Iff* i « of the Socialist Party erf Canada ^ly journal o Vol. 13. No 1 Socialist Fulcrum ft! 40< I Of Voluntary Cooperation And Free Acceee A Wepeteee Common Ownership end Oamoemtfe Contra/ k IF» 41 II I > Ji i . ELECTION ’80 I °LD MISTAKES REVIVED gold Election & leaders j j Nl)f CAPITALISM v°vr ballot 2_________________ SOCIALIST FULCRUM______________________ Voi. 13, No. | Commonwealth Federation (the NDPj former name) was inaugurated in 195? ttu: xiinhjf IntheNews the CCFz'NDP stands for capitalism, n* state or the private variety being of Jim, Editorial Note; la common with her si>- concern. The NDP is more easily etp.-^-i rerx, Sylvia was a bit thin on theory. Class APPEAR TO BE DIFFERENT however, when spokesmen like Hovdebo at distinctions do not, as Sylvia contends, arise The death of former Tory Prime Minister inadvertantly candid. from differences of education but from John Diefenhaker brought about a bvelec- One of Hobdebo’s qualtftcatioos was sad ownership of means of production. There tion in the Prince Albert federal to be ",.. his vote-getting ability,’’ whahi are examples of poorly educated, even constituency. was the NDP’s choice in the May general stuped. children of capitalists who live with A “crowd" (to use the terminology of the election, where he took votes away powei and comfort N evert he leas the article Saskatchewan "Commonwealth") of 1,000 from Diefenbaker. To effect this, it hcJpt to makes interesting reading if only to compare attended an NDP convention to pick a can­ appear to be an alternative to the other par­ how fat her modern contemporaries have didate for the Nov. 19th poll. ties, and the "Commonwealth" (Oct. 2dtki fallen from her position. Stan Hovdebo, the chosen one said: as much as said so: “Sum flovdefo’i I believe tn a society where equality is approach was one of... confidence m sor­ THE FUTURE SOCIETY by Sylvia not only desirable, but possible. ting a process in motion that would preset# i Pankhurst A soaety where social equality is desirable clear alternative to the voters and product, The words Socialism and Communism describes present society: capitalism, a class as a logical result, an NDP victory." have the same meaning. They md cate a con­ divided system where the exploited majority Deception can be "tough sledding" snd dition of societ* in which the wealth of the vaguely longs for classless democracy, a per­ always demands a renewal of schemes to community the land and the means of pro­ centage of whom think the NDP is the vehi­ appear to be "a dear alternative." After aH duction, distribution and transport are held cle for achieving this end. The Socialist Party the years, when the CCF/NDP has been in common, production being for use and of Canada has known since theCo-operative shown to be anything but, both in andoot of no* for profit office, it has no choice. The instance of Soctthuu being an ideal towards which CCFers voting for John Diefenbaker in the we are working, it is natural that there ductive work to do purely administrative 1945 general election in l^ke Center, must should be some (inferences of opinion in that work. Thus useless toil is manufactured, and have been a tough one to play down in liter future society. Since we are living under the burden of non-producers maintained by years. They had been told by their leader of Capitalism it is natural that many people's the productive workers is increased. the time, M. J. Coldwell, that Diefenbaker ideas of Socialism should be colored by then Moreover social conditions are preserved was a better man for the west than the Lib­ experiesces of life under the present system. which are quite out of harmony with Com­ eral candidate and the CCF had no chaog We must not be surprised that some who munist fraternity. The wage system makes of winning there. recognize the present system is bad should the worker's life precarious. The payment of The establishment of a system of nail yet lack the imagination to realize the possi­ wages entails the power to dismiss the equality cannot be brought about by shop bility of abolishing ail the institutions of worker by an official or officials. follow-shepberds. The "crowd" at the P A Capitalist society. Nevertheless Lnere can be So long as the money system remains, nominating convention of course was no real advantage in setting up a half-way- each productive eoterprize must be run on a deceived by the slick phrase of the candidau house to socialism. A combination of Social­ paying basis. Therefore it will tend to aim at 1 believe in a society where equality.. .ft ism aud Capitalism would produce alt sorts employing as few workers as possible, in possible. of injustice, difficult* and waste, f hose who order to spend less on wages. It will also tend Political parties whose memberships «* happen