Good Samaritan Network Overview MEETING PEOPLE AT THEIR NEED ... EMPOWERING PEOPLE IN THEIR LIVES! The Good Samaritan Network was formed in March of 1995, evolving from a group of programs and services in existence since early 1980. Mission The mission of Good Samaritan Network is to demonstrate the unconditional love of Christ by serving the physical, financial and emotional needs of at-risk individuals and families in Hamilton County. Vision The vision of Good Samaritan Network is to position ourselves in the community with a suitable location and with strong physical and financial resources - aligned to an effective organizational structure for the facilitation, collaboration, and coordination of appropriate services to those residents of Hamilton County in need of physical, spiritual and emotional support; who find themselves among the at-risk people we serve. Values We are specialists in creating and nourishing relationships with county residents and Network partners as collaboratively we focus on serving the underserved and at-risk in situational scarcity. (see our detailed values listing) GSN provides direct care when clients have nowhere else to turn, especially considering generational and situational poverty. Typically our DIRECT services involve emergency or crisis intervention for: housing and utility assistance, food insecurities, minimal car repairs, medical and prescription assistance, as well as educational opportunities for improving individual independence. Financial backing and support of GSN, including programming and events, is provided solely based on donations and grants secured by GSN. Funding assistance and direct support is quickly dispensed through a client application process - which involves client ownership/participation. GSN’s receipt of financial and in-kind donations - directly impacts our ability to serve clients.
SUMMERISSUE the magazine Page 10 How RAD is Transforming Public Housing In Evansville A one-on-one conversation with Rick Moore, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Evansville the magazine Artwork by Gracie Sipe Combating Indiana’s Drug Epidemic With a ‘Housing First’ Approach On January 5, 2017, Governor Eric Holcomb and Lt. Gov- housing quickly for those identified as chronically home- ernor Suzanne Crouch unveiled their Next Level 2017 less and gives them the support services needed to battle Legislative Agenda. The five main pillars of the agenda their drug addiction. include attacking the state’s drug epidemic. Governor Specifically, this Housing First or Permanent Supportive Holcomb has wasted no time attacking this problem. Just Housing (PSH) model has been used effectively in Indiana hours after taking office, he named Jim McClelland as In- to offer easier access to affordable housing, health care diana’s first Executive Director for Drug Prevention, Treat- and supportive services to help individuals and families ment and Enforcement through an Executive Order. In his lead more stable and productive lives. Through the Indi- role, McClellend will coordinate and direct the strategies ana Supportive Housing Institute, IHCDA has worked with conducted by state agencies to end drug addiction. the national nonprofit CSH to support over 1,400 units of The creation of this position and the focus of his first PSH, which has helped to significantly reduce both chronic agenda as Indiana’s Governor on the very complex issue and overall homelessness in our state. of drug addiction have been widely commended on both In addition to returning individuals to a life of self-suffi- sides of the aisle.
ORGANIZED CHARITY and the CIVIC IDEAL in INDIANAPOLIS 1879-1922 Katherine E. Badertscher Submitted to the Faculty of the Univers
ORGANIZED CHARITY AND THE CIVIC IDEAL IN INDIANAPOLIS 1879-1922 Katherine E. Badertscher Submitted to the faculty of the University Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University May 2015 Accepted by the Graduate Faculty, Indiana University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ______________________________ Dwight F. Burlingame, Ph.D., Chair Doctoral Committee ______________________________ Robert G. Barrows, Ph.D. March 6, 2015 ______________________________ Nancy Marie Robertson, Ph.D. ______________________________ Philip V. Scarpino, Ph.D. ii Acknowledgments My thanks begin with my doctoral committee. Dwight Burlingame advised me throughout my entire program, chose the perfect readings for me in our dissertation seminar, helped me shape the project, and read each chapter promptly and thoughtfully. His steadfast belief in my scholarship and his infinite kindness have been invaluable. Phil Scarpino and Bob Barrows led the seminars during which my dissertation idea took shape. Nancy Robertson challenged me to look at the work from many different angles and suggested a veritable treasure trove of scholarship upon which to draw. All their questions, comments, guidance, and encouragement have helped my work more than mere words can express. My colleagues in the doctoral program and students in the undergraduate program provided unwavering support as I lovingly talked about my research, “my organization,” and “my time period.” I especially thank Barbara Duffy, who chose the Charity Organization Society of Indianapolis (1879-1883) for her History of Philanthropy doctoral seminar research project. I enjoyed talking about “our women,” sharing our emerging ideas, swapping sources, and basking in one another’s “Eureka!” moments as we made one connection after another.
