Spring 1999 Honors and Awards
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Honors and Awards Spring 1999 Physicists to Be Honored at APS Centennial Meeting Thirty-one APS prizes and awards keley and faculty senior scientist at the Alexander Zamolodchikov was born on 1999 HERBERT P. BROIDA PRIZE will be presented during a special cer- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. the 18th of September of 1952 in Dubna, He received his Ph.D. degree in physics emonial session at the APS Centennial Terry A. Miller USSR. He received his education from Meeting, to be held later this month in in 1976 from the University of Califor- Moscow Institute of Physics and Tech- The Ohio State University nia at Berkeley. After working at the IBM Atlanta, Georgia. Citations and bio- nology, which he graduated in 1975 as Watson Research Center, the AT&T Bell graphical information for each Nuclear Physics Engineer. In 1978 he re- Citation: “For his far-ranging contributions Laboratories at Murray Hill, and the recipient follow. Additional biographi- to spectroscopy and chemical physics of University of Pennsylvania, he joined ceived PhD in Physics from Institute of cal information and appropriate Web diatomics and radicals, his development the UC Berkeley faculty in 1980. His re- Experimental and Theoretical Physics in links can be found at the APS Web site of methods for plasma diagnostics, and for search interests are on the electronic and Moscow, USSR. From 1978 he is a mem- [http://www.aps.org]. Nominations his stewardship of the Ohio State Spectros- structural properties of solids, surfaces, ber of L.D.Landau Institute in for most of next year’s prizes and copy Conference.” clusters, and nanotubes, and on many- Chernogolovka, and from 1990, a Pro- awards are now being accepted. For Miller received his electron effects in the spectroscopic fessor of Physics at Rutgers University. details, see pages 7-8 of this insert. Ph.D. in chemistry properties of bulk and reduced dimen- Research interests of A. Zamolodchikov in 1968 from Cam- sional materials systems. He was are in Quantum Field Theory and Sta- bridge University, previously awarded the 1996 Rahman tistical Physics, in particular in PRIZES Prize in Computational Physics of the and joined the Conformal and Integrable Field Theo- APS. technical staff at ries. Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, 1999 HANS A. BETHE PRIZE 1999 DANNIE HEINEMAN PRIZE New Jersey before 1999 HIGH POLYMER PHYSICS moving to The PRIZE Edwin Ernest Salpeter Barry M. McCoy Cornell University Ohio State University in 1984, where he currently holds the Ohio Eminent Scholar SUNY at Stony Brook Charles C. Han Citation: “For wide-ranging contributions Chair of Experimental Physical Chemistry. National Institute of Standards and Tai Tsun Wu to nuclear and atomic physics and astro- His research centers around the spectro- Technology physics, including the triple-alpha scopic identification, characterization and Harvard University reaction, electron screening of nuclear re- monitoring of reactive chemical interme- Citation: “For outstanding contributions actions, charged-current emission of diates. He has developed a number of Alexander B. Zamolodchikov in the application of light and neutron neutrinos, and the form of the stellar ini- experimental spectroscopic techniques Rutgers University scattering to the physics of polymer tial mass function.” spanning frequencies from the microwave phase separation.” to the ultraviolet. At present, his labora- Citation: “For their groundbreaking and Salpeter received Han graduated tory is applying a battery of spectroscopic penetrating work on classical statistical his Ph.D. in theo- from National techniques to the characterization of the mechanics, integrable models, and con- retical physics in structure and dynamics of a number of Taiwan Univer- formal field theories.” 1948 from Bir- interesting chemical intermediates. sity with a B.S. in mingham Dr. McCoy re- chemical engi- University, and the neering in 1966 ceived his BS at following year 1999 OLIVER E. BUCKLEY PRIZE and from the Cal Tech in 1963 joined Cornell Uni- University of versity as a Sidney R. Nagel and his PhD from Wisconsin, research associate University of Chicago Harvard Univer- Madison, with a under Hans A. Bethe. He remained at sity in 1967. He Ph.D. in physical chemistry in 1973. Cornell as a professor, eventually becom- Citation: “For his innovative studies of dis- joined the Insti- He joined the Polymers Division of the ing the J. G. White Distinguished Professor ordered systems ranging from structural tute for National Institute of Standards and of Physical Sciences (Emeritus since 1997). glasses to granular materials.” Theoretical Phys- Technology (formerly the National Bu- In the 1950s, he worked with Bethe on reau of Standards) in 1974. He has Nagel received his ics at the State University of New York atomic theory and quantum electrodynam- been staff scientist, group leader and PhD in physics at Stony Brook in 1967 where he is cur- ics, developing the so-called recently a NIST fellow. His areas of in- from Princeton rently a Professor of Physics. He has “Bethe-Salpeter equation” and publishing terest and research have been related University in 1974 been visiting professor at the Research a book entitled Quantum Mechanics Of One- to polymer dynamics in dilute, and spent the next Institute of Mathematical Sciences in And Two Electron Atoms. semidilute and concentrated solu- two years as a re- Kyoto, the Institute Henri Poincare and tions. His recent research includes the search associate at the Australian National University. Dr. phase behavior of polymer blends un- Brown University. 