2018 Award, Plenary & Keynotes Announced!
2018 Award, Plenary & Keynotes Announced! Technical Session and Organizers: 2018 PROGRAM CHAIR Plasma on Surface and Interfaces Joelle Frechette, Johns Hopkins University, USA Carlos Barrios, 3M Company, USA Additive Manufacturing Mark Strobel, 3M Company, USA Michael Bortner, Virginia Tech, USA Particulate Adhesion Amy Peterson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Carson Meredith, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Erich Bain, US Army Research Laboratory, USA Physical Properties and Design of Bioadhesives Novel Tools & Methods for Characterization Boxin Zhao, University of Waterloo, USA Chelsea Davis, Purdue University, USA Dan Sameoto, University of Alberta, Canada Aaron Forster, National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA Jason Nadler, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Surface Preparation for Bonding Bioadhesive Chemistry Frank Palmieri, NASA-LARC, USA Niels Holten-Andersen, Massachusetts Institute of Award of Excellence Honoree Dan Knorr, US Army Research Laboratory, USA Technology, USA Ray Pearson, Lehigh University, USA Transportation Haeshin Lee, Korea Advance Institute of Science Aaron Mann, LORD Corporation, USA and Technology, Republic of Korea Terry Steele, Plenary Speakers Kay Blohowiak, The Boeing Company, USA Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Eduard Arzt, Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Germany Fracture Mechanics Organismal Adhesion Jian Ping Gong, Hokkaido University, Japan Alyssa Stark, Chenglin Wu, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA Villanova University, USA Elie Raphael, ESPCI,
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