employment opportunities. • New direct access to the town centre from the A142. • New mixed use ‘Weatheralls’ town quarter. • Improved setting of the town’s unique commons.

The Western Gateway • New mixed use Station quarter.

The Northern Gateway • New employment opportunities. • Mixed use local facilities. • Primary school.

The Southern Gateway • New landmark employment opportunities. • Mixed use local facilities.

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401 Foreword

A Market Town with Potential This Masterplan Soham has a rich history as a market town, evident today in the quality of its historic centre and the commons in the heart of the town. Proximity to sets out bold , excellent road connections to nearby Ely and Newmarket, easy local and ambitious access to the nearby villages of , Fordham, Burwell and Wicken and the rural countryside beyond make this an attractive place to live. The local schools proposals for have an excellent reputation and there is a strong network of local community the future of groups and activities. Soham in order Soham Believes in its Future to unlock its The people of Soham are proud of their town and there is a strong sense of local potential as a community. The enthusiasm and support which the Soham Masterplan Vision Working Party has received from local people during the development of this plan 21st Century is a clear demonstration of the community’s belief that Soham has the potential Cambridgeshire and capacity to grow and to be revitalised. This community support will provide a fi rm foundation for taking forward the proposals set out in this plan. market town. Managing Future Growth Sustainably

In common with many of the other communities around Cambridge, Soham needs to adapt to meet the future growth which the area is expected to accommodate.

Cambridgeshire is designated as a growth area, and the Government is currently reviewing plans for growth in the East of region with the aim of boosting housing numbers. The District Council is preparing these Masterplans for the market towns in in order to ensure that there is a long- term vision about how this growth can be best accommodated and sustainably managed.

For Soham, this future growth needs to be employment led as far as possible, if it is to avoid becoming solely a dormitory town with high levels of out commuting, and growth must be accompanied by appropriate infrastructure and community facilities.

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5 Foreword

Soham Masterplan A Plan to Unlock Future Potential Vision Working Group The proposals in this Masterplan are centred on the opening up of new town Members ‘gateways’ together with unlocking the potential of the town centre retail core. An eastern gateway is proposed to link the town centre to the bypass from the east, whilst re-opening Soham’s rail station to the west of the town centre would enable more sustainable travel patterns. These proposals would create an East- West axis for the town as a focus for business growth, and open up the town centre, encouraging greater passing trade to support the viability of the town centre shops. In addition, the plan provides for housing and new town facilities alongside the new employment opportunities. Councillor Derrick Beckett A Coordinated Investment Plan East Cambridgeshire District Council, Isleham Parish These Masterplan proposals will establish Soham as a key development Council and Chairman of the opportunity in the district. The plans are ambitious, and will require a combined Working Party investment approach from all of the public, private and voluntary sectors if they are to be successfully achieved.

The proposals will also take time to implement – they are not a ‘quick fi x’ but a coordinated plan for the longer term, looking ahead to 2040 and beyond. In the shorter term to 2025 the proposals are in line with those in the District Council’s current Core Strategy, the statutory planning document for the area. The longer term proposals are put forward on a discussion basis only at this stage. If, as expected, the Government increases the growth targets for Cambridgeshire and these Masterplan proposals are agreed as a way forward, then the District Council Town Councillor will seek to incorporate them into the statutory Local Development Framework Rosemary Aitchison (LDF) planning documents for East Cambridgeshire. Soham Town Council

The Soham Vision Soham Town Council, East Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council have worked closely together alongside the residents and businesses of Soham to produce this Masterplan Vision. It demonstrates how Soham can accommodate more Councillor Mark Duckworth growth sustainably, and the benefi ts which this would East Cambridgeshire District Council bring to the community, as well as the wider area. We commend this to you as a guide to realising Soham’s full potential over the coming years.

County Councillor John Powley Councillor Peter Moakes Cambridgeshire County Chairman, Strategic Development Committee, Council East Cambridgeshire District Council May 2010 And (left), Councillor Peter Moakes East Cambridgeshire District Council

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601 Contents

Introduction 8 1 Role of the Masterplan Vision 8

Where are we today? 10 2 Masterplan Vision Development Process 10 Regional and Sub Regional Context 12

Local Context 12

Historic Growth 14

Constraints and Opportunities 16

Where would we like to be? 33 3 Community Views on the Future of Soham 33 Aspirations for New Facilities 37

Principles 42

What can we achieve? 46 4 Town Framework 46 Town Centre Framework 62

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7 Contents

How do we get there? 70 5 Framework Priorities 70 Phasing Approach 72

Infrastructure Delivery 73

Risks and Management 74

Stewardship of the Masterplan 75

Recommendations for Supporting Documents 76

Immediate Next Steps 76

Further Information 77

Translation Service 78

Glossary 79

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801 1. Introduction

Role of the Masterplan Vision Soham is a town of 10,000 people in rural East Cambridgeshire located on the A142 between Ely and Newmarket. The town aspires to fulfi l its role as a vibrant 21st century Cambridgeshire market town. This document sets out the major opportunities at Soham in order to attract jobs and investment to ensure a sustainable future for the town.

Soham is part of a ring of towns around Cambridge with connections provided by the A14. The town is home to a vibrant community with a strong commitment to its future. Its historic town centre has a distinctive intimate character which suits the local and independent shops. It is framed within a unique Fen setting with commons and a network of green spaces which connect across the town. Soham is at a key point in its evolution from a village to a fully functioning market town.

As part of the regional growth agenda, Soham’s population is likely to increase by around 2,000 people (1,100 homes) by 2025. This Masterplan Vision explores this growth, noted as ‘short-term’, and any further longer term growth potential (2026-2040 and beyond). Once the proposals in the Soham Masterplan Vision have been fully debated and consulted upon it will be a discussion document to inform the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) review.

The Soham Masterplan Vision is a document to guide this growth. It will help to ensure that the level of infrastructure and facilities needed by the town is delivered as the new housing growth happens. This will enable Soham to use the population growth to drive a greater range of shops, education and employment opportunities and enhanced leisure and recreation provision.

The Masterplan Vision concentrates on the main urban area of Soham framed within its connections to the surrounding villages and countryside. The overall aim is to create a sustainable community in Soham with ready access to jobs, opportunities and facilities.

The Soham Masterplan Vision is a document which sells Soham’s potential to all those involved in achieving Soham’s future.

It is intended to be a guide which has the active support and backing of East Cambridgeshire District Council, Soham Town Council and Cambridgeshire County Council and will help to attract private sector investment to work with and complement the public sector lead.

Existing Future Structure Structure

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Soham – 21st Century Cambridgeshire Market Town Introduction The ECDC Core Strategy sets out the This vision therefore proposes to Vision for Soham’s future as follows: reshape Soham in order to achieve a role for the town as a 21st century “I strongly believe “Soham will be an attractive and Cambridgeshire market town. that Soham should vibrant market town, serving a local rural catchment. This role will have The traditional north/south axis of the not remain a small been strengthened by enhancing the town will be complemented with a market town as it appearance, character and function of new east/west axis to transform the its town centre, especially the range of town’s linear structure into that of a is at present, we small niche shops, and by exploiting cruciform structure. This will establish need to plan for opportunities for retail expansion in the four gateways into the town which will town centre. strengthen the role of the town centre. Soham to have a Around this, a network of integrated bright and vibrant The town’s strategic location will be green spaces will retain Soham’s links attractive to employers wishing to to its historic landscape setting and 21st century future establish or expand on newly serviced enable this to be used eff ectively. for our Children employment sites. Additional housing A business corridor along the A142 growth will be provided in locations to the east will be balanced with a and Grandchildren which are relatively close to the town leisure, recreation and education to enjoy and be centre, and easily accessed by cycle or corridor along the railway line to the on foot. west. These will both support the proud off.” community and retail centre in the Growth will be accompanied heart of the town. Public comment – by investment in employment Sep 9, 2009 opportunities, new educational and health facilities, and potentially a new railway service for the town. Development will take place without compromising the sensitive commons setting of the town or its built heritage.”

The subsequent process of preparing this Masterplan has used this Core Strategy Vision as a basis to test further ideas and opportunities. This Vision can now be enhanced following the frameworks produced in this Masterplan;

“The new Eastern and Western Gateways will be a major opportunity for the town to both attract new businesses to Soham and improve the use and vibrancy of the town centre through a direct connection.

These combined approaches will be co-ordinated to ensure Soham achieves its goal of becoming a sustainable settlement in which people have full opportunity to live, work, rest and play for future generations to come.”

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1001 2. Where are we today?

A Technical Group workshop was then held involving around 30 offi cers from Masterplan Vision East Cambridgeshire District Council as well as County Council highways Development Process offi cers and representatives from the Environment Agency and Inspire East. Work on the Soham Masterplan Vision started in January 2009 when This session set out the fi rst draft of Entec UK Ltd, (masterplanning consultants), were commissioned to the resultant frameworks emerging prepare a Masterplan Vision for the town. East Cambridgeshire District from the analysis work following Council managed the project, via a Working Party consisting of Town, the public consultation. Technical District and County Councillors. issues on delivery of the content of the frameworks were fed in by attendees to refi ne the frameworks in preparation for further public The vision drew upon earlier work The ideas consultation was held on consultation. undertaken by Soham Town Council the 25th March 2009 in the Walter The Working Party considered and Soham Town Forum in 2004 Gidney Pavilion in Soham. The day the resultant amendments to the on the Soham Health Check and was split into two main sessions with frameworks during July / August by Soham Town Council in 2006 on stakeholder workshops in the morning and made preparations for the the Soham Town Plan. The Soham followed by an open public exhibition options stage exhibition and public Community Facilities Audit and the in the afternoon. The baseline consultation on the 4th and 5th Local Futures Soham North and South information informed the debate September 2009. This exhibition set Place Profi les also fed into the baseline in the workshops which sought to out the resultant frameworks for the information to underpin the vision. explore the potential in Soham under town and town centre frameworks. issue areas including: Additional baseline information was 260 people attended the two collated by Entec in January 2009 • Town Centre and Economic day event and 140 questionnaire covering: Development; responses were received.

• Urban (historic growth, historic • Neighbourhoods; Responses and feedback were facilities, environmental constraints, analysed by Entec UK Ltd to inform character areas, accessibility, • Community Facilities; and the fi nal framework plans contained townscape); in this document which are now • Transport and Movement. subject to a six week formal public • Economics (social, housing, consultation period. Details of the The results of the event were fed employment, retail, community, Soham Masterplan Vision Working back to the Working Party on the 2nd tourism); Party considerations throughout April 2009. An on-line questionnaire this process can be found on the • Landscape (context, attractions, was developed and received 160 East Cambridgeshire District Council Public Rights of Way, sensitivity); responses. 35 people attended the website morning workshops and 157 people • Transport (accessibility, road, rail, attended the afternoon public bus, cycling and walking); and exhibition. Valuable information on the aspirations of the people • Planning (Core Strategy, of Soham was obtained through sustainability). post-it boards, children’s posters and postcards and a teenager’s cool wall The baseline research was presented and message wall. to the Working Party on the 10th February 2009. Preparation was then This information was then collated undertaken for the fi rst stage of public and analysed in order to inform the consultation in March 2009. The views approach to options for the growth of both residents and businesses were and delivery of facilities for Soham. sought early in the process in order to The aspirations for new facilities develop the subsequent frameworks were tested for viability looking at for both the town and the town population catchments and existing centre. provision in the region.

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11 Where are we today?

“Growth is needed but it needs to be the right type of growth.”

Public comment – Sep 7, 2009

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Regional and Sub Regional Context

The is one of the most prosperous and fastest growing parts of the country. It is largely a region Ely of small and medium sized towns and cities surrounded by rural areas, which look towards those centres for employment and higher level services.

Cambridgeshire has made a signifi cant contribution to the Soham growth of the region. The continued economic success of the Cambridge Sub Region, focused on education, research and knowledge-based industry, has been of signifi cance to the wider region and nationally. The Regional Spatial Strategy (May 2008) sets out a framework for the future development of the region up to 2021. This plan aims at a better balance of employment and housing in the Cambridgeshire area. Growth in the Sub Region is focused fi rstly on Cambridge itself, then secondly at the proposed new settlement of Cambridge Newmarket Northstowe and thirdly on market towns such as Soham.

The Regional Spatial Strategy identifi es high levels of growth for Cambridgeshire, an average of 3,870 dwellings per year, and yet the target for East Cambridgeshire is a relatively modest 360 dwellings a year, well This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery below past building rates. This refl ects Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279. the conscious strategy to focus growth on Cambridge.

A review of the Regional Spatial Strategy is already underway and Local Context this will provide for the development Soham is the second largest Soham also benefi ts from its excellent needs of the region up to 2031. The settlement in the district of East local schools with its secondary Government is looking for a signifi cant Cambridgeshire with a population school in particular having some increase in housing targets for the of approximately 10,000 people, and outstanding features. The town is region. There appears to be limited acts as a local service centre to a rural unique in the sense that it has both an scope for further additional growth catchment area including Isleham, enviable array of green areas known in Cambridge, beyond the major sites Wicken, and Fordham villages. as ‘commons’ as well as the river Lode already identifi ed such as Cambridge running through its core. Soham’s East and the Southern Fringe, without Soham is strategically positioned local windmills provide evidence of major implications for the Cambridge between Ely, Newmarket and its links to an impressive history of Green Belt. There may be potential for Cambridge with excellent access to industrial development. further growth in the market towns the A14 and M11 providing links to surrounding Cambridge and the both the Eastern region’s seaports and potential for Soham will be explored Stansted airport. In addition there is through the review process. also potential within the town to re-open the railway station to facilitate more sustainable growth over the next 20-30 years including the potential for signifi cant employment opportunities.

