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With which la consolidated the Cumberland News. r**; ^_ TWENTY-NINTH YEAR—No. CUMBERLAND, BRITISH COLUM^At, SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1920. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. H. S. FLEMING ON . J. BOWSER SPEAKS HERE CANa-VDIAN COLLIERIES PROPOSED STEEL MILLS ON TUESDAY EVENING NEXT EMPLOYEES' PICNIC Great interest is being aroused in the annual picnic of the PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN OF CUMBERLAND AND The leader of the Opposition in the Provincial House, Hon. W. employees of the Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir), Ltd., which is DISTRICT ASSEMBLE TO HEAR PRESIDENT OF THE J. Bowser, will be the principal speaker at a big meeting to be to be held at Royston on August 14. An organization meeting was CANADIAN COLLIERIES DISCUSS THE STEEL PLANT held in the Ilo-llo Theatre on Tuesday evening next. Mayor held at the beginning this week when committees and officers CONTEMPLATED AT UNION BAY. D; R. McDonald will occupy the chair. were elected to see that the affair is a complete success. In view of the near approach of the provincial election and the A meeting of all committees is called for Sunday morning at The City Hall was well filled on Tuesday evening when a large prohibition referendum, considerable interest is being evinced in 11 o'clock, when it is hoped to get a good start on the preliminary gathering of members of the Cumberland Board of Trade and Mr. Bowser's visit. The meeting'is open to all, ladies being work. The complete list of officers and committees is as follows: other prominent persons assembled to meet Mr. H. S. Fleming, especially invited to attend. Hon. President, Jas. M. Savage. Hon. Vice-President, Thomas Graham. President of the Canadian Collieries (Dunsmuir), Limited, and On Wednesday Mr. Bowser proceeds to Campbell River to attend Director of Ceremonies, Charles Graham. President, Robt. Walker. Secretary, hear his remarks concerning tho proposed steel plant at Union Chas. O'Brien. Treasurer, Jno. D. Davis. the annual meeting of the Comox Central Conservative Associa­ TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE—H. L. Bates (chairman), H. Bunchauan, Bay. tion at the Willows Hotel. ft Mr. G. W. Clinton, President of the Board of Trade, occupied A. R. Westley, A. Matheson, L. Fraiiceschinl. s RECEPTION COMMITTEE—D. R. McDonald (chairman), Thomas. Graham, the chair, and amongst those present were noticed Mayor Dr. R, Charles Graham. McDonald, Thomas Graham, Thos. Mordy, J. W. Cooke, Charles REFRESHMENT COMMITTEE—George O'Brien (chairman), Bob Robert­ Graham, Marshall, AT C. Lymn, James Dick, Norman Hawkins, son, W. Devoy, W. Wier, S. Cameron, T. O'Neil, T. Eccleston, H. Buchanan, Dr. G. K. MacNaughton, T. E. Bate, W. Gordon, F. D. Pickard, W. Alex. Brown, S. Robertson, Jim Boyd, Jno. Horbury, Chas. Walker, Joe Taylor, Dave Ford, Wm. Beveridge, Thos. Watson, Jack Williams, Sam Jones, W. Willard, J. Sutherland, C. -H. Tarbell, A. McKinnon, T. H. Mum­ ilillls, E. Mumford, D. Haggard, E. C. Dunn, A. J. Fouracre. ford, P. P. Harrison, Frank Dallos, Ben H. Gowen, W. Johnston of PROGRAMME COMMITTEE—H. G. McKinnon (chairman), Robt. Brown, Parksville, T. Rickson, H. W. Gowgin of Victoria, as well as a Jas. L. Brown, Pete Reed, Jno. Quinn. party from Courtenay including E. H. Hicks-Beach, J. Rickson SPORTS COMMITTEE—Jas. L. Brown (chairman), Jas. Quinn, Bobbie and Ben Hughes. Brown, Preston Bruce, E. H. Kay, Dan Stewart,. John T. Taylor. The chairman briefly introduced Mr. Fleming to the gathering, GROUNDS COMMITTEE—Andrew Pollard (chairman), Ed. Nancy, Pete Reed, Sam Fraser, J. Smith, Mickey Williamson, Arch Lockhart, R. Turnbull, who on arising said he was not a speaker, and did not come to give P. Harris, W. Wilson. a set speech, but would like a free all round talk. He reminded his hearers that the last time he was here, some years ago, he had told them that the success of the town and the company depended William Swanson Orangemen Had upon co-operation. They had been a get-together, which had proved successful on both sides. Loses His Life Good Celebration Coming to the main topic of the evening, he said there were Body of Well-Known Miner Was Hold Church Parade on Sunday people who would put up a steel plant provided they could find a Found in Puntledge River and Social Gathering on the market for what they produced. It seems that when people speak on Monday Last. Glorious Twelfth. of the consumption of steel on the coast they have in mind the William Swanson, an old-time resi­ total of every kind of steel, which would-be everything from pocket A large number of local Orangemen knives to blooms. A steel plant itself made just basic things. Now dent on the Island, lost his life by drowning in the Puntledge River, near turned out to the church parade on I am trying to find out how much would be taken on the coast. For Bevau, about three weeks ago, his Sunday evening, which was held ln the instance, how much pig iron could be used in foundry work? How body being found ln the river on Mon­ Grace Methodist Church. Rev. Geo. many billets and plates and how much structural iron could be day afternoon last. Kinney, took tbe service. sold? A steel plant to start with, said the speaker, had got to Tbe actual cause ot drowning will The celebration on Monday ls 'said to have been the best ever held by have a market for 250 tons a day. The steel business that starts probably never be known, for there were no witnesses to the tragedy. It Orangement In this part of the Island. here has got to stand on its own feet—once it gets started. ls quite certain that he was accident­ The celebration took the form of The people ln England, said Mr. Fleming, are going to look out tor the ally drowned, for he was known to speeches and a social in tbe Orange best location. I am trying to get them to locate at Union Bay. I consider have been an ardent fisherman and Hall. Among those present was a that the best place lu the world, t Applause.) HON. W. J. BOWSER for this purpose had built a cabin close large contingent from Courtenay. How much land can we get? How much wlll it cost, asked the speaker. Who will address a public meeting b Cumberland on Tuesday. to the river where he spent most of Rev. Geo. Kinney gave a stirring ad­ Any little attempt at a hold-up would cause the English people to look with his tiniu lishing- when he w«-i not dress on the principles of the order, disfavor on Union Bay. working. Three weeks go he left sketching the history of Orangeism On the meeting being invited to Join in tlie discussion and ask questions, Bevan for his cabin, according to bis and what It stood for from the Battle Mr, Bate said he would like a little insight as regards getting raw material— 5044 Names on Matriculation usual custom, but not returning to of the Boyne down to the present day; could it be got within, say lull miles? camp within a few days his friends and many other leading officials of the Mr. Fleming, in reply, said they could get ull they would ever want. Voters'- List Examinations became anxious and visited the cabin, local lodges contributed good speeches. It has beeu stated, to my surprise, he said, that magnetite ores, of which there only to find the place empty. Alarmed A musical entertainment had been ar­ Time for Receiving Registra­ Results of the matriculations exam­ ranged, in which the bagpipe selection are large quantities on this coast, wore not suitable for furnace work and did inations were received in Cumberland [or his safety a search was at tince in­ tions Has Been Extended stituted, which resulted in the finding by Mr. Munro of Courtenay gave great not produce a pig iron from which steel could be made. That is simply yesterday by Mr. A. McKinnon, secre­ to End of Month. of his lifeless body in the river a short pleasure. Ignorance. The Cornwall ore deposits iii Lebanon County. Pennsylvania, are tary of the School Board. magnetites and have beeu operated for years, producing a high grade of iron: distance below his cabin. During the evening Mr. Taylor was Junior Matriculation. aud there arc a dozen more magnetite deposits In the United Stutes of which The Provincial Government has ex­ Mr. Swanson was a native of Caith­ presented with a pastniaster's Jewel the same can be said. The ore Is somewhat harder to reduce lu the furnace, tended the time tor placing names on Alice Colman, 106 (completed). ness, Scotland, and was 55 years of in recognition of the great services he but it has been done, is being done, and wlll be done. There was no lack of the new voters' list until the 31st of Ida McFadyen, 1103 (passed). i. He was familiarly known as had rendered to the order while he limestone, another Important requisite, and no lack of coal—the best steam July. This will enable those who Marjorie Mordy, 582 (passed). "Wlngy," owing to his having lost a held the chief office. coal on "the Pacific Coast. s have so far neglected, or been pre­ Findlay Stewart McKinnon, 533 hand iu a mine accident some yearB Tbe ladies of the Cumberland lodge Mr. Clinton asked if the Orient would be a likely market. vented, to register their names, to do (passed). ago. For the past thirty years he had served refreshments, which were much To a certain extent Mr. Fleming thought It would. However, lie was not so and thus have a citizen's say in the Carrie Richardson, 556 (suplemen- resided In Nanaimo and vicinity and enjoyed. figuring on that but on the home market—from San Francisco to Alaska. selection of the government, as well tary). had many friends In Nanaimo and as a vote on the Prohibition referen­ Mr. Hawkins asked what Mr. Fleming thought of tho possibilities, to Foon Steu Wong, 507 (supplemen­ Cumberland and other parts of the Is­ dum, in which everybody is keenly which the latter said, as a mild guess, lie considered there was a market tary). land. Tbe deceased was a widower, Interested. Motor Accident in Washington, Oregon and California. There was no appreciable amount his wife having pre-deceased him some of ore In either Washington or Oregon. If they got that market and became Up to last evening the very satis­ 18 years ago. One of his sons, Robert, Courtenay Road established It would add considerably tu tlie success of the Industries ami factory number of 5044 names had Dunsmuir Avenue was killed in action In tbe great war. prosperity of the Island. The Dominion, or Province would have to stand In been forwarded to District Registrar He ls survived by one son, Charles, John Baird for the new list. This Is Good progress is being made to­ A motorcycle rider going to Cour­ the gap, if thero was a gap, until they became established. The speaker and two daughters, Mrs. Bull of Dun­ just double the number ot a week ago, wards completing the work ou Duns­ tenay Sunday night came to grief as emphasized the importance of using the raw material here and turning it can and Mrs. Poison, residing In Van­ and should good progress still con­ muir Avenue and ln the course of a the result of trying to avoid a cart Into finished products. If we liave--bre here we should use it ourselves, snld couver; also two brothers, residing in tinue for another couple of weeks a few days It will opened for traffic driven by a Chinaman who was on the Mr. Fleming. the province, Robert of Vancouver, fairly complete list of persons entitled Automobile drivers are particularly wrong Bide of the road. Mr. Harrison asked how tlie 8-hour day would affect the steel plant, and In and Sinclair of Nanaimo, and two Bis­ to vote wlll have been compiled. requested to use discretion when' driv­ It appears the Oriental, seeing the reply Mr. Fleming said a steel mill goes on 24 hours a day seven days a week. ters, Mrs. Trudell of Cedar and Mrs. The list will positively close on the ing on the oiled portion, taking care motorcycle approaching, turned his The really successful steel plant Is one that works 24 hours a day. They Tljniuas Gordon of Nanaimo. 31st of this month. not to damage the surface, as It will cart toward the other side, but it was muBt work* on Sunday. If they ceased work the furnaces would cool off and be some time before it will be In shape Mr. Sinclair Swanson came up from apparently too late, as the rider, in or­ the cost of coal necessary to bring the bent up again would be groat. for hard wear. Nanaimo to take part In the search, der to avoid u collision wns driven In­ Mr. Tarbell: If a steel mill starts In, would It be an inducement for other Warning to Whilst the workmen engaged in tlie and took charge of the body, which to the ditch, he being badly bruised plants to start in? work of putting the "Turvla" on the was prepared for shipment at the un­ and scratched and his suit consider­ Mr. Fleming said there was already one In Vuneouver. Undoubtedly there avenue Inst night about 9.30, tlle dertaking parlors of Mr. T. E. Banks ably torn. would he inducements (or many kindred industries to commence. 