International Journal of Research ISSN NO: 2236-6124


Tanmoy Biswas

Ph.D Research scholar Department of Geography, Adamas University, .

Email- [email protected]


Health is the most important wealth in human development. Development of health

infrastructure is influencing development to health status which is a major indicator for

determining the human development index. Health infrastructure is rapidly increasing in

West Bengal, but it is not equally developing among all districts of the state. It is seen that

Kolkata, the smallest district and capital of the state consumed the highest health care utility

rather any districts of West Bengal. As a result, people from other districts suffering from

inadequate health infrastructure. Health care disparities have occurred and people are

moving to access health care. Perhaps, the government is taking some major initiatives to

reduce this problem. This paper is solely based on secondary data and full research paper

organized by MS office-7. The paper attempts to investigate the overall health scenario and

try to identifying compares between different district’s healthcare conditions in West Bengal.

Keyword: Healthcare infrastructure, Healthcare disparity, Medical Institutions, Districts,

West Bengal.

1. Introduction:

Health status is directly influenced by the socio-economic condition of any region. West

Bengal is one of a major state in . Healthcare scenario, as well as healthcare

infrastructure, is not equal to all districts of West Bengal. Most of the health institutions, the

Volume 7, Issue IX, September/2018 Page No:1359 International Journal of Research ISSN NO: 2236-6124

manpower of health and other facilities regarding health care have highly concentrated only

in urban areas in the state. But, people in rural areas are suffering a lot due to lack of health

care infrastructure. The study attempts to evaluate not only the healthcare scenario but also

analysis the compares between the different districts wise health care status in West Bengal.

2. Location map of the study area:

The study area situated under 210 25’ N to

270 13’ N and 850 50’ E to 890 50’ N. Total

area of the study area is 88752 sq.k.m and

the total population is 91347736 (according

to 2011 census). Population density is

1029/sq.k.m and this area situated under

humid and temperate region which is

commonly called tropical monsoon region.

West Bengal situated at the western part of

India and Northern hemisphere.

3. Literature Review-

Ghatak, S.&Das, P.P(2012).investigate about the status or rural health care and the hidden

disparity: A study of , West Bengal, India. This research paper mainly

discusses block-wise disparities of health infrastructure and manpower resource availability

in 19 blocks of region according to 2011 Census data sources.

Panda.S.etal(2016) discuss concerning public health situation of under-nutrition in children

and anaemia in a woman in India Sundarbans delta: a community based cross-sectional


Volume 7, Issue IX, September/2018 Page No:1360 International Journal of Research ISSN NO: 2236-6124

Das, J. et al (2016) investigate the impact of training informal healthcare providers in India: a

randomized controlled trial. The main theme of the research is the role of self-declared

“doctors” in rural India’s health system and they have no medical training. A large portion of

people also depends on them.

Roy. S.K. et al (2017) discuss and assessment of rural health in West Bengal as well as focus

on a various system of treatment. In the tribal area, medical infrastructure is very weak and

essential medical facilities are adequate.

Ghatak.S and Das, P.P (2012) investigate abut status of rural health care and the hidden

disparity: a study of Birbhum District, West Bengal, India. This research paper mainly

discusses Birbhum District rural area’s health care infrastructure gap and hidden inequality.

Dutta. R (2013) discuss the world of Quacks: a parallel health care system in rural West

Bengal. The research paper mainly discusses the role of quacks doctor in rural West Bengal

healthcare infrastructure. The quacks doctor has no proper training and knowledge about

modern medicine or equipment but they play a vital role in rural health care.

Singh. A.K. and Kuman.V.K (2016) research about the analysis of micro-level disparities in

health care infrastructure in Allahabad district Utter Pradesh, India. This research paper

mainly focuses on changing the position of 19 blocks of Allahabad district in a decade base

on the availability of healthcare facilities.

Debnath.M and Roy. S (2017) discuss spatial inequality analysis in healthcare infrastructure

using G.I.S. techniques in North Bengal: a study in Cooch . The research of their paper

mainly focuses on block-wise health infrastructure gap of Cooch Bihar district and their rank

according to their position.

Volume 7, Issue IX, September/2018 Page No:1361 International Journal of Research ISSN NO: 2236-6124

4. Limitation:

This paper mainly based on Government published data and there is no use of primary data.

All required secondary data have not available in Government Website and not up-to-date

properly. This paper has modified according to the availability of secondary data.

5. Research Methodology and database:

The research paper mainly based on secondary data and the main focal theme is health

infrastructure disparities among the district of West Bengal. District statistical handbook,

2011 census report, Health on March 2015-16 published by Ministry of Health & Family

Welfare, Government of West Bengal and others Government data are the main source of the

research paper.