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13 Where are we today?

“I really feel Soham has huge potential and I would like to continue living in the area for a number of years providing there are improvements made.”

Public comment – Sep 7, 2009


This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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Historic Growth

“Having lived a There has been evidence of a Soham was a prosperous port and Soham all my life, settlement existing in Soham since trade centre during this period with I’d like to see it the Stone Age but the documented excellent water links to the Great River history goes back to the year 630 AD. Ouse, River Cam and out into The grow. Then instead For many centuries the route to Ely Wash. By the 9th century, the Vikings of travelling to Ely was by boat across Soham Mere and made destructive progress across East over until windmills were Anglia and destroyed Soham Abbey. and Newmarket introduced to reclaim the land for The Abbey, unlike its later counterpart stay in Soham with farming. at Ely, was never rebuilt. A Cathedral and palace was built during the 10th improved facilities This link between Soham and its Century on the original site of Soham in all areas for surrounding rural hinterland is a key Abbey. Traces of the Saxon Cathedral part of its past success and this needs still exist within the fabric of the children and adults.” to be re-established for the 21st present day Church of St. Andrew’s Century. which was built in the 12th Century. Public comment – Sep 22, 2009 The population of Soham began to grow signifi cantly during the 19th century. In 1801 the population was 2,004 people and by 1850 it had more than doubled to 4,706 people. Growth steadied until the 1930’s when the population was still only 4,747. Housing growth began post war and through the 1960’s and 1970’s until the population in 1981 was 6,680. The next 20 years would see that rise to 7,780 by 1991 and 8,580 by 1999.

A snapshot of facilities in Soham in the 1920’s (population 4,500) is telling of the role of the town at the time as a service centre for the rural hinterland. The town had: eight windmills; 36 pubs; 13 butchers shops; 28 grocers shops; six bakers; six cycle shops; four shoe shops; nine drapery and clothes shops; two basket makers; three undertakers; a hotel; a town pump; a workhouse and only three people had motor cars.

It was the development of the car which ultimately led to Soham’s decline as a service centre as more and more people could access services in nearby towns and the demand for Soham’s off er reduced.

Loss of industries linked to the surrounding rural hinterland and food production such as the Mill have never been replaced in Soham and the town needs to reinterpret and rediscover its industrial base for the 21st Century.

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15 Where are we today? 1654 1903

Source – An Improving Town – Mac Dowdy - 2007

1979 1990

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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Constraints and Opportunities

Soham LDF Policies of a new primary school in the town. A site for this school will need to be The following 1700 houses are projected to be identifi ed. opportunities and built in Soham between 2001–2025. constraints are as a result Approximately 600 have been built The Primary Care Trust has also of baseline information between 2001 and 2009. 2009-2025 indicated that there may be a need to gathered by Entec UK Ltd in will include approximately 400 expand Doctors surgery provision in January 2009 and a public dwellings as a greenfi eld extension to Soham. However, there is scope for consultation event on the the north-east of The Causeway/Brook this to be provided through on-site 25th March 2009. The Street and on industrial/vacant land expansion. subsequent development off Station Road. Opportunities to of frameworks for Soham redevelop other sites for residential Infrastructure was underpinned by this development within the settlement information and as such boundary will be explored, and sites There is currently minimal spare is summarised here for will be allocated in the Site Allocations capacity at Ely and Soham primary reference. Development Plan Document. electricity substations. Work is planned to provide some additional The provision of new employment capacity in 2010. The scope and land in Soham will be focused timing of this work may be infl uenced on land to the east of the bypass. by future load enquiries. Approximately 11 hectares of new employment land will be identifi ed for Improvements to the sewage Planning B1 (business), B2 (general industrial) treatment facilities in Soham will and B8 (storage or distribution) be required in order to facilitate Core Strategy / employment uses in this area. development on new greenfi eld sites. Local Development Framework This does not aff ect existing proposals Suitable sites for development of new already connected to the main sewer. The key planning document to the retail fl oorspace will be allocated in Improvements may also be required production of the Masterplan is the Site Allocations Development to facilitate change of use on large the emerging Local Development Plan Document, of suffi cient size to brownfi eld sites, if a scheme would 2 Framework (LDF). The LDF is a accommodate 550 m of convenience result in a signifi cant increase in collection of documents and will retail fl oorspace. These sites will discharge to the sewer. Anglian Water be made up of the Core Strategy be focused in the town centre fi rst, is planning to ensure that the required Development Plan Document which but as a second choice should be improvements to sewage treatment will be the key strategic document accommodated on land immediately facilities in Soham are completed in the LDF, and will set out the vision adjoining the eastern boundary of the by 2016. Due to infrastructure and spatial strategy for the district, as town centre. constraints at the sewage works, well as policies which will be used for no built development will be given Policy CS5 identifi es Soham as a development control purposes. The consent to start building before 2016 ‘Secondary Town Centre’, which acts site allocation process for the LDF will unless the work to improve this facility as a service centre for smaller rural commence in April 2010. can be brought forward. catchment areas. In these centres, support will be given to development Local improvements to the highways which is focused on meeting local network are proposed, focusing on needs and supporting town centre capacity and accident cluster sites regeneration. including the A142 East Fen Common junction in Soham. Bus transport Policy CS7 seeks the provision of a improvements to possibly include bus new primary school in Soham, a site interchange facilities are proposed at for which will be allocated through any new rail station or halt. Cycleway the site allocations DPD. improvements include a proposed Soham secondary school is currently Soham town network. at capacity, but there may be scope for future on-site expansion. Both primary schools are operating at the County Council’s preferred maximum operating size of 420 places, and therefore expansion of these schools may not present the best option. It is estimated that predicted growth in Soham could justify the creation

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17 Where are we today?

The Local Development Framework Planning Structure

Core Strategy Development Plan Document – sets out the broad strategic vision for the district, and strategic principles to deliver this vision for the period to 2025.

Proposals Map Local Development Scheme, Development Plan Statement of Community Document Involvement and Annual Monitoring Review – setting out the plan development process.

East Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework

Supplementary Planning Site Allocations Development Documents – provide more Plan Document – detailed detailed guidance on issues in the plan allocating sites for housing, Development Plan Documents employment and other land uses covering topics such as aff ordable in the rest of the district. housing, planning obligations, design guides, etc. See ECDC website for full details



Planning Process

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Transport and Movement “The rail station is Rail Station / Halt a must for Soham Until 1965, Soham had a railway if it wants to move station which linked the community to Ely, Cambridge and Newmarket. forward.” The rail service to London still passes Soham every two hours but no Public comment – longer stops. The original station was Sep 22, 2009 destroyed during the Second World War and fi nally, during the infamous Dr Beeching cuts, Soham station was closed. The feasibility of a station should be investigated further, initially assessing The town’s population widely supports a halt and basic infrastructure. Costs the reopening of the rail station. A rail would be approximately £250,000 station would benefi t Soham greatly to £500,000 to secure a halt to allow by off ering a sustainable option for services between Ely and Newmarket travel other than the car which would (Assuming one platform, two car stop, also reduce congestion on the roads. single track, modular construction, Presently a large proportion of the no signalling issues, no track work town commutes to nearby towns required). Additional costs would be and cities, such as Cambridge and incurred for the provision of facilities Ely and alternatives to the private such as car parking, CCTV, lighting and car are limited. The introduction of a bus turning circles etc. rail station would allow passengers to make regular journeys to and It is acknowledged that there is Public Transport from nearby towns by a sustainable, a section of track missing which (Bus / Coach Services) convenient mode. would allow direct services between Cambridge and Soham. This would Public transport is currently limited in be signifi cantly more expensive and Soham and the surrounding villages, would require detailed assessment. with only one service route per day. This should be a long-term aspiration, This route, whilst hourly during the with eff orts being concentrated on daily and Saturday peaks, is in most providing a halt to allow a range cases unsuitable for late or weekend of services directly from Soham. travel. This lack of provision creates Timescales in progressing a station a major accessibility issue for people are unclear at the moment but work unable to access a private motor car is continuing to understand the to reach nearby destinations and obstacles to development. essentially forces the majority of residents to use a private car over public transport.

There are also no scheduled coach “Transport access services serving Soham, resulting in passengers accessing services in would help the local Cambridge, Newmarket or Ely. Due to businesses and the relatively close proximity of these three coach calling points, it is unlikely reduce congestion to be appropriate for coach services to if the train could call at Soham. This should however be investigated further with the national stop at Soham, I coach companies to build Soham into believe many people their long-term plans. It is essential for improvements in the current would use it if it bus provision to be undertaken to connected to Ely, promote a viable alternative to the private car. This should include more Cambridge etc.” frequent, faster services to local destinations and where possible, Public comment – improvements in accessibility for the Sep 7, 2009 local villages which traditionally are reliant on Soham.

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19 Where are we today?

Late night bus provision A southern link road has been Car parking in the town centre is improvements is a key area for Soham. suggested to the south west of currently via on-street parking or two Operators should be encouraged Soham, potentially as part of a rail public car parks. There is also private to expand these services as the station redevelopment. This would parking at the Co-op and Budgens. population of the town increases. allow direct access to a new station Opportunities to increasing parking avoiding increasing traffi c through the provision throughout the town centre Villages such as Wicken would be town centre. It is recommended that will be identifi ed in the town centre likely to be able to support a bus this option is considered as part of a framework. service and it is proposed that a feeder rail station feasibility study. shuttle bus linking the various villages to Soham be the most appropriate Proposals for a new Southern Link route. The viability of this needs Road for Ely are being investigated further work but is in part linked to and if approved should benefi t the provision of better services in movement considerably between Soham to attract more people from Soham and Ely. the surrounding area to want to use the bus to access these services. Any reintroduction of a rail station in Soham would be likely to dramatically increase demand for public transport and this should be in place before an opening of rail services, especially if car parking is limited at the station.

Public consultation raised the requirement of a dedicated bus station in Soham. This has been considered and whilst it may be appropriate when a wide range of services are serving the town, presently this is considered unsuitable based on current demand.

Road Access

During the lifetime of this Masterplan Vision, it is considered likely that road travel will still be a signifi cant method in how residents and visitors to Soham access the town. From initial investigation and public consultation, it is clear that there are a wide range of areas of concern, namely congestion, road safety, and the condition of the Soham Gateways.

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River Transport Cycling

Soham Lode is currently limited in In most places the streets of Soham to an all-weather surface for cycles navigability and therefore is not provide reasonably safe on-road to fi ll in the missing link. With this fully utilised. Public consultation cycling which is no doubt why no link a future raised an aspiration to promote river specifi c cycling routes in the town could become Wicken Fen’s transport uses, especially near the former Mill exist as yet. The closest designated gateway for visitors nationally from site. Improvements to navigability cycling route at present is the the north and east. This might will need to be undertaken in close National Cycle Network (NCN) Route enhance the viability of a future consultation with the Environment 11 between Wicken Fen and Ely. All Soham station and cycle hire could be Agency and landowners. parts of the Vision area are less than provided from Soham station. three miles from each other, and the As part of larger development plans, average journey within the areas Cycling infrastructure will be creation of a marina, day boat hire might be about ¾ mile. On level an important part of any new service and tourist routes from Ely terrain this is a very easy distance to development. This will allow the would be possible. The nearby city cycle, and even to walk. Cycling is an development of a town cycle network of Ely has a thriving river trade and eminently realistic, sustainable and which links with the surrounding whilst in Soham this would be more healthy method of local travel. It is villages to off er an attractive challenging, it could be achieved. particularly valuable to encourage sustainable transport alternative to the habit of cycling amongst young the car for short journeys. A more radical scheme could involve people, and most families are keen promoting river transport to transfer to participate. For them, a visible External promotion of tourist sites in materials and other road based network of cycle routes, including off - the vicinity of Soham linked via a cycle transport goods. This would help road paths, on important desire lines route would allow visitors to explore create a more sustainable town, whilst would be a great incentive. areas of historical importance. improving the local environment by limiting HGV movements to Soham. Within two or three years there will be a new cycle route between Wicken and through the Wicken Fen Vision area. This “spine route” (one of Sustrans’ “Connect2” schemes, part-funded by public vote from Big Lottery) is intended principally to make the expanding Wicken Vision area more accessible to cyclists from Cambridge.

The byway/bridleway route from Soham to Wicken (approximately 3 miles) could therefore be upgraded

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21 Where are we today? Cycling Map




This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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Walking A long-term aspiration should be to Bridleways promote a further range of dedicated Soham is currently well served by walks, especially between Soham and The use of bridleways for equestrians a range of Public Rights of Way local villages and around key local should be considered as a further and the dedicated Millennium Walks. destinations, such as Soham Mere. component of the towns movement However, there is still scope to These should link with cycle routes network. improve walking in and around to create a network of healthy living Soham. Future development activities. proposals should include suitable pedestrian facilities and ensure that routes are well lit to enhance safety.

Walking Map

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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Economy and Tourism Where are we today?

Information has been collated on relevant regional, sub regional and local policies, as well as an analysis of social and economic trends in the area.


