Installation of the DigitalSystemsVM


This document explains how to install the DigitalSystemsVM virtual machine on a computer with SP2. If questions or problems relating to the installation process arise, you may enter a question in the forums. In order to efficiently manage the forums, you must enter into the forum Installing the VM in Windows (10, 8, 7, Vista) and create a new thread explaining your problem. Please add information about your computer (model, processor, RAM , available disk space, , etc.). The following images show how to access to the Installing the VM in Windows (10, 8, 7, Vista) forum and how to create a new thread (red boxes).


Installing a VirtualBox virtual machine on Windows Vista SP2 (32 bits)

This document is intended to help you install VirtualBox on a Windows Vista Service Pack 2 OS, 32 bits. It describes the steps to follow for installing a virtual machine that contains the necessary applications to solve the assignments of this course and their automatic correction. This virtual machine, named DigitalSystemsVM, is a VirtualBox virtual machine running the GNU/ operating system, specifically SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0 distribution. However, NO previous experience with this OS is required.

You will need an administrator account in order to install VirtualBox in your computer as its password may be requested during the installation.

In order to follow these steps you must be logged into a computer with Internet connection. Along this handbook, you should replace all instances of username with the name of the Windows account in which you wish to use the virtual machine.

Step 1: Installing VirtualBox 5.1.4

Open a web browser and download the VirtualBox application by typing

The DigitalSystemsVM machine has been exhaustively tested on the VirtualBox version found here (v. 5.1.4). Therefore, we highly recommend installing this specific version.

This will download the VirtualBox-Win.exe file to your computer. Depending on the browser used, the file may be in the Downloads folder or in a different folder. To start the VirtualBox installation, double-click on the VirtualBox-Win.exe icon. You will be presented with the following welcome window. To continue, press Next.


The next screen will allow you to choose which modules to install and the folder where to install VirtualBox in. You don’t have to change anything here. To continue, press Next.

In the next window, click on “Create a shortcut on the desktop”, unselect the other options and press Next.


A warning will inform you that the installation will now reset the network connection, which may result in temporary network failure. Press Yes to continue with the installation.

You will be prompted with a final confirmation before proceeding with the installation. Click Install to start the process.


After that the VirtualBox installation will start, displaying a progress bar as shown in the next picture.

Depending on you Windows security configuration, you may be asked to grant permission to install VirtualBox and VirtualBox drivers in your computer. To grant the permission click Yes and Install. You can also mark Always trust software from "" to prevent the occurrence of similar messages in the future.


A last window will appear to inform you that VirtualBox was successfully installed. Uncheck the Start Oracle VM VirtualBox... box and click Finish.


Step 2: Installing 7-Zip

7-Zip is a file compressor/decompressor that will be used in step 3. If you have this application installed in your computer you may skip this step.

There exist one version of 7-Zip for Windows 32 bits and another for Windows 64 bits. You can check if you have the 32-bits or 64-bits operating system by running:

Settings  Control Panel  System and Security  System (see System Type field)

Download 7-Zip from the address:

7-Zip for 32-bit Windows

7-Zip for 64-bit Windows (This manual is only for Windows Vista - 32 bits; the 64-bit version of 7-Zip is only provided for completeness)


The file will be downloaded into the “Downloads” folder. Double-click on the file to start the installation. When the welcome window appear, click on Next

A window with the end user license agreement will appear. Accept the terms by marking the checkbox and press Next.


Next window is intended to specify the type of installation (by default, a full installation of the application), and the location where it will be installed (by default, in folder :\Program Files\7-Zip). To continue, press Next.

In the next window you can go back to check or modify any previously defined option. If there is nothing to check, press Install.

Depending on how Windows security is set up in your computer, you may see a window requesting permission to install 7-Zip. If so, grant permission by clicking Yes


The installation progress may be monitored in the progress bar window:

Finally, a last window reports that the installation process has been successfully completed. Press Finish to close the window.


Step 3: Installation of the virtual machine

First you should create two folders named VirtualBox VMs (mind the whitespace between VirtualBox and VMs) and Coursera in the folder C:\Users\username. You can do that by selecting “Organize  New Folder” in the Windows Explorer menu as shown in the following picture and changing the name from New folder to VirtualBox VMs. Repeat the process to create the folder Coursera.


Next, download the 7z file containing the virtual machine from and save it to C:\Users\username\VirtualBox VMs .