150,01)0 tons Motor Drivers "Tarvia" lu the holler apparently mid shipped to Nanaimo for interment of tinplate was used in the province, being shipped from tlie east. It this boiled over, causing an Immense That portion of thc public who REV. W. LEVERSEDGE could be produced here it would save tho heavy freight charges. A steel mill blaze. For a few moments tho work­ CUMBERLAND PLAYS drive cars and have thc welfare of the here would mean twenty or thirty other industries. Everybody should work men hud the "wind up" und com­ LOSES HIS FATHER city streets at heart are requested to CELTICS IN VANCOUVER for It—I am doing my bit, said the speaker. menced to throw dirt on the blaze In be courteous enough to elimlnntc rock- Mr. Clinton thought Union Bay was the best place for the steol plant un endeavor to extinguish It. Sud­ .Much sympathy Is felt for Rev. Mr. less driving, which Involves jamming The local football team today plays But they should complete the products hore and ship them away. It would denly one of the gang called for Ihe Leversedge iu the bereavement ho has on of brakes suddenly nnd the conse­ the Celtics III Vancouver. Cumberland help Cumberland considerably'. Then, speaking 111 a complimentary manner lire hose which was laying close by to suffered through the denth of bis quent tearing up of the street surface. wlll be minus the valuable services of to the guest ot the evening, he said Mr. Fleming had been one of the best be connected up and turn on the water. father In England. The rector of Holy both Wilkinson and Harrison, who friends Cumberland over had. You came here and with your officials you A second appUcation of oil Is needed Tbey soon had thc blaze out, but the Trinity Church received word on Sat­ to complete the surfacing. Tills ap­ received Injuries in last Saturday's built houses and helped make Cumberland a better place to live In. What dense volumes of smoke permeated the urday that his father hud passed nway plication takes place (10 days after the game. you have done for this city the citizens think you deserve great credit. We whole atmosphere. on June 11. first. believe you will put the steel mills at Union Bay. On behalf of tbe Cumber­ One of the workers got in tlie way Another good thing to remember is land Board of Trade I thank you for coming here this evening, said the of tlie stream of water just as It was that turning Is supposed to be done chairman. turned on, getting the full force right at street Intersections and not In the on the rear end. MEETING OF COMOX CENTRAL Mr. McKinnon: As one of those who were here when Mr. Fleming visited middle of the block. Drivers who for­ Cumberland before, when he urged co-operatlon, I am very pleased to see get this are liable to find It brought how things are prospering. We wish him every success and we have no to their notice ln a rather unpleasant 919 NUT-BARS IN WINDOW doubt at all that he will put the steel plant at Union Bay. manner, since there is a local bylaw (Continued on Page Two) protecting the city on this point. The guessing contest conducted by Hon. W. J. Bowser, Leader of the Opposition in the Provincial "Kelly" of the number of nut-bars Parliament, and Mr. H. S. Clements, member of the Federal House heaped in his woudow came to an ATTORNEY-GENERAL e id Thursday night. Kelly was kept for the Comox electoral district, are expected to be present at the SPECIAL MEETINGJFJMA. TUESDAY FARRIS VISITING COMOX Iiusy sorting ovcr the hundreds of annual meeting of the Comox Central Conservative Association to guesses put in the box. The correct be held at the Willows Hotel, Campbell River, on Wednesday next, • Mr. C. J. Bunbury, secretary of the Cumberland Branch of the Attorney-General Farris is leaving number was 1)19, which number was July 21, at 7 p.m. Great War Veterans' Association, announces that a very important Victoria on Monday on an auto trip, put in by K. Brown, who gets the Election of officers for the ensuing year and other important combining business with pleasure. large box of chocolates; the second meeting of the local is to be held on Tuesday evening next at 7 While making a tour of the Island be ; uccessfnl guess, 920, was '"guessed* matters afTecting the welfare of the province will be the principal o'clock sharp. Every member is urgently reguested to attend as I will visit the soldier settlement at by Mrs. Hill, and tbo third by "Duck, business. Mr. D. R. McDonald is president of tiie association and business of great importance is to come up. I Merville. who wrote 921. Mr. E. W. Bickle is secretary. Two THfi CUMBERLAND ISLANDER July 11, 1920. H. S. FLEMING ON We received this week a shipment WE ARE PROPOSED STEEL MILLS WE ARE . of no less than (Continued from Page One) SOLE Mr. Sutherland moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Thomas Graham, the SOLE Superintendent of the Canadian Collieries, speaking very highly of the good AGENTS work Mr. Graham had done in knitting together the opposing elements in AGENTS 600 Pounds of Moir's Cumberland. He was always more than ready to help In any way possible for the welfare of the city, said Mr. Sutherland. High-Class Chocolates Mr. Tarbell said he took much pleasure in seconding the motion. He was keenly appreciative of Mr. Graham's good services on behalf of Cumberland. Mr. Graham, in reply, said he almost blushed like a young bride at the Including every variety and flavor flattering remarks made by the two previous speakers. Whatever be had Mrs. Haines' Orange Marmalade done, it had been a great pleasure for him to do. He fully realized that he could not do anything he Intended to without the co-operation of the people of these delicious confections of Cumberland. With your co-operation, said Mr. Graham, 1 can do much better in the future. GOLD BAR FRUITS Mr. Harrison said he had been 14 years In Cumberland, and Mr. Graham had done everything he possibly could for the welfare of Cumberland. He bad FREESTONE PEACHES, PEARS always acted In the right spirit. The same applied to Mr. Fleming, said Mr. Be sure and take home some of Harrison. He was very pleased to see them there that evening. The old APRICOTS, CHERRIES feeling of antagonism had been entirely dissipated and a feeling entirely McKenzie's Famous Ice Cream- friendly now prevailed. Mr. Willard said he had been n citlzon of Cumberland for 2ti years, and the inside and out. companuy seemed to be working together for the good of Cumberland. Wc will be very pleased, said Mr. Willard, to back up your efforts. Mumford and Walton Mayor McDonald said he was pleased to be present to hear what Mr. Fleming had to say regarding the steel plant. He hoped It would be located Grocers, Cumberland. at Union Bay. Tbe company was doing many things to help Cumberland along. KELLY'S CAFE We* have got more backing the lust two years than we ever have before. Mr. Hicks-Beach of Courtenay said tlie people of that city were with Mr. OPPOSITE THE BIG STORE CUMBERLAND Fleming hand and foot in his efforts to place the steel mill at Union Bay. You supply us with good coal, said the speaker, and we supply you with better milk and'cream. (Laughter.) Mr. Rickson, also of Courtenay, said he hoped the finished product would be turned out at Union Bay. He instanced a case where Courtenay bad lost greatly by allowing its lumber to be shipped away to be finished at another Picnic Necessities port. Mr. Ben Hughe3 of the Comox Argus said it afforded him great pleasure to C. C. M. Bicycles hear that the steel mill was to be started on a business; bnsis. He laid par­ ticular stress.on this phase of the operations. He mentioned, Incidentally, Paper Plates A DELAYED SHIPMENT that there wa3 every possibility of a woolen mill being established at Courtenay. Paper Serviettes Specially Low Prices to Clear In reply to a question as to why they preferred Union Bay, Mr. Fleming said it waa a good shipping place, and there wns a large supply of limestone Paper Tablecloths Don't walk these hot days—ride a good bicycle—it and ore close by; also, which was very important, ill the Comox district there was a large farming district which could supply large quantities of will bring you in close touch with the beach and other LIME JUICE GRAPE JUICE cool, shady places. produce. The mills should result in their being a large population, at Courtenay, Cumberland and Union Bay. LOGANBERRY JUICE THERE IS NO LUXURY TAX ON C.C.M. BICYCLES LEMONADE POWDER FRUIT SALTS THEY ARE A NECESSITY ROYSTON ARRIVALS We carry the famous "Perfect" C.C.M. Bicycles, fitted with the new guaranteed "Hercules" Coaster Among those who are now residing Miss Hlldebrand. Brake—the brake without the side-arm—very simple at Royston Benches are: Jiiss Edith Bickle. in construction, and guaranteed. Mr. and Mrs. It. Grieves. ' Miss Janet Graham. BATHING CAPS They come in both black and a pleasing shade of red. Mr. and Mrs. Mumford. Miss Ronald. Mr. und Mrs. F. Dalby and family. Miss Laura Robertson. PRICES: Mr. and Mrs. Stanford. Dr. and Mrs. Christie, Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon and family. $60.00 and $62.50 Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland and family. AT HARTLEY POINT. Frost's Pharmacy Mr. J. C. Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cooke and These are away below the prevailing prices, as they Miss McDonald. - family. were ordered a considerable time ago, but were late in Mr. and Mrs. Marsh of the Roynl Mr. and Mrs. Tarbell alld family. arriving. Bank, Courtenay. The Rexall Store Cumberland Dr. and Mrs. MacNaughton and Mrs. H. Henderson, Nanaimo, family. Mrs. Muir, the guest of Mrs. He'i- *Uev. Jas. Hood and family. T. E. BATE derson. P. O. Box 279 CUMBERLAND Phone 31 Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy. Dr. and AlrB. Hicks and family. Mrs. Grant, Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. John Cumeron. Mr. and" Mrs. Chas. Graham. Rev. nnd Mrs. Leversedge and fam­ Miss Bessie Stewart. antee that In future we will endeavor ily. APOLOGIZE FOR DAMAGE Miss M. Evans. at all times to respect tlie rights of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryan. Mrs. Colin Campbell and family. We, the undersigned, do hereby ten- property and to so govern our conduct Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Pickard. Miss Gallivan. Luxury Tax Removed dor a most bumble apology to those that in the end wo shall become good Mr. and Mrs. John Spicer. parties whose gardens we entered into and loyal citizens. and whoso fruit and vegetables we Signed by Reginald F. Bale, Howard The People Of Royston Are Saying from Electric hteating destroyed. K. Carey, James Wllcock and Francis Wo realize that our actions in the Potter. ' That nt the election held Thurs­ That lots seems to be in great de­ matter were not such as to reflect Witness: C. J. Bunbury, Chief of day evening Mayor Dowdall was mand at Royston at present. Appliances credit on us as decent and law-abid­ Police. unanimously chosen to do the honors ing citizens iiiui'.we do hereby guar­ Cumberland, U. 0, July 1C, 1920. for another yenr. ' That the presence of the girls on the beach has had a good effect on the You will be interested to know that the efforts of That Messrs. Macdonald and Roy hoys, and there have been no moro manufacturers of Electric Heating Appliances and of took cold feel, and would not faco the midnight wanderings over to Comox others interested, have been successful in securing the newly appointed Council of Ladles. Hats on" to the girls! removal of the 10 per cent. Luxury Tax on nickle- Tlrat the lady presiding ut tlie Coun­ plated Electric Heating Appliances. cil meeting Thursday night bandied That the two girls who wore wan­ il in a masterly way. dering on the shore during the thun We quote herewith a recent letter from R. W. Bread- SUMMER derstorm on Sunday morning should ner, Commissioner of Taxation, to a manufacturer of That the appointment of Miss Mac­ remember this is Leap Year,and there appliances: donald as Treasurer for tbe year will fore should not be alone any longer be much appreciated, as she knows than they can help. "In reply to your letter of the 15th inst., I may state GOODS bow to look after the First Nationnl that the luxury tax applies to articles plated with gold Bank. That wedding bells must be In tho or silver adapted for household or ofiice use. Nickle- air over at a nearby settlement, Judg­ plated electric heating appliances are exempt." WINDOW SCREENS at 50c each. Thnt the impromptu concert held ing by the rush of ministers to do the after the meeting was a decided suc­ needful. Hurry up, girls! Some of the more important arguments used were: cess. SCREEN DOORS at $3.00 and $3.75 That tlie news of the success of the 1st—In almost all communities of the Dominion of That Mrs. Muir, who entertained the two pupils for the Matriculation wus Canada it is actually more economical to iron, toast, HAMMOCKS, BABY HAMMOCKS, CAMP COTS and audience, Is a star of thc first magni­ heralded in by no mean way on an­ cook, etc., with electric appliances than by any other MATTRESSES tude, and for song and story wilj be nouncement. hard to surpass. method. Thnt the successful candidates had The proposed legislation, therefore, would be taxing LUNCH BASKETS That tlie bravery of the royal pro­ quite an embarrassing moment when fession was upheld on tiie iiiltliilion of they met, and congratulated one an an economy rather than a luxury. CAMP BLANKETS and COMFORTERS Miss lliignn the other night. other, judging hy the largo embrace 2nd—Appliances made from steel and iron require Which was witnessed. That if the residents of some of the a covering of something to protect them from the nearby communities Intend remaining That there are spiders and spiders, action of rust. on the mup they will have to show a but the recitation of "Bruce and the Nickle is the best and most economical for this little more ot the Community Spirit. Spider" was well rendered the other (Produce the key of their cellar, so to evening. purpose. speak.) That the residents of Cumberland ft full line of House That tlie Shamrock uphold the tradi­ and the surrounding district may look tions of Old Ireland, and romped home forward to the first concert to be CUMBERLAND AND UNION WATER WORKS Furnishings in Stock Thursday ulght in the first race. staged at Royston, when Mrs. Mulr COMPANY, LIMITED will be In full control, judging by the That "Hall, Hail, the Gang Was All standard set up the other night. Whereas certain mischievously Inclined persons have There" on Thursday night and the tampered with the valves on the mains of this company, thereby allowing a considerable amount of water to run to entertainment of the Gang by some of That she has promised to give tlie waste, we therefore wUh to point out that It is a serious the ladles was appreciated by all, and full story of Jimmy Green some even offence to tamper with such valves, and should the offend­ wlll no doubt be followed by many ing, and no doubt a crowd will be li ing parties be apprehended they will be prosecuted to the A. McKinnon more pleasant evenings. attendance. very fullest extent of the law. KNEADS BREAD WITH GLOVES ON with his shirt on and he needs bread THE FURNITURE STORE It Is reported that one of the fastid­ with his pants on, aud unless some of Cumberland Electric Lighting ious married women of this town the delinquent subscribers of this "Old kneads bread with her gloves on. The Kag of Freedom" pony up before Phone 75 Co., Ltd. P. O. 314 Cumberland, B.C. Incident may be somewhat peculiar, long, Ire wlll need bread without a but there are others. d n thing on, and North Dakota Is The editor of this paper needs bread no Garden of Eden in the Winter time. with his shoes on—he needs bread -From a North Dakota paper. II ill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii F July 17, 1920. -Tfifi CUMBERLAND ISLANDER