1999 TOM W. BONNER PRIZE IN McCoy was awarded the Heineman der shear field and phase He joined the fac- NUCLEAR PHYSICS prize for work done from 1967-1981 on decomposition on the surface. He is a ulty of the the statistical mechanics of the Ising past recipient of the Dillon Medal of University of Chicago in 1976 serving as Vijay Raghunath Pandharipande model including boundary critical phe- the APS. University of Illinois director of the Materials Research Labora- tory from 1987 to 1991. He is currently the nomena, randomly layered systems which have Griffiths-McCoy Citation: “For fundamental contributions in Louis Block Professor in the Physical Sci- determining the structure of light nuclei ences. Nagel’s research interests focus on singularities, the Painleve representa- by solving the Schroedinger problem with disordered, nonlinear and out-of-equilib- tion of the two point function, quadratic Table of Contents more than three nucleons using realistic rium systems, including studies of glass difference equations for the n-point nucleon-nucleon interactions supple- transitions in supercooled liquids, phe- functions, and the Ising model in a mag- mented by three-body forces.” nomena in granular materials, and netic field. Dr. McCoy has in addition singularities occurring in the interface made contributions to the study of Pandharipande motion of hydrodynamic flows. Centennial Prize joined the Tata In- quantum spin chains, and the stitute of Fermionic representations of confor- and Award Fundamental Re- 1999 DAVISSON-GERMER PRIZE mal field theory, and has been a 1 Honorees search in Bombay IN ATOMIC OR SURFACE co-discoverer of the integrable chiral after receiving a PHYSICS Potts model. He has also worked ex- M.Sc. degree from tensively in quantum field theory and Nagpur University Steven Gwon Sheng Louie more recently has become known for in 1961. He re- University of California, Berkeley his mathematical work in nonlinear New APS Fellows ceived his Ph.D. differential equa- from Bombay University in 1969, while at Citation: “For his 4 tions and the the Tata Institute, and came to the Univer- predictive theoreti- theory of Rogers- sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, his cal studies of present position, in 1972. He has also held surfaces and inter- Ramanujan a visiting faculty appointment at the Phys- faces.” identities. Nominations for ics Division of Argonne National Y2K Prizes and Laboratory since 1983. His research inter- Louie is a profes- Tai Tsun Wu, 7 ests include nuclear forces, structure and sor of physics at Harvard Awards reactions, quantum liquids and their the University of University drops, and dense matter and neutron stars. California at Ber- General Electric Re- He retired from Philips in 1972. Casimir Raizen received a 1999 IRVING LANGMUIR PRIZE search and made many contributions to science dur- Ph.D. in physics IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS Development Cen- ing his years in research from 1931 to 1950, from the Univer- ter in 1967 where he including long range van der Waals forces, sity of Texas at Daniel Kivelson has worked in the the so-called “Casimir effect.” In 1966, Austin in 1989, and University of California, Los Angeles areas of interstitial Casimir became co-founder and first presi- spent the next few diffusion, radiation dent of the (European Industrial Research years as a Citation: “For his influential studies, theo- damage, solute seg- Management Association (EIRMA). postdoctoral fel- retical and experimental, probing stability, regation in solids, low at the National structure and molecular motion in liquids, thermomigration, Institute of Stan- supercooled liquids and glasses.” electromigration, amorphous metals and 1999 W. H. K. PANOFSKY PRIZE dards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado. IN EXPERIMENTAL PARTICLE Kivelson received semiconductor processing, laser material He moved to the University of Texas at Aus- PHYSICS his Ph.D. from processing, anodic bonding, high-pres- tin in 1991, where he is currently a tenured Harvard in 1953 sure, high-temperature diamond associate professor. Raizen has been work- and subsequently nucleation and growth and low-pressure Edward H. Thorndike ing in the field of atom optics. The main served as an in- chemical-vapor-deposition diamond University of Rochester focus of his research has been to study how structor in Physics nucleation and growth. quantum mechanics suppresses classical Citation: “For a leading role in milestone at M.I.T. He has chaos, by a mechanism known as dynami- Haller is a profes- advances in the study of the b quark with been on the faculty cal localization.