To decompress the virtual machine, right click on the file and select (see next figure):

7-Zip  Extract Here

A window monitoring the decompressing process appears:

You will see a new folder named “DigitalSystemsVM” that contains the virtual machine files, DigitalSystemsVM.vbox and DigitalSystemsVM-disk1.. 13

Step 4: Adding the virtual machine and defining a shared folder

In this step you will add the DigitalSystemsVM virtual machine to VirtualBox.

Open VirtualBox by double-clicking on the icon in the desktop. You will see the following window:

Add the DigitalSystemVM machine in C:\Users\username\VirtualBox VMs\DigitalSystemsVM to VirtualBox. To do so run, from the VirtualBox main window:

Machine  Add…

Select the DigitalSystemsVM.vbox file and click Open.


Once our machine has been added to VirtualBox, it will appear in the left panel of the VirtualBox window.

Finally, define the folder Coursera created in the previous step as a “shared folder”, i.e., a folder accessible from the host and from the virtual machine. To do so, select the virtual machine and click on Settings.


A window opens. Select the option Shared Folders in the new window and click on the icon “+” located at right (see arrow in the next figure).

A new window opens. Select the path C:\Users\username\Coursera in the “Folder Path”, introduce Coursera in the “Folder Name” and click on OK in both windows (in the little one and in the Settings window).

Processes described in this step only have to be performed ONE TIME, before the first run of the machine.


Step 5: Running the virtual machine

To run the machine, press the Start button as shown in the following picture.

The window displaying the launch process may remain black during some time, depending of the host computer performance. If this happen, don’t do anything, just patiently wait. During booting several windows will appear to inform you that the keyboard and mouse may be used directly from the virtual machine. Close these windows by pressing . You may also press to stop these windows from popping in the future.


After booting the DigitalSystemsVM virtual machine, it will be displayed in a different window. DigitalSystemsVM is configured to login directly with the mooccf user account, with the password mooccf. You will be using this account to solve the problems of this course. The following picture shows the desktop of the mooccf account with the VerilUOC_Desktop application that you will use to complete the course exercises.

Before using the virtual machine you may need to change some part of the configuration from within the virtual machine.

The virtual machine has the "es - qwerty" Spanish keyboard selected by default. If you want to switch to another keyboard (for instance, the English keyboard), click on the X icon located in the bottom panel of the DigitalSystemsVM virtual machine to open a terminal.


Execute the following command in the terminal to set up the keyboard: Note: the simplest way to write the above command is to type the characters sk and then press the TAB key to fill in the rest of the command.

Type 1 in #? for an English keyboard, 2 for a Spanish keyboard, 3 for any other, and then click on Return. When a 3 has been selected a new question appears on the screen asking for the identifier of the keyboard you are using. Consult the codes in and click on Return.

Finally, run the command: exit 19

Step 6: Installing Guest Additions

The Guest Additions of VirtualBox are a set of device drivers and system applications designed to simplify the use of a VirtualBox virtual machine and optimize its performance. Next paragraphs describe how to install a specific version of the Guest Additions on the virtual machine DigitalSystemsVM. Let us note that this is a different version to which would correspond to the VirtualBox 5.1.4 version.

Open a terminal in the DigitalSystemsVM virtual machine by clicking on the icon with an “X” in the lower panel.

To install the Guest Additions package, type in the terminal the following command:

Note: this may take a while. It may even appear to stop for a moment. Please wait patiently until the prompt is displayed again in the terminal, as shown in the figure.

In the same terminal, run the commands: exit

Finally, shut down or reboot the virtual machine as explain below. 20

Step 7: Shutting down or rebooting the machine

Run the following command to shut down or reboot the virtual machine:

Applications  Logout

Select Shutdown system: Halt or Reboot system: Reboot as desired in the new window (see figures) and press OK.


When the virtual machine is shut down, you may close VirtualBox by running the following command in the main window:

File  Exit

Additional comments

-We strongly recommend NOT updating the VirtualBox application or the DigitalSystemsVM virtual machine during the duration of this course.

- The shared folder Coursera is mounted in the directory /media/Coursera in the virtual machine.

- You may choose to work with the virtual machine in full-screen mode. To do so, press Right Ctrl + f or select from the menu

View  Full-screen Mode


- Some machines may not have the hardware support VT-x/AMD-x available. To assure that VirtualBox can run DigitalSystemsVM properly in any case, we have chosen to have VT-x/AMD-x acceleration deactivated by default.

If your computer supports this feature, you may choose to turn it on to increase the speed of DigitalSystemsVM. To do so, with DigitalSystemsVM closed, and from the VirtualBox main window, select DigitalSystemsVM and click on:

Settings  System  Acceleration Tab  Enable VT-x/AMD-V