400 CARLOADS OF of the most skilled horsewomen in the ILO-ILO THEATRE citing Incidents of "The 13th Chair." country. ^^^^^^^A ONIONS AND A BIG Politician Murdered In Seattle. Miss Ferguson has a splendid role BEAR IN FILM STORY For example: Back in the early ui "Heart of the Wilds," the scenes ot nineties the City of Seattle was ln a 4 SHOWS WEEKLY George Walsh Stars in Humor­ iVhleh are laid along the Canadian AS THE ••order, There are troopers,. Indians turmoil for days over the murder of a II ATI PC THEATRE HAS BEEN ENGAGED FOR OTHER UPtfT UfCCIf ous Photoplay at the Ilo-llo and cowboys aplenty lu the action. prominent politician. It was the cus­ IIU I IUC"PURP0SES THERE WILL BB NO SHOW ON TUESDAY IICA I If EX IV Theatre Tonight ihumas .Meighan Is Miss Ferguson's tom of the man, whenever engaged in .cading man and the support is ex promoting particularly Important leg­ What would you do, If after a ulghi oelleut throughout. islation to go to the library of his During the months of July and August there at the cabarets you discovered a bis home, shut himself In thc room, lock will be 4 Shows weekly Mondays, Tuesdays, bear in your bathroom and it dawned Much has beeu written about tin the door, and permit no one to enter upou you that you had bought tin .lumber of people who undergo prlva- until he had worked on the details of Thursdays and Saturdays animal tor a "pet." This may happei .ion to win screen fame. Yet, bow the bill In wblch he was Interested. i^-j. to you—this Is the ages of surprises— jiany would actually risk llielr live, Despite all these things, the man BO you are advised to Bee "Jack Spur- .or a chance to linger iu the cellulolu was killed In his room, sometime be­ lock—Prodigal" at the llo-Ilo Ibit jpotligbt? tween the hours of nine o'clock at Saturday, July 17th evening, where George Walsh the Wm ( This question came up receutl) night aud midnight, and his murderer ,' Fox star, as young Spurlock, solver ,t. A. VNuish, motion picture producer, has not been discovered to this day. tbe problem of disposing ot the 400 inserted an advertisement iu a New That was one of these cases In the pound Alaska bruin. Mr. Bruin maker fork daily calling tor a man to ride note book of Uf. Velller, and the mur­ it Interesting for tbe Harvard Faculty I jver Niagara Falls ln a houseboat to. der taking place in the locked room aud his young owner before he is got­ j a scene in a picture to be presented from which no one might enter or ten rid of. GEORGE WALSH jy the Mayflower Photoplay Corpora­ leave, always appealed to him as be­ "Jack Spurlock — Prodigal" was tion. Walsh was determined to In­ ing an ideal one for the plot ot a written, by Oeorge Horace Lorimer — IN — vest the scene with all possible real­ mystery Btory. editor of Saturday POBt, published in ism, hence the call for a man to ac­ the Saturday Evening Post In serial tually go over the Falls. The reward Jiew method of Murder. form and later in book form. The offered was $1,000. One of the most ingenious methods "JACK SPURLOCK—PRODIGAL" story made a hit and the book attained The producer expected no more than ever employed by a man to do murder HAVE YOU A BAD DISPOSITION? WANT IT CURED? TRY A the distinction of being the "best four or Ave applicants. Imagine his was that of a San Francisco man, who DOSE OF PROFESSOR GEORGE WALSH'S "CURE ALL." TO BE seller" on the market. surprise when 130 death-defying arranged a device much after the fashion of a sling shot to drive a SOLD IN THEATREFULS UNDER THE NAME OF "JACK SPURLOCK "Jack Spurlock—Prodigal" is the demons appeared. Almost every na­ —PRODIGAL," AT THE ILO-ILO THEATRE TONIGHT! story of a young Harvard student's ex­ tionality, color aud creed had its rep­ knife lhto the back of his victim at perience beginning after he had been resentative, eager to flirt with the god the moment that the marked man dropped from Harvard because of his of chance iii order to win film fame. stood in a position to make the attack certain to prove fatal. Mr. Velller escapade with the bear. He was a The applicants came from a varied covered the trail of that murderer aud self-reliant- chap and when his mil­ assortment of comparatively safe and the Idea of a person being able to Also Fifth Episode of lionaire father placed him In charge sane occupations. A large number drive a knife Into the back of another of the business lie sought to make a ivere mechanics; many were seamen without once coming near the victim good stroke by buying a few hundred and salesmen; three were bank clerks; of the attack, struck him as presenting carloads of onions, not knowing that two were insurance brokers, while his daddy had already bought 500 cars. a phase of mystery that would baffle Jack Dempsey one was a deputy sheriff. The ma the efforts of the shrewdest detectives It works out alright, but before the jority were ex-service men, willing to to unravel. -IN * film story is unfolded young Spurlock cake any chance. has many funny and thrilllpg expert Included In the number of appli­ The murder ln which the mystic ences. cants was Allan Law, brother of the third degree was employed was one late Rodman Law, and himself a that stirred the city of Denver as it "DAREDEVIL JACK" "Dardanella" Is one of the most famous daredevil who rode over the has seldom been stirred by a similar popular songs ever written in America. Falls iu a barrel several years ogo. crime. The victim was a well known Royalties on the piece are reported to Another was Frank Dupree, news­ society woman. Suspicion pointed with have reached $250,000. And Johnnie paper correspondent who made the almost convincing certainty toward a Black who composed it got $100. lirst long distance aeroplane flight In woman almost as well known in so­ Monday, July 19th "Madelon" is the most popular song 1913—from Dover, Eng., to Cologne, ciety circles. that has been written in France In a Germany. Confesses During Seance. generation. It has made hundreds of All the efforts of the police to ob­ thousands of francs for the publishers. ROMANCE AND FUN tain a confession or sufficient proof The French pollu who wrote it got to warrant an actual charge of mur­ nothing—not a centime!—in royalties. ARE EVER PRESENT der were unavailing until it was "Madelon" was written before the IN "LESS THAN KIN" ELSIE FERGUSON learned that the woman under sus­ war. It was one of the thousand picion was a great believer ln the songs that were heard occasionally. Delightful Situations Feature of — IN — power of a certain medium ln that Nobody paid any attention to it. Then Wallace Reid's Nefest city. The police did not hesitate to the armies were mobilized and the Photoplay. make use of this Information and at a French poilus took It up. They de­ I fake seance at wblch Mr. Velller was manded it to march to. They saug It. The romance and fun of the average one of those present, a series ot events "Heart of the Wilds" It was played by the bands over and Central American revolution are ad­ occurred wblch the suspect was able over and over. It spread all over mirably brought out in "Less Thau [to account for only In the belief that France. Literally all France sang it, Kin," the new Paramount photoplay, there were manifestations of super­ whistled it, played It, marched to it. starring Wallace Reid aud featuring natural power, and which brought Since the war tho French Chamber dainty Ann Little, wblch will be from the shrieking criminal a cry of Wednesday, July 21st of Deputies has made it an official shown at the ilo-llo Theatre on Wed­ confession. national song. A French newspaper nesday next. has raised a fund for the poilu writer In this excellent picture Mr. Reid All three murder cases have con­ who was glad to give his composition plays two roles—that of a ne'er-do- tributed their share to the mystery ln to the publisher just to see It printed. well, who IB disowned by his family, 'The 13th Chair." Naturally, Mr. When Johnny Black took "Dardan­ and the other that of a man who has Velller, in constructing his fictitious ella" to the publishers they told him It mystery, has employed .only portions j "LESS THAN KIN" accidentally killed a man in tefence was unusual. Johnny felt proud. of a woman, and who escapes from of the actual mysteries which he en­ When the publisher offered him a jail and finds refuge in Central Amer­ countered in real life, but, remarkable cheque for $100, he accepted. Then he ica, where he drills a motley army of story as he has written, to those who A Paramount Picture became aware that everybody was revolutionists. The resemblance be brand it as being too impossible to singing it and playing it—that it was tween these two men ls so startling have actually occurred, he need only a hit! Now he is suing for a share of that on the death of the ne'er-do-well, refer them to the police records of Starring the royalties. the refugee decids to assume his name three cities to let them read for them­ and station and return to New York, selves stories that put an even greater tax on the credulity, and one of which MANY THRILLING where his imposture brings about many highly diverting situations. In never has had an explanation of FEATS SHOWN IN solution. WALLACE REID the end, however, he is pardoned and BIG NEW PICTURE linds happiness and love in a charm­ This greatest of all mystery dramas HE CHANGED HIS MIND ABOUT LIVING ANOTHER MANS LIFE ing girl. will be shown at the Ilo-llo Theatre WHEN THE OTHER MAN'S WIFE AND CHILDREN APPEARED! Elsie Ferguson, Aircraft Star, on Thursday evening next. Rides Wild Pony in "Heart "THE THIRTEENTH As a stage production, "The Thlr of the Wilds" teenth Chair" was rated among the CHAIR" BASED ON most successful ever produced. Now Riding n wild and unruly mustang ACTUAL HAPPENINGS tlie great play has been made into a Thursday, July 22nd which she controls with ease, Elsie motion picture. Ferguson, the beautiful Artcraft star Author of Great Story Collected provides several thrilling scenes In Data While He Was Work­ Betty Cameron, who leaped to fame her latest photoplay, "Heart of the overnight because of her performance Wilds," which will he the main attrac­ ing as Police Reporter in "The Miracle Man," has the leading GREATEST OF ALL MYSTERY DRAMAS tion at the Ilo-Llo Theatre on Monday feminine role in Tucker's second in­ night next. This is one of several un­ When the "13th Chair" was pro dependent production for Mayflower, usual incidents which contribute to duced In New York there were those 'Ladles Must Live." make this picture one of the finest of who, admitting tlie tenseness of the * * • "The Thirteenth Chair" Its kind ever produced. story and the thrilling nature of its climax, charged tbat It was too im­ WAITERS VS. LABOK, When Miss Ferguson, accompanied probable. As a matter of fact, the While filming "The Deep Purple," The Wonderplay of Mystery and Suspense by Director Marshall Nellan and her main features of the story worked out Director R. A. Walsh needed two bills supporting players went to Wyoming In the play happened in real life, aud | of large denomination. A thorough Starring to produce the great outdoors scenes all came under the personal notice of canvass of the stars and studio at of the photoplay, it was necessary for Bayard Velller, the author. taches present failed to reveal tbe re Miss Ferguson to make a daring horse­ In his younger days, and for a quired "wherewithal." A group of back trip ln a rough country, along waiters, hired for the picture, sug­ YVONNE DELVA AND J the edge of high cliffs and down nar­ period covering several years, Mr. Velller was a working newspaper gested a live possibility. Walking row precipitous footh paths. When over to a corner where the purveyors the people who .provided horses for man, both on New York papers and on some of the largest and most Im- of gastronomic necessities were en­ CREIGHTON HALE the producing outfit offered Miss Fer­ gaged ln animated conversation, Walsh guson a rather tame pony, she good- portant papers ln tho West. A greater part of bis newspaper work was in Inquired for the bills. With irritating naturcdly declined to consider tho im­ Indifference, all four Knights of the possible mount. covering polico court stories, and the ALSO young newspaper man won not a lit­ Steaming Dlsb dug into their pockets "Give a spirited animal," she said tle praise on a number of occasions and extracted from rolls of ponderpus laughingly. "One that will necessitate for his skill ln uncovering clues, that proportions the required greenbacks. generalship to handle." eventually led to the solving of sev­ Thereupon the director was heard to So it came about that when the eral murder mysteries. mutter something about "All things Pearl White athletic actress mounted an unruly come to those who wait." animal and with a few deft applica­ Ills Note Book Helps. — IN — tions of her qulrf brought the pony to Incidentally he kept a little note complete subjection, expert cowpunch- Bluffon—I had a misunderstanding book into which went memoranda on with my uncle last night. ers marveled greatly thereat until jail the Interesting cases and out of they learned that Miss Ferguson Is one Callem—What was the trouble- j which came several of tho most ev- lose the ticket? THE BLACK SECRET' Four THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER July 17. 