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University accreditation CELEBRATION reaffi rmed another ten years

GABRIEL ARRARÁS University in compliance with on-site team, we are confi dent News Director 89 out of 90 principles. that our QEP will become According to Wartzok, the a national model for global The Southern Associa- reaffi rmation came with “no learning in higher education,” tion of Colleges and Schools reservations and no follow-up said Hilary Landorf, director of has reaffi rmed the Universi- requirements.” the Offi ce of Global Learning ty’s accreditation for another “It was a clean, complete Initiatives, during an interview ten years during their Dec. 6 [and] unqualifi ed reaffi rma- with Student Media in April. Board of Trustees meeting. tion,” said Wartzok. According to Wartzok, the “This decision represents The Quality Enhance- University’s strong commit- the culmination of several years ment Plan, or QEP, has been ment to the QEP, along with of planning and documentation one of the main drives behind ongoing assessments of student for our Compliance Certifi ca- the University’s reaccredita- learning outcomes for each tion Report, Quality Enhance- tion bid. According to a press degree program contributed ment Plan and March 2010 site release from the Offi ce of to the University’s successful visit,” said University Provost Global Learning Initiatives, reaffi rmation. The Universi- and Executive Vice President the purpose of the QEP is to ty’s next SACS milestone will Douglas Wartzok in a letter to “enhance FIU undergraduates’ be the fi fth year interim report, the University community. global awareness, perspec- which is due in March 2016. Members of SACS visited tive and attitude of engage- According to Wartzok, the University campuses back ment through global learning this report will document the in March as part of the Univer- courses and co-curricular progress of the QEP and the sity’s reaccreditation bid. activities.” continued compliance with the ALEXIA ESCALANTE/THE BEACON The SACS on-site “SACS called our QEP SACS principles of accred- The Chabad Student Center hosted an event in the GC pit celebrating the start committee provided an anal- topic a brilliant move for itation, including a degree of Chanukkah. the Jewish Festival of Lights. President Rosenberg had the honor of ysis of all the principles of FIU, and by incorporating the program assessment of student lighting the fi rst candle on the fi rst night. accreditation and found the suggestions made by the SACS learning outcomes. University to see 3,600 graduates during commencement

ALEXANDRA CAMEJO approximately 3,600 graduates will be awarded will join the over 140,000 University alumni. In the true spirit of being world’s ahead, Asst. News Director degrees throughout six commencement cere- Jacques Bentolila will be receiving his Michelle Ramirez, recipient of a doctorate in monies on Monday, Dec. 13 and Tuesday, Dec. doctorate of education in exceptional student physical therapy, has already made an impact “Commencement will mark the end of 14 at the U.S. Century Bank Arena, located at education, as a member of a select group in the in underprivileged countries throughout Latin your time as FIU students and the fi rst day of Modesto Maidique Campus. highly competitive Urban Special Education America by setting up several health care your lives as FIU alumni,” said FIU President Whether they fi nished their studies in the Academic Leaders doctoral cohort. clinics in rural villages in Nicaragua and Mark B. Rosenberg, in a letter addressed to fall or during the last summer term, Rosenberg Yarimar Rosa, the only FIU student- Honduras. and commending the upcoming graduates of acclaimed student efforts when he said, “the athlete in the school’s history to receive the For more details about FIU’s fall the fall semester. hallmark of a Panther is the ability to turn the All-America recognition four times, will be commencement, honorees and other Worlds With majors ranging from English to impossible into the inevitable.” graduating with a bachelor’s in international Ahead graduates, visit http://commencement. chemistry and interior design to Asian studies, Several notable Worlds Ahead graduates business. fi u.edu/. Student gains musical experience during four year stay

