Faculty File H ONORS and a WARDS
Faculty File H ONORS AND A WARDS Deniz Armani, a fourth- kins Professor of Chemistry, year grad student in the has received the 2003 Pauling research group of Jenkins Award Medal, which is pre- Professor of Information sented annually by the Ore- Science and Technology and gon, Portland, and Puget professor of applied physics Sound Sections of the Ameri- Kerry Vahala, has won first can Chemical Society. Named prize at the Leading Edge after the late Linus Pauling, Student Symposium, held as the medal recognizes “out- part of the 36th Annual Sym- standing contributions to posium of the Southern Cali- chemistry . that have fornia Chapter of the Ameri- merited national and interna- can Vacuum Society (AVS). tional recognition.” The title of his presentation Babak Hassibi, assistant was “Ultra-High-Q Toroid professor of electrical engi- Microcavity on a Chip” and neering, has been awarded a G RAY W INS described research on the first five-year, $625,000 David W OLF P RIZE ultra-high-Q microresonator and Lucile Packard Fellowship on a chip and related applica- in Science and Engineering. tions. Other grad student Michael Hoffmann, the coauthors on the presentation Irvine Professor of Environ- were Sean Spillane, Tobias mental Science and dean of Kippenberg, Lan Yang, and graduate studies, was honored Andrea Martin, all of by the University of Toronto’s applied physics. department of chemistry as David Baltimore, Caltech the 2003–04 A. R. Gordon president and Nobel laureate Distinguished Lecturer in in physiology or medicine, is Chemistry. the seventh most-cited scien- Fatemeh Jalayer, the tist of the last two decades, Housner Postdoctoral Scholar according to the top-50 list in Civil Engineering, has published by Thomson ISI in been named a corecipient of Science Watch.
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