Soham is not deprived in relation to other and Wales. However it is one of the most deprived areas in East Cambridgeshire (Local Futures Place Profi le) and therefore requires future investment. Along with this, signifi cant population growth (23%) is expected for Soham between 2009 and 2025 as a direct result of the housing fi gures allocated in the LDF Core Strategy. The population of Soham is expected Housing and industries (9% of employment) to reach over 12,000 by 2025. and as such there is signifi cant Community facilities alongside the Soham has seen signifi cant housing out-commuting from the town additional housing therefore will need growth over the past 10 years. to these higher skilled jobs in the to be developed in order to cater for Lessons need to be learnt from Cambridgeshire sub-region. The this additional population. the delivery of housing in the past town also has a lower percentage of to ensure adequate facilities and Soham currently accommodates people educated to NVQ2 and NVQ3 infrastructure are in place to support a high number of families which compared to the district average. any future housing growth. There is increasing demand for schools, is also an increasing demand for The town supports approximately childcare, community/sports facilities aff ordable housing in the town of 3700 jobs for a workforce of 6800 and family services. Primary and approximately 200 units per year. giving a containment level of 54%. secondary school performance is Between 2006 and 2008, Soham had good and should be marketed to There are less single households in a net loss of employment land of –5.3 attract prospective new residents and Soham than the national average, a hectares due predominantly to the families to the area. However, there is higher number of families and less pressure for new housing stock in the a distinct lack of a sixth form college. lone parents. Soham’s housing stock area. has a higher number of detached The residents of Soham are generally houses than average which is However, a signifi cant amount of in good health. However, the number attractive to families. commercial fl oor space is still available of doctors working in the area in the town (4,604m²) and the town (currently nine) is regarded as low has an excellent opportunity in the to suffi cient and further GPs will be Economics future to make an impact on the required to practise in the area as the Soham has benefi ted from high commercial market via the new population expands. economic activity rates in the past employment site allocated in the Crime rates are low but there is a over the above the district average. LDF Core Strategy and the potential rising number of anti-social behaviour However, Soham currently supports for higher specifi cation offi ce incidents. Partnership working a lower number of high-tech jobs development linked to the re-opening through multi-agency Neighbourhood of the rail station. The town could Panels and neighbourhood policing also benefi t from serviced offi ce teams can continue to prioritise accommodation similar to the e-space and tackle anti-social behaviour to centres based in Ely and decrease these incidents. in order to provide fl exible lease arrangements for start-up businesses. Overall, there are high levels of satisfaction with the town yet there is In summary, Soham needs to focus also a belief that the neighbourhood upon increasing the amount of is in decline. High levels of commercial premises; including contentment tend to signify a level of higher quality B1 offi ce units in the population stability. General areas of town and upskilling local residents dissatisfaction exist including housing to allow them to access skilled job aff ordability, police performance and opportunities. public transport.

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The number of people using Soham town centre for shopping has signifi cantly declined over the past fi ve years. A high proportion (40%) of visits to Soham are not for shopping purposes. However, the most popular reason for a visit is convenience shopping (50% of visitors).

There is a high frequency of visits to the town centre. However, the length of these visits tend to be short, less than 20 minutes. Further attractions are required in the town to increase the length of these visits and increase expenditure.

Half of visits to the town centre are completed by foot or bike. However, access by public transport is regarded as poor. Previous surveys have demonstrated that residents would like to see improvements to street cleanliness and the pedestrian environment.

Retail strategies demonstrate that further retail convenience fl oorspace (550m2) will be required between 2011 and 2021. Existing key town centre anchors, such as the Budgens Store, have the potential to signifi cantly enhance their retail off er. Retail units will need to be reconfi gured in order to off er larger footprints, which are more commercially viable. Rental prices are lower than Ely, yet greater than Littleport and there is a need to increase the variety of shops further.

Comparison retailing accounts for approx 24% of the gross retail fl oorspace in Soham which is approximately half that of the national average. As such the town centre is particularly underutilised in this area. The current key attractors in the town are Budgens and Co-op. However, Soham has the potential to attract some of the larger multiples into the town in the future through increased population growth and the redevelopment of some of the existing sites in the town centre.

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Tourism Where are we today?

Soham has a very long, rich and varied history which is relatively undiscovered by tourists and is overshadowed by the more predominant towns and cities in the area such as Ely, Newmarket, Bury St. Edmunds and Cambridge. Soham does not have the level of attraction of these towns but does have a strong identity which could be further strengthened and promoted more actively.

Soham is well positioned to provide a welcoming and aff ordable base for visitors. A strategy that links Soham to nearby attractions such as Newmarket Racecourse, Wicken Fen and Ely Cathedral should be developed alongside new activities for residents Community and visitors, such as proposed markets, cycle routes and dedicated The Community Facilities Audit walks. April 2008 identifi ed 25 buildings were available to the community, Hotels, Bed and Breakfast and including seven commercial facilities Camping and Caravanning are needed with four of the facilities available in Soham and the surrounding area on a limited basis or specialised uses to ensure that any tourists visiting only. However, the audit identifi ed the area can stay overnight and help there to be a shortage of certain types support the local economy. of facilities and the use of some is restricted to a targeted group of users.

There is a shortage of youth facilities and a particular need for a venue for the youth café. The Viva Centre has recently secured funding which may meet the need for this additional facility.

A performing arts facility is required, however, provision will be provided at the Village College. A central information point (one stop shop) in the town, potentially with ICT facilities to enable self service help has been identifi ed. Facilities for services off ering confi dential advice are barely adequate.

Safeguarded land for the provision of a station and/or station facilities will be identifi ed in the ECDC Site Allocation Development Plan Document.

The Doctors surgery will be redeveloped on the existing site to provide enhanced local health care facilities in the town. A site for a new primary school will be identifi ed in the Site Allocation Development Plan Document.

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Landscape and Open Space

Setting of Soham

Soham has an historically strong relationship with the surrounding landscape, particularly the Fenlands, Soham Mere, Soham Lode, the River Snail and the commons. Before the Fens were drained Soham was a ‘seaport town’ with docks.

Soham Mere is reputed to have been the largest freshwater lake in England.

Windmills drained the Fens and Soham Lode was dug to divert water from the Mere leaving a landscape of agricultural fi elds and common land.

The landscape is typically fl at characterised by distant views across open countryside. A scattering of individual trees and small tree groups The Masterplan for Soham should reinforcing the ‘island character’ produces a feeling of more densely provide a high quality edge that within an open countryside setting tree-covered horizon; with large protects and enhances the setting and preventing a visually intrusive development and settlements being of Soham within the surrounding development on the edge of Soham. visible from far afi eld. landscape; softening profi les and

Landscape Context

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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27 Where are we today?

Commons Green Infrastructure

The town has unique large areas of This is a major opportunity to attach a open land including the commons role for Soham into the wider regional (Qua Fen, East Fen and Angle), the spatial structure. Horse Fens which are also commons (North, South and West) and the Soham’s rural position between Charity land. These were all set aside Ely and Newmarket is its greatest for the people of Soham by court strength. Rediscovering the Mere action in the seventeenth century. could be used as a strong end point to the Wicken Fen corridor tying in cycle All of the commons are registered and and walking routes all the way no development is allowed on them. to Cambridge.

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Footpath / Cycle Links Public Open Space Public Realm

The Parish of Soham has over 50 miles Public open space (including the Town The public realm is defi ned as the of public right of way. Where possible Park, footpaths and cycleways) should ‘space between buildings’ – (and appropriate) these routes should be developed in a strategic way. the streets, spaces and movement be combined with Soham’s Green It should respond to the fi ndings corridors which form the framework Infrastructure Network and the of any public open space audit for our use and perception of a place. existing Millennium Walks and or strategy provided by East Arts Trail. Cambridgeshire District Council, It is recognised that it is not desirable supporting Green Infrastructure or fi nancially viable to propose a high Network initiatives and above all, quality treatment to all streets and providing for the needs of Soham’s spaces throughout a town centre. community both now and into the There should be a simple ordering future. principle within the public realm, which will accord with a grading of treatments and palettes throughout Soham’s town centre.

In practice, the public realm strategy should provide private developers and public authorities with a statement of the quality of design expected and best practice examples. It will also aid in material selection, acknowledging that each development must fi t into and contribute to a high quality network of streets and spaces within the town centre.

Whilst it is recommended that the signifi cance of key places and movement networks is emphasised with the highest quality design treatments, all of the spaces within the town centre require careful and considered design.

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Urban and Townscape Where are we today?

Environmental Constraints

The main environmental constraints in Soham are fl ooding, powerlines to the west and the registered commons. The fl ood zone mainly constrains areas along the Lode with two main areas to the west near Mereside and to the east near Brook Street and East Fen Common. Any development here needs to meet the Environment Agency’s guidelines on development within fl ood risk areas.

Draining the land for agricultural purposes is fundamental to Soham’s history and so water, the use of water and modern sustainable drainage should be a key aspect of the town’s growth in the future. Linked to this is a sustainable approach to living in a town whereby energy and waste is generated and used locally.

Windmills for example were used traditionally in Soham to provide ‘green’ energy to power the pumps and drain the land for economic benefi t. Reinterpreting this idea for the 21st Century might off er opportunities for Soham to generate some of its energy requirements from Flood Zones wind and use this to power the new ‘eco’ and ‘high tech’ industries within

the Cambridge corridor. This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279. Soham could also position itself as a leader in the area for recycling and creating energy from waste, providing a useful industry base for the region.

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The potential to re-open the rail station would capture the majority of the population within a 20 minute walking distance with only the Downfi elds area being outside that zone.

Townscape Appraisal Conclusion (Refer to map on page 32)

Soham has a clear structure with the town centre clearly defi ned and the northern and southern gateways onto the A142 acting as the main entrances into the town, supplemented by the routes from the villages to the east across the commons.

The edges of Soham are also well defi ned with the bypass to the east and the rail line to the west. The northern roundabout on the A142 acts as the northern boundary of the town and the A1123 Wicken Road to the south defi nes the southern boundary. These are useful and clear boundaries within which to explore the future growth of the town.

Linkages out from Soham to surrounding villages including Fordham, Isleham and Wicken are strong, refl ecting Soham’s historic role Character as a service centre. Areas The town is however ‘inward looking’ currently due to its development This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery along the central north south spine. Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279. Most development on the edge of Soham does not face outwards and so the approach to the town is often greeted by the back of houses or Character Areas Accessibility development which is not welcoming to the visitor and needs addressing. Soham’s historic growth has resulted Soham’s linear structure means that in a series of character areas being most houses are within a fi ve or 10 Soham is at a turning point in this apparent across the town. These are minute walk of the central north to respect. Soham has the opportunity formally recognised as distinct areas south spine road. There are some to discover its edge and ensure all and neighbourhoods to some extent, small scale facilities outside the town new development along these edges such as at Downfi elds and The Butts, centre which again serve catchments present the best face of the town to but less so in the newer development within a fi ve minute walking distance. the outside world. In doing so, it will areas to the north where a lack of Notably, facilities are lacking in the help re-position Soham as a place to defi nition to the growth is apparent. northern area of the town. visit, putting the town back on the map. New developments should be A 10 minute walk from the town constructed to high quality design centre covers a lot of the main principles in order to strengthen housing areas but again, due to the Soham’s character. linear nature of Soham’s development, the northern and southern areas are not within comfortable walking distance from these facilities.

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31 Where are we today? Accessibility

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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Townscape Appraisal

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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3. Where would we like to be? 33

March 2009 Baseline Where would we like to be? Public Consultation Community Views on The Working Party were keen to the Future of Soham establish from an early stage in the process, what the people of Soham A fundamental approach to preparing this Masterplan Vision for Soham wanted to see incorporated into has been to engage widely to ensure the content of the plan is built Soham’s plans for future development. upon the aspirations of the people of Soham. To facilitate this, a workshop and exhibition was held on Wednesday The Masterplanning team were overwhelmed with the positive response 25th March at the Walter Gidney from the public and stakeholders over the course of the events which Pavilion in Soham. encourages all involved that there is suffi cient support to drive through the plans to fruition. • 35 people attended the morning workshops;

• 157 people attended the afternoon open public exhibition and presentations; and

• Questionnaires were handed out to all attendees.

Morning Workshops

• Group 1: Town Centre & Economic Development

• Group 2: Neighbourhoods

• Group 3: Community Facilities

• Group 4: Transport & Movement

Afternoon Exhibition

• Interactive Exhibits:

• Post-it boards (region, town, centre)

• Children’s activities

• Cool Wall

• Message Wall / Postcards

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The results of the days are summarised as follows:

Town Centre – More Shops, Facilities – Better Environment, Better Access Culture, Crafts, Leisure and • Market. Youth Facilities • More specialist shops. • New civic square. • Better environment. • Central youth facilities. • More to do in the evening. • New primary school to the north. • Better parking. • Leisure quarter to the south west • Improved access (avoiding the road (Caravan park etc). bumps). • Evening leisure zone to the east • New supermarket, but where? (cinema etc). • Pull together larger sites for • ECDC offices to Soham? development to enable larger • More allotments to be accessible to floorplates for shops. all. • Recycling facilities for the town. • More pubs. • Venues for migrant workers. Neighbourhoods – Local Identities, Local Facilities • Expand the medical centre. • Upgrade the pavilion/scout hut/rec • Live, work and play in all areas. (underway). • Connect Downfields to the town • Move the fire station to the east. and improve the facilities. • Cultural quarter including museum. • Northern area needs local facilities and an identity. • Station Quarter. • Make all the neighbourhoods more • Park & ride? self-sufficient locally. • Craft centre. • Ensure leisure and play facilities in • Stimulate the hotel market. all neighbourhoods. • Re-use the windmills. • Find an area for larger housing to be built. • 6th Form College. • Make sure new river side housing • Bus Station? uses the character of the area. • SPAR or similar in Downfields. • Encourage an area for self-build housing.

