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T T ( B a F R I tt (b a frit? An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the ts of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity 121'ST Y E A R -N o. 23 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY. JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1969 PRICE—FIVE CENTS Santa to GeftEarly Start in Higjhtstown Miss Taylor Santa Claus is coming to Hightstown on Saturday morn­ ing, Dec. 6. at the fire house. 1st Woman His parade, led 1w the school band, will start atfthe Stockton street school at 9i:30 a.m. and proceed east to Rogers ave., east To Be Officer on Rogers to Railroad, south on Railroad to Academy, east to Local Bank Official Mercer, north out Mercer and Main streets to tlje fire house. Elected to National Santa will present a gift to all children who m e to meet Bank-Women Inc. him at the fire houfee at approx­ imately 10 a.m. Joseph Carter Miss A. Ruth Taylor, assistant James Eufemia cdftlairman of cashier of the First National Bank the Christmas Lighting Com­ of Hightstown, has been accepted mittee sponsored by the Hights­ into membership of the National town Area Chamfier of Com­ Association of Bank-Women Inc., merce, reminds parent- to bring the only professional society for their children to this annual women bank executives. program. FROM ANOTHER PLANET—The earth (Hightstown - East Windsor Dr. Anderson area - that is) will receive a visit from some Hightstown High School Seniors Thursday and Friday nights at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium Is Dead at 43; when they present the annual play, "Visit to A Small Planet.” Among the visitors will be (front) Doug Forer, Kreton; Lynn Andrews. Ellen Spelding; Craig Snyder, Conrad Mayberry and (standing) Harold Watson, Ex-Resident General Powers; Debbie Dennis, Reba Spelding; Karen Phillips, student director and Frank Smith, aide. Directing are Mrs. Jane Edwards and Mrs. Joyce Huguelet. Word lias been received of the Jeath of Dr. William F. Anderson, 13, of Sherburne, N. Y. on Novem­ ber 24 at the Upstate Medical Cen­ ter, Syracuse, N. Y. after a brief Modern Day Pilgrims, NEW CHAMBER OFFICERS: Timothy J. Kelly, local attorney, is the new president of the Hightstown illness. .Jmf: Area Chamber of Commerce. He is flanked by (seated) A. W . Davis of the Peddie School, vice president; He was born February 21, 1926 John Sica of the First Trenton National Bank, treasurer and W. H. Klank of the N. J. Bell Telephone Co., in Hightstown, son o f Frederick and Injuns Mark Holiday executive secretary. Directors are, Sven Raster, Carey’s Card Shop; Leonard Van Hise of Van Hiso M argaret (Scheideler) Anderson, who survive. A graduate of Hights­ Tlie Thanksgiving tradition was songs, and dances. Also, tlie cliild- Agency; Lewis Thorn, First National Bank; Eric Solomon, Frank Pierce, Shangle & Hunt; James Eufemia, town High School, Dr. Anderson observed last week by a group of dren dramatized the voyage of the Damasco’s Liquor Store; Frank Matheson, Hightstown Bowling Lanes; Gordon Stults, Stults Realty and attended Rutgers University and Pilgrims and Indians from the Wal­ Mayflower in the classroom anil dis­ Robert Barrett, Mettler Instrument. Thorn and Solomon were named auditors. Solomon is with Solomon was graduated from the University ter C. Black kindergarten classes cussed the many hardships the pil­ of Pennsylvania in 1954 as a DVM. Dodge. when they feasted on cranberry grims faced. They came to under­ Mis* A. Ruth Taylor On Oct. 4, 1947 in St. Patrick’s sauce, cornbread, butter, pudding stand that througli the friendship Church, Whitehaven!* Pa., he mar­ and popcorn. of tlie Indians, tlie Pilgrims sur­ Miss Taylor has been an officer Airman LaBone Served ried Mary Frances Deal. Tlie food was prepared by the vived that first winter and were able of the Hightstown bank for the past Dr. Anderson practiced veterinary Mrs. Martin Gas Station children under the supervision of to enjoy a bountiful harvest. two years. Her election marked the In Apollo Recovery medicine at Dundaflfa Pa, 1954-64, their teachers Mrs. Mabel Bertram, After preparing the food similar only time this bank has elected a and from 1964 to 196ijwas a profes­ Mrs. Jeanne Keller, Mrs. Gayle to that which was served 300 years woman officer in its 99-year history. Aviation Machinist Mate Airman sor of poultry pathology at Dela­ Franges, Mrs. Isabel Rand and Mrs. ago, the children dressed as Pil­ On Tuesday, Miss Taylor attended Charles W . LaBone, USN, son of ware Valley College at Doylestown, Is Guessed Ordinances Helen Mazzoli. grims and Indians to enjoy tlnj feast. a meeting of the Southern New Jer­ Mr. and Mrs. John C. LaBone, Pa. He joined the Norwich Phar- The feast was tlie culmination yf This is an annual event in the sey Group of the North Atlantic Re­ Shady Rest Trailer Park, served macal Company in 196i|and was em­ an extensive study unit concerning kindergarten and one which is most gion of NABW, held at O urry Ilitt. with helicopter anti - submarine ployed there at the* time of his squadron four, the recovery team Seen in EWT tlie events which preceded the First meaningful in helping the children On TV Show death. .