Patterns for Navigating the Transition to a World in Energy Descent Fourth International Integral Theory Conference Sonoma State University, July, 2015 By David D. MacLeod Affiliations: PatternDynamics Community of Practice, Accreditation: Level II (b); co-initiator of Transition Whatcom in Bellingham, WA.; and affiliated online with the Integral Permaculture Page | 1 and Integral Post-Metaphysical Spirituality communities. Contact:
[email protected] Acknowledgments: For valuable feedback on drafts of this paper: Angela MacLeod, T. Collins Logan, Tim Winton, Garvin H. Boyle, Mary Odum, Alia Aurami, Kenyth Freeman, Tom Anderson, David Marshak, and Charles A.S. Hall. For general inspiration: Howard T. Odum, David Holmgren, Richard Heinberg, Rob Hopkins, Jean Gebser, Ken Wilber, Edgar Morin, Alfonso Montuori, Alan Seid, Chris Dierkes, and Trevor Malkinson; and all whom I’ve interacted with at Beams & Struts, Seattle Integral, Integral Permaculture and Integral Post-Metaphysical Spirituality communities and forums. Abstract: This paper will consider current concerns about resource depletion (“energy descent”) and the unsustainability of current economic structures, which may indicate we are entering a new era signaled by the end of growth. Using the systems thinking tool of PatternDynamics™, developed by Tim Winton, this paper seeks to integrate multiple natural patterns in order to effectively impact these pressing challenges. Some of the Patterns considered include Energy, Transformity, Power, Pulse, Growth, and the polarities of Expansion/Contraction and Order/Chaos. We tend to have horrible visions associated with downturns and "collapse." Can we even entertain the possibility that we might be entering a period of decline in energy and standard of living? Can we re-examine our assumptions about “growth” and “development”? Jean Gebser’s emphasis that every mutation of structure is preceded by a crisis will be considered, and Howard T.