Bus Service – Local Access • Community bus services such as dial a ride. • Seek a new route around the town to pick up from neighbourhood centres.

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35 Where would we like to be?

Rail Station – Replace the Station ‘Halt’ Streets & Movement – • Re-provide and test out new Linkages and Signage positions. • A14/A11 signage improvement. • Halt to start with and station longer • New link east to bypass from centre. term. • Improve the linkages generally east to west. • Close the commons roads from the Delivery bypass? • More cycle routes to link • Consider risks, investment, clarity neighbourhoods locally. and certainty. • Improve signage on all roads. • Change the roundabout priorities so the eastern gateway is the priority The Mere – Natural Heritage for the town centre. • Re-flood? In part? • Look at a cycling centre or a boating centre? • Use in some way to interpret the history and link to water heritage.

Employment – New Business, Commons – Retain Natural Heritage More Local Employment • Use for walking and wildlife • New business area near any new observation. station. • Retain the grazing. • Redevelop Regal Lane /Mereside / blue tower as part of integrated • Football pitches near the commons? neighbourhoods. • Create a 'natural heritage' area. • Build in locations for high-tech • Link in with the rivers etc. industries. • Build in new employment into the northern neighbourhood. • Low cost small start up units and The Lode - Make more of The Lode offices. • Use the riverside for walking and • Use the Cambs 'postcode' to best cycling routes. advantage. • Use the Lode for water-based recreational activities.

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On-line Survey Results Summary

The on-line survey had around 160 responses, summarised as follows:

• Respondents – 90% live in Soham, 75% employed, 33% work in Soham, 23% work in Cambridge.

• Shopping – 53% shop in Soham more than once a week, over 60% want a regular market in Soham, more specialist stores, higher quality shopping environment.

• Evening Activities – 61% don't visit Soham in the evening, 89% think there should be more to do in the evening. September 2009 Framework On the key question of level of • Community Facilities – Public Consultation growth, 16.3% supported a high level 72% use facilities, most popular are of growth of up to 4,000 new homes The Working Party followed up the in the longer term, 43.9% supported Library, Pavilion, Village College and initial consultation with an event Ross Peers Sports Centre. a medium level of around 2,800 new to put forward the initial ideas for homes and 39.8% supported the • Natural Environment – the resultant town and town centre lower level of growth proposed in 74% visit the commons, 91% want frameworks. To facilitate this, a two current planning policies of 1700 them retained for walking, 75% day exhibition was held on Friday 4th homes only. This suggests the for observing wildlife, many want and Saturday 5th September at the majority of people who attended the grazing retained, 91% believe the Walter Gidney Pavilion in Soham. exhibitions, some 60.2% would be likely to support growth beyond the river could be used for walking and • 230 people attended on Friday and current planning policy levels in order cycling. Saturday. to achieve the facilities aspired to. • Quality of Life – • Questionnaires were handed out to STRENGTHS – 85% believe Soham is all attendees. a great place to live, 94% will remain in the area for the next fi ve years, Each of the town and town centre 94% believe the schools are good. framework areas was questioned in terms of strength of support. Overall, • Quality of Life – the respondents either agreed or CHALLENGES - 50% believe strongly agreed with all of the ideas community facilities are poor, put forward. 86% note the town centre has deteriorated over the past 10 77.8% of people agreed and strongly years, over 75% cannot buy what agreed that the key to Soham’s future they want in the town centre, 88% lies with additional growth to support believe physical improvements a wider choice of facilities. are necessary, 75% believe the entrances to the town need improvement, 69% think the town “Would like a farm has lost its links with the past, 91% shop with pick your believe more could be done to attract tourists. own help teach children about farming and growing food.”

Public comment – Sep 22, 2009

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Aspirations for New Facilities Cinema The ideas public consultation highlighted a number of key new Soham does not currently have its facilities that Soham residents wished to see delivered in their town. own cinema (but did have historically) These included the following: cinema, swimming pool, additional and public demand to create this supermarket, hotels, market, sixth form college, caravan site, type of facility in the town was golf course, civic offi ces and museum. made apparent during the public consultation event. However, as The Masterplan intends to include these as aspirations for the town. most leisure companies now prefer to Delivering these facilities however, will need a more thorough develop cinemas with eight or more appraisal of the viability of each. The intention of the Masterplan screens the likelihood of providing is to set out a framework within which the best opportunities for provision, similar to that available in delivering these facilities can be found and cross linkages identifi ed Cambridge, within Soham is limited. in order to make them more achievable. Cambridge is served by two eight screen cinemas and an art house At this stage, an initial viability check has been undertaken in order cinema (three screens). Further to assess the likelihood of these facilities being delivered today and facilities are available in Huntingdon what actions could be taken to support their delivery in the future. (nine screens) and The main factors in delivering these facilities locally will be linked (13 screens), plus a fi lm club in Ely. to competing facilities elsewhere within the district and wider sub- The draft Ely Masterplan supports region and the long-term growth potential of Soham to support the development of a cinema these facilities. complex within the town and such a development in Ely is likely to be more Each facility is described in the following sections. commercially viable than a similar facility in Soham, primarily due to the greater population density in the town and the related drive time catchment area. Ely is a larger centre within the Council’s settlement hierarchy and development plans and therefore developing a cinema facility within Ely rather than Soham supports these objectives.

The feasibility of developing a fi lm club within Soham is being examined in the short-term at the Viva Centre, in order to support the public demand apparent at the consultation event. A fi lm kit scheme is already running within the East Cambridgeshire area (See Cinema/ADeC) and personnel are employed to support its use. A facility able to seat 150 people, such as the Pavilion, Viva Centre, Converted Grammar School or a primary/secondary school hall, could be used to screen fi lms locally through the hire of this equipment. A number of agencies exist from which fi lms can be hired etc (approx £80-90 per fi lm). It may also be possible to create links with the Cambridgeshire Film Consortium and Cambridge Film Festival, which may off er opportunities to develop links with art house fi lms and educational initiatives.

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Swimming Pool Hotels Additional Supermarket

Consultation demonstrated public Consultation with local business Two small supermarkets are already demand for a swimming pool within owners and a hotelier demonstrated: located within Soham Town Centre; the town. The feasibility of developing the Co-Operative and Budgen’s. such a facility requires greater • a current lack of demand for hotel However, following further residential examination and in the context of rooms in Soham (a consultee runs development further convenience proposals for a new leisure centre in a hotel in the village but is unable retail services will be required. The Ely. However, it should be considered to make it viable due to a lack of Council’s Core Strategy identifi es a that most swimming pools operate demand for accommodation and is need of up to 550m2 of additional at a loss and are supported by the therefore aiming to redevelop the retail convenience fl oorspace use of wider leisure facilities, e.g. gym hotel as a nursing home/sheltered in Soham by 2025. Additional membership, fi tness classes etc. At housing); and rates of growth beyond 2025 will this moment it is considered that the require separate assessments to be • a limited amount of overnight potential to develop a self sustaining undertaken. accommodation is available in the swimming pool in the town is limited. town (Soham On-Line lists fi ve However, as the population of the Tesco already has a strong presence in bed and breakfasts/inns/hotels in town increases it may be possible the area and has stores located within Soham). to fund the construction of such a Newmarket and Ely (South). Budgen’s also has stores located in Ely (South) facility through a school development It is believed that further tourist and Cambridge. Public consultation programme with revenue costs attractions and more businesses identifi ed a need for additional supported through admission fees will need to be located in Soham to convenience shopping facilities in the and the public use of associated support a market for further overnight north of the town which is likely to leisure facilities. accommodation in the town. There be a small local convenience store as may be scope to develop a hotel The current Building Schools for opposed to a supermarket. next to the rail station in the future or the Future (BSF) programme for perhaps in the eastern gateway area Cambridgeshire identifi es the A convenience retailer may be willing closer to the town. Bed and Breakfast redevelopment of schools in East to develop a small store in this area conversions of residential properties Cambridgeshire as taking place within to serve the growing population and might be an interim measure to Waves 13 to 15 of the initiative. This to protect/create a new catchment. increase the amount of bed space work is scheduled to commence The principles and policies of PPS6, available until the critical mass is in in 2017 and will focus primarily on however, should be considered place to support a hotel. developing ICT provision. However, alongside the completion of a the current focus is on planning and sequential test, which demonstrates constructing schools within Wave 4 the need for such a retail facility of the initiative. A Sport Stakeholder outside of the town centre. It may be Group has been set up to support the possible to attribute the development development of sports provision in of a convenience retail store to the Wave 4 schools and it may be possible creation of a neighbourhood centre in to gain support from this group to the area. The store would support the develop a swimming pool at a Soham viability of this centre. school in later phases of development.

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Market Sixth Form College If all pupils could be retained the development of a Sixth Form College The survey and consultation event In order to assess the feasibility of in the town would be a viable and demonstrated support for a regular developing a Sixth Form College in an attractive project; particularly market in Soham, with many Soham further work is required to gain regarding the high level of pupil consultees regularly visiting farmers an understanding of local demand performance and reducing students markets in Ely. Soham has historically and the potential impact on local need to travel. However, funding had a market, which stopped trading colleges, which include: would need to be found to support most recently in 2001. Concern was capital and revenue costs, as pupils raised at the consultation event • City of Ely Community College. would be taken from other existing regarding the function/type of a establishments. Discussions are • Ely Sixth Form. Soham market and where this could required with the Local Education take place. It was considered that the • Newmarket College. Authority and the Learning and Skills market would need to have a specifi c Council (and its replacement body) theme diff erent to that currently being A study of ECDC school pupils to gain a wider understanding of the off ered elsewhere in the area, e.g. demonstrates that 87% stay on for key issues attributed with this type Newmarket and Ely. A civic space in further education after year 11. Based of development. Development of the centre of the town is also required on this trend it would be expected any sixth form college may support to accommodate a market, such as that the delivery of a swimming pool in the in Market Street. The redevelopment educates 233 pupils per year that longer term. of part of the recreation ground move on to take up further education into the town park could present an opportunities. opportunity. This would be a key feature of the town supporting its rural hinterland and achieving ‘market town’ status.

“Soham needs a “Education wise too many of our young people market in order to end up commuting to Bury or Cambridge for compete with its higher education, it would be a wonderful bigger neighbours for situation if we could provide something for trade.” them.”

Public comment – Sep 8, 2009 Public comment – Sep 7, 2009

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Developing such a facility in the town demonstrates substantial anchor public investment in Soham, increasing footfall in the town centre and helping to attract the private sector to locate in the area, creating local jobs. It may be possible to use section 106 contributions from the development of housing in the local area to support the renovation and public sector use of this facility.


Soham has an interesting, unique and well documented history. The consultation event demonstrated that a local history group holds a signifi cant number of artefacts, Caravan and Camping Site Golf Course which it would like to display to the public. The potential to use existing The potential to develop a caravan A detailed assessment of local local community facilities and tourist and camping site to the south west golf facilities is required to gain a attractions to display this collection or east of the town, with links to thorough understanding of demand should be considered alongside Wicken, should be explored in further for additional golf courses in the area the potential future uses of the Old detail to support wider recreational and their potential size. However, Grammar School. However, without and tourism objectives. The site’s golf facilities already exist in Ely (Ely signifi cant public funding it is unlikely proximity to the railway station should City Golf Club, Ely Driving Range) that a specifi c museum could be be refl ected in promoting this type and Newmarket (Links Golf Club, developed unless part of a multi- of land use in the area as well as the Royal Worlington and Newmarket functional facility. Leafl ets displaying development of supporting footpaths Golf Club), demonstrating their maps of historic walks in the local area and cycleways to encourage the use of popularity in the area. It may be could be displayed with the collection sustainable transport links. A number possible to develop a golf course in order to encourage wider tourism of caravan and camping sites already to the south west of the town or activity. exist in the area, including Littleport west of the proposed railway station (Riverside Caravan and Camping development. It is proposed that the Each of these facilities will need Park, and Caves Farm Barns) and Ely golf course would be supported by more detailed appraisals outside (Bedwell Hey Lane), demonstrating a range of leisure facilities including the Masterplan process in order to that demand exists in the area for a clubhouse, restaurant and hotel, progress delivery. It is recommended this type of tourist provision. The allowing the course to play a role that individual projects are not facilities available at the site should be in attracting tourists to the area approached in isolation, but as restricted where possible as the town and potential leisure visitors from part of a cluster of development centre and its traders will only benefi t Cambridge and further afi eld. opportunities. This will increase the from associated overnight stays if attractiveness of the projects, reduce tourists spend money in the town risks to developers and make them centre. Civic Offi ces more likely to happen. A Town Hall was previously located in Soham and members of the public attending the consultation event demonstrated a desire to see a civic function in the town. The potential restoration of the Old Grammar School could provide offi ce accommodation for Soham Town Council, ECDC or another public sector agency within the town.

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41 Where would we like to be?