At first, collect various map and data have collected from different Govt. and as well as on

Govt. website. Collect various health-related Journals to gather a general idea regarding

healthcare of West Bengal. Data organize and calculated by M.S. Excel, using Arc GIS

software to create a location map of the study area. The full paper organizes and ready by

M.S. office-7 software.

6. Objectives:

The objectives of the research paper are given below-

1. To highlight the present healthcare scenario of West Bengal.

2. To analysis the healthcare disparity of different districts in West Bengal.

Volume 7, Issue IX, September/2018 Page No:1362 International Journal of Research ISSN NO: 2236-6124

7. Discussion:

7.1 Medical Institutions in West Bengal:

As per the statistical report of Health on March 2015-2016, the total numbers of hospitals in

West Bengal are 3521, maximum under the Department of Health & Family Welfare. North

24 Parganas (n=401) and ( n=398) consists the highest number where Dakshin

Dinajpur (n=36) and Alipurduar (n=24) consists the lowest number of hospitals in the state.

7.1.1 Hospital under the Department of Health & Family Welfare: Medical College Hospital:

Medical college hospital is such a medical institution, where medical education and medical

services both are providing in affiliated by the government. In West Bengal, there are 13

medical college hospitals among the 23 districts. The number of medical college hospitals is

not adequate compared to the number of districts. As the result, health care disparity has been

emerging in the state. , the smallest and capital of the state comprises five (38

per cent) number of medical colleges in the state i.e. Calcutta Medical College, the first

medical college of Asia, SSKM, R.G. Kar Hospital, Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College. Rest

eight medical colleges (62 per cent) have equally distributed in eight districts i.e. ,

Bardhaman, Darjiling, Malda, , Paschim Medinipur, North 24 PGS and Nadia. District Hospitals:

There is 22 number of district hospitals have been allotted in the state. Hence, Kolkata,

Murshidabad and Malda have not allotted any district hospitals. Darjiling, South 24 PGS,

Purba Medinipur, Birbhum and North 24 PGS each district respectively have two district

hospitals. Alipurduar, , Dakshin Dinajpur, Hugli, Haora, , Koch Bihar,

Volume 7, Issue IX, September/2018 Page No:1363 International Journal of Research ISSN NO: 2236-6124

Nadia, Uttar Dinajpur, Puruliya and Paschim Medinipur each district respectively have one

district hospitals. Sub- Divisional Hospital:

Sub-divisional hospitals are not equally distributed among the districts of West Bengal. A

total number of 37 Sub-divisional hospitals is located in West Bengal where Koch Bihar and

Murshidabad equally have occupied the highest number (n=4) of Sub-divisional hospitals.

Kolkata and Alipurduar have not any Sub-divisional hospital. State General Hospital:

A total number of state general hospitals is 29. North 24 PGS (n=7), Haora (n=6), Kolkata

(n=5), South 24 PGS (n=4), Nadia (n=3). Alipurduar, Hugli, Purba Medinipur and Uttar

Dinajpur each district equally have one state general hospital. Others Hospital:

A total number of other hospitals in West Bengal is 34. Kolkata consists of the highest

number (n=15). Nadia (n=4), Darjiling (n=3), Koch Bihar and Paschim Medinipur equally

(n=2) and Bankura, Birbhum, Hugli, Haora, Jalpaiguri, Murshidabad, North 24 PGS, Puruliya

each district have one other hospital. Rural Health Institution:

Rural health infrastructure denotes three tier of health structure i.e. Sub Centre, Primary

Health Centre (PHC) and the Community Health Centre (CHC). Rural health institute does

not exist in Kolkata, But It is located among the other districts of the states.

Volume 7, Issue IX, September/2018 Page No:1364 International Journal of Research ISSN NO: 2236-6124 Rural Hospital:

A total number of a rural hospital in West Bengal is 273. The highest number of a rural

hospital is located in Bardhaman (n=22) and lowest number of hospitals is located in Uttar

Dinajpur (n=6). Block Primary Health Centre (BPHC):

Total 76 number of BPHC has been seen in the West Bengal. The highest number of BPHC is

located in Bardhaman (n=13) and lowest number of BPHC is located in Dakshin Dinajpur

(n=1). Primary Health Centre (PHC):

In rural healthcare infrastructure, a maximum number of health care centres are PHC. Total

number of PHC in West Bengal is 914. The highest number of PHC is located in Bardhaman

(n=105) and lowest number of hospitals is located in Dakshin Dinajpur (n=18).