JESSICA MENDOZA Electro-Acoustic Recording Society. She also Staff Writer spent her time performing for experimental ensembles like the FIU Laptop Electronic Arts. Graduating this fall is student Nayla Mehdi, a FLEA would go on to perform and garner atten- mild-mannered senior who picked up the piano tion across the community. Mehdi says the at the age of fi ve, who since then has had her club’s main focus is to engage the community musical future paved in blue and gold. into a newfound style of music. Along with On Tuesday, at the age of 22, she will walk her peers, she would perform at several inter- down the graduation isle with a Bachelor in national Electro-Acoustic Music festivals such Music Technology from the College of Archi- as the New West Electro-Acoustic Music Orga- tecture and the Arts. nization and the Society for Electro-Acoustic Originally from Lebanon, Mehdi crossed the Music for the United States. pond from Saudi Arabia in the hopes of gaining Other festivals include Sub-Tropics and the her college education at Florida International annual festival held at the FIU School of Music, University. After scouting different schools, FEAST. More recently, Medhi and her ensem- Mehdi felt the warm and welcoming greetings bles played at Art Basel for the second year in from the faculty and staff. Impressed by the a row. humbling visit, Mehdi made her way into the Mehdi has focused her attention on gaining program in 2007. experience. This past year, she worked at the ALEXIA ESCALANTE/THE BEACON In her years at the Wertheim School of annual Youth Fair producing live audio for the Nayla Mehdi is graduating this fall with a Bachelor in Music Technology from the College Music, Mehdi experimented and heavily of Architecture and the Arts. involved herself with several clubs like the MEHDI page 2 2 The Beacon – Monday, December 13, 2010 NEWS www.fi usm.com Ready to graduate: all objectives achieved during stay

Men are defi ned using different defi ne my time at FIU using four it is not declared. Reliability, consis- intent is always pure and my effort teaches something. methods. In college, you are often words. tency, trustworthiness and quality are exhaustive which often displays itself There were many minor successes judged according Achieving is an action. It is not characteristics of people in charge. with an A on the transcript, or a great on the way to graduation. Logging COLUMNIST to whom people static. In many cases, achievement From the fi rst semester on campus, recommendation letter. into Panthersoft daily to ensure no think you are. tells you when to leave. being a formal leader was a welcome There is no shame in the word surprises impede fi nancial aid is how I have never Rugby becomes another spec- request. The high esteem my school- “cannot;” knowing your limits helps I often celebrated the holidays. been one readily tator sport. The goal was to play: mates give me honors my presence you magnify your strengths. Stating The future reveals no hints to the available for others’ achieved. The realization all groups and I gladly accepted the duty. But, you can’t when you haven’t attempted present. Preparation for the present acceptance though are not worth joining, in spite of their all leadership does not come from to do will always keep you behind the occurred in the past. It guides the I understand the appearance. those in positions of power. curve. Intention dedicates time. decisions but the true results may value of popularity. The goal was to let them know In some instances, I’ve done more Trust me, it is possible to take 12 hide until long after the decision has JACQUES ROZIER I often prefer you are here: achieved. Raise the work as a member than I may have as classes in two semesters while main- been made. my work precede your knowledge G.P.A. Make more A’s than B’s a leader. When other people tell you taining a job and community involve- For everything I could have been of me since personal boasts require while eliminating lower grades. Join how hard you are working, that’s a ment, but I wouldn’t recommend it. during my tenure at FIU, none make spontaneity and familiarity. Public Relations Student Society of signal you are viewed as a leader. Success is commencement. At me more proud than achieving lead- Speaking self-edifi cation confl icts America. Excellence coexists with purity, the point in life you can face a new ership, excellence and success. I take with the nature of a genuine southern Making sure I handle my responsi- not perfection. To tell you I always beginning, your preparation meets these lessons learned into the worlds beau. I am no philosopher, but I do bility: achieved. Leadership is given, made A’s would be a stretch. My either a proud triumph or defeat that ahead. Golden Panther by chance, eventually fi nds his place