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Principles Realising Soham’s Better Public Transport The results of the public Strategic Potential and Movement consultation formed a series of nine strategic Soham is situated within 4 miles of Despite Soham being located on these principals to underpin the main A14 route to the East Coast major routes, the town itself does the overarching vision for ports and is part of the necklace not maximise links and opportunities Soham: of market towns surrounding the arising from this due to the Soham Cambridge growth centre. It is bypass, to the east side of the town. • Realising Soham’s therefore well positioned to attract This means a vast amount of potential Strategic Potential new business and employment as business and trade is not able or well as having the space for both new encouraged to locate at Soham as the • Better Public Transport housing and business development. linkages and infrastructure are not and Movement It is also within a few miles of the in place. A single new roundabout Wicken Fen whose vision is to develop on the bypass, linking directly to the • Recognising Context and as a major natural tourism and town centre will seek to capture more Character recreational attraction. This gives it of this passing trade. signifi cant strategic potential, and • Focus on Tourism and the consultation has demonstrated Aligned to this on the western side the Economy that local people are keen to see of the town is access by rail. A new rail halt or station would utilise the • Improving Shopping and investment and growth in the town in passing trade and traffi c to pull in Working in Soham order to enable it to become more self sustaining. opportunities into the town from the • More Facilities and west. This could be a key component Growth for Soham Soham is also well located on the of supporting the town centre and A142 between Ely to the north and increasing footfall, combined with • Enhancing the Newmarket to the south. This is a new easier access from the east to Town Centre key movement corridor along which transform the town’s currently linear a signifi cant amount of transport north south structure into a cruciform • Utilising the Town’s Edge and potential business opportunities with new east west linkages. and Gateways travel. Soham needs to utilise this corridor better to support local It is considered essential for • Linking Green Spaces employment in the town to begin improvements in the current bus to address its current role as a provision to be undertaken to predominantly commuter town. promote a viable alternative to the private car. This should include more frequent, faster services to local destinations and where possible, improvements in accessibility for the local villages which traditionally are reliant on Soham. Villages such as Wicken would be likely to be able to support a bus service and it is proposed that a feeder shuttle bus linking the various villages to Soham be the most appropriate route.

New cycle links will be required to “Would strongly bolster local movement including links support a cycle to National Cycle Network route 11 and links to Ely along Soham Lode and path from Soham the River Ely Ouse. A series of circular to Isleham.” pedestrian/cycle routes to points of interest in the surrounding landscape Public comment – and an orbital network around Soham Sep 22, 2009 itself may be achievable to promote local movement by walking. Where possible and appropriate these routes should be combined with Soham’s Green Infrastructure Network and the existing Millennium Walks and Arts Trail.

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43 Where would we like to be?

Recognising Context Focus on Tourism and and Character the Economy

Soham has an historically strong The town has a rich history which is relationship with the surrounding not currently accessible to visitors. landscape particularly the Fenlands, The framework should provide visitors Soham Mere, Soham Lode, the with a welcoming mix of attractions River Snail and the commons. This and activities all set within the wealth heritage needs to be recognised and of natural heritage and green spaces articulated in its plans for the future. complementing the surrounding tourism assets such as Wicken Fen The role of the town as a focal point and Newmarket racecourse. Business for the surrounding villages needs to clusters should be developed around be expressed more in the framework. the tourist nodes in order to maximise Linkages should be improved and local spend for the towns economy. destinations enhanced to provide better supporting facilities for the The western edge of Soham, for rural hinterland. Soham aspires to example, should utilise the potential become a fully functioning market arrival point at any new rail halt or town. station and tie in visitor attractions at the Mill, Lode and Mere. This should The character of the town itself be supported by new business is rich and varied from the linear opportunities such as offi ces and historic core, to the riverside areas, workspaces which will give these the fens and commons and the areas week long activity. newer estates. The town centre has a defi ned Conservation area containing numerous Listed Buildings. Where the character of the town is strong, this needs to be recognised and safeguarded. Where the character of the town is weaker, enhancements need to be included in the framework to strengthen the town’s overall character.

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Improving Shopping Enhancing the More Facilities and and Working in Soham Town Centre Growth for Soham

The town centre has not grown in The town centre is more than just Along with expansion of the facilities tandem with the surrounding housing a retail centre; it is the heart of the in the town centre, the surrounding growth. This has resulted in a large town, spiritually and socially. New residential neighbourhoods need village centre supporting a small town and improved community facilities more local facilities within easy population. As such, the town centre need to be built into the framework walking distance to meet the needs a major overhaul in terms to maximise the role of the centre as resident’s day to day needs. This is of using the land available within a focal point for communal life. The particularly acute in the northern the restricted historic layout to full recreation park, for example, needs and southern neighbourhoods advantage and building in a better to be improved to move from its role which are furthest away from the range of sizes of fl oor spaces. This as an informal green space towards a resources in the town centre. New would then allow the town to off er a more formal role as a town park with local centres are needed here, wider range of retail and commercial better community hall, play spaces supported by new employment and opportunities. This is needed for and other functions. business opportunities to balance out Soham to compete more eff ectively their existing residential dominated with the off er from other surrounding nature to create more sustainable retail centres and large out of town neighbourhood structures. supermarkets. Soham needs to be unique in its off er but also expand its range if it is to be successful Utilising the Town’s Edge in the long-term and support its and Gateways population and the populations of the surrounding villages. The frameworks should look to enhance the existing gateways within Soham to provide more attractive entrances to the town and incorporate “It is important that every new eastern and western gateways residential grouping has its own to encourage greater vibrancy and footfall within the town centre. Soham community centre. It’s vital to should also for the fi rst time use build communities as well as its edge more eff ectively and face outwards to the the bypass more in housing.” order to provide greater character to the town. Public comment – Sep 22, 2009

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45 Where would we like to be?

Linking Green Spaces Establish a ‘Green Infrastructure Network’ for Soham in conjunction A strategic approach is needed with the Cambridgeshire towards public open space, including ‘Green Infrastructure Strategy’ the Town Park, footpaths and (Cambridgeshire Horizons). This cycleways, ensuring that these link should support existing corridors and the key destinations in the town provide additional local corridors that with existing and new housing extend through Soham (especially developments, as well as with along Soham Lode) and connect the Green Infrastructure Network to the ‘Wicken - Chippenham’ and initiatives being developed by the ‘’ Green Infrastructure Cambridgeshire Horizons. A public Corridors. open space audit would provide a way forward in developing this strategic approach.

“The commons are Soham’s jewel in the crown.”

Public comment – Sep 22, 2009

“People need space for their mental well being, children need to able to cycle off down to the river / lode and climb trees.”

Public comment – Sep 22, 2009

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4601 4. What can we achieve?

Town Framework The Town Framework is presented in this section.

This framework sets out the long-term vision for Soham as a town over the next 20-30 years. It takes on board the comments received from the public and businesses for key new facilities in the town as well as addressing future housing and employment growth potential. It shows the overall spatial direction of the town set within the opportunities and constraints highlighted within this document. The Town Framework co-ordinates approaches to the town centre, the four town gateways, the town’s edges and enhancement of existing neighbourhood areas.

All plans are indicative.

1 Town Centre Town (and Town Park). Framework Areas 2 Eastern Gateway 4 (and Qua Fen / East Fen Commons).

3 Western Gateway 2 and Mereside (and Angle Common).

4 Northern Gateway 1 3 (and Shade Common).

5 Southern Gateway 6 (and Downfi elds).

6 Brook Street (and Wet Horse Fen / Soham Meadow). 7 5 7 South West (and South Horse Fen).

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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47 What can we achieve? ce. Crown Copyright. Copyright. Crown ce.

Town Framework Plan This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey Ordnance from Survey materialStationery with the permissionMajesty’s of Her of Ordnance This map is reproduced on behalf of the Controller Offi District East Cambridgeshire Licence LA100023279. Council or civil proceedings. prosecution copyrightlead to and may infringesUnauthorised Crown reproduction

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4801 Town Centre (and Town Park)

Given the amount of Framework Assumptions Framework Elements potential improvement • The town centre is the heart 1. New Eastern Gateway and development which of Soham and as such needs Junction /Northern Town could take place, the signifi cant focus and attention to Square. take advantage of the numerous town centre has its own opportunities in a co-ordinated and 2. Improved High Street. framework (see page 62). integrated manner. 3. Redeveloped Pavilion Centre. • New eastern gateway to link directly Role 4. Eastern Backlands into the high street. Improvements. • The heart of Soham providing • Station gateway drawing people community, retail and commercial 5. Western Backlands and footfall in from the west of the uses. Improvements. town. 6. Rejuvenated Town Park. • Larger fl oorplates for shops providing opportunities for retail 7. New Improved Park Access. expansion. 8. Improved Churchgate Street.

9. Southern Gateway Improvements.

10. Fire Station Relocated to Eastern Gateway.

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49 What can we achieve?


8 ce. Crown Copyright. Copyright. Crown ce. 10 3 4 7 6 2



Town Centre (and Town Park) Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District East Cambridgeshire Licence LA100023279. Council or civil proceedings. prosecution copyrightlead to and may infringesUnauthorised Crown reproduction This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey Ordnance from Survey materialStationery with the permissionMajesty’s of Her of Ordnance This map is reproduced on behalf of the Controller Offi

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5001 Eastern Gateway (and Qua Fen / East Fen Commons)

This area is currently Framework Assumptions Framework Elements allotments and • Defi nition of a new development 1. Major New A142 Junction/fen agricultural land between area for Soham to the east placed Gateway. the two commons (Qua sensitively between Qua Fen Common to the north and East 2. High Quality Landmark Fen Common and East Fen Common to the south. Both Buildings. Fen Common). Access commons are therefore important 3. Green Link between Commons. from the east through the to include in this area to ensure the commons is restricted eastern edge of Soham balances 4. New Junction on Pratt Street. new access and development which prevents the town opportunities with retention and 5. Amended A142 Junction. centre benefi ting from the enhancement of these key open passing trade along the spaces. 6. Amended A142 Junction. A142. The main element • Major new access off the A142 is 7. New Mixed Use Avenue. of this framework area is a a priority to connect directly into 8. New High Quality Housing new connection from the the heart of the town onto Pratt Street and onto the High Street. It 9. Redeveloped Site, Possibly A142 into the town centre. is important to ensure this balances Leisure Use? the needs of both pedestrians Role and vehicle movement in order to 10. Enhanced Garden Centre. deliver a new high quality street for • Eastern gateway to the town and Soham with as much character and 11. New Lode Green Landmark. central point within the eastern strength as its core historic streets business corridor. Funding has and lanes. 12. Local Landmark, Possibly a been obtained from the Homes and Hotel? Communities Agency in order to • Access and road safety need careful produce a detailed development consideration around Weatheralls 13. Improved Qua Fen Common. brief for this area which will include School. 14. Improved East Fen Common. more technical consideration of the issues and an element of public • A new eastern gateway drawing the consultation. public into the town centre from the A142 supporting future growth and prosperity by boosting business, tourism and other activities (including Fire Station).

“I hope it (The Eastern Gateway) is done soon then the garden centre “It could be absolutely beautiful, a real pull will start again for locals and tourists who enjoy walking, which will make the Soham should be making more of this and this approach to the may encourage more families to go out and town tidier.”

explore the town and surrounding area.” Public comment – Sep 8, 2009 Public comment – Sep 7, 2009

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51 What can we achieve?

Eastern Gateway (and Qua Fen / East Fen Commons)


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2 3

7 12 8 10


6 14

11 Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District East Cambridgeshire Licence LA100023279. Council or civil proceedings. prosecution copyrightlead to and may infringesUnauthorised Crown reproduction This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey Ordnance from Survey materialStationery with the permissionMajesty’s of Her of Ordnance This map is reproduced on behalf of the Controller Offi


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5201 Western Gateway and Mereside (and Angle Common)

This area is currently Framework Assumptions Framework Elements: an undefi ned mix of • As part of Soham using its edge 1. New Allotments/Recycling light industrial uses and more eff ectively, the western edge Centre/Energy from Waste housing which is cut off along Mereside has signifi cant Centre. potential for a comprehensive from the site of the Mere redevelopment programme over 2. Improved Back Angle Common. to the west by the rail line the long-term. and which does not form 3. New Rail Halt/Station/Parking. • This will involve multiple 4. New Station Retail/Business a destination within the landowners and require co- Centre. structure of the town. ordination to remove and replace Reinstatement of the rail employment uses currently in 5. New Mixed Use Station Quarter. station is a key element of Mereside to new locations to the employment area east of the 6. Mere Visitor Centre/Farmpark. the framework in this area bypass. together with associated 7. Possible Golf Course Option. • Mereside is a huge opportunity for uses and improved Soham to re-integrate with the long 8. Mill Leisure Centre (cycling?). connections. lost historic alignment of the Soham Mere and rediscover this area as a 9. New Recreational Opportunities. Role mixed use residential and leisure- led area. This could be as part of a • Western gateway to the town and wider concept of the western edge centre of the western recreation of Soham being leisure-led using its corridor. access to the range of countryside activities to best advantage.

• Re-opening and enhancement of the Station with adequate parking is a priority.

“The station must be re-opened.”

Public comment – Sep 22, 2009

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53 What can we achieve?



