BUTLINS - Get To Know Us

A lot of things have changed since Sir Billy Butlin opened our first resort in , Lincolnshire, in 1936 (he wouldn’t even recognise the resorts these days!), but the reason that we’re here remains the same.

During the 1930s and the post-war years, Billy could see that Britain had become a stressful place and that families were weighed down with the burden of rebuilding a country. Life had become routine and mundane, words that Billy didn’t like very much at all. He knew that families needed a place where they could get away from it all and just spend some time together – having a laugh and rediscovering those little things that make their family special. He imagined a place of sparkling fun and relaxation for families. That place was our first resort.

Today we know that families work harder and for longer hours than ever. The time we put aside for each other often gets lost in the daily grind – it’s easily done. Our three Butlins Resorts in , Minehead and Skegness, offer the perfect place for families to unwind, have a great time together and they leave chock-full of precious memories. Yes, a lot has changed over the years, but our purpose remains the same.

Generation X vs. Generation Y – A decade of online shopping. Online shopping is among the most popular internet activities and about 80% of the U. S. population buys online, with electronics and tourism (flights, travel, hotels) as the leading categories for online shopping. Among Generation X (born from 1961 to 1979 ), the probability of online shopping decreases with age, whereas among Generation Y (born from 1980 to1999) the probability of online shopping increases with age. Although Gen Y with its hedonism, extravagance and great connectivity is considered to be a more attractive target population for businesses, it is important to direct marketing efforts towards Gen X, which has more spending power than any other generation. Since Gen Xers want retailers to provide a personalized brand experience, they would like to be offered high-quality products with greater perceived value. In order to decrease the uncertainty of online purchase the after-sale services, such as alterations and money back guarantees, should be provided. The presence of Gen X in the virtual world will continue to grow as connectivity increases and therefore we can expect an increase in on-line purchasing income from both generations in the foreseeable future.