The Socialist Party of Canada
The Impossibilists: A brief profile of the Socialist Party of Canada by Peter E. Newell In memory of Geoff Verco (1925 – 2006), a friend for 66 years ii By the same author Fighting the Revolution: Makho-Durruti-Zapata (London, England, 1972) Zapata of Mexico (Sanday, Scotland, 1979) (reprinted: Montreal, Canada, 1997) (reprinted: London, England, 2005) Stamps of Alderney (Chippenham, England, 1982) (reprinted and enlarged: Brighton, England, 1988) Photographs supplied by the late George Jenkins, Karla Rab Ellenbogen, Steve Shannon, Steve Szalai, John Ames, Adam Buick, the author and the Cumberland Museum on Vancouver Island. Front cover designed by the author. Peter E Newell left school at 17 years of age without any qualifications. He has been a draughtsman, a postman, a trade union journalist and official, a sewage worker and a local government officer. He has been a member of an appropriate trade union since 1944, and is a member of the retired members’ section of UNISON. He retired from Colchester Borough Council in 1995. He spent some time Mexico, in 1979, and his Zapata of Mexico has been published in Scotland, Canada and England. i “…the possessing class rules directly by means of universal suffrage. As long as the oppressed class – in our case, therefore, the proletariat – is not ripe for its self-liberation, so long will it, in its majority, recognise the existing order of society as the only possible one and remain politically the tail of the capitalist class, its extreme left wing. But in the measure in which it matures towards its self-emancipation, in the same measure it constitutes itself as its own party and votes for its own representatives, not those of the capitalists.
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