page 3 page 10 Inverness County Coig to perform pages 15 and 16 lifeguards praised at Shannon Studio Cape Breton West Islanders for heroism on February 17 split on the weekend Vol. 41, No. 4 January 24, 2018 117623 Doctors re-examine payment model by Melanie Holder The Reporter “Neither system allows you to have the
[email protected] time that you need with patients and also get remunerated appropriately for that,” STRAIT AREA: Doctors Nova Scotia said Vohra. (DNS) is taking a closer look at how fam- “What we support is the starting of a ily physicians in the province are com- blended payment model, which basically pensated for their work. takes the best of both worlds.” On January 6, more than 25 family Vohra pointed out that Nova Scotia doctors from throughout the province continues to be one of the lowest paid met in Dartmouth to discuss what can be provinces for family physicians and done to support family medicine in Nova among the highest taxed. Scotia. “It leaves Nova Scotia a less attractive “We need some solutions as to how place to be recruited unless we fi nd mod- to help the healthcare system not only els that actually promote work-lifestyle retain and recruit physicians, but also balance, provide appropriate compensa- incentivise comprehensive family prac- tion, and allow physicians to be part of tice,” said D r. Manoj Vohra, president of the building processes of it,” said Vohra. DNS. The next step for DNS is to meet with A focus of the meeting was how doc- provincial government and the Nova tors are compensated and what type of Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) to bring payment models have been implemented forward its recommendations.