It’s funny how fast four years blow by. I’m sitting here in the middle of the Graham Sun Belt Conference championship for the fi rst obligatory shout-outs to the boys in Sports and I still remember begrudgingly walking on Center’s atrium on a cold December morning time ever. Amazing stuff. the lonely crew all the way in the fi sh tank of to the Biscayne Bay Campus with a gingerbread latte realizing that just as fast Particularly, the memories I’ll always cherish an offi ce called Beacon At the Bay. News, Life!, COLUMNIST my fi rst year, upset that I had as it started, my undergrad career is over. are the ones that happened working at this very Opinion, you’re also amazing and it was a blast to come to FIU. It’s like reaching the end of a video game and newspaper. Yeah, the stories were fun to cover working with all of you. Little did I know that I’d seeing the credits roll. and pegging a few wayward Student Govern- My sister always told me that college will leave with a greater apprecia- The End. ment representatives from overstepping their blast by in a blink of an eye and I always took it tion for this school and all it’s While I’m glad that I no longer have to stay bounds was a thrill, but the true joy came with as her just being overly dramatic about it. done for me. up late cramming for exams or fi nishing up working with the fi ne staff I now happily call Sure enough, I blink, and here I am with my I only came to FIU because major research papers (for now), I’m getting a friends. mortarboard and a crimson tassel with “Class SERGIO of an unfortunate mishap that bit nostalgic about the place. It’s from them I learned the most, even when of 2010” on it. If I could talk to my stubborn MONTEALEGRE stopped me from going to From exploring the muddy bottoms of the taking into account classes. You may or may not freshman self, I’d tell him to shut up and just Florida State University after Everglades in waist-high water in Ecology of know it, but the people that write these articles enjoy the ride instead of griping all the time. being accepted, and yet it almost feels like that South Florida’s lab to covering a hotly contested and put together this periodical easily have the I know FIU will always be there for me to this was the right move. school board election as part of the Liberty City biggest passion and dedication in wanting to see head back to, spin the giant cube, or watch as a To all of you graduating this semester: Link for the South Florida Times, I can’t help this paper succeed, even if it means sometimes fl ock of ducks chases down a freshman throwing congratulations. You survived energy drink- but think I’ve done far more here than what I staying on campus until 1 a.m. on a Saturday pizza crusts at it, but for now, it’s time to hit the fi lled nights, myriads of papers, and likely one would have done up in Tallahassee. night. road. or two classes you didn’t care for. I even got to see the football team clinch the Every section gave 110% but I have to give Destination: wherever the wind takes me. Mehdi credits musical successes to ‘unrelenting’ mentor

MEHDI, page 1 the one thing she will take from here just a teacher, but also a confi dant. Mehdi credits Matthussan, not a lot of musical experimentaton, is friendship. The young teacher is a successful only for the impressive growth of the with a particular focus on live audio fair festivities. Medhi has lended Her mentor Paula Matthussan, a scholar whose innovative composi- program, but the unrelenting push for engineering. She will be applying to her talents to organizations across visiting professor for the School of tions have gained national attention. to follow the craft as a valuable asset schools like Dartmouth and New York campus, working alongside fellow Music, has served instrumental in Mehdi’s unexpected friendship with to her profession. University with a focus on expanding students in producing sounds from molding her as a musician. Mehdi the instructor has given her another Having worked so hard over the her musical knowledge. scratch for music concerts. worked in Matthusan’s fast-paced lasting impression. years and having garnered so much “Defi nitely, the main focus is Although much of her collegiate curriculum that allows her students to Mehdi found musical enlighten- experience, she is now ready to take broadening and learning as much as years were spent experimenting with keep up with advancing technology. ment experimenting with music after the giant leap of graduating. I can,” she says, “There’s just no limit sound and audio, Mehdi admits that Moreover, Matthussan was not years of studying. Future plans for Mehdi include to what you can do in this industry.”




