Reproduction System

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Reproduction System Reproduction System Grade 9 SMPK Penabur Jakarta Indicator • Describe the reproduction organs and vegetative propagation in plants. • Describe the reproduction organs and generative reproduction in plants. • Describe the reproduction organs and vegetative propagations in animals carefully and creatively. • Explain the generative reproduction organs in aves and mammals w/ responsibility & carefully • Explain the parts and functions of reproduction organs in human w/ responsibility • Describe the diseases and disorders that correlated to human reproduction system in concern with others. Reproduction?? • Ability of living organism to ensure it may have continuity of life in nature • Transfer its traits to its progeny Vegetative and Generative • Gambar reproduction Type of Reproduction • Vegetative Reproduction – Do not involve sex cells • Generative Reproduction – Start with the mating of two individual and followed by fertilization process Vegetative/Asexual Reproduction Involve sex cells Some produce mating and certain Vegetative involvement reproductive Reproduction of two diff organ ≠ sex individuals cells Progeny body parts/parts of parent’s body Plant Vegetative Reproduction Natural Artificial • Spore • Air • Shoot Layering/Macotting • Tuber (umbi) (cangkok) • Rhizome (rimpang) • Grafting (menempel) • Stolon • Budding • Corm (umbi) Plant Natural Vegetative Reproduction w/o human intervention Naturally produces new offspring fr its body or produce an organ --> change into a new individual Natural Vegetative 1. Spore • Reproductive organs • In ideal environment • Produced by sporogonium • Can be found on fern (Pteridophytes) and mosses (Bryophytes). • New individual by alternating propagation process GametophytesMetagenesis Sporophytes phase phase Important Terms • Sorus = cluster of sporangia • Sori = cluster of sorus Spore Spore Prothallium Protonema Moss Archegonium Antheridium Ovum Spermatozoid Archegonium Antheridium Ovum Spermatozoid Zygote Young Fern Zygote Sporogonium Sporogonium Sporangium Sporangium Spore Spore Natural Vegetative 2. Shoot • Also called plant progeny • Will grow in parts from plants • Mainly stem • Some : Roots root adventitious shoots Leaves leaves adventitious shoots • Ex: banana, bamboo, kalanchoe (cocor bebek), fir plant Natural Vegetative 3. Tubers • Kind of swollen-modified stem underground storage organ • Have all parts of stem but too swollen Tubers Stem tubers Bulbs Natural Vegetative 3.1. Stem Tubers • Under ground stores food • Have buds give rise to a new individual • Ex: potato and sweet potato Natural Vegetative 3.2. Bulbs • Underground • Leaves surround a disc shaped stem become thick food storage • Many layers of modified leaves attached to the short stem slicing an onion bulb lengthwise • Ex: onions, lily, amaryllis Natural Vegetative 4.Rhizome • Horizontal stem • Grow below the surface or emerges • Grow along the surface • ≠ root, have same physical characteristics of stem • New buds above ground fr nodes still connected • Ex: ginger, sansiviera, grass Natural Vegetative 5. Stolon • Aerial stem, horizontal, above ground • Have segments, @have a lateral shoot root & new leaves • New plants are connected, but not dependent on it • Ex: strawberry, Marsilea crenata, Cyperus rotundus Marsilea crenata • Semanggi Cyperus rotundus • Java Grass Fragaria Natural Vegetative 6. Corm • Underground stem, grew large • Have nodes & segments covered by scale leaves containing food. • New plant grew fr its shoots cormel When outer layer of the plant dried. Ex: gladiolus and alocasia Artificial Vegetative Reproduction in plants • Human intervention • Better quality • Able to conserve endangered plants Artificial Vegetative 1. Air layering/Marcotting • Not all plants • Important to note: – Plants on cambium (dicotyl plant) – Mature enough • Have fruited once • Size=a finger • Diseases free • Fertile Artificial Vegetative 1. Air layering/Marcotting (cont.) Peeling Transportation phloem and of food Root formation cambium blocked Artificial Vegetative 1. Air Layering/Marcotting (cont.) Gridle/cut Scrapping Apply root the bark of the exposed promoting stem surface hormone Artificial Vegetative 2. Grafting • Connecting two pieces of living plant tissue • Will united to be a plant. • Scion and stock or root stock Artificial Vegetative 2. Grafting (cont.) • Scion short piece of detached shoot containing several dormant buds +stock-comprises the upper portion of the graft and form which will grow stem or branches or both • Stock lower portion of graft, develop into root system of the grafted plant. • Done in same genus plant (between orange, between mango, between cassava) • or same family; potato and tomatoes & pumpkin and water melon Artificial Vegetative 2. Grafting (cont.) • Not all plants • Stem are chosen by its ideal characteristics and bonded by the ideal root • If enable to grow more fruits or flowers • Ex: bougenville flower --- many colour Artificial Vegetative 3. Budding • Similar to grafting, except sixe of scion (only 1 bud) • A bud is attached to similar species, diff characteristics Chosen by their ideal characteristics • Example? Artificial Vegetative 4. Layering • Bending of the stem or branches reach ground • Root strong enough separated • Ex: Alamanda, apple, grapes, tomato Artificial Vegetative 5. Cutting • Easiest • Done by cutting and replanting into fertile soil • Stem cutting, leaf cutting, and root cutting • Ex: Indian potato, rose, grapes, begonias, sugar cane 6. Tissue Culture • Using cell or tissues of living organism • Using special media consist nutrients and hormones • Need certain: instruments, procedures, containers, and condition • More number than conventional Task 1. Terms and explanations regarding tissue culture (min. 5) 2. What preparation are needed in vegetative reproduction by tissue culture? 3. Advantage and disadvantage? Natural Animal Vegetative Reproduction Animal Vegetative Reproduction 1.Budding initiated by a swollen part Ex: Hydra, Obelia, Aurelia Jelly Fish and Hydra able to form buds and then mate This change metagenesis Animal Vegetative Reproduction 2. Fragmentation • Occur by separation of some parts of the cells or body – New colonies – New organism regeneration – Can artificially made – Ex: Planarian, Porifera, Euglena.
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