John Biscoe" on Supply Voy
• A NEWS BULLETIN , published quarterly by the NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY New Zealanders at Shackleton Base. Weddell Sea. VOL. I. NO.2. JUNE 1956. ~= • I COVER PICTURE A New Zetllano quinT-ef in the Weddeli Sea, duting the est!lblish· \' ment of Sh.,dlefon Base, in front of a "sno-cot" during <'l: bretlk in the unlooding. From left: Bob Miller. Johnny Claydon, Ed. HillMy, George Lowe and Gordo," Haslop. Trons-Antarclic Expedition. Wvrld Copyright Reserved. I (Stop Press) An Antarctic wind-sounding bal I loon altitude record was established CAt1lPBELL ISLAND in April when a balloon rose to By Radio Telephone, June 11. &t,OOOft. The previous record was a Excavations for the new camp "Deep1reeze" ascent 01 60,OOOn. buildings are complete. Pile driving A young sea-elephant came ashore proved easier than expected, the on May 24 branded MFIRS. This peat depth being 1rom zero to 12ft, branding was done on Macquarie March and April were wet and Island last October. On several windy, but May brought remarkably occasions right whales have been little rain or wind. Several days basking in North West Bay, and were calm and even fine. There was some fur seals were seen at Pen· a 12 0 frost, and on June 8 half an guin Bay on the S.W. coast. inch of snow, Vol. 1. No.2. • JUNE,1956 Editor: L. B. Quartermain, M.A., 1 Ariki Road, Wellington, E.2, New Zealand. Business Communications, Subscriptions, etc., to: Secretary, New Zealand Antarctic Society, P.O. Box 2110, Wellington, New Zealand. Annual Subscription 15/-, Single Copy 4/-.
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