% .- Thanksgiving. The study unit in- for the Apolio'12 astronauts. fo understand the significance of Dr. Anderson was a; veteran g£ .^lutjed such activities as (ilmstrip: :hat 'First Thanksgiving so many Local graphologist, Mrs. Renee He was stationed with the squad­ The East .Wiadsor Harming World War IS, serving in the U, S. and movies, related-: art projects, years ago, Klank Retires C. Martin (Mrs. Howard Kessler o f ron aboard the aircraft carrier USS Board Iff a Tour-hour session Tues-i Navy from 1944 - 46,* ------------------------------- ——- — -— . ■ ---------- Hornet near the splash - down point 5 Dover lane), fooled Peggy Cass day discussed and agreed by resolu-1 Besides his wife and parents, Dr. and Bill Cullen of the panel on "To 385 miles east of American Samoa. Anderson is survived by one daugh­ 26 W. W. - Plainsboro The members of the squadron are tion to recommend to the township' Asa Davison After 29 Yrs. Tell The Truth" Monday over Chan­ ter. Constance Anderson of Sher­ Students Make Honors nel S, N. Y., but she couldn’t get by veterans of the Apollo 8, 10 and committee ordinances on gas sta-; burne; one brother, Richard Ander­ 11 recoveries. Their helicopters have Orson Bean and Kitty Carlisle who tions, "look alike” building models j son of Almagordo, N. M , and one Students in grades 7 - 8 of the been specially redesigned to meet guessed right. The show was hosted in developments, and signs. James sister, Mrs. Peter (Phyllis) Espanos West Windsor - Plainsboro Re­ As Sailor the requirements of th Apollo re­ Grange Chief by Garry Moore. Warwick, studying and incorporat­ of Lakeland, Fla. gional School District are placed Mrs. Martin, is president of covery. ing parts of ordinances from three Funeral services were neld Nov. on the honor roll if they achieve a W. Howard Klank ol South Main Handwriting Consultants, Inc., otner communities, is the sponsor 28 from St. Maiachy’s Church, Sher­ Deputy John Blair and his team B grade or better in all of their street, 29-year citizen sailor veteran, Princeton and N.Y.C. HCI is the of the proposed “look alike” ordi­ burne, where the Rev. Lawrence installed the following 1970 officers subjects. Frank Bradshaw, Principal donned his Navy chief’s hat re­ nance. h e is a member of the town­ Bassney, pastor celebrated a req­ of Hightstown Grange recently: has announced tlie following stu­ Eagle Scout ship committee. uiem high mass. Burial was ill St. Master, Asa T. Davison, J r.; Over- cently for the final time prior to dents attained this status for the being transferred to the retired list. Leon L. Krachyna and Raymond Patrick’s Cemetery, Whitehaven. seer, John W. Orr, Sr.; Lecturer, j first marking period: He conducted the traditional person­ Lewis, both planning board mem­ 'Funeral arrangements were under Katherine Mulligan; Steward, Alvin j Grade 7: Ann Calby, Bruce Fin- nel inspection of his shipmates in bers, did much of the work on the tlie direction of the William W. Ke- E. Croshaw; Assistant Steward, Prize Goes kelstein, Josh Felman, Susan Bos- Naval Reserve Surface Division 4-64 sign ordinance. They studied the hoe Funeral Home, Sherburne. Harold C MooVe; Chaplain, Albert! hea, Wendy Watt, Robert Haws, (M ) at Trenton, a part of the "pip­ sign ordinance from other commun­ Disborough; Treasurer, Kenneth C. Teresa DeMaio, Elaine Pope, Susan ing ashore” ceremonies held in his ities and the National Code Council. Croshaw; Secretary, Laura Mac | Croshaw; Gate Keeper, Harold CJ Ryan, Claire Walton, Linda Dila- honor. To Hazel Ir. The township committee meets Davison; Ceres, Margaret L. Dav-j tush, Adrienne Brockway, Deborah In civilian life, Klank is manager Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the township Approve Rte. ison; Pomona, Rutli Davison; Flora, j Gohring, Patricia Mooney, Ann Pi- of the Hightstown office of the New building and these three ordinances John F. Hazel Jr., son of Mr. and Lillian Croshaw; Lady Assistant laro. Jersey Bell Telephone Co. A chief will be brought before them. Mrs. John F. Hazel, formerly of Steward, Gladys P. M oore; Exeeu- j Grade 8: James Wetterling, Ellen disbursing clerk, Klank began his here, now of Collingdale, Pa. was The planning board committee will 92 Alignment tive Committee, Katherine H. Dey, j Stanton, Loreen Arcamone, Wendy Naval Reserve career at Jersey City presented an Eagle Scout award at hold a special meeting on Tuesday, and William Silvers. Homan, Robert Duncan, Jeffrey in 1940. He served overseas for a Court of Honor at the First Lu­ December 16, to discuss the pro­ Transportation Commissioner Da­ Winners of the pumpkin pie con-' Mayer, Carolyn Roessel, Martha nearly five years during W orld W ar theran Church of Collingdale.
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