1920. THE NEWSPAPER OUTLOOK THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER Peterborough is the latest city in Ontario to Published every Saturday morning at Cumberland, B. C. join the number of single newspaper towns. Since the beginning of the great war, Brantford, St. EDWARD W. BICKLE Manager and Publisher. BEN H. GOWEN Editor. Thomas, Sarnia, Niagara Falls, Brockville, Fort William, Port Arthur and St. Catharines have all SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1920. entered that category, and the tale is not yet com­ SPECIAL SHOWING 1 pleted. Nothing can be more certain than the <§> VOTERS' LIST OPEN TO END OF JULY increased cost of production, due to the rapid rise The Provincial Government has extended the in price of newsprint, in labor scales and in the time for receiving registrations in the new Pro­ cost of almost every other article and service a THIS WEEK AT ! newspaper requires, will compel the abandonment vincial'Voters' List until the end of the month. # In this the administration has acted wisely, as of competition in the smaller fields. Nor thi3 only, for with the substantial increase in second- otherwise many thousands of persons entitled to class postal rates provided in the federal budget vote would not have had their names on the new and the further advance in newsprint heralded by last. This week good progress has been made in the manufacturers, disaster looms ahead for those enrollments, and Mr. John Baird, District Regis­ newspapers that do not face the situation squarely trar, says he has now five thousand names for and by higher subscription or advertising rates, or the new list. With two more weeks' good work both, provide the greater revenue necessary to NEW ARRIVALS IN must of the available citizens should be on the meet the growing expenditure. list and a representative vote thus be possible GINGHAM VOILES, in neat checks when the elections arrive. and plaids; special value, per yard 75c In the meantime, if you have failed to do your THE NEXT ELECTION PLAIN CHAMBRAYS—Extra special. duty up to the present, do not delay any longer (Vancouver Province) 38 inches wide, in pink, sky and old but get on the list at once. The only cost is a Several impetuous speakers and writers in rose; at, per yard 75c few moments' time. Do you value your citizen­ Canada demand a sudden and hasty general elec­ ship that much? tion. On behalf of the mass of the people who do INFANTS' SLIPS, DRESSES, SKIRTS. not themselves give evidence of-* a desire to hurry MISSES' and CHILDREN'S DRESSES. * THE GATHERING STORM to the polls they insisted that Sir Robert Borden in white voiles, muslins and colored (Victoria Times) should some weeks ago have appealed to the elec­ chambrays and ginghams. Advices from many parts of India have reached tors to know whether they wished his ministry London to the effect that impressive observance to continue in existence. They repreoach him for LADIES' WASH SKIRTS and MIDDIES of the "hartal," or cessation of business, as a pro­ giving up office without first holding such an elec­ test against the British government's policy to­ tion, and seem to doubt the mandate of the new wards the Indian Empire, has been conspicuously ministry to be created. GROCERY DEPMTMENT manifested. Of particular significance, moreover, Let us assume that the people have a right to Purity Flour, per sack 83.85 Cherry Jam, 4-lb. tins $1.25 has been the demonstration of unanimous action decide who shall administer their affairs. It is 5-Rose Flour, per sack $3.90 Raspberry Jam, King Beach, 4-lb. tin $1.40 by Hindus, Moslems, Parsees, Sunnis and Shias, reasonable that they should have some basis for Royal Standard Flour, per sack $3.95 Tea, loose, 3 lbs. $1.65 a factor which in itself adds weight to the sugges­ their decision. When Sir Robert Borden saw that Pure Lard, 5-lb. tins $1.85 Gold Medal Catsup, per bottle 25c tion that a form of "direct action" has supplanted he could not remain premier was it worth while Pure Lard, 3-lb, tins $1.15 Worcestershire Sauce, small, 2 bottles 25c racial and religious cleavage which hitherto has for him to call the people to the polls to say Magic Baking Powder, 2'/•••-lb. tins 90c separated the Hindu from the Moslem in all mat­ whether they wished him to remain? When the No. 1 Jap Rice 2 lbs. 35c Smoked Meats ters wherein a common interest was not involved. people are asked to approve or condemn the new Tapioca 2 lbs. 25c Sliced, 5c per lb. extra. All these demonstrations may or may not be a ministry and its programme, it is not a bad idea Sago 2 lbs. 25c to allow the new ministry to be formed and an­ symptom of the state of mind in which the world Cream of Wheat 2 pkts. 65c Ayrshire Roll, Sides (not Shoulder), per finds itself at the present time. Nevertheless, nounce its programme, thus giving the people Grape-Nuts .'. 3 pkts. 45c pound 55c there is the likelihood that the radical emissary something to decide. Macaroni, per packet 10c has succeeded temporarily in detaching the native Mr. Meighen is forming a ministry. Are the Pacific Milk, large tins 7 for 95c Rolled and Boned Ham, 4 to 6 lb. pieces, mind from its loyalty to British rule by alluring interests of the country likely to suffer if the Pacific Milk, small tins per dozen 90c per lb 47 '/•* c promises with their obvious Moscow label. The electors should have time before the next election Granulated Sugar, any quantity, lb. 22 '/jc Cooked Hams, Swift's Premium, lb 75c recent protest in the form of an almost complete to hear the man himself in a tour through the Yellow Sugar, per lb 19c Sides Bacon, per lb 57'/jc cessation of business is a sign of the times and an country? It is not long since Mr. Mackenzie King incident that the government of india cannot was called to lead the Liberal Opposition. He is afford to ignore. Reform has been slow in making a stranger to many Canadian centres. Few of itself felt. India's case demands the attention of them have heard or seen him as the party leader. the statesman, not the improving politician. Mr. King announced that he intended to make a tour from coast to* coast before the last session. EUGENIE He was not able to do it, Jbut the people will be A woman of many years, many triumphs and glad to make his acquaintance during this recess many sorrows, the last empress of the French before they are called upon to say whether he is seems to have been spared until now that she the man they desire for premier. Mr. Crerar is might see Sedan avenged, and the conquerors of the leader of a third party, which may in the next her husband and his country conquered in turn. Parliament be the largest of the three, as it is The lady who escaped from her palace and her now in Ontario. It seems to be fitting that since WEEKS MOTOR COMPANY capital by the assistance of her American dentist he did not get about much while he was a coalition to spend the rest of her days in sad but honorable minister he should have opportunity to explain' his exile, lived to see the grandson of Emperor Wil­ policy and the programme of his party. liam a dishonored exile in Holland. To witness With these and the Labor party each competing NANAIMO, B.C. this it was necessary that she should be a widow for the suffrages of the electors, with numerous and an exile near three times as long as she was questions never before presented, with an elec­ a wife and empress. In her days the most beau­ torate doubled by the admission of women to the tiful and gayest of royal ladies, the leader of suffrage, a general election even after full discus­ European society, Eugenie came to be a mere relic sion and consideration and development ofpublic Chevrolet of a vanished era, an object of the world's sym­ policies will be somewhat complicated and con­ Enjoyment ceases to be complete when you feel it pathy. Yet she remained the respected and hon­ fused in its decision. But it might be worse if is extravagant. ored friend of three British sovereigns and the the people should be called to the polls without The certainty that a car conserves your money—that British people. Recalling the Crimean war alli­ any preparation. its every feature renders you the utmost service, is the ance, she welcomed the British entente with most gratifying feeling about it. republican France and the recovery of Alsace with Analyze the career of any man who has achieved his That is why more people buyChevrolets in prefer­ British help from the traditional enemy. Her own success, and you will find, when you have run him Into corner, that he has a pronounced quality of courage. ence to heavier types that are a burden on the pocket- own friendship was with Britain, whose soil con­ Cowards never succeed. Any man who wins through to book. _ & tains the body of her husband, and of the son who the high places has overcome critical periods, and the received his baptism of fire at the hands of the reason he is where he is, is because he had courage when The experience of veteran moorists has proven that Germans, and died in Britain's wars. It will this the fellows around him hadn't. Fortune may turn on the courage of a moment.—Rhodes Colossus. the Chevrolet affords you all the feelings essential to week receive her own, and that not unfittingly, complete enjoyment. for she was of British as well as Spanish ancestry. A young man In Wyoming drove two miles alone before —Province. he discovered that his sweetheart had fnllen out of tbo Pride in its appearance and absolute confidence in its buggy. Love-making In that state must lack some of the dependability alone guarantee your peace of mind. FOREST FIRES AND PROTECTION ardor that characterizes It around here. Reports from Eastern Canada emphasize again Yet in addition the Chevrolet offers every riding and the absolute necessity for this country to consider Those who live tlie most nre not the ones wlin live the driving comfort and equipment convenience.' and institute a more effective system of forest fire fastest. , prevention and control. It is not enough to place reliance upon an uncertain public appreciation of Don't believe all you bear- •especially whon It Is about These things are to be enjoyed equally in a Chevrolet the danger which invariably follows the thought­ yourself. as in other cars. But in the Chevrolet alone can you less act, any more than it is to be supposed that a enjoy them at such low cost. single fire hose will subdue the flames of a square Don't get put out when folks tell lies about you—what mile of timber ablaze. The penalty for careless- If they had told the truth! ' ness on the part of the camper and the itinerant That is the peculiar attraction of the Chevrolet—all wanderer should be sufficiently severe to compel It Is no wonder a man loses his power of speech when essential features other cars afford, but at lower cost. more than an ordinary regard for the nation's talking to a girl who is "too sweet for words'." property. Do not entertain any doubts on this score. Give us Fortunately British Columbia's forest patrol The man who makes the most noise talking makes the an opportunity to show you how and why this is true. " service is as efficient as it is possible to make it least noise thinking. with the appliances at its disposal. Nevertheless the lesson of Eastern Canada's present condition It makes a mall feel like a sucker to see the kisses he has should be recognized by the Dominion government coaxed for wasted upon a little black and white pup. in its national and not in its provincial sense. This country's standing timber is a priceless heritage The man who thinks the country Is being run just as Weeks Motors Limited upon which the Dominion exchequer depends in good as he could run it himself can he safely classed as a ' varied ways for continued contribution. On that conservative. account there should be no delay in providing this province—by reason of its topographical pecu­ NANAIMO, or liarities—with sufficient means, including possibly The man who never gives up will some day have money an aircraft service, to assist in the task of fire out at interest. detection. Wireless telephony already has been The automobile industry is doing much for labor. It THOMAS HUDSON, Union Bay inaugurated as a provincial enterprise, but its use­ gives direct employment to about two million people, be­ fulness might be very considerably enhanced by a sides doing considerable In the way of lessening the num­ system or aerial patrol. ber of people wanting Jobs. §

July 17, 1920. THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDfiR Five