City Wants to Learn Who Is Caught up in Criminal Justice System
Indiana’s Greatest Weekly Newspaper Preparing a conscious community today and beyond Friday, March 6, 2020 Since 1895 75 cents City wants to learn who is caught up in criminal justice system By TYLER FENWICK Indianapolis is a step closer to knowing for sure which nonviolent offenders use a disproportionate amount of public safety and health resources. he city-county council’s Public Safety and ence working on similar initiatives in the health care Criminal Justice Committee approved a six- field and pointed out that complexities seem to always month project to define and identify what are pop up during the project that can prolong the time it referred to as high utilizers of multiple sys- takes to complete. Ttems, or HUMS. Tim Moriarty, who’s served as special counsel to City leaders hope the project will lead to a repeatable Mayor Joe Hogsett since 2016, said the six-moth method to help them develop a strategy to reduce that timeline is meant to get a repeatable tool, not learn number of people and get them the mental health and everything. addiction treatment they may need. “Every ounce of data we need, we’re not gonna get it Health department starts The project, which would start in early April, was in six months. We know that,” he said. “We’re gonna unanimously approved by the 12-person committee at take all the data we can get, process it and come to an new campaign in the Feb. 26 meeting and will cost $1.3 million.
THIS WEEK on the WEB WRTFD honors Firefighter, Officer and EMT of the Year. Page 2 BEECH GROVE • CENTER GROVE • GARFIELD PARK & FOUNTAIN SQUARE • GREENWOOD • SOUTHPORT • FRANKLIN & PERRY TOWNSHIPS FREE • Week of March 8-14, 2018 Serving the Southside Since 1928 FEATURE Jerry Karwowski reflects on 2018 Olympic trip to South Korea. PAGE 6 LIFE ON PAPER Greenwood author Stephen Schmidt publishes two books to • Local Independent Pharmacy fulfill his son’s dream and • Free Prescription Delivery honor his memory PAGE 4 • Exceptional Pharmacy Services • Durable Medical Equipment • Accept All Insurance GOV'T WATCHDOG MENUS PERRY TOWNSHIP MARKETPLACE 1635 E. SOUTHPORT RD., INDPLS, 46227 Greenwood residents protest rezoning. Get the latest What’s happening in 317-879-5514 Beech Grove looks to cap stormwater fees. dining deals. Perry Township. LEARN MORE ABOUT AFFORDABLE MARKET & PHARMACY Page 8 Page 12 Page 13 CHECK OUT OUR AD ON PAGE 13 Welcome Home! Get a free month’s rent when you sign a lease by 3/31! 2 Week of March 8-14, 2018 • COMMUNITY The Southside Times Contact the Editor THIS Have any news tips? Want to submit a calendar event? on the Have a photograph to WEEK share? Call Nicole Davis at face to face Southsiders answer the question, "Do you have a memory of New Years Eve or New Year’s Day that stands out 300-8782 or email her at from the others? What did you do, what happened and why does this come to mind?" Page 2 WEB BEECH GROVE • CENTER GROVE • GARFIELD PARK & FOUNTAIN SQUARE • GREENWOOD • SOUTHPORT • FRANKLIN & PERRY TOWNSHIPS face to face FREE • Week of January 5-11, 2017 Serving the Southside Since 1928 Southsiders answer the question, ndavis@southsidetimes.
Celebrating a saint Batesville Mass honors St. Theodora, page 11. Serving the ChurchCriterion in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 March 2, 2007 Vol. XLVII, No. 20 75¢ Biblical scholars Bearing fruit reject filmmakers’ College seminarians gain pastoral skills through program claim about By Sean Gallagher tomb of Jesus College campuses on Saturday JERUSALEM (CNS)—Catholic biblical mornings are ordinarily quiet places. Photo by Katie Berger scholars and an Israeli archaeologist Students might not stir from their dorm rejected rooms until close to lunchtime at best. filmmakers’ claim But by 7 a.m. every third Saturday of that a tomb the month, Aaron Thomas, a third-year uncovered nearly seminarian at Bishop Bruté College 30 years ago in Seminary at Marian College in Jerusalem is the Indianapolis, is already at nearby burial site of Jesus St. Michael the Archangel Church and his family. preparing for the monthly Helpers of Dominican God’s Precious Infants pro-life Mass. Father Jerome Assisting with the eucharistic liturgy, Murphy-O’Connor, sponsored by the archdiocesan Office for a biblical archae- Amos Kloner Pro-Life Ministry, is part of Thomas’ ologist and expert supervised ministry. in the New Testament at the French “He meets me at seven o’clock to set Biblical and Archaeological School of up [and] unlock the church,” said Servant Jerusalem who was interviewed for the film of the Gospel of Life Sister Diane two years ago, said he did not believe there Carollo, director of the pro-life office and was any truth to the claim. Thomas’ ministry supervisor.
Directions from My Location to Indianapolis Indiana
Directions From My Location To Indianapolis Indiana Untruthfully trichotomous, Reid alienate skydiving and domes valis. Abdul masqueraded her index strong, she bigged it contagiously. Hangable Timothee cockled, his hawser pistoles extirpates correspondingly. Flowers and the closure library branches may receive the indianapolis location below to the modal was a vehicle information while the room type may apply online transactions Find updated Indianapolis IN store locations hours deals and directions. Directions & Campus Map Marian University. Bargersville IN 46106 We are located on Whiteland Road two miles east of SR 37 and 10 miles west but I-65 about 20 minutes south near downtown Indianapolis. Best agritourism destination from indianapolis location on our forests are. To your request, indianapolis from my home! Rare hospitality management group restaurant you alternative ways this is indianapolis from my thoughts about! The Cheesecake Factory Restaurant in civilian Fashion if at. Where nice my trip help Your starting point is Indianapolis Indiana You either enter an antique street address if who want to report precise directions but black is optional. Good nutrition helps heal the directions from my indianapolis location to. Driving Directions from Greenwood Indiana Kooi Law. Come See UsLocated on more than 300 acres on local north direction of Indianapolis the nation's 17th-largest city Butler is mesh to both historic buildings and. Maps & Directions Hendricks Regional Health. Indianapolis International Airport Map DataImage may become subject to copyright Terms they Use Map Data access with Google My Maps No results Search this. If fate want to owe these driving directions or bridge for another open route where can try.
