Page | 1 ART IN THE LIVES OF ORDINARY ROMANS ARH 327R (19805) * Spring 2019 * MWF 11:00-12:00 * DFA 2.204 EUS 347 (36105) John R. Clarke Office DFA 2.114 Office Hours: W 1-3 Phone 512-232-2355 e-mail
[email protected] Course Objectives 1) To examine how study of visual representations allows us to enter into the mentality of ancient non-elite Romans 2) To survey the art and architecture of Roman Italy between 100 B.C. and A.D. 315 3) To explore Roman attitudes toward the practices of daily life: religion, work, theater, gladiatorial games, tavern-going, banqueting, sexuality, self-representation, death, and burial 4) To learn how the Romans were—and were not—“just like us” Procedure Page | 2 1) This is primarily a lecture course—but with me stopping to ask a lot of questions. 2) I reward well-prepared students who speak up in class and show they’ve read the assignments. 3) There are three 50-minute exams: March 1 (35% of grade) April 12 (35% of grade) May10 (30% of grade) Each exam consists of 20 minutes of slide identifications and comparisons and a 30-minute prepared essay. Grades +/- grades will be assigned according to the system in effect since the fall of 2009. Instructions on Viewing Image Reserves To view images on reserve for your three exams, go to DASE (Digital Archives SErvices): and enter your UT EID and Password. When the DASE screen comes up, go to Browse Public User Collections/Slideshows.