AGRICULTURAL SEE INSTRUCTION BY (CUMBERLAND HOTEL GOVERNMENT Wm. Douglas WM.MERRIFIELD, Proprietor. A. man may never be too old to for GOOD ACCOMMODATION learn, but the youth is conceded to be EXCELLENT CUISINE more teachable than the person of mature age. By providing suitable Hay, Grain and Dunsinulr Ave. Cumberland, B. C. PUBLIC MEETING instruction and training for the young Canada Food Board License No. 10-4986 men aud women of tbe furm, more Mill Feed lasting benefit will be conferred than Also Baby Chick Feed and All WILL BE HELD IN THE by seeking to make good thc deficien­ cies of the older generation. The Kinds of Poultry Supplies. UNION HOTEL 1918-1!) report ot the Agricultural In­ OPPOSITE KA1L1VAY STATION. struction Act Commissioner reviews FOR first Class Accommodation. Heated ILO-ILO THEATRE the work carried on during the year throughout by Electricity. py the provlnclal departments of agri- Fire, Life and Culture and education with the funds WILLIAM JONES. Proprietor. placed at the disposal of the provinces Cumberland, B. ('. for agricultural Instruction by the Accident Insurance License No. lO-lli'ie TUESDAY NEXT federal government. This bulletin Is obtainable from the Publications THOS. H. CAREY Branch, Department of Agrlculhture. Cumberland, RC. Ottawa. The report Indicates that about one-half of the total annual PALMISTRY AND' COMMENCING AT 8.30 P.M. grant of $1,100,000 is applied to the DR. R. P. CHRISTIE Instruction of adolescents. DENTIST PHRENOLOGY For the advancement lu the direc­ MRS. YOUNG tion of agricultural teaching iu the Phone 116 633 Hastings St., W., Corner of rural schools the grant ls largely ac­ Granville. VANCOUVER, B.C. The chief speaker will be countable. Along with it have been Ofiice: WILLARD BLOCK developed, nature study, school and CUMBERLAND. B.C. home gardening, canning, boys' and girls' clubB in poultry,' pig and call rearing, canning, bread-making and OYSTERS similar activities, culminating in the VENDOME CAFE annual school fair. Practical pro­ The House of Quality. Hon. W. J. Bowser jects of this kind may easily be made Our motto: To please. the medium for training the Intelli­ Oysters, Steaks and Chops Leader of the Opposition gence, because they are seized upon by selecting the shells that with eagerness by most boys and hunters from coast to coast Also Oysters, Oyster Loaves and girls. have proved dependable French Fried Potatoes to take under all conditions. home. In certain high schools agricultural and household science courses are be­ Regal Doxes for Ladies. LADIES SPECIALLY INVITED ing developed, and in more than one Open llay and Mght. province, special vocational schools of Shotgun Shells are a double assurance of agriculture have been established and success for the man who receive assistance from the grant. In prefers ballistite powder. We also cany a full line of developing such as these lies the hope Canuck and Sovereign Shot­ gun Shells and Dominion Our Motto: TO PLEASE for the improvement of modern agri­ Metallic Gartrldfteo — each bread. culture through* the rank and file of backed by the big "D" traiJ*>; A barber has four times mark 'Sixty-five million people In Central the rural population, to whom the cen­ the shaving on Saturdays- WAKE UP CANADA! PREVENT TYPHUS Europe are facing starvation. Thou­ tralized college of agriculture is not If people would get their sands upon .thousands have already availagle. The present-day need is hair cut during week days died of starvation, or typhus, and of that It should be made easy for coun­ it would relieve the Satur­ FROM REACHING YOUR HOMES other diseases, which follow in the try boys and girls to secure an educa­ day waiting. tional training of such a character as This Is the advice given Mr. S. H. —would we not In our despair exclaim red wake of war. The worst disease will fit them for country life and rural Anschell. Campaign Director of the against their heartlessness? epidemic in the history of the world CUMBERLAND BARBER "And even it this calamity had be­ threatens all of Europe. Even more pursuits. Colleges of agriculture and SHOP Canadian Jewish Relief Committee, veterinary colleges have not, however, fallen us because of the wrong-doing threatening is the complete economic A. GATZ, Proprietor who has been In the city to organize a of our rulers, even if we were beset chaos which sems inevitable unless been overlooked; they also are given campaign for funds to alleviate tlie by partizan wrangles and torn by aid from outside sources is torthcom liberal assistance. Following . the sufferings of millions lu Central and conflicting policies, would we not feel Ing. close of the war the attendance at Eastern Europe, and in so doing pre­ that the very magnitude of our disas­ these Institutions shows a marked and "Budapest is one vast city of mis­ gratifying increase, and their influence Charlie Sing Chong vent the dreaded typhus from reach­ ters outweighed our faults and con­ ery and suffering. The number of In promoting the advancement of Can­ Groceries,'.DryIGoods, Boots and ing the Canadian shore. stituted a claim on the Christian deaths ls double that or* births. Of humanity they had in common with ada's leading basic Industry, agricul­ • Shoes, Crockeryware and He says: "What if this plague and 160,000 children in the schools, 100,000 ture, will continue to make Itself felt. 2S; General Merchandise. famine were here In tlie great terri­ ourselves? are dependent on public charity. tory on the Pacific seaboard, which "Returning to the continent a few There are 150,000 workers idle. CHARLIE SING CHONG, On Nirland roughly parallels the extent ot these months ago, with all these horrors "In Roumania. the dreaded tubercu­ MARKETINGS OF LIVE HONG CHONG & CO., BevLd ravaged countries, and that sixty-live ringing in my ears, I found myself losis is spreading ln an alarming and STOCK FOR HALF YEAR million of our people were condemned once more in a laud whose granaries unprecedented manner. All energies were overflowing, where health' and FOSSIL EGG TELLS to idleness by lack of raw material, are tlevoted to keeping the typhus Marketings of Canadian farm stock GENERAL BUSINESS plenty abound, and where life and ac­ and whose fields bad been devastated epidemic at bay, and a military cordon at the six main stockyards of the Do­ STORY OF AGES CONDITIONS REVIEWED tivity aud eager enterprise were in the by Invasion and rapine, were racked along the Oueister River prevents the minion for the half year ending June full flood. And though I well know by starvation and pestilence, and if we entrance of 20,000 Russian refugees 30, as compiled by the Industrial and A prospector examining the stones of a hundred disturbing problems, 1 Under the heading of General Busi­ had lifted up our voices and Invoked on the other side, whose infection ls Development Council of Canadian in the Olla River In Arizona came heard ot no hunger cries. No Cana­ ness Conditions the monthly circular tlie attention of our brothers tn hap­ feared. Packers, Toronto, show the number of upon a water worn pebble four or live pier Europe to our own deep miseries, dian children were dying in their of the Canadian Bank of Commerce In Siberia, typhus has broken out head handled at all these yards lu the Inches tn diameter. He cracked nit a and our cries bad fallen on deaf ears mothers' arms for lack of milk or nays: again and there are but 200 physicians period to have exceeded 864,000. The fragment with his pick and discovered Cereal Prices Will Iteuiatn Firm. to minister to the needs of that entire total was made up as follows: a fossil egg inside. The specimen country. In Montenegro, where food Cattle 283,765 came into the hands of a gentleman The world's wheat requirements for Is running short, there are but five Calves 135,387 in California, who brought tt to tlie the coming year will barely be mot by physicians for an estimated population Sheep 91,957 attention of scientific experts. the availablo surplus of exporting of 460,000. Hogs 354,784 The chief point of interest from a countries. In' the United States the scientific standpoint is the fact that yield is estimated to be less than that "Typhus adn smallpox have Invad­ the contents of the egg had been con­ of last year, aud it would thus appear TASTE is the TEST ed the four countries composing VALUABLE CHAIRS verted into a bituminous substance re­ that prices for cereals will remain Czecho-Slovakla, and there Is a great sembling asphalt, thus supporting the firm. Industrial recovery in Europe, lack of medicines, soap aud physi­ The taste of the curio collector hypothesis that bitumen ts derived now rapidly taking place, will main­ cians. The shelves of their pharmacies changes from time to time, and at the from animal remains. tain tbe demand for all kinds of food­ and their hospitals are bare. of the DRINKS moment there seems to be a craze for The egg is quite large—as large as stuffs, which are the mainstay of Ca­ "These are but a few of tbe top historic chairs. This particular craze that of a duck or gouse—and resem­ nadian exports. notes of the tragedy. There ls noth­ was. says thc Dally Graphic, probably bling most closely the egg of a cor­ sterling Exchange Sleadll) KlsJng. ing here about Russia, whose popula­ prompted by the sensational offer morant. It ls so perfectly preserved tion is rationed, or of Germany, whose made by an American collector for as to show that it must have been It is also encouraging to note thut THAT ARE BEST problems are acute, or of Armenia, tbe chair used by the signatories to completely embedded shortly after it sterling exchange, iu which currency where the distress and destruction are the Peace Treaty at Versailles. But was laid in the substance that after­ the greater part of our exports is paid beyond description. Hunger and there are some chairs lu England ward was consolidated into limestone. for, is steadily rising, Domestic trade disease and despair are the lot of which no money could purchase. There Thus we have a representation of nn has slackened, consumers apparently these fellow humans of ours. Power­ is, for instance, at Addington Manor, event that happened thousands and having realized (bat the advance lu Buy the products of the less to help themselves they are slowly a chair which Lord Radnor recently thousands of years ago. prices can only be checked effectively perishing before our eyes. refused to Bell for £10,000. It is a by a lessening of consumption, and A bird of tlie size of a cormorant or chair of state, originally presented hy high-priced articles uot ranking as "It Is hoped that the people of this >gnose laid this precious egg, which BRITISH COLUMBIA BREWERIES, LIMITED the City of Togsburg to the Emperor essentials are now more diltlcult to community will appreciate the im­ by, some mischance tumbled Into the Rudolph II, Is composed ot steel dispose of. portance of this campaign, aud con water, or at all events Into tlie .toft throughout, and Is most elalioratn In tribute to this cause as liberally as ooze of which limestone IS formed. Progress in Lhe construction of new design. It took thirty years to make they cun, for this is one of tbe objects with sufficient force to become com­ Industrial plants has been retarded by that we must figure, that outside aid pletely embedded in the ooze and thus the difficulty of procuring capital and Ask for the Brands that are the Best alone can prevent complete economic WHERE THEY AltltlYKIl AT. protected. For countless years this labor on reasonable terms! These ten­ chaos." dencies have induced more careful A group of workmen were talking ooze continued to lie formed ou top, purchasing, the reduction of stocks politics, when one of the disputants and at last the whole became consoli­ md the cancellation ot orders to Q turned to a friend who had remained dated into limestone. Then the lime­ Alexandra Stout is sure to satisfy. LYALLS AWARDED limited extent. Imports, particularly silent during the argument. stone was lifted from Its watery bed by LARGE AMOUNT FOR from the United Slates, continue to be "I ain't a-goln' to say," said Bill, volcanic or other action and became a large, with the result thai tlie prem­ BREACH OF CONTRACT doggedly. "Me and Hennery Green portion of a mountain range. Then ium on New York funds remains high. U.B.C. Beer The Beer of Quality. thrashed it out once before." trosion began. Through the agencies During May securities amounting to VANCOUVER.—Judgment has been of frost aud ruin, sunshine and cold, "What did you arrive at?" . $26,000,000 were reported as being signed here for $1,343,015.57, ln favor fragments of limestone were broken Full line of Pure "Well," said Bill, "l"Iennery, 'e ar sold in the United states, but this had of the Lyall Shipbuilding Company off, until at last the egg was reached Silver Top Soda Water Fruit Flavors. • rived at the 'ospltal an' 1 arrived nt no appreciable effect on tho rate of against Raymond Van Hemelryck, and the fragments containing it fell the police station." exchange. Tlie balance of Canada's agent of the Belgian Government. into one of tlie gullies that feed tlie foreign trade for April. 1920, was un­ Tlie sum for six five-masted schooners, Gila. There in flood time it was rolled favorable to the extent of $46,000,000, purchase of which was cancelled bo- over and over, amid a multitude of CaSCade Beer The Beer Without a Peer, as against a favorable balance of fore delivery. It Is the largest sum other stones, small and large until al! Don't Experiment! $10,1 ,000 a year ago. for which judgment has ever been its angles were rubbed off and it be­ given in British Columbia. SEND YOUR FILMS TO came a water worn pebble in a moun­ tain range, moving downward when "What do you think of my daugh­ the floods came in sufficient volume to ter's execution on tbe piano?' ' BARTON stir it from its resting place, and then "Good name for It, that; she cer- THE PHOTOGRAPHER a prospector, searching for gold or l(tlnly does murder the time," UNION BREWING CO., LTD other mineral, found it and cracked It Cumberland and Courtenay with ills geologic pick, exposing one must have elapsed between tho day SINCE 11870 end of the egg. NANAIMO, B.C. - tor - when the egg fell into the water and Developing, Printing and 'Twas a wonderful history. But still became embedded and the day when it ILOH Enlarging. more wonderful is the thought of the next met the light, as n fossil, in tlu 30E?S?ICOUGHS thousands and thousands of years that bands of man. si* THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER July 17, 1920.

