Field Study Transforms the Educational Experience, p. 12 Bulletin SUMMER 2017 Charlie Theobald ’17, right, participates in a senior thesis theatre project conducted by Soeren Walls ’17, seated. The project, Iris-31, is a virtual reality experience created so that participants can both watch from behind glass or put on the VR glasses and experience an alternate reality. Iris-31 is based on a story Walls’ grandfather told him about a hurricane that hit Belize in 1931 and the double meaning that the word iris can have in relation to water, the eye, and its purification qualities. A publication for alumni, parents, and friends. • Vice President for Communications: Jane Turnis • Co-editors: Jennifer Kulier, Leslie Weddell • Production and Editing: Kirsten Akens ’96 • Creative Director: Felix A. Sanchez ’93 • Bulletin Photo Editor: Jennifer Coombes • Design: Dina Snow • Copy Editing: Helen Richardson • (719) 389-6603, (719) 389-6256 (fax),
[email protected] THE COLORADO COLLEGE BULLETIN (122-860) is published four times per calendar year by Colorado College, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3294. General Series 598. Bulletin Series 504. PERIODICALS postage paid at Colorado Springs 80901-9998 and at additional offices. POSTMASTER: Please send ADDRESS CHANGES to Colorado College Bulletin, Alumni Records, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903- 3294. The Bulletin is also available online; to stop receiving a printed copy, email
[email protected] and let us know. CONTENTS 12 Transforming Education Through Field Study 16 Strategic Plan for the Fine Arts Center 20 The Winding Path of a PHOTO BY JENNIFER COOMBES BY PHOTO CC Biology Major From the President 2 Campus News 3 Athletics 10 First Person 19 On the Bookshelf 28 ABOUT THE COVER A Message from Martha Walker '17 pauses while catching fish from Your Alumni Board 35 Monument Creek during Professor Rebecca Barnes' Block 7 Stream Ecology course.