5 ce. Crown Copyright. Copyright. Crown ce. 3



6 7 8

Western Gateway and Mereside (and Angle Common) Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District East Cambridgeshire Licence LA100023279. Council or civil proceedings. prosecution lead to copyright and may infringesUnauthorised Crown reproduction This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey Ordnance Survey from Stationery material with the permissionMajesty’s of Her of Ordnance This map is reproduced on behalf of the Controller Offi

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5401 Northern Gateway (and Shade Common)

This area is currently Framework Assumptions Framework Elements predominantly housing • Area from Julius Martin Lane 1. New Primary School. and needs to have a new northwards to be considered as a local centre with mixed character area. 2. New Kingfi sher Centre. use facilities created in • No new built development north of 3. Extension to Sewage Works. the A142 roundabout using Shade a central location. The 4. New Park. northern gateway has Common and the existing sewage works to defi ne the northern edge the potential to open up 5. Redeveloped Northfi eld of the town. Business Park. business opportunities to provide new jobs within • New development to address 6. New ‘Eco’ Business Park. the lack of facilities including walking distance of community, leisure and 7. New Landmark Building. residential areas. employment in this northern residential dominated area. 8. New Allotments.

Role • Celebrating and defi ning the 9. New Employment Fronting northern entrance into the town as A142. • Northern gateway from Ely to the the northern gateway. town and eastern business corridor. 10. Amended Junction on A142. • Cambridgeshire County Council is currently working with ECDC to 11. Improved Windmill. identify a site for a new primary 12. Kingfi sher Drive employment. school. 13. Kingfi sher Drive leisure.

“The old grammar school should be used 14. New High Quality Eco-Housing. as the town museum. It was refurbished 15. Shade Common Protected. beautifully once, now it looks a disgrace. 16. Possible Leisure Use for the I cannot understand how it was let get in North of town. such a state.” 17. New High Quality Housing.

Public comment – Sep 8, 2009

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55 What can we achieve?


10 7 9 15

6 5 16 3 1 2 8 4 17

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Northern Gateway (and Shade Common) Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District East Cambridgeshire Licence LA100023279. Council or civil proceedings. prosecution copyrightlead to and may infringesUnauthorised Crown reproduction This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey Ordnance from Survey materialStationery with the permissionMajesty’s of Her of Ordnance This map is reproduced on behalf of the Controller Offi

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5601 Southern Gateway and Downfi elds

This area is currently Framework Assumptions Framework Elements somewhat isolated from • Public consultation unanimously 1. Landmark on Roundabout. the main town and needs requested Downfi elds is developed to link to the town better and is 2. New Energy or Food Education/ both re-connecting to the Business Centre. town and provision of new given local facilities. facilities locally given its • The areas function as the entrance 3. Improved Windmill. into the town from the south is distance from the town 4. New Local Retail Centre. formalised and expressed as the centre. southern gateway. 5. New Downfi elds Park.

Role • No new development south of 6. Town Edge Walk. Military Road or Wicken Road. • Southern gateway from This will be safeguarded as the 7. New Downfi elds Play Area. Newmarket to the town and town’s southern boundary. eastern business corridor. 8. Downfi elds Centre, Community and Shops.

9. New Leisure/Employment.

10. New High Quality Housing. “Ensure quality of new development to raise the image of Downfields.”

Public comment – Sep 22, 2009

“It’s a great idea to join Downfields to the town, after all this has been needed for the last 20 odd years.”

Public comment – Sep 9, 2009

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57 What can we achieve?

5 6

4 9 ce. Crown Copyright. Copyright. Crown ce. 8 2

10 1 3 7

Southern Gateway and Downfi elds Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District East Cambridgeshire Licence LA100023279. Council or civil proceedings. prosecution copyrightlead to and may infringesUnauthorised Crown reproduction This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey Ordnance from Survey materialStationery with the permissionMajesty’s of Her of Ordnance This map is reproduced on behalf of the Controller Offi

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5801 Brook Street (and Wet Horse Fen /Soham Meadow)

This area is identifi ed in Framework Assumptions Framework Elements the Local Development • A development area to the north 1. New Local Centre including Framework as the next east of Brook Street is currently Community / Shops. phase of new housing for the Preferred Option for a housing allocation in the Local Development 2. New Green Space Linking to Soham. The area needs Framework. It is therefore likely Lode. new local facilities and that this area will be one of the 3. New Access off Brook Street. open space to be delivered next areas to undergo new housing along with housing, development and as such needs 4. New Green Park Near the Brook to understand the quality of that Dam. thereby forming the main development and its relationship elements of the framework with the Brook Street area and 5. New High Quality Residential in this area. wider town. Frontage Overlooking the East Fen Common.

Role 6. New Allotments.

• Southern neighbourhood area. 7. New Access into Greenhills.

8. Improved Lake and Facilities / Possible Camping / Caravan Option.

9. Redeveloped Regal Lane Estate for Mixed Uses and Residential.

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59 What can we achieve?

Brook Street (and Wet Horse Fen / Soham Meadow) ce. Crown Copyright. Copyright. Crown ce. 4 3 2 5 1

7 8


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6001 South West (and South Horse Fen)

The main elements of the • Proximity to Wicken and The Framework Elements framework in this area are National Trust’s Wicken Fen should be a key driver for any uses in this 1. Possible Sixth Form College. new local facilities and area of Soham, linking in a re- 2. New College Green. open space to be delivered discovery of the Soham Mere and along with housing. its edge to tie in new and existing 3. New Leisure facilities. routes and linkages. 4. Possible Camping/Caravan Role • The potential to link from the Option. southern gateway to the rail • Southern neighbourhood area. halt/station exists and will avoid 5. Cemetery Extension. traffi c on the Fordham Road and associated neighbourhood areas. 6. Allotment Extension. This should however be sensitively Framework Assumptions and carefully considered in terms 7. New Leisure Facilities of the eff ect on the structure of (stables?). • The south west of Soham has the town and its centre of gravity. 8. South Horse Fen Visitor Centre. remained relatively undeveloped A link consisting of lane scaled over time due to its lack of roads would allow the surrounding 9. Possible Golf Course Option. accessibility. This should be seen villages (Wicken, Fordham, Isleham as a major opportunity to utilise etc) to easily access the station 10. New High Quality Housing. this area for recreational and leisure without drawing too much traffi c uses which recognise and respect away from the eastern A142 the history and land use of the corridor, which is essential to Commons and Horse Fen. support the vibrancy of the centre.

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61 What can we achieve?




2 4 5 10 6

9 ce. Crown Copyright. Copyright. Crown ce.


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6201 Town Centre Framework

The Town Centre Framework sets out the strategic approach to regenerating Soham’s town centre, enabling services and facilities to be re-established and maintained. It allows Soham to fulfi l its transition from a village centre to a fully functioning town centre unlocking obstacles which previously have restricted this process. The following sections break down the overall town centre framework into its major component areas in order to begin to demonstrate what can be achieved in each area.

All plans are indicative.

Town Centre Framework Areas

1 1 Northern Gateway (and new Town Square).

2 Recreation Ground (or New Park).

2 3 3 High Street (and New Fountain Square).

4 Backlands East (including Market Street). 5 4 5 Backlands West (including Budgens).

6 6 Southern Gateway (and Red Lion Square).

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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63 What can we achieve? ce. Crown Copyright. Copyright. Crown ce. This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey Ordnance from Survey materialStationery with the permissionMajesty’s of Her of Ordnance This map is reproduced on behalf of the Controller Offi District East Cambridgeshire Licence LA100023279. Council or civil proceedings. prosecution lead to copyright and may infringesUnauthorised Crown reproduction

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6401 Northern Gateway (and New Town Square)

This area currently Framework Assumptions Framework Elements lacks defi nition with • A new eastern access from the 1. Market Street North the town centre fading A142 connecting to Pratt Street Redevelopment and siting of out northwards along would support and strengthen the Garages. defi nition of the northern end of the Churchgate Street. Key town centre on Churchgate Street. 2. New Eastern Gateway Junction/ elements of the framework If this new connection was not to Arrival. happen, the northern gateway to in this area are provision 3. New Northern Town Square. of a new northern town the centre could still be defi ned and implemented but would not be as square and the important 4. Competition for a New strong. Landmark to the Future. new link to the eastern gateway. 5. Kent’s Lane Pedestrian/Cycle Route.

6. Refurbish Former Grammar school for Civic Uses.

7. Churchgate Backlands East Redevelopment.

8. Churchgate Shop Front Renovations.

9. Churchgate Backlands West Redevelopment. 2 10. Viva Centre Setting/External Space Improvements.

5 Example 3 landmark 4 6

8 7




This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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Recreation Ground (or New Park) 65 What can we achieve?

This area is currently a Framework Elements 6. Integration/Redevelopment of Car Park in Park Setting. recreation area which 1. Scout Hut Removal/ needs to be enhanced to Redevelopment as Community 7. New St. Andrews Walk on perform its role as a town Hub. Church Axis. park. The key elements of 2. Pavilion Refurbishments/ 8. Removal of Fire Station to the framework in this area Redevelopment as Community Eastern Gateway. Hub. include improving access 9. Possible Future Connection to and connections and 3. Park Improvements. Clay Street. enhancing the Pavilion as 4. Improved Pedestrian Link to the parks key building. Gardeners Lane.

Framework Assumptions 5. Improved Park Entrance and Re-use of Ambulance Station as • Soham’s green heart needs to be a Visitor Centre. considered as a key part of the town centre. The village recreation area now needs to function as a Park. A strategy for this transformation needs to be in place to manage the incremental change as opportunities to implement sections of the park arise over time. 8


2 “I would like to see 6 a much better play area for the size of 4 7 the town. I would 3

suggest two - one 1 for younger children and one for 6-11 yr olds. My eldest is 9 and going to the park is “boring!” 9

Public comment – Sep 23, 2009

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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6601 High Street (and New Fountain Square)

This area is currently the heart of the town but is failing to meet is potential. Signifi cant structural 1 improvements can be made to enable the High 6 Street to deliver the retail off er required and enhance the shopping experience 9 by increasing variety and choice. 4 Framework Assumptions

• The main focus for retail and 7 commercial uses in the town is the High Street, defi ned from The Ship public house and the bridge over The Lode to the south of Churchgate Street (including 8 possible new town square to the north). 2 10

3 5

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

Framework Elements 6. New Fountain Square.

1. Market Street Improvements. 7. High Street Mews/Alleyway Renovations. 2. New direct Footpath Mews to Budgens. 8. New Central Square and Focal Point. 3. Lower High Street Streetscape Improvements. 9. St. Andrews Church Conservation/Maintenance. 4. Old Church Hall Site Redevelopment. 10. Potential Civic Use in former Lloyds Pharmacy Building. 5. High Street Frontage Renovations/Upgrade.

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Backlands East (inc. Market Street) 67 What can we achieve?

This area is currently a Framework Elements 1. New Staploe Square Behind Mews. series of privately and 1. Market Street Frontage separately owned rear Development. 2. Staploe Mews Renovation/ Improvement. garden and service areas 2. Paddock Street Connection. which on the whole 3. Major Retail / Car Parking are under-utilised and 3. Major Retail / Car Parking Opportunity. Opportunity. redundant space within 4. Removal of Bungalow/ the town centre. The key 4. Mews Connections to High Redevelopment. elements of the framework Street. 5. Siting of Garages/New White in this area are to bring 5. High Street Shops Rear Hart Lane Connection. together all these small Extensions. pieces of land to enable a new series of mews and backland development opportunities to be realised, which will both complement the High Street and add variety and 1 interest to the town centre. 9 Framework Assumptions

• There will be a signifi cant number of multiple ownerships to co-ordinate 10 in order to achieve the potential for a fully linked and developed 3 backlands area. This is ambitious to pull together, but the benefi ts to supporting the High Street and town centre as a whole appear 4 to justify pursuing this complex initiative. 5 • Full connectivity might not be 6 achievable. The framework is only 7 a guide and if only some of the 2 mews and backlands developments seem achievable, they should be implemented so as not to discount 8 any future connections as land ownerships change over time and obstacles can be overcome.

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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6801 Backlands West (including Budgens)

This area has been Framework Assumptions • Full connectivity might not previously developed for be achievable. The framework • There will be a signifi cant number of however is only a guide and if only Budgen’s supermarket. multiple ownerships to co-ordinate some of the mews and backlands However, this was not in order to achieve the potential developments seem achievable, connected well into the for a fully linked and developed they should be implemented backlands area. This is ambitious so as not to discount any future High Street. The key to pull together, but the benefi ts connections as land ownerships elements of the framework to supporting the High Street and change over time and obstacles can in this area involve town centre as a whole appear to be overcome. legitimise pursuing this complex re-connecting the area initiative. and utilising the under used backland areas more productively.


3 Framework Elements

5 1. Budgen’s/High Street Connection/Entry Space. 4 2. Improved Co-op Gateway.

3. Rationalised Co-op Servicing.

4. Major Floor Plate Opportunity. 1 6 5. Post Offi ce Servicing/ Opportunity. 7 6. Potential New Units in Budgen’s Car Park. 10 8 7. Potential Corner Unit Gateway to Budgen’s. 9 8. Improved Streetscape (Less Traffi c Dominated).

9. Improved Clay Street edge to Car Park (Information Signs?).

10. Facelift for Clay Street Frontage and Spaces on Library.

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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Southern Gateway (and Red Lion Square) 69 What can we achieve?