S.S. OLYMPIC RETURNS MARVELLOUS MOUN­ TO SERVICE AFTER TAINS UNDER THE SEA Royston Lumber Co. LONG ABSENCE Continent of 25,000,000 Square . MANUFACTURERS OF Ship's 195 Furnaces Converted Miles Said to Lie in the to Oil-Burners After Ex­ Atlantic Ocean. ROUGH AND DRESSED haustive Tests. At the captain's table on an Allan LUMBER tic liner a young woman idly inquired The largest oil-burning steamer in how far the ship was form the nearest Slab Wood (double load) ...$5.00 HIS trade-mark is branded the world, the White Star Liner Olym­ land, says a writer in the New York in red on one side of the pic, wlll shortly return to the passen­ Sun. Several passengers would have T ger service between New York, Cher­ said off-hand, "About eight hundred Still Better Willard—the only bourg and Southamptlon, after an miles." But the captain turned the storage battery with Threaded absence of several months, during question over to a quiet gentleman D. Campbell's Rubber Insulation. which the vessel has been recondition­ who looked at his watch and at a 136 passenger car and truck ed throughout. chart and amazed his hearers by Meat Market The selection of oil-fuel as a motive answering, "Just about Beventy yards.' manufacturers have selected this power for this mammoth steamer was "The laud I speak of is just thirty Young Steer Beef, battery, knowing from experi­ tender and juicy. . made after exhaustive testa, and fol­ six fathoms beneath this ship," con­ Veal, Pork and Mutton. ence that Threaded Rubber In­ lows the latest marine practice as tinued the expert oceanographer. "It sulation is far superior to wood adopted by the greatest navies and is the summit of the Laura Ethel —SPECIALS — or any other form of storage thousands of mercantile vessels the Mountain, which is 20,000 feet above Cambridge'Pork Sausage world over. Scores of large liners in the lowest level of the Atlantic basin. Homemade Sausage battery insulation. Polish Sausage the United States and abroad are at If It were some two hundred feet Veal Loaf present ln the process of being "oiled," higher, or the seas were two hundred Boiled Ham 136 Manufacturers Using Threaded Rubber Insulation as the technical phrase has It. feet lower, you would call it an is Ham Bologna land." Headcheese. Acason Colonial Henney . Nelson At Seidell The task of converting the Olym­ Have you tried our Pickled Pork Acme Comet Highway LeMoon Service pic's 196 furnaces from coal to oil-fuel In effect, the Atlantic ls a huge con­ and Corned Beef ? It is delicious. All American Commerce Holmes Noble Shelby to provide steam In the twenty-nine tinent boasting a superficial area of Each Thursday morning from now Northway Signal boilers has been a most interesting 25,000,000 square miles. It is 9,000 on a full line of Fresh Fish will be Allis-Chalmers Commodore Holt on hand. American Cunningham HupmobUe Ogren Singer and intricate one, four thousand work­ miles long and 2,700 miles broad. The men having been employed for several depth of the water that covers It Is by LaFrance Daniels Indiana Old Hickory Southern License No. 9-3902 months installing special machinery no means so considerable as people Apex Dart International •Olds Standard 8 for this purpose. The Olympic's oil- used to Imagine. Oceanography as a *Apperson Dependable (I. H. C.) Oneida Standard carrying capacity Is estimated at 50,- science may be said to date only from Armleder Diamond T Oshkosh •Kissel Studebaker 000 barrels, which will be. stored be­ about 1850, but—thanks chiefly to the Atterbury Dixie Flyer Koehler •Paige labors of the cable-laying and cable- •Aubum Dodge Stutz tween the double bottoms of the ship Lancia Parker repairing ships—our knowledge of the New Home Bakery Austin Dorris Sunbeam It ls estimated that the steamer will Peerless consume approximately 25,000 barrels configuration of the bed of the ocean Bacon Fargo •Liberty Peugeot Tarkington ou each* voyage. The Installation of grows greater every year. Fresh Bread, Cakes, Tiffin Bell Fergus Luverne Phianna oil-fuel will prevent the delays Inci­ The Laura Ethel Mountain, discov­ Pies, etc. . Belmont Ferris Pierce-Arrow Titan Madison dent to coal-loading, and will also re­ ered in 1878, is the uppermost peak Bessemer FWD Premier Tow Motor Marmon sult lu greater comfort to the passen­ of one of the most celebrated of the Wedding Cakes a Specialty Bets Franklin Preston Transport Menominee gers because of the absence of dust submarine elevations in the Atlantic. Biddle Fulton Traylor Mercer Ranier and cinders. Mount Chaucer, at the eastward of It, Brockway Garford •Reo NEW HOME BAKERY Mercury Ultimate The Olympic's outward appearance was revealed to oceano'graphers ln Buffalo GMC Meteor (Phila.) Republic J. HALLIDAY has not been altered, but numerous 1850. Salnthlll, which is westward of •Buiclc Giant ReVere Velle MHC improvements have been made in the both, has the honor to be the first Glide •Mitchell Riddle Vulcan mountain discovered In the Atlantic Dunsmuir Ave., Cumberland. steamer's already beautiful publlc License No. 5-1172 Capitol Great Western Murray Robinson Ward LaFrance apartments and stateroom accomtuo It became known ln 1832. •Case Hahn McFarlan R & V Knight White datlou. Prior to the laying of the first At­ •MrTrfnighlln Rowe Wilson •Chevrolet HCS While every trace of the splendid lantic cable, Lieutenant Maury, ot the Napoleon Sandow Winther Clydesdale Hurlburt war-time services rendered by this United States Navy, made it known Cole Hawkeye Nash Sayers Wlnton big ship has been removed, the Olym­ that a wide plateau exists beneath the Haynes Nelson Seagrave Wolverine Collier pic's unique war record will not soon ocean, running from Ireland to New­ Paolo Monte be forgotten. The towing of the big foundland. It seemed so admirably •For Export battle cruiser Audacious, the ram. suited to the purpose of cable laying Shoemaker ming and sinking of a German sub' that he modestly called It Telegraphic marine, aud the transportation of 200,- Plateau, but ln most charts It bears Shoe Repairing a Specialty. Spares Co., Distributors, Nanaimo, B.C. 00(1 persons across the ocean amid un­ the discoverer's name. known submarine dangers, all without The location of "Davy Jones' Lock­ CUMBERLAND. B.O. ihe loss of a life. While performing er" might be said to have beeu estab­ STORAGE *• these exploits the Olympic steamed lished with the discovery of Sajutulll, 184,000 miles and consumed 347,000 It has been estimated that at the base tons of coal with uot the slightest de­ of this eminence the relics of no fewer lay or accident to the machinery. than seven thousand wrecks He scat­ BATTERY I The Olympic's commander, Captain tered. Or one might ascribe that grue­ Sandy Chapman Sir Bertram Fox Haynes, K. C. M. O., some distinction to the Farady Hills, UNION BAY D. S. 0., was the first officer of the discovered In 1883, and lying between British mercantile mariue to be Mount Chaucer and Laura Ethel knighted by King George In recogni­ Mountain. These hills are noted U tion of his distinguished war services. among oceahographers for the amount Car for Hire ard of wreckage of which they are the monument. Night and Day OLDEST REMAINS OF MAN There are cavernous depths, of FOR SALE course, ln the. Atlantic, as well as ma Prompt Service and Care­ THESE BATTERIES ARE Dr. Ameghino, director of the Buenos jestlc heights. Four miles and a half ful Delivery. Aires Museum, claims that he has just may be taken to be the greatest. The Charges Moderate. discovered the oldest remains of man average is probably about two miles. AT ALL CUMBERLAND GARAGES yet known. Heights and depths alike are merely Previous exploration of the ravines hidden land, which may some day be of Chapalmalal and Miramar had re­ exposed by the mighty working of CROP IN MANITOBA vealed important deposits of the Stono nature. TO BE A BUMPER Age, such as polished stone balls, fire- Meantime comparatively few changes Marocchi Bros. stones, calcined bones, baked-clay ves­ occur. Beneath the ocean there are Profusion of Wild Flowers This sels, weights for Ashing nets made of no frosts, no lightnings, no glaciers, Year, Say Farmers, is a stone or of the bones of huge mam­ no meteorological agents at work. If Grocers and Sure Portent. mals, flint knives, rasps, fossilized it were not for the eddies and the de­ Facilitating bones of enormous animals of the ter­ struction and accumulation of animal Bakers tiary age, like the zoxodon, together life, these Atlantic hills and vales The 1920 crop In Manitoba Is going with the quartzite arrow and spear might rest as immutable as the peaks to be a "bumper." The farmers of heads, curiously wrought, with which and craters of the moon, where there Cumberland and Courtenay, B.C. long experience say It is, and they primitive man hunted them; aud these is no atmosphere to cause decay. s License No. 8-26489 SERVICE know. They base their deductions on linds had encouraged the belief that various signs and portents and point one day the bones of men who fash­ GAS ON PEACE RIVER especially to great profusion of wild ioned them would also be found. Thi.*, FAMILY SHOE REPAIRER flowers which are ln bloom this year. it is reported, has now been accom­ The person who likes promptness in telephone Not for years have these been so large plished. From a telegram sent by the EDMONTON.—Twenty million cubic Service, Material service will appreciate your effort if when you answer and luxuriant and plentiful as they are naturalist lu charge of the excavations feet of gas every 24 hours from the at the present time. San Joaquin well on the Peace River and Dr. Ameghino learned recently that at Workmanship thc telephone you give the name of the flrm. If you There was a perfect riot of wild the base of the ravine wall on which Is the news that H. L. Williams brings Guaranteed are answering in a department, give the name of the roses In June anil now the prairie is work was proceeding several bones down from the north. The flow was struck while Mr. Williams was at the department. The person will not have to ask who is lirllliuiii with tiger lilies, ladies' slip­ and other objects had been brought to pers and sunflowers. Even such com­ light, and on his arrival at the site he well, and since his return telegraphic speaking, if that is done. Besides facilitating service, paratively rare ilowers as pinkwootl was able to establish the accuracy ol* advices have beeu to the effect that it it is a courtesy that is at once appreciated. orchids, blue flags and Solomon seal, his conjectures. Is keeping up with undiminished force have appeared In great abundance. It and volume. ls common to lind tiger lilies with two, The new linds consist of a stone fire­ Rubber Heels three nml four and even live Ilowers place of tho tertiary age a'uil a frag­ Fixed While U Walt ment of human jaw with two molars I.1I.-0SS1BLE. on one stem. More than two or three Phillips' Military Heels and Soles. is very unusual. j Study of the morphology and fosslllza- "Qabbleston tells a funny story of how he shortchanged a taxlcab driver.' llon of the remains proves, it is said, S. DAVIS • Dunsmuir Avenue thai they belong to a type of man far "The Infernal liar!" British Columbia Telephone Co. A negro chauffeur of Washington older than thc oldest hitherto dis­ "Ah! You know Gabbleston?" Limited. was haled Into court for running down covered. "No, but I know taxlcab drivers." a man. "Yo Tlonnh," said the darky. GOLD IN SEA-WATER "I tried to warn de geiinulman, but de "A decent husband should give his horn didn't work." "Then," said the OVER HALF MILLION wife all the money she wants," argued Every ton of sea-water contains Judge, "why didn't you slow up rather MORE MEN THAN WOMEN Mrs. Gabb. •' about one grain by weight of gold. than run him down?" A light seemed "What are you talking about?" de­ There are more than 4,000,000,000 tons tb dawn on the prisoner, who linall*.* British Columbia Said to Have manded Mr. Gabb. "There Isn't that of water In a cubic mile, and the said, "Why, jedge, dat's one on mq much money." oceans are estimated .to contain 300 ain't it? I neber thought ob that." An Excess of No Less Than cubic miles of water. Thus, according STAR LIVERY STABLE 95,000 Males. to this reckoning, there are about 90,000,000,000 tons of gold in the sea, ALEX. MAXWELL, Proprietor Despite war losses, there are still or more than |n all the gold mines TEMPLETON'S 550,000 more men than women ln Mrs. P. Anderson that have ever been discovered. RHEUMATIC CAPSULES Canada, according to an estimate UNION BAY Autos for Hire. Coal and Wood Hauling given very FOf) lased on the last official census. Every PLAIN ENOUGH. province in Canada shows a surplus of RHEUHATISM.NEURITIS.SCIATICA Counsel—Now, tell me, where did prompt attention. Furniture and Piano LUMBAGO. NEURALGIA.GOUT ETC nen, the ratio tor all Canada being ASURE RELIEF FOR THE WORST HEADACHE CANDIES TOBACCO ie kiss you? . about 950 men to 880 women. In Brit­ $ISS PER BOX SOFT DRINKS Plaintiff—On the lips, sir. Storage if desired. 0NS l" l-ViatW KING St.W TOdOKTO ish Columbia the male surplus is now Apnrlna er.rywa.ra. tfDalrDniatllirnurtoWnaelbth.m, 95,000, as compared with 45,000 In Counsel—No, no; you don't under­ Phones 4 and 61 Cumberland, B.C. wrltaT.miilBtrtti'aWrttrmllnii. li, Il..a lfi-J.Vlrt.irla. T B ('.'a sialic J an jwl.ero fur (I.ul, or liuukkt aa&t. flea on.requMl 1001, but this Is a decrease on the McKenzie's Pure Ice Cream hand. I mean, where were you? 1911 figures (110,000) and 1915 (115,- Sole agent*for Cumberland, Ii. E (Nanaimo) rinintitf (blushing)—In his arms, Frost. 000). sir.