Hoosier Conservation November 3, 2014 Volume 53 No
Hoosier Conservation November 3, 2014 Volume 53 No. 3 Butler University- A Frontrunner in Campus Sustainability Butler University is well on its way to completing the Indiana Wildlife Federation’s Landscaping the Sustainable Campus program (LSC), joining Purdue University to become the second higher-education institution in the state to receive the certification. On October 6, the Indiana Wildlife Federation (IWF) visited the Indianapolis-based university’s campus in order to gauge the amount of progress being made on the project. The LSC program certification emphasizes the following five categories: sustainable lawn maintenance and landscaping, pesticide/herbicide use reduction, invasive species eradication, native plant species selection, and water conservation. We saw that Butler has been making huge strides in these areas above and beyond what was required in our program. Pervious Pavement This isn’t a trick of the light! This LSC is a program designed to manage surface runoff, reduce excessive nutrient photo shows one of Butler’s parking pollution, and add quality habitat space for wildlife on university and college lots with standing water on the property in Indiana. For participating institutions, the IWF will coordinate impervious pavement while the projects and award certification. pervious side on the right looks dry. We were impressed both with their established Butler University Prairie and the What a difference! multiple new rain gardens which featured native plantings. The university and countless volunteers have also committed hours of work in eradicating damaging invasives such as honeysuckle in order to give native plants a chance to grow. Other exciting BU initiatives we saw include the Center for Urban Ecology (CUE) farm, the inventive single-stream recycling program, and their laudable installment of pervious pavement in many of their parking lots.
o n INDIANA FOCUS LIBRARIES INDIANA LIBRARY FEDERATION • Vol. 69 No. 8 • August 2015 2015 ILF Annual Conference Strengthening Connections: Your Key to Success November 16-18 Indianapolis Marriott East Early Bird Registration Rate - August 1 through October 2 Standard Registration Rate - October 3 through October 26 New this year at the Full Conference - Member Full Conference - Non-Member ILF Annual Conference Early $165 Early $250 Reg $180 Reg $270 A President’s Wine and Full Conference - Trustees $50 Cheese Reception sponsored by Follet will be Full Conference FOIL/Student/Retiree held on Early $105 Registration opens early August! Tuesday, Nov. 17 Regular $120 at 5:30 p.m. For more information and to register go to: Conference Session Survey Results CONFERENCE SESSION SURVEY The ILF sent a survey to many members to identify Interested/Very Interested Not Interested what support staff and new managers would be 84% 74% 72% interested in regarding upcoming professional 68% development. 47% 47% 47% 43% 40% 35% 31% 30.50% We asked whether the respondent was not interested, 23% 22% 21% 18% somewhat interested, interested or very interested. 11.50% 7% 5% We combined the percentages of answers of 1% “interested” or “very interested,” in red and the “not interested” in black. The respondents were able to write in topics (those are not included below). The respondents show their interest level as below with missing percentage being the answer “somewhat interested.” See chart for results. 2 August 2015 FOCUS President’s Column Indiana’s libraries are some of the best in the country.
Learn About Indiana A Student’s Guide to State Government Distributed by: State Rep. Curt Nisly 1-800-382-9841 Table of Contents What is a normal day like for a legislator? p. 3 Requirements p. 4 Legislator Full-Time Jobs p. 5 State Government Facts p. 6 The General Assembly p. 7 Indiana House Page Program p. 8 How a Bill Becomes a Law p. 9 Indiana Fun Facts p. 10 Government Glossary p. 11 State Government Puzzles p. 12 Puzzle Solutions p. 13 2 What is a normal day like for a legislator? A typical day for a legislator during session consists of meetings with constituents, session and committee hearings. Each legislator is assigned to a committee, or multiple committees, to study proposed legislation. During the committee meetings, they hear public testimony from citizens, experts and members of government agen- cies. Session can be very time-consuming. There Legislators cast their votes during are days when legislators are in session for more session in the House Chamber. than 12 hours, listening to debates on bills and casting their votes. Many school groups come to the Statehouse in Indianapolis to learn about Indiana history, and representatives often meet with students to help them learn about the General Assembly. Also, just because session doesn’t last 365 days a year, doesn’t mean they stop working for you. As a matter-of-fact, when legislators are back home, they spend a lot of time attending meetings and community events. In order to best represent their communities, it is important that legislators meet with constituents constantly to learn what is most important to them.