This area currently fulfi ls a role as the southern gateway into the town centre but needs improving in order to raise the quality of the arrival experience for town centre shoppers and visitors. The key elements of the framework in this area are therefore developing the quality spaces and enhancing those areas Framework Elements 6. Siting of Garage to Eastern needing improvement. Gateway. 1. Baptist Church Frontage Space/ Framework Assumptions Parking Improvements. 7. Utilise The Lode Frontage and Make More Accessible. 2. Red Lion Square Conservation/ • This area has one of Soham’s best Maintenance. 8. Southern Gateway. defi ned spaces and locations in Red Lion Square. This should 3. Enhancement/Conservation of 9. Potential Linkage Opportunity be recognised, conserved and The Ship Public House. to Rear of Telephone Exchange. enhanced. 4. Red Lion Rear Area 10. Major Floor Plate Opportunity • The major opportunity for the town Improvements. to Rear of The Ship with River centre to the south is to rediscover Connection. the link to The Lode, which defi nes 5. New Pedestrian Connection its southern boundary but has been from Red Lion to The Lode. lost in piecemeal development over time. This will bolster Red Lion Square and give strength to the southern gateway into the town centre which needs to be able to 4 draw people down the High Street. 1 2

10 5 9

3 6 8 7

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. East Cambridgeshire District Council Licence LA100023279.

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7001 5. How do we get there?

Framework Priorities The Frameworks set out an overall direction within which individual projects and development schemes can be progressed taking into account the context of other proposed development opportunities around them. This is the beginning of a co-ordinated approach to the development of Soham in the future.

Having established the ‘big picture’ through the frameworks, there are clear priorities emerging which will infl uence future programmes undertaken by the Town, District and County Councils as well as the private sector. These have been ranked in priority order in terms of the extent of the importance of their contribution towards realising the overall vision for Soham. The highest priority is 1, medium level is 2, and lowest level is 3.

Town Priority Level 1 Town Priority Level 2 Town Priority Level 3

The Town Centre and Eastern The Local Development Framework These remaining areas are more Gateway are the main drivers has identifi ed housing areas for the locally important, rather than for the future of Soham and so short-term and so ensuring these structurally important, for the are given top priority. Both of areas are progressed and deliver whole town. They should be these areas will need signifi cant the quality of place for Brook Street progressed in the longer-term but co-ordination to deliver the and Mereside will be a priority for any funding priorities will go to the employment infrastructure and Soham. level 1 and 2 areas. facilities which will be essential for balanced growth in Soham. Brook Street (and Wet Horse Fen/ North (and Shade Common) Soham Meadow) Town Centre (and Town Park) • Identifying options to deliver the • Produce a development brief to much needed local facilities up • Co-ordination of the numerous guide any residential development front; and opportunities within the town to ensure this delivers facilities centre to ensure investments are and infrastructure for not only the • Defi ning and setting out guidelines made in the appropriate places with Brook Street area but contributes for the northern gateway. the right linkages to support other to delivery of the Frameworks future initiatives and improvements; aspirations for this part of the town; Downfi elds and • Delivery of the eastern gateway and • Identifying options to deliver the progression of the western rail link; • Engage with the Regal Lane much needed local facilities up and businesses and landowners to set front; out a strategy for its long-term • Defi nition of the town centre’s redevelopment. • Defi ning and setting out guidelines gateways to the north on Pratt for the integration of Downfi elds Street and south at The Lode. Mereside (and Angle Common) into the main body of the town; and • Defi ning and setting out guidelines Eastern Fen Gateway (and Qua Fen/ • LDF housing site and station for the defi nition of the southern East Fen Commons) redevelopment together with gateway. gradual removal of light industrial • Discussion with the Highways uses; and Authority and traffi c modelling South West (and South Horse Fen) work on access via the town centre • Leisure corridor plan for the whole eastern gateway. of the western edge of Soham to • Investigate the scale of linkage include Mereside as a key character required from the south and west to • Development brief for the area. area. any new rail halt/station to defi ne the demand on any new roads in the area; and

• Research and investigate the leisure market in the wider region to ascertain supporting data for a signifi cant new leisure quarter in the South West of Soham based around a possible Golf Course anchor use.

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71 How do we get there?

Town Centre Town Centre Town Centre Priority Level 1 Priority Level 2 Priority Level 3

Improving the High Street is The key to realising the potential Other short-term priorities across the priority for the Town Centre of the Town Centre is to unlock the the town centre will need to be with the access from the Eastern opportunities in the backlands progressed but are more locally Gateway a key to this to increase areas to the east and west of the focused rather than structurally the fl ow of people using the centre. High Street. important to the future of the town.

High Street (and New Fountain Backlands East (inc. Market Street) Recreation Ground (or New Park) Square) • Establish the land ownership • Produce a vision for Soham Town • Defi ning Fountain Square; involved and set up a development Park; and group to explore the appetite • Securing the future of the former for co-ordinating this backland • Implement the plan for the Church Hall site; redevelopment opportunity; redevelopment of the Pavilion/ Scout Hut including longer term • Establishing the direct pedestrian • Explore vehicles to pull together the access via the relocated fi re station link from the High Street to land necessary over time to enable site and improved Gardeners Lane Budgens; the framework to be realised; and access.

• Exploring opportunities to increase • Use and ensure the key opportunity Southern Gateway (and Red Lion retail fl oor areas at appropriate sites are developed in the right way Square) points on the High Street through through development briefs and backlands extensions and support and strengthen other areas. • Engage with the owners of the car development; and showroom and The Ship Public • Maximising the potential for a new Backlands West (inc. Budgens) House to explore opportunities for mews development off the High relocation and redevelopment of • Reconnect Budgens to the High Street. these areas; and Street via a new link way as a fi rst step and further mews • Explore opportunities for linkages Northern Gateway (and New Town development up to the Co-op; and to The Lode with or without this Square) redevelopment. • Use the Old Grammar School • Support implementation of the new redevelopment to drive the eastern connection to the A142; backlands redevelopment behind Churchgate Street. • Defi ne and detail the new northern town square; and

• Commission ideas and work on a possible landmark. “I am heartened by the vision . . . with the imaginative ideas . . . making use of spaces behind shops for creative purposes.”

Public comment – Sep 22, 2009

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2001-2009 2010-2025 2026-2040 Phasing and beyond

Approach Number of 600 1100 2000 dwelling completions Implementation of the priorities outlined in Build rate per year 66 73 153 the previous section will need to be phased, Soham population total 9,710 12,020 16,220 to ensure a balance is achieved between new housing development, Population – 2008 mid year estimate for Parish (Assumes housing occupancy of 2.1 persons per dwelling). infrastructure development and growth in local employment. The completion of such housing the scale of other early developments In purely physical terms, construction is likely to increase to give Soham the scale of recreational the town has suffi cient land Soham’s population to around 16,200 facility in the town centre that is capacity to accommodate as a sustainable fi gure within the required. the development of a constraints of the town’s context. further 4,000 houses. The fi rst phases of work in the town However, this needs to be In order to match current rates of centre will focus upon the provision restricted and phased to containment in the town this will of space to host a market so that ensure that jobs growth require an additional 1700 jobs to Soham can regain its status as a and employment can be created which would equate ‘Market Town’ support further housing. to approximately 30 hectares of It is crucial that this balance employment land being allocated Ideally this will be in Market Street is achieved to avoid the risk beyond 2025. This is based on a subject to land being made available. of Soham becoming simply working population ratio of 68%. Other priorities will be the High another commuter town. Street and halting the further loss of Short-term town developments retail uses by unlocking some of the (2010- 2020) will focus on housing constraints to sustainable businesses at Mereside and Brook Street, such as the need for larger fl oorplates. employment at the Eastern Gateway Increasing parking provision will also This Masterplan is therefore based on: and the upgrade to a Town Park be a priority with the Backlands areas being progressed and accessed, 1. In the short-term – In the short-term the main priorities as well as the potential for increased development in line with the are to focus on development briefs retail frontage in mews and courtyards current East Cambridgeshire for the immediate next phases of accordingly. Core Strategy proposals for the growth already identifi ed in the District Council’s Core Strategy, provision of an additional 1100 Longer term development namely housing at Mereside and homes for the period beyond 2025 2010-2025; and Brook Street and employment at the Eastern Gateway. Once in place Beyond 2025, the District Council 2. In the longer term – these can guide, stimulate and will infl uence the rate and pattern of development of a further 2,000 control development in these areas, future development and associated homes for the period 2026- which will become the benchmark infrastructure requirements through 2040 and beyond (subject to for future development to follow. phasing incorporated into the Local the outcome of the review of It is expected that the residential Development Framework planning the Regional Spatial Strategy initiatives highlighted at Brook Street documents. The longer term capacity and subsequent revised Core and in Mereside will accommodate for new development set out in the Strategy proposals for East the majority of these new homes. frameworks is less certain but as Cambridgeshire). The Core Strategy also identifi es the the subsequent Local Development development of community, transport Framework progresses beyond this and utilities infrastructure required plan period, then the Masterplan to support such development. This Vision should set out a context for the initial phase of development activity consideration of the next phase of will also focus on the creation of development. employment provision within the Eastern Gateway and the rejuvenation of the town centre. The Town Council are already moving forward aspects of the Town Park which need to match

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Funding Sources How do we get there? Infrastructure Delivery The projects identifi ed as part of the Framework and Vision require In order to deliver the proposed projects outlined within the greater development, including Framework and Vision document a number of infrastructure and outline capital and revenue costs. utility developments will be required. The development of utilities and transport infrastructure is also Further investigation is to be made into the full extent of these likely to be costly and should requirements and the potential constraints, for example the feasibility be included within the overall of extending the sewerage system to the North of the town. Further delivery costs. The section below assessment of fl ood risk is required in the area to determine the potential sets outs a number of funding to decrease hazards through the creation of sustainable urban drainage sources, which require further systems (SUDS). The area to the east of the railway line and the Brook assessment in relation to their Street area, close to the River, require particular attention regarding relevance to the projects. fl ooding, as development briefs for these areas progress.

The development of additional transport infrastructure will be required Housing Growth Funding in order to support an increase in the town’s population and the associated traffi c. Several projects have already been outlined, such as This is Central Government funding the realignment of East Fen Drove and the improvements of crossings and from the Department for Community roundabouts along the A142. The Eastern Gateway connections require and Local Government, which is detailed highways investigations into traffi c fl ows and important safety specifi cally targeted towards projects, aspects addressed at the connection to Pratt Street. which will deliver housing growth, including infrastructure projects. An initial assessment of the viability of reopening the railway station has Locally this is administered by been completed. However, further meetings are underway with Network Cambridgeshire Horizons. Over the Rail and possible operators to gain an understanding of any issues which last two years East Cambridgeshire need to be addressed and detailed costings. District Council has secured £687,000 from this source to pump prime key Additional parking facilities are required to support the regeneration development sites such as Ely Country of the town centre. Potential areas in which to accommodate further Park, and an application is being made parking facilities demands greater investigation. This will include an for further awards in future years. assessment of land ownerships and site clearance.

A review of community infrastructure requirements should be completed Regional Infrastructure Fund in relation to current recognised standards. Demand for a further primary The East of England Development school has already been identifi ed along with the community aspiration Agency is considering the for a sixth form college, and the District Council is already preparing a introduction of a Regional District wide Infrastructure Development Strategy. This will support plans Infrastructure Fund (RIF) to provide for the projected population increase and inform the use of developer capital investment to pump prime contributions towards infrastructure. growth related infrastructure schemes ahead of development starting and, by recycling receipts, allow forward funding. The details are still being considered but may provide an additional funding source targeted at regional and sub regional priority projects.

Eco Development

Growth in Soham will not be of suffi cient size to be considered under Central Government’s initiative for encouraging eco towns. However, there is a strong Government impetus to encourage sustainable eco communities and funding opportunities should be sought for this, particularly in view of the higher costs of delivering quality developments.

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Other sources of potential funding for review include the Local Transport Risks and Management Fund for transport based projects, The delivery of the Framework will be subject to uncertainties and risk, economic development funding particularly when planning over such a long timescale. The table below opportunities through the Greater therefore aims to identify the major risks to the delivery of the Framework Cambridge Partnership, private and highlights a number of activities to mitigate against these risks, sector funding and public/private enabling their management. sector partnerships. The long-term viability of the public domain and of community facilities will need to be secured, possibly through Risk Likelihood Impact Mitigation measures endowments with capital sums or commercial property entrusted to The impact of High in High Examines the phasing “not for profi t” enterprises or the current poor short-term and sequencing of development trusts. economic climate (expected to development, ensuring The traditional route for funding of upon developer decrease) infrastructure investment community and social infrastructure confi dence and keeps pace with growth. has been through the S106 developer market demand. Strict business planning contributions agreements. However, techniques to ensure the Government is planning to sustainability. introduce a tariff system through the introduction of the Community A low level of co- Medium High Engage landowners in Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which is operation from the development of anticipated to be a more eff ective the owners of the Vision and further way of collecting developer strategic sites. documentation. contributions towards new infrastructure. Essentially this is a A lack of Medium High Continue with community set tariff payable for each unit (for community/ consultation, involvement example a house) of development. political and participation Local Authorities will be able to consensus on the programme. decide whether or not to use this Framework new mechanism. Cambridgeshire Horizons has commissioned a number Lack of funding Varies according to Obtain sub regional and of studies into the likely impact of to implement project regional government CIL and their work indicates that projects. support and backing for a tariff approach would increase plan. developer contributions in East Complete Infrastructure Cambridgeshire signifi cantly, with Development Strategy, estimates of between £2,675,000 and with clear developer £5,350,000 annually. An Infrastructure contributions policy. Investment Strategy is currently being developed by the District Council Piecemeal Medium Medium Incorporation of Soham to support masterplanning district development not Vision and Framework wide. This piece of work will also complementary within the formal Local include a review of the development to the Soham Development Framework contributions policy, which is an Vision. planning process. Creation essential prerequisite for introducing a of planning briefs for tariff system. specifi c sites, which meet the objectives of the overarching Vision.