-Hi /

July 17, 1920. THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER SeVeB i* Nanaimo Still Record Scoring in Rangers Nanaimo's New G.W.V.J\. and Politics Heads League Licence Bylaw At a general meeting held by re­ taken to help him to once more regain Versus Cumberland Match turned citizens at Courtenay on June the footing he had lost through his Celtics Lost Out to the Island (From Nanaimo Herald.) 30th, a Central Committee was formed years of service at the front, were Team at Vancouver Last (Contributed by Nut Bevis.) The council has before It a new for the purpose of taking any steps such as had been forced upon them. Saturday by a 1-0 Score Cumberland United and Vancouver Rangers met in an Inter- licence bylaw. Just how this new that might from time to time be neces­ The goverment have shown lack legislation should have come up at sary in safeguarding their Interests. of sympathy, interest or honesty in City Summer League game at the "Y" grounds on Saturday last. this time would puzzle a university Nanaimo's win over the Vancouver Both teams turned out with a few changes in the line-up. The At the same time it was decided that their handling of the soldier problem. Celtics by the only goal scored during factulty. The council started the year the said committee should meet at On the other hand there is no absolute Rangers won the toss and James kicked off for Cumberland at with important practical questions to the match, places her welt ahead ol Courtenay on Friday, 9th Inst., to guarantee that any other party would 5.45 p.m., before 600 spectators. Referee Ingram of Vancouver deal with. These, for reasons it would consider the present political situation remain true to their pre-election her nearest rival, Cumberland, though was in charge of the whistle. serve no purpose to discuss, have been and if possible formulate some definite pledges, and it is also very apparent if Nanaimo should lose both her re­ lost out of sight. It is true that the The visitors immediately took the game in hand, and through plan of action during thc forthcoming that an independent party would have maining matches and Cumberland Water Committee Is doing some work provincial election, which, experts no chance of election, but would be some fine combination by their forwards worked the ball to Clark's on the pipe-line; but so far as we should happen to win all of hers, the claim, may be held this fall, though simply ground between the millstones goal, but a bye kick resulted. They were not to be denied, and can see it Is merely repair work, on a the powers that be, at present are not of the two powerful political parties. provincial champions would just nose time and again they worked the ball to Clark's goal, but could not much smaller scale than Engineer giving the public any intimation as to Even should such an unlikely thing out the Nanaimo team for first place. find the net. The Cumberland boys than had their turn, Wyllie King reported to be necessary, and their future plans. JuBt why the vot­ happen as an Independent member be­ The match was far below the and Bannerman worked the ball nicely down the right wing and cannot even touch the main question ing public should be kept ln the dark ing elected for this particular elec­ standard of play which one has be­ of an increased water supply. Lack­ is somewhat of a mystery. If the toral district, he would have a seat in come accustomed to see at these fix­ Bannerman tested Hughes with a hard shot, but Hughes disposed ing energetic and united action on present provincial government are the minority but no influence whatever tures. It was notable as being the of it in his usual style; however, the Cumberland team on the questions of practical urgency, th» satisfied that their past record has to advance the views of those who first game in which any player lias whole had now settled down to business,and the Rangers were con­ council has turned Its attention to the given satisfaction, and are therefore elected him. Immortal welfare of tbe citizens, and had to be put off the Held for foul tinually on the defensive. All the Cumberland forwards were in not afraid to announce openly and After much discussion It was unani­ should this new Licence Bylaw go play, this fate befalling one of the publily their intention to seek endorse­ mously decided that the hope of tbe great form. Harrison sent in one of his usual fast drives, but through another cordon will be Celtic full-backs, and the result was ment of their past actions and sup­ returned man for fair play lay, not in Hughes saved but got mixed up and Harrison followed the ball stretched between the Bottomless Pit really as great a penalty for Nanaimo port In their endeavor to be retained the party but In the man, and.lt was right through and scored. The ball was centred and Cumberland of Near Beer and the feet of tbe un­ as It was for the Celtics, since with In offlce, then surely there is no need therefore also decided that In the wary. one of the full-backs off the field, it forwards set aff again and in a few minutes James went through for mystery or any attempt to evade event of either of the two strong par­ was hardly possible for the visitors on his own and scored from a fast drive. Also aud incidentally the council is taking the public into their full con­ ties, one of whom ls certainly sure ot forward line to keep on-slde, and they fidence as to their plans for tbe near Although the Rangers were now two goals down, they still put administering another severe jolt to election, nominating a man whose were pulled up time and again when the deluded dispensers of what are future. record for honesty of purpose, sym­ almost in scoring position for off-side. lots of pep into the game. They were determined to reduce the legally described as hop beverages. In It has been written, "the public pathy and square dealing was known From lirst to last the game was Na­ lead of thc Cumberland boys, and Ferguson, centre, passed to New­ other words the council In this new likes to be fooled," which statement ls to us without shadow of doubt, w; naimo's, and the Celtic's custodian berry, outside right, who beat Clark with a good shot. This put bylaw proposes to raise the licence far from being a tact. It has also been pledged ourselves to give that man was subjected to a continual bombard­ lots of life into the game, and from a corner kick taken by Harrison fee. It was pointed out, when the written, "You can't fool all' of the our hearty support and to use our ment, while since for some reason or the ball hit Campbell, the Rangers' back, and glided issue of prohibition was on, .that the people all of the time," which is a best endeavors to have him elected, other none of our forwards had their for the third goal. The Rangers appealed to Referee Ingram, city In the event of the bars being fact that most governing bodies have and this, not because of any par­ shooting eye with Them, there were closed would lose the revenue it de discovered to their cost. ticular party he may belong to, but even more shots at goal which missed claiming it an illegitimate goal, but he allowed the point in accord­ rived from these licences. However, The matter of the coming elections simply because he would have our by a wide margin than which actually ance with the rules. A few minutes later James again broke that was counted as a mere bagatelle was most fully discussed at a repre­ trust and confidence as a member who came to the goalie to deal with. through the Rangers' defence and scored Cumberland's fourth In the uplift of an upward movement. sentative meeting of the Cumberland would at all times be true to his con­ The one goal scored which gave the goal. A few minutes later half-time was called. Now It seems that the uplift has sub­ Q. W. V. A., at which the ladies of stituency, and honest and fearless in match to Nanaimo, came from Dick­ sided, and the council wants both pro­ the performance ot his duties. Should In the second half both teams seemed to slacken down somewhat, their auxiliary were in attendance, and enson who, in attempting a centre by hibition and licence fees. The council after viewing the matter from all such a man be nominated for this kicking the hall over his head, put in probably owing to the fast pace of the first period and the hot sun. would go further than the government angles the following appeared to be district he will have the support of a dropping ball close to the top of the After two and a half minutes of this half James again scored for and the people, aud would stop even the plain facts. That the present every reasonable returned man who is net, which the goal-keeper had little Cumberland. The Rangers then had a turn or two at Clark's goal, the drinking of near beer. provlnclal government had most not asking any government to per­ chance of saving. Routledge, on the and Ferguson put one more through for them,* and fifteen miuutes It first of all penalises the dispen­ plainly shown that they were not in form Impossibilities but is merely ask­ other hand, had a very easy time of it, sers, and next, even in the hottest sympathy with the needs of the re­ ing for honest and sane legislation. only being tested on three occasions from time Gregg scored number three for the Rangers. There was C. J. BUNBURY. no more scoring during the game. month of the year, would close all turned men; that what steps they had throughout the game, all three of them doors to the thirsty at 10 o'clock at being comparatively easy Into the Thus ended a very fast and exciting game, and a splendid exhi- night. Why it should have gone even bargain. COWICHAN LICENSEES Ignorant of the charge and was ln hibition of football was put up by both teams. The final score was to 10 o'clock Is a mystery, and why Vancouver at the time. Bottles were On the day's piny Nanaimo certainly ARE HEAVILY FINED 5 goals to three, constituting the record goal scoring of any game should the .council confine Its atten­ picked up around the premises and deserved to win, for they were continu­ tions to the dispensaries of what is so used for non-alcoholic drinks. Mr. A. ally pressing, the Celtics rarely being in the summer league. Justices Remember Overseas fraudulently described as beer. Why Griffin said that at 9.30 on the night able to pass the half-way line. As on not close everything up, the whole Services and Only Fine of the raid he went home to supper, previous occasions, however, they fell INFALLIBLE TEST. "When you git vi'lent spasms," said town, and even the city council, at Them $800 leaving a man, a comparative stranger down whon It came lime to put the Johnny Jones was studying botany, Johnny, "with cramps, swelllu' of the curfeV? If necessity called any man to him, in charge of the bar. He had llnlshlng touches to a movement, for nnd he had an infallible w.ay to tell feet, and partial loss of vision endin' out after that hour, why he could be found three empty bottles that morn­ otherwise the score would have been the difference between mushrooms and In insanity and death—then It ain't T. Marsden and A. Griffin, licensees sold a permit by the council. The ing but had never before seen the nearer ten to nil, than one to nil. toadstools, mushrooms." of the Tzouhalem bar, Duncan, were city would make money, and think of each found guilty on two counts, flrBt bottle with whiskey in It Answering the peaceful happiness of the town for unlawfully keeping liquor in the Mr. Davie, who prosecuted, he could BASEBALL GAME WON closed up, no work, no nothing, dead bar, and secondly for unlawfully keep­ not swear that they had never had «!Hllllllllillllllllll*IHIIIIIMlUllMIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIilllHIIIIII«lllllitl»««lllinUilllinMIIIMIIinnillllllllll«IUIlllltlMIIIllHII«IIMIJj| EASILY BY COURTENAY to the world from curfew. Of all mll- ing liquor for sale there. Reeve Herd liquor behind the bar for sickness or lenrums, the ralllenium by legislation and Mr. A. C. Altken, J.P., -Imposed something. Is the least possible of all. Meantime, fines on each of $100 on, the first count On the second charge the city con­ The game played on the Y grounds tbe lot of the average citizen ls to suf­ and $300 on the second count, with stable said lie had information leading on Sunday last between the Courtenay fer from legislature from which the costs. Fines totalled $800, and were him to believe that liquor was being Fred's and Joe's Place team and the local boys was somewhat necessity exists only in the vanity and paid. Pleas of not guilty were entered. sold at the Tzouhalem bar. The raid CUMBERLAND one-sided, the "milkmen" getting all conceit of the cranks, well-meaning resulted. of th runs scored—eight of them. and otherwise, responsible for it. On the first charge City Constable Boyd's pitching for the Courtenn.*y Dawkln testified that he and Provin­ Mr. Marsden put in a plea on his team was too much for Cumberland, cial Contsable Kler raided the bar on good character and service at the EADQUARTERS FOR ALL while the wet ground' following tlie MINE RESCUE TEAM Saturday night, June 26. Four bottles front, where he was regimental ser­ H THE ATHLETIC AND SPORT­ heavy rain seemed to just suit the KILLED BY GAS were found, three empty, one contain­ geant major. This, the bench stated, ing a drink of whiskey. they had taken into consideration in ING ORGANIZATIONS IN THE dairymen. SEATTLE.—Three members of the imposing sentence. CUMBERLAND DISTRICT. Boyd got two runs, Downey one, Pacific Const Coal Company's mine Mr. T. Marsden swore that he was Millard two and Robinson brothers rescue team at Black Diamond, Wash­ one apiece. Cumberland made one ington, are dead, and two others are good double play about the middle of expected to die as result of breathing the game, but throughout all the game poison gas fumes during a practice WAVERLEY HOTEL only two of the local boya got to first drill in an abandoned shaft at Black base, and only one safe hit was made The House of Qiinlilj. Diamond. from Boyd's pitching. The score by Innings was as fol­ TO TALK ACROSS ATLANTIC Cumberland, B.C. lows: I Phone 69. Courtenay 04001002 1—8 SILVER ST. JOHNS, NFD.—Preparations are Cumberland '.. 