to suffer under the an,n tabes would to dismiss the less efficient worker who divided into generals at the top, and ptivoo continually stniggle lor a return to the old becomning unemployed, becomes less effi­ or “the crowd” at the bottom, are commu­ system. cient. Thus an unemployable class tends to ted to social inequality The means tatties* Full and complete Socialism entails the grow up. the end. total abolition of money, buying and selling, The existence of a wage system almost and the wages system. inevitably leads to unequal wages; overtime, DAMNED IF THEY DO AND DAMNED If It means the community must set itself the bonuses, highei pay for work requiring spe­ THEY DONT task of providing rather more than the peo­ cial qualifications. Class distinctions are "Belgrade (Reuter) After three (toy* ple can use of aU the things that the people purely differences of education, material gloomy speeches about the state of tbtto** need and desae, and of supply ing these when comfort and environment national economy, world financial feeder and as the people require them. Buying and selling by die Government ending their conference here agreed Any system by which the buying and sel­ opens the door to official corruption. To hard times must continue in order to bwi ling system is retained means the employ­ check that, high salaried positions are inflation." (Western Producer, No* ment of vast sections of the population in created tn order that those occupying them But inflation was caused to brat bra unproductive work It leaves the productive have too much to lose to make pilfering and times. w ork to be done by one portion of the people jobbery worth while. w hibt the other portion is spending its ener­ One Big Union Bulletin, Aug. 2, 1923. TO CAUSE PEACE, MANUFACW# gies in keeping shop, banking, making AND SELL ARMS advertisements and all the various develop­ Washington — “The U.S. announce -! ment! of commerce which, in fact, einplov VINTAGE VIEWS would sell helicopter gunships m4 sfl* Letter from Charles Lestor more than two-thirds of the people today. reconnaissance planes to Morocco, ... we can never forgive the founder of the Giv en the money system, the wage system naked King Hassan to join negotiaticw • is inevitable. If things needed and desired are third international for stabbing the revolu­ resolve the West Sahara dispute." obtainable only by payment those who do tionary movement in the back and handing Gymnich, West Germany — "Oww** over the proletariat of Western nations to the work must be paid in order that they may Helmut Schmidt told visiting 0>ifi*eb*d obtain the n* cans ot life. The wage system the forces of opportunism and reaction. Hu* Guofeng West Germany was entails such tnstrtu.ious as the old-age pen­ They have attempted to sacrifice the Social Revolution upon the alter of Russian mined to continue its pobey of detect**” sion, sick and unemployment insurance and the Soviet bloc on the basis of ** Nationalism. Th« the revolution!!'. can widow's pensions, or the Poor Law, and military equality," (Western Prodnc**^ probably plus the Poor Law Tliese involve never forget not forgive Charles Ltetor — burgs numbers of people drawn from pro One Big Union Bulletin, Dec 11,1924 1/79.) po-kxai po*er. whJ lx aotc y. Uaa the wc rk- IS MAN AN ENDANGERED SPECIES? Mg dam to socufecnu Tfey am » a brow aed czmcRsdc this they ha** a fee*’ at »o Never More in thr h-*ury of mankind of affam. for we are pevtieuety teetering ou codafisw and bare no titre to prepw aw b* the population of the world been faced the brmk of the war’d dettructK-n. And now foristou koowfcdge, These wV-MfUd -met- mth mass destruction and death. People are the U.S. A. hat the neutron bomb s weapon leetuato rnrefy define wter aoembam * to a* confused and confounded. They are not which will kill life but leave propenv mcact. in* sad the) are dtegbew^y dbhnnmt ahd rvea diseasing the question. To toem it Perha p» they and other pow its ate » ortnng uadwrecniir far, bow cog they, rran the* jecms to be an enigma — a riddle without a on an improved bomb; om that mil kill art elected to fa f yament, briny ahem * v-.w »<ution. workers but win avoid kiting caphahsts change in society wifenaa amandasefoi rb» There has been a religious revival and After all, the latter control year minds and purpose md) people are seeking solace in the new their power rests upon their -»t wealth Taea there are ’.box who aigee -oat religions which have sprung up; others seek which they obtain from their of socialism will come through the *’’m«fetab*- transcendental meditation as a form of the means of v calth production n</ »»tt ity of gradualism.” niser * long serin *to escape from the world’s ills and others resort yeur wifltng ce>-opera! ion.
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