Housing growth Medium High Review infrastructure ”If there is more not matched by requirements in relation residential development infrastructure to housing development then the Section 106 growth. and seek appropriate funds from developers and money must be obtained external partners. and something put into use Poor quality Medium Medium Introduce design codes which those people will developments. and briefs to encourage actually find beneficial.” high quality design. Public comment – Sep 7, 2009

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Stewardship of the Masterplan How do we get there?

Completion of this Masterplan Essential to delivery of change The work of the original Soham Vision report is not the end of the in Soham is the continued Masterplan Vision Working Party in process but the beginning. involvement and support of developing this Masterplan Vision the residents, businesses and has enabled the growth of important The vision now needs the priority stakeholders. communication channels between actions to be taken forward into the the various agencies concerned As subsequent development briefs next level of detail and defi nition about future development of are produced, the community whilst still maintaining the co- Soham. Mechanisms will need to be engagement process needs to ordination role established by the considered by the Sub Committee to continue to ensure that the principles Frameworks. The Town, District and ensure that these important links are established in the vision are being County Councils need to continue continued. An example might be the followed through into greater detail to work together and involve other development of local ‘champions’ to and that the briefs continue to meet agencies such as Cambridge Horizons drive forward development in each community needs and build support and Inspire East to secure funding of the framework areas identifi ed in for future developments. streams and develop initiatives and this vision. These champions could programmes to support private sector be from either the private or public or interest and investment in Soham’s Growth Delivery Structures voluntary sectors but should be co- future. are needed to ensure that the ordinated by a dedicated ECDC offi cer. Masterplan Vision is driven forward The Growth Delivery Sub-Committee The partnership and momentum The District Council has set up a should develop an implementation for positive change established in district wide Growth Delivery Sub action plan for Soham, identifying and setting up the Soham Masterplan Committee, reporting to the Council’s addressing potential barriers, ensuring Vision needs to continue to ensure Strategic Development Committee. community participation in the change happens on the ground. The Sub Committee has responsibility development of plans, co-ordinating for guiding and advising the Council’s private sector developer/investor The preparation of this Masterplan Strategic Development Committee on interest and monitoring progress. Vision has successfully brought policy development in taking forward The committee should set up specifi c together the Town, District and the growth agenda for the District, technical groups for implementation, County Council along with the including the proposals in the various such as a Community Infrastructure residents and businesses of Soham masterplan initiatives, within the Local Group, Utilities Development Group, and the surrounding area. Landowner Development Framework context. Residential Development Group and meetings have already begun to It will also work in close partnership Economic Strategy/Marketing Group. identify key players and drivers to take with other agencies, government on roles in delivering the vision. bodies and the private sector to The delivery of the vision is likely to be Cambridgeshire Quality Charter secure the necessary fi nances required private sector led in many areas with for Growth to aid development. co-ordination by the local authorities. The Cambridgeshire Quality Charter Areas which are not naturally picked for Growth sets out core principles up by the private sector will need to for achieving excellence in the new be driven by the public sector. housing developments planned for Cambridgeshire. The Charter aims to ensure the region remains an international leader in architecture, “I hope that the design, community development and low-carbon growth for years to vision may not only come. The Soham Masterplan Vision provide the facilities embodies these principles and will seek to achieve these standards in needed but also East Cambridgeshire. in doing so give the opportunity for the people living here in larger numbers to create a real community spirit.”

Public comment – Sep 22, 2009

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Immediate Next Steps Recommendations for Supporting An integrated approach to delivery, monitoring and governance in this Masterplan Vision is crucial to its success, and will require strong Documents project management. The immediate next steps are: Entec recommends that the following documents are Growth Delivery Structures developed in order to support Set up Growth Delivery Structures via the Growth Delivery Sub- the delivery of Soham Vision: committee in partnership with Cambridgeshire Horizons (the growth • An Investment and Funding delivery agency for Cambridgeshire), community representatives and Strategy for Soham other key organisations to oversee delivery of growth and Infrastructure. developing the costs associated with delivering Regional Spatial Strategy Review this vision and achieving more certainty of public and Work with Cambridgeshire County Council and other Cambridgeshire private sector contributions District Councils on a common response to the review and to put forward to delivery. This will also the vision for sustainable growth in Soham. If, as expected, the Regional inform the collection of Spatial Strategy revises housing growth levels upwards and a revision of developer contributions the Core Strategy is required, the Soham Masterplan Vision will provide towards infrastructure. valuable research information for this. • The creation of development briefs to guide the fi rst Site Allocations Development Plan phases of development and achieve the quality Prepare a Site Allocations Development Plan as a statutory development standard for: plan document. This will set out in greater detail how the approved Core Strategy proposals will be implemented over the period to 2025, - The Brook Street LDF and allocate specifi c sites in Soham for future development. The Soham residential development; Masterplan Vision will be used as context material in the formulation of - The Station Quarter LDF the Site Allocations Development Plan. residential development; - The Eastern Gateway LDF Community Engagement Programme employment and associated mixed use development; Develop a community engagement programme to ensure that the proposed developments are in line with community aspirations. - Soham North Local Centre mixed use development; and Identifying ‘Champions’ - Downfi elds Mixed Use integration development. Ensuring a lead person from the private or public sector is identifi ed to • An assessment of the drive forward and co-ordinate each of the framework areas. feasibility for renewable energy sources (such as Infrastructure Investment Strategy wind) in Soham, particularly in relation to aspirations for Prepare a district wide Infrastructure Investment Strategy to detail the energy production. infrastructure requirements for growth and the necessary developer contributions. • The preparation of a Town Centre Action / Delivery Plan, focusing upon the Northern Development Briefs Gateway, Town Park, High Prepare development briefs and design codes for key regeneration and Street, Backlands East and development areas. West and Southern Gateway. • A Branding and Marketing Updating the Masterplan Vision Strategy for Soham to include tourism. It is intended that this Masterplan Vision is reviewed and updated on a regular and continued basis, either every three or fi ve years. This will • A Community ensure the plan is kept alive and responds to the opportunities presented Engagement Plan. to Soham as time progresses. • Station Feasibility Study to be undertaken The Soham Masterplan Vision brings together the economic and spatial by Cambridgeshire aspects of growth in a place shaping plan that is focused on delivery County Council and East and off ers real opportunities to realise the ambitions of the town for Cambridgeshire District sustainable growth in the future. Council.

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Further Information 77

Background research documents Website to the Draft Soham Masterplan Vision are: Background Soham Masterplan Vision documents are available on the Masterplan pages of the East Glossary Cambridgeshire District Council website, including baseline research, The Glossary, found overleaf, explains newsletters, working party minutes, the main technical terms used in the consultation, etc. Draft Soham Masterplan Vision. There is an extensive library of further information available on the District Baseline Presentation Council’s website under the Local Development Framework section Produced for the Working Party in February 2009 and summarises This lists all of the regional, sub the background information and regional, district and local plans, assessments which underpin policies and studies carried out the content of the Draft Soham over the last few years in relation Masterplan Vision. to the development of the East Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework Area Detailed Framework. Description

Outlines in more detail, the Town and Town Centre Framework areas Contact Us under short, medium and long-term proposals. If you wish to contact East Cambridgeshire District Council about the Draft Soham Masterplan Sustainability Appraisal Vision please write to:

Assesses the Draft Soham Masterplan Soham Masterplan Vision Vision proposals in terms of their main East Cambridgeshire District Council economic, social and environmental The Grange impacts and overall sustainability. Nutholt Lane Ely Cambs CB7 4EE

All of these documents are available or email: on the District Council’s website and [email protected] can be downloaded. They can also be supplied on CD’s or as printed copies.

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7801 Translation Service

Documents prepared by East Cambridgeshire District Council can be translated. Requests for the translation of policy documents can be made at the Council’s main reception. A language line is available for short documents and enquiries. There is no charge for this service.

Other Free Services East Cambridgeshire District Council documents can also be made available in large print, Braille or on audio cassette.

For the services of a sign language interpreter please contact us in advance by email or fax so that arrangements can be made.

Email: [email protected] Fax number: 01353 665240

A loop system is available in our main reception.

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BSF – Building Schools for performance of the East of England by RSS – Regional Spatial Strategy the Future promoting sustainable economic growth The Regional Spatial Strategy prepared Building Schools for the Future is the and regeneration. by the East of England Regional Assembly biggest-ever school buildings investment which sets out policies for the future of programme. The aim is to rebuild or renew HGF – Housing Growth Funds the region to 2021. The East of England nearly every secondary school in England. A grant fund available from the covers the counties of Essex, Hertfordshire, The Government is committed to devolve Department for Communities and Local Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Suff olk, and signifi cant funds – about £3 billion – to Government to promote housing growth, Norfolk. local authorities and schools to spend on administered locally by Cambridgeshire maintaining and improving their school Horizons. S106 – Section 106 Agreement buildings. Legal agreement between a Local LDF – Local Development Authority and developer in order to secure CCC – Cambridgeshire Framework contributions (in cash or kind) towards the County Council A Local Development Framework provision of infrastructure and services Cambridgeshire County Council is comprises a suite of planning policy that are necessary to facilitate a proposed responsible for Education, Libraries and documents rather than one local plan. It development. E.g. provision of highways. Heritage, Social Services, Roads and Traffi c, is a series of separate Development Plan Environment, Strategic Planning, Trading Documents (DPDs) that set out policies and SCI – Statement of Community Standards, Waste Disposal, and County proposals for the development and use of Involvement Farms Estate within East Cambridgeshire the land in the District. As each document Document setting out how and when District. of the Framework is adopted, it will either stakeholders and other interested replace or add to the policies in the Local parties will be consulted and involved CIL – Community Plan, until the Local Plan is completely in the preparation of the LDF (and the Infrastructure Levy superseded. considerations of individual planning A proposed tariff system that the applications). Government is planning to introduce LDV – Local Delivery Vehicle as a more effi cient means of obtaining Partnerships between central government, Self Suffi ciency developer contributions toward local government, private and voluntary In this document self suffi ciency refers infrastructure provision. sectors that aim to deliver large- to employment self suffi ciency. It is the scale economic and environmental proportion of residents both living and Core Strategy improvement. working locally. The Masterplan aims to East Cambridgeshire District Council Core have 50% of people living locally working Strategy. One of a suite of documents Long-term in Soham. within the local development framework, For the purposes of the Masterplan long- which sets out the long-term spatial vision term projects for years 15-30. Short-term for the district, strategic policies and For the purposes of the Masterplan short- development control policies. The Core LTP – Local Transport Plan term projects for the next 15 years. Strategy will become a Development Plan A strategy and plan prepared by Document. Cambridgeshire County Council setting out SPD – Supplementary Planning the improvement plans for the County’s Document Cambridgeshire Horizons transport infrastructure over a set time A document forming part of the suite of Their role is to bring together all the period. documents making up the LDF. It contains elements of growth to ensure sustainable additional detail and information on new communities are built throughout Mixed Use policies or proposals, which are outlined in the County. The Horizons team manage Mixed use areas are where it would be a Development Plan Document. the delivery of the growth strategy for appropriate for the land to be used by Cambridgeshire. more than just a single land use. For Stakeholder example, retail and leisure uses at ground Private individual, local interest groups, Convenience Retailing level with residential above. local councils, public authorities, utility Food shops and supermarkets. companies, and other organisations that Natural England have an interest in development and/or DPD – Development Plan Document Statutory Body comprising the former the site. A document prepared by East English Nature, Countryside Agency and Cambridgeshire as part of the LDF. A DPD the Rural Development Service. STC – Soham Town Council forms part of the Statutory Development Local ‘parish’ level tier of local government Plan having been through independent PDG – Planning Delivery Grant administration, responsible for a range of Examination. E.g. Core Strategy DPD. Funding made available to the District services including allotments, cemeteries, Council to assist in the delivery of its village halls, play areas, etc. ECDC – East Cambridgeshire planning functions. District Council Sustainable Development District level tier of local government RFA – Regional Funding Allocations Development which enables people to administration, responsible for a range of Central government funding provided via satisfy their needs and secure quality of life services including development planning, the Department for Transport for capital without compromising the quality of life environmental health, housing, building enhancements on the Highways Agency for future generations. control, leisure and community services. strategic road network and rail network that are not otherwise proposed for SUSTRANS EEDA – East of England delivery through national programmes. Sustrans is a charity dedicated to Development Agency Demand for this funding in extremely high. improving access for cyclists and This Regional Development Agency is pedestrians. tasked with improving the economic

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© Copyright East Cambridgeshire District Council 2010. All rights reserved. Reproduction of graphical content in whole East Cambridgeshire District Council or in part without written permission is The Grange strictly prohibited. Nutholt Lane Funded by Housing Growth Funds received via Cambridgeshire Horizons and the Ely East Cambridgeshire Strategic Partnership. Cambs CB7 4EE Design:

Telephone: 01353 665555 Photography courtesy of ECDC, Entec UK Ltd. Email: [email protected] and Soham On-Line Community Website. Printed on Revive 75 Silk – a recycled paper containing a minimum 75% recycled waste and manufactured at a mill accredited with ISO 14001 environmental management standard.

Reshaping Soham – a 21st Century Cambridgeshire Market Town

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