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0—0 being made at the historical Signal Im iiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii mm minimi mmmiiiiinmiiii ill Cumberland—Conti, 21K; Robertson, Hall for the establishment of com­ lb.; Beattie, cf.; D. Hvinden, l.t; E. munication between Newfoundland is becoming so valuable that it is fast ap­ Hunden, l.f.; Stewart, r.f.; Banner- and Great Britain by wireless tele­ man, 3b.; Westfield, c.'; J. Stant, p. proaching the point where it may be consid­ phone. Courtenay—R. Dixon,, 2b.; H. Dixon, The feat of speaking across the At­ ered as a standard of value, and the discovery lb.; Millard, cf.; Eas sen. s.s.; Qay, lantic by wireless telephone alreadv l.f.; D. Robinson, r.f..; E. Robinson, of it will cause to has been accomplished, connection 3b.; Downey, o.J Boyd, p. having been established between Lon­ Automobiles don, on the one side, and Glace Bay, CUMBERLAND BALL C.B., the Marconi headquarters, on TEAM TO PLAY AT the other, but in the present Instance COURTENAY SUNDAY! it is planned to make the scheme much SPRING That Stand the Test more extensive. The real purpose of The Cumberland Baseball team Jour-i the activities of the Marconi Company ney to Courtenay Sunday to play a is to give a demonstration to the Old return game with the "farmers." The World members of the Imperial Press up instantly in the mind of the prospector de­ local team wlll be strengthened by the Conference, who will shortly be on lightful visions of aflluance long deferred, but Inclusion of Lapsansky, one of the their way to join the Dominion mem­ the source of sure and real pleasure is a drink HEN considering the purchase of an automobile, best ball players on the Island. They bers for a two months' tour ot the wlll also have the service of Finch of Dominion. of good, refreshing Silver Spring be sure you select a reliable car—one that will W Victoria and Ross of Vancouver. The „ Three Htalluns. stand the test. We are agents for THOS. WEEKS of local boys expect lo put It all ovor The object is to have the steamship Nanaimo, and we carry the following reliable makes of the Courtenay team, taking revenge Victorian, on which the newspaper automobiles: for last Sunday's defeai. men are coming across, -In constant communication with the land of either BEER RECOMMENDS BAN aide from tho day she leaves Liverpool until she arrives iu Halifax, and for Chevrolet, Dodge. Chalmers, ON HEARST PAPERS this purpose a station is being equip­ VANCOUVER. —A Bpeclal commit ped on the Cornwall coast of England, AT ALL THE LEADING HOTELS. Hudson Six, Cadillac. tee, consisting of A. G. McCandless, a second at Cabot Tower, Signal Hill, W. J. Baird and Cecil Killam, ap­ St. Johns, and the third on the Vic­ pointed by the Canadian' Club execu­ torian. ' We also specialize in REPUBLIC TRUCKS and tive to Investigate the anti-British TRAILERS of 1 to 5 tons, character of the Hearst publications arriving in this city and district, pre­ Yeast—Did you buy that bonnet for sented a report to the executive at a your wife? taeeting on Monday aftemon. Feast—I did. The committee asloed that a recom­ Yeast—Well, believe me. It makes Silver Spring Brewing Company mendation he Rent -to the Dominion her look fierce. government, urgir-ig drastic action Feast—Well, take It from me, she THOMAS HUDSON against all Hearstl publications com­ would have looked a good deal fiercer VICTORIA, B. C. UNION BAY, B.C. ing into Canada./ The report was If I hadn't. adopted, and cop'.ea of the report were ordered sent to Cfttawa and the central All news Isn't as black as it is association of Cf.jiadjan Clubs. printed. •THE CUMBERLAND iSLANDEtt July 17, 1920. Page Eight Personal Mention Mr. Jim Fletcher,, of the Fletcher Music House, was In town this week on a business visit, later going on to SUMMER DRINKS OUR RESPONSIBILITY Campbell River on a fishing trip. LEMONADE POWDER GRAPE JUICE * • • LOGANBERRY JUICE SHERBET Mrs. C. O'Brien, Miss J. O'Brien and DOES NOT END WHEN YOU HAVE BOUGHT A Master Fred O'Brien of Washington ROSE'S AND STOWES' LIME JUICE arrived this week and are the guests THORPE'S GINGER ALE AND GINGER BEER of Mr. aud Mrs. George O'Brien for a lew days. a * * GOSSARD LACE FRONT CORSET Thomas Weeks of the Weeks Motors Libby's Pickles-Suitable Sizes Limited, of Nanaimo, was here on a business trip on Tuesday. For Picnics You must be satisfied. If it does not give you style to . * • Sour Mixed Chow make you happy; if it does not give you comfort beyond Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thulin, Dr. Sweet Mixed Sweet Chow and Mrs. Carrothers, Mr. and Mrs. Gherkins Sweet Relish price; if it does not give you a wearing service that alone 25c Thomas Powell ot Campbell River justifies its cost—return it. We take pride in your satis­ were a party that visited Cumberland on Wednesday. MANZANILLO OLIVES, 4-oz. bottles 2 for 25c faction. * . . CREST APRICOTS, l's, per tin 25c Mrs. T. H. Mumford has returned CURTIS' PIMENTOES, per tin 25c We have just had delivered two new to town afther her visit to Victoria. a * * lines in VAN CAMP'S, CLARKS and DAVIS, SOUPS, 2 for 35c For Out Of Doors Mr. J. Walton left town last Satur­ day ou a visit to Victoria and is ex­ Elastic Girdles Basket Chairs in a Great Variety. CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS, l's, per tin 35c Light, graceful and comfortable. All pected back today. sizes in stock. Prices $2.95 and $4.95. BOULTER'S CORN 2 for 45c We have a well assorted stock of . . * No woman can afford to be without one Mr. T. R. Jackson, Inspector of LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS, large tins 20c Basket Chairs, suitable for all purposes, of these dring the hot weather. Mines, arrived tn town this week on QUAKER PORK AND BEANS, small tin 10c but especially suitable for a seat in a his usual inspection of the local mines. A NEW ARRIVAL OF shady nook during these hot days. . . . Mr. Jarvls, of the local Bank ot Com­ Window Scrims and merce, returned from his vacation Wednesday, but has been transferred Take advantage of the following Marquisites to the Courtenay branch. RUGS RUGS RUGS * * a Mrs. W. A. Owen and daughter Ogla Some of the daintiest Musline, Mar­ A very good assortment awaits you if Specials while they last quisettes and Scrims for window decora­ left town yesterday by motor ou a you are in need of floor Rugs, and our tion. It will help you if you have a vacation. 1000 lbs. Small White Beans, per lb 10c look over some of our new lines. prices are reasonable. a * * Mrs. D. Stewart left on Wednesday 500 lbs. Bayo Speckled Beans, per lb 10c for Vancouver. 50 sacks Graham Flour, 49-lb. sacks at $3.50 IF THERE ARE GOODS IN OUR LINE WE DON'T CARRY, AND ARE ABLE a * * 80 sacks Graham Flour, 7-lb. sacks at 60c TO GET, WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE. TRY US." Mrs. J. Bennle left on Wednesday for Vancouver. 30 sacks Whole Wheat Flour, 49-lb. sacks at.... $3.50 * . * 60 sacks Whole Wheat Flour, 7-lb. sacks at 60c PHONE 134 Mrs. Robert Henderson and daugh­ ter have moved to Royston Beach for the summer months. . * . Miss A. E. Hurst arrived from Vic toria on Friday's train. Simon Leiser & Co. DRYGOODS . . . Mrs. H. Devlin of N'anaimo is visit­ Phone 38. Limited GENTS FURNISHINGS ing Mrs. T. Graham at Little River. We Want to Know

1. Why crabbing at Royston Beach is so good this season? WAGE DISPUTE AT FUNERAL OBSEQUIES KEEP TO THE LEFT CAMPBELL RIVER FALLS FORESHORE LEASE 2. Why bonfires attract so many— PORT ALBERNI MILL OF ESTEEMED CITIZEN UNTIL DECEMBER 15 MUST BE PRESERVED Bat*? 3. Why everyone is wondering who Strike Averted by Agreement Late Mr. Robert Watson, Lady­ Nelson District, Vancouver Island. Some little confusion is being The provincial government is bolus cliaperones those wild ones? No one. to Retain the Old Scale- smith, Laid to His Rest— caused by the change of the rule of petitioned by the Courtenay-Comox Well, we're astonished. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Board of Trade to set aside an area Settled in Two Hours. Respected Old-Timer the road in parts* of British Columbia 4. Which is Dame Gossip's port of Collieries (Dunsmuir), Limited, of and not In others. Yesterday one around Campbell River Falls for a call? We are thankful that only LADYSMITH.—The funeral of the' Victoria, B. C, Colliery Owners, Intend resident of Cumberland took It into park aud not to permit the scenic PORT ALBERNI. — What could transients call at Union Bay. late Mr. Robert Watson took place to apply for permission to lease the his head to adopt the "interior" rule beauty of tho FallB themselves to be scarcely be called a strike occurred 5. What is the lirst impression of last Saturday afternoon under the following lands: all on his own, and was somewhat in­ ruined by tlie diversion of their waters* at the Coal Creek Mill here on Thurs­ anyone descending tbe hill to Comox auspices of the local Masonic Order. Commencing at a post planted at dignant when he came head-on with for commerce. The resolution waa day morning. Lake? The deceased was the oldest Mason in high water mark three feet (3 ft.) worded as follows: Tbe employees had been notified another automobile. 6. Who enjoyed such a flue view the city and, in addition, was a mem­ East from the South-East corner post Whereas, the Island Highway ls that a general 10 per cent, cut In The change on Vancouver Island from the end of Royston Wharf Wed­ ber of the local Order of Foresters, ot Lot 11, Nelson District, thence East yearly becoming more known aud ap­ wages was to go Into effect following does not go into effect until the 15th nesday evening? Birthday celebra­ the members of which lodge also at­ sixteen hundred feet (1600 ft.) to the preciated by the public and ls a vain a reported 10 per cent, cut in wages of December next. tions, n'evorythlng. tended as a body. approximate low water mark, thence able asset to Vancouver Island; In other centres outside. The men de­ 7. Oue, two, three, four and Ave. cided not to go to work on these terms The popularity of the deceased gen­ Southerly along the approximate low RAPID CONSTRUCTION "And whereas "owing to logging water mark to a point due East from What happened to our sixth? Watch and the local management immediately tleman and the esteem In which he ON MEMORIAL HALL operations, forest fires and. other our space next week. the South-East corner of the North causes, much of thc natural beauty of got into communication with the was held may be gauged by the large 8. Why tbe man handling the hose Fractional halt of the South-Weat the Island Highway has been lost, and owners' representative, Mr. Oilroy, In number ot friends who were present The contractors on the G. W. V. A. turned the water on his fellow worker quarter of Section 32, thence West to it is desirable to preserve as much a3 Vancouver, with the result that the at the funeral. The religious ser­ Memorial Hall are making good head­ Instead of the "tarvia" Are last night? aforesaid corner of said fractional possible the scenic beauty now left; men returned to work on tbe original vices were conducted by Rev. J. O. way with the work of construction, 9. Who will wedding bells be ring- scale ot pay. What threatened to re­ Reid, pastor of the First Presbyterian part ot Section 32, being the original And whereas of all the beautiful and before many days are past the lag for soon? Here's luck! sult' in a strike was settled in two Church, at the home of the deceased, high water mark, thence Northerly scenery reached through the Island outside work will be almost com­ 10. How many girls can sleep on hours. and the Masonic ceremony was held at following original high water mark, Highway the most wonderful is the pleted. a single camp bed? the graveside. being the Easterly boundary of Sec­ Campbell River Falls. Unique from The Gilroy mills are reported to tion 32 and D. L. 28 in said Nelson the fact that here the Campbell River 11. What becomes of all the big have contracts covering their output SHIPPING AT CANADIAN District to point of commencement, makes a sheer drop of nearly 200 feet tUh that are caught hereabouts? for the next two years. Advertise in The Islander—it pays. containing in all ninety-six (90) acres COLLIERIES COALING and flows away through a beautiful 12. Why folks go to Royston when more or less. WHARF, UNION BAY wooded canyon at right angles; a nice lawn, garden hose and bathing s iltsare available? LOST FOR SALE CANADIAN COLLIERIES (DUNS "And whereas one of the great July 10—Daring. Coqultlam. Daring charms of the Falls ls the situation, SILVER HAT PIN,'THISTLE DE- GRAY-DORT SPECIAL CAR FOR MUIR), LIMITED, NOTICE DI HOTEL. and Scow, Vancouver. surrounded as they are by giant trees, sign, on Courtenay Road, near the sale, model 1918; privately used, In "Gentlemen without baggage wlll Charles Graham, Agent July 12—Malasplna, coastwise; Ore­ typical of Vancouver island's prim­ slaughterhouse, Thursday evening. first-class order and fully equipped. bare their wives in the office." Dated June 22nd, 1920. 28-i gon and Scow No. 30, Seattle; Olive aeval forest; Suitable reward. Notify Box 278. For price aud terms see Cameron, M, Alcedo, coastwise; Oregon and "And whereas any logging opera­ 1-29 Cumberland Motor .Works. c2-28 Scow No. 33, Seattle; Chieftain, Glee­ tions or other commercial enterprise NON-GLARE HEADLIGHTS ful. Cheerful, coastwise. FOR SALE—3-ROOMED HOUSE. must necessarily irredeemably rob TEACHER WANTED P. P. HARRISON July 13—(j.P.R. Hulk 100, Qualicum. this valuable asset of its natural fea­ The attention of motor drivers Is Cash or terms. Apply to B. Pearse, Vancouver; Santa Anna, Nanaimo, tures; c illed to the fact that under the pro­ nitv Barrister and Solicitor visions of the Motor Act the glare Experienced teacher wanted to Faultless. Chemainus, coastwise; "Be It resolved, that the provincial hoadllghts are taboo, and no headlight teach First Division, Minto Public Notary Public Klldonan and Scow. Vancouver. government be requested to set aside, AMERICAN UNDERSLUNG CAR, IN n ust project a light the apex of which School. Duties to commence Septem­ July 14—B. C. P., Progressive, coast­ as a park, a suitable tract of land sur­ first-class condition. Apply Barton, CUMBERLAND - • B. C. roaches higher than 3 1-2 feet at a ber 1st, 1920. wise; Daring and Scow, Vancouver. rounding the Falls and reserve the Photographer, or Phone 86L. cl distance of 75 yards from the car. Applications will be received up to Fulls themselves from any form of July 31at. Salary, $1,140 per annum. MOTORCYCLE — IN EXCELLENT interference and so secure their pre. Town either way 3 miles from school. running order. Apply P. O. Box servatlon for the use of teh public for WOOLLEN MILL MAY 105, Cumberland. 3-30 all time." START AT COURTENAY Apply DAVID MORGAN, Is Your Car Equipped With Secretary. SEVEN HOUSES FOR SALE CHEAP. Ml'. W. H. Cochrane, who has had Easy terms. For particulars see T. The New Church Notices considerable experience in the woollen E. Bate. Phone 31. Industry in Scotland, ls making inves­ Sale of City Lots HOLY TK1MTY CHURCH tigations looking towards establishing PEDIGREED AIREDALE TERRIER, a woollen mill at Courtenay, which Rev. W. Leversedge. SEALED* TENDERS are invited for bitch; for further particulars apply district has particularly impressed J. V. Jones, Islander Ofllce. REGULATION Sixth Sunday After Trinity. him as an ideal place to commence the purchase ot: Lot 3, Block )S, May 6SSA Celebration of Holy Communion, 11 operations. TWO ENGLISH BULL BITCHES, a.m. He met the members of the Cour- Lot 8, Block E, Map SSSA one by Ch. Fallsworth White Knight. tenny-Comox Board of Trade a few Lot 7, Block 4, May 588 Apply J. V. Jones, Islander Ofllce. HEADLIGHTS ? ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. days ago and laid the whole scheme in the corporate limits ot the City of Rev. Father R. Beaton, Comox. befcre them. Mr. Cochrane is very Cumberland, as authorized in the City FOR SALE—FOUR ACRES OF LAND Have you read the new Provincial Motor Act regard­ 9 a.m., mass at Cumberland. enthusiastic about the matter. While ot Cumberland Land Sale Bylaws No. with three-room dwelling, barn, 1, 1919, and No. 2, 1920, to each of ing headlights? The Act requires that all cars be 11 a.m., mass at Comox. the factory would start with about 14 garage ana other buildings; one aud hands, he has every confidence that which of the aforesaid lots the City ot a half miles from Cumberland. equipped with a non-glare light. Cumberland holds an Indefeasible PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES it'would, extend very rapidly. Price reasonable. Apply A. R. Wes­ WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF REGULATION LENS Title. ley, Cumberland, B. C. James Hood, Pastor. Tenders must be sealed and for­ Morning Service, 11 a.m. Jl ST A LITTLE OBSCURE IN STOCK warded to the City Clerk. SEVEN HOUSES TO SELECT FROM Evening Service, 7. p.m. A lawyer was asked by the court lo apologize tor a seeming disrespect T. MORDY, at prices from $550 to .(1200. T. E. to thc bench. The lawyer said with July 9th, 1920. City Clerk, Bate. Phone 31. GRACE METHODIST CHURCH tt Cumberland Motor Works great dignity: Rev. Geo. Kinney. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD Morning Service, 11 a.m. ' "I do apologize, sir. Your Honor is J. H. CAMERON, Proprietor. Cumberland, B.C. Don't believe all you bear, especially home cheap? If so, see T. E. Bate. Sunday School, 10 a.m. right and I am wrong, as your honor when It's about yourself. Phone 31. Evening Service, 7 p.m. generally le."