Please Note That the Minute Requires to Be Approved As a Correct Record at the Next Council Meeting and May Be Amended
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MINUTE REQUIRES TO BE APPROVED AS A CORRECT RECORD AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING AND MAY BE AMENDED EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON FRIDAY 8 JUNE 2012 AT 1400 HOURS IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS, LONDON ROAD, KILMARNOCK PRESENT: Councillors Jim Roberts, Bobby McDill, Andrew Hershaw, Tom Cook, John Knapp, Stephanie Primrose, David Shaw, Billy Crawford and Moira Pirie. ATTENDING: Craig Young, Team Leader, Litigation and Advice; Fiona Finlay, Team Leader - Northern; Craig Iles, Team Leader - Southern; Gwen Finlay, Team Leader, Traffic and Development, Roads and Transportation; and Lynn Young, Administrative Officer. APOLOGIES: Councillors Eòghann MacColl and Drew McIntyre. CHAIR: Councillor Jim Roberts, Chair. HEARING PROCEDURE 1. The Administrative Officer established that the Hearing Procedure was understood by all participants. CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATIONS 2. APPLICATION NO 11/0967/PP: COMMUNITY WINDPOWER LIMITED: SNEDDON LAW, MOSCOW, EAST AYRSHIRE It was confirmed that this application had been withdrawn from the Agenda. 3. APPLICATION NO 07/0778/FL: ELPHINSTONE HOMES LIMITED: GALSTON ROAD, HURLFORD There was submitted an executive summary sheet and report dated 30 May 2012 (both circulated) by the Head of Planning and Economic Development which presented for determination an application for planning permission for the erection of 37 dwellings, access roads (with the main access to the site from Galston Road), internal roads and footpaths, associated car parking and ancillary works including SUDS and landscaping and open space at land to the east of Shawhill Lodge, Galston Road, Hurlford. Fiona Finlay, Team Leader - Northern reported that 23 letters of objection had been received in respect of the application; summarised the planning considerations in respect of the application; and gave the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Economic Development: Refusal, for the reasons detailed in the report.
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