7.1.2 Hospital under other Dept. of States:

Total 72 hospitals are existing in West Bengal which is not under the Department of Health &

Family Welfare. Among them, Kolkata (n=9), Hugli, Haora (n=7) and Bankura, South 24

PGS, Uttar Dinajpur (n=1) consists of this type of hospitals. In Purba Medinipur, this type of

hospital has not found.

7.1.3 Hospital under Local Body:

There are few (n=47) hospitals in West Bengal Which is maintained by the local body. North

24 PGS consists of the highest number (n=17) of this type of hospital. This type of hospital

has not found in Alipurduar, Bankura, Birbhum, Puruliya, Purba Medinipur, Jalpaiguri and

Koch Bihar District.

Volume 7, Issue IX, September/2018 Page No:1365 International Journal of Research ISSN NO: 2236-6124

7.1.4 Hospital under The government of India:

The government of India directly has operated 58 numbers of hospitals around the state.

Bardhaman district has occupied the highest number (n=19) and both Dinajpur have not

occupied any this type of hospital.

7.1.5 Private Hospital:

A total number of other hospitals in West Bengal are 1948. Kolkata consists the highest

number (n=351) of Private hospitals in West Bengal. Then North 24 PGS (n=288), Hugli

(n=197), Haora (n= 124) have the private hospitals. The lowest number of a private hospital

in West Bengal have seen in Dakshin Dinajpur (n=6). (See Table-1)

Table-1: Medical Institutions in the Districts of West Bengal

Department of Health & Family Welfare Government

of West Bengal of

Health States **$



- District District Medical College Hospital District Hospital Sub divisional Hospital State General Hospital Other Hospital Rural Hospital BPHC PHC Hospital under other Dept. of Local Body $ g The India ** NGO/ Private***$ Total Alipurduar 0 1 0 1 0 7 0 13 1 0 1 0 24 Bankura 1 0 1 0 1 14 2 46 3 0 2 31 131 Bishnupur 0 1 0 0 5 1 23 HD Bardhaman 1 0 2 0 0 13 10 72 5 2 19 130 301 HD 0 1 1 9 3 33 Birbhum 0 1 1 0 1 9 2 35 3 0 2 49 135 Rampurhat 0 1 0 6 2 23 Dakshin 0 1 1 0 0 7 1 18 1 1 0 6 36 Dinajpur Darjiling 1 2 2 0 3 9 3 22 8 1 4 69 124 Hugli 0 1 3 1 1 17 1 62 7 7 2 197 299 Haora 0 1 1 6 1 13 2 43 7 2 2 124 202 Jalpaiguri 0 1 1 0 1 6 1 26 2 0 3 17 58 Koch Bihar 0 1 4 0 2 8 4 29 2 0 1 18 69 Kolkata 5 0 0 5 15 0 0 0 9 7 8 351 398 Malda 1 0 1 0 0 16 0 34 2 1 1 29 85

Volume 7, Issue IX, September/2018 Page No:1366 International Journal of Research ISSN NO: 2236-6124

Murshidabad 1 0 4 0 1 17 10 70 4 1 3 87 198 Nadia 1 1 2 3 4 14 3 47 3 1 1 72 152 North 24 1 1 3 7 1 9 3 28 6 17 3 288 401 PGS Basirhat HD 0 1 0 0 9 1 23 Paschim 1 0 2 0 2 17 4 58 4 1 3 145 271 Medinipur Jhargram 0 1 0 0 8 0 25 Purba 0 1 2 1 0 10 5 29 0 0 1 79 161 Medinipur Nandigram 0 1 1 0 5 4 22 HD Puruliya 0 1 1 0 1 18 2 54 3 0 1 12 93 South 24 0 1 2 4 0 12 5 31 1 5 1 239 345 PGS Diamond 0 1 1 0 9 4 29 Harbour HD Uttar 0 1 1 1 0 6 3 19 1 1 0 5 38 Dinajpur Total 13 22 37 29 34 273 76 91 72 47 58 1948 3521 4 Source: Health on March 2015-2016

*Including Five (5) Decentralized Hospitals of Kolkata. ** Including Six (6) Teaching Hospitals of Kolkata. *** Includes Government undertaking organizations $ Provisional

8. Conclusion: Health status of West Bengal is not so good position compared to the country. A distinction between urban and rural health infrastructure has been seen in West Bengal. The health services are better in urban areas rather than to rural areas. Kolkata and North district have the highest number of major health institution and another hand consists the highest number of rural health institutions. Although, the health status of rural areas have been developed since the implementation of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) 2005 and strict initiatives taken by the government of West Bengal. Healthcare improvement in West Bengal is not sufficient in compared to requirements.


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