ASST. NEWS DIRECTORS COPY EDITORS Editor-in-Chief: ALEXANDRA CAMEJO JOHN MELECIO (305) 348-1580 LIANAMAR DÁVILA SANABRIA jorge.valens@fi usm.com PAGE DESIGNERS Advertising: SPORTS DIRECTOR LAURA ALONSO (305) 348-6994 JONATHAN RAMOS RECRUITMENT DIRECTOR advertising@fi usm.com ASST. SPORTS DIRECTORS VICTORIA LYNCH The Beacon is published on Mondays, JOEL DELGADO BUSINESS MANAGER Wednesdays and Fridays during the Fall SERGIO MONTEALEGRE CRISTINA RIVERA and Spring semesters and once a week during Summer B. One copy per person. LIFE! EDITOR DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Additional copies are 25 cents. The Beacon ADRIANA RODRIGUEZ ROBERT JAROSS is not responsible for the content of ads. Ad content is the sole responsibility of the ASST. LIFE EDITOR ASST. DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA company or vendor. The Beacon is an edi- ALBA TOWERS LINDA LEE/THE BEACON ALFRED SOTO torially independent newspaper partially funded by student and services fees that Benjamin Castro, a senior studying art, observes the bachelor’s of fi ne art exhibition are appropriated by student government. at After Hours at the Philip and Patricia Frost Art Museum on Dec. 8. www.fi usm.com FALL 2010 COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES The Beacon – Monday, December 13, 2010 3 Fall 2010 Commencement Candidates

College of Archi- Daniel H. Brigham Meihua Lam Jose F. Zuniga Katsiaryna N. Dubouskaya Irvena Radisovna Ziyaltdi- Nayla M. Mehdi Silvana Lavado Karla I. Elie nova tecture and The Dunja Vladimir Novcic Kyle L. Leverett Bachelor of Arts in Environ- Aaron Joseph Feit Arts Mihai V. Preda Edwin Stalin Lopez mental Studies Alexandria Fernandez Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Vivian Christina Torres Van Joaquin Magee Joseph B. Baca Steven J. Fernandez Studies Bachelor of Arts in Archi- Thomas J. Uriarte Madonna Matienzo Alexandra R. Dutton Eric B. Fleming Brian Andrew Adams tecture Alfredo J. Zayas Vishak Menon Danielle Carla Hackshaw Ariel A. Fonticiella Vanessa Marie Aguilar Sean Baltagi Matilde Maria Nankivil Andrea E. Jeria Jami Rose Furnagiev Jennifer Michelle Alam Lauren J. Bartroli Master of Music Gisselle Alexandra Orellana Drake A. Kurlander Paola J. Galindo Patricia Alcantara Fiorella Francesco Paolo Boccuzzi Eirymar Parra Luces Erika L. Morales Carlos J. Garcia Patrice Edward Altine Juan Calero Miroslav Misha Dacic Emery Che Pemberton Lilia Kristina Negron Zenel Garcia Miguel R. Alvarado Analise Calleiro Hector D. Neciosup Alejandro Plata Danielle Frances Romero Romina Belen Garcia Varano Yaremy Alvarez Melissa Fitoria Gerardo A. Suarez Chandra D. Ramdas Ian B. Wogan Hayro Lazaro Garciga Trevor Andrews Katrina A. Fumagali Fernando Farias Rocha Lisa M. Wolf Yaisel Gonzalez Kalena Usha Arjune Rasiel Garcia-Carranza Master of Architecture Denis P. Tavita Alexandria Zangari Sarah Genifer Gozlan Maria Lucia Baserva Olga Y. Gomez Jonathan M. Azar Alex Calixto Tejerizo Laura Guaqueta Jonathan R. Berney Diego Roberto Martinez Josue Ismeo Jean-Louis Kevin J. Vincent Bachelor of Arts in French Silvia Gutierrez Claribel Blanco Frank J. Mata Peter Michael Weininger Wendy Alezandra Guzman Kenneth Haave Andrea I. Borges Max J. Miller Master of Arts in Architec- Ever A. Zambrano Merlano Isabelle Jutronic Anthony Tarek Haddad David Bosakewich Daniel Francisco Quindemil ture Frantz Mondelus Jaime Henao Mikaela Xiomara Brown Idabeth A. Rojas Jose Arana Bachelor of Arts in English Valentina E. Hiegemann Eric E. Brunken Jereme David Sanchez Mark Bobbitt Legg Michelle Almonte Bachelor of Arts in Geog- Elizabeth Jimenez Victoria Marquiz Calvin Alejandro L. Stein Raffalli Cassandra Ann Straus Arlesha Amazan raphy David Robert Jones Julieta Campos Jonathan Thole Mariel Rossina Basurco Everton Hanse Michelle A. Jones Richard Louis Capik Yadilka Torres Master of Interior Design Christian R. Bauman Gia M. Smith Jessica Marie Klein Enrique Cepero Lisbeth C. Langaigne Maryleen J. Beras Erwin Ulisses Tejos Jonathan C. Klopp Jessica A. Chin Bachelor of Arts in Art Elvia G. Brazil Clara Rose Lago Katherine Marie Coppinger Sarah Elizabeth Alexander Master of Science in Music Ivette Jacqueline Caballero Bachelor of Arts in History Crystal Lean Azelynn Crisostomo Elizabeth Ann Fatolitis Education Kattia Elena Capote Alberto Berrizbeitia John D. Lee Ernesto J. Crucet Mario A. Grana Patricia D. Fuentes Laura U. Carnes Benjamin Elliot Boyhan Anthony E. Lima Tiffany Nichole Dallas Berlaine Jean-Philippe Enzu H. Castellanos Erin Lee De Cespedes Oscar R. Lopez Amanda Elise De Aguero Jannette Oliva College of Arts and Rochel Marcee Chancerel Adriana De Lap David J. Lynch David A. Del Cristo Natalia Pop Michael J. Constantino Eduardo Alejandro Escobar Romney M. Manassa Chrisnatha Derosier Maritza Sanchez Sciences Tamara R. Cratit Erwin Mauricio Escobar Charlotte Sophia Marill Daniel Mario Diaz Patricia Suau Neil B. Davidow Alejandro Gonzalez Jannelyn C. Mendez Daniel A. Diaz Carlo A. Travierso Bachelor of Arts in Asian Stephanie D. De Las Salas Ricki Gonzalez Rachel Mendoza Iraxia Ines Diaz Daniela Velasquez Studies Giselle Miriam Defalla Igor V. Gridenko Claudia Mesa Jason Donnenfeld Carlos D. Velez Aaron Kody Benge Haydn Arturo Diaz Patrice N. Hill David David Moises Michelle Donovan Juan Salvador Zarate Fawn Coba Marion Doucet Akilah M. Hunte Ana M. Montejo Katherine Bidwell Doyle Bachelor of Arts in Art His- Eva Melissa Duenas Stephanie G. Farokhina Jaime Jimenez Marccia Katherine Moreno Adam Commander Eglin tory James Michael Fichera Asheley Yvette Figueroa Claudia Y. Lievano Gabriela Fernanda Morote Joel J. Enriquez Chelsey R. Youse Chandra N. Isaac Jennifer Ashley Flickinger Peta-Gaye Marie Lyew-Ayee Francisco Antonio Navas Osmany Rafael Estrada Jessica Joanne Knudsen Rachel Naomi Francis Melissa Mendoza Mauricio Alexander Nichol Marilyn Eustache Bachelor of Arts in Dance Joann M. Loiodice Danielle Nicole Freyre Daniel R. Pereira Oren Okhovat Ashley Falcon Ana Maria Guzman Diaz Frank Stephen Nieves Mayling Gomez Eric Joseph Ruberto Adriana Ortega Sandy Marcia Fanor Bachelor of Arts in Music Chris J. Piverotto Annette B. Gonzalez Alberto A. Soto