An Attempt to Legalize Hemp Farming in Tennessee Is Getting Pushback, Despite Its Economic Potential
TENNESSEE TITANS Deja vu all over again Neil O’Donnell explains what Fitzpatrick faces taking over at QB. ENTER Murphy’sTAINMENT law: P17 Nashville Hoops over U2 From Elvis to The Boss, the MTSU venue has seen some DaviDson • Williamson • sUmnER • ChEatham • Wilson RUthERFoRD • R great acts. But that was then. Ledger Brian Patterson Photos / P16 oBERtson • maURY • DiCkson • montGomERY | October 4 – 10, 2013 The power of information. Vol. 39 | Issue 40 F oR mer lY WESTVIEW sinCE 1978 An attempt to legalize hemp Page 13 farming in Tennessee is getting pushback, despite Dec.: Dec.: Keith Turner, Ratliff, Jeanan Mills Stuart, Resp.: Kimberly Dawn Wallace, Atty: Mary C Lagrone, 08/24/2010, 10P1318 its economic potential In re: Jeanan Mills Stuart, Princess Angela Gates, Jeanan Mills Stuart, Princess Angela Gates,Dec.: Resp.: Kim Prince Patrick, Angelo Terry Patrick, Gates, Atty: Monica D Edwards, 08/25/2010, 10P1326 In re: Keith Turner, TN Dept Of Correction, TN Dept Of Correction, Resp.: Johnny Moore,Dec.: Melinda Atty: Bryce L Tomlinson, Coatney, Resp.: Pltf(s): Rodney A Hall, Pltf Atty(s): n/a, 08/27/2010, 10P1336 In re: Kim Patrick, Terry Patrick, Pltf(s): Sandra Heavilon, Resp.: Jewell Tinnon, Atty: Ronald Andre Stewart, 08/24/2010,Dec.: Seton Corp 10P1322 Insurance Company, Dec.: Regions Bank, Resp.: Leigh A Collins, In re: Melinda L Tomlinson, Def(s): Jit Steel Transport Inc, National Fire Insurance Company, Elizabeth D Hale, Atty: William Warner McNeilly, 08/24/2010, Def Atty(s): J Brent Moore, 08/26/2010, 10C3316 10P1321 Dec.: Amy In Tennessee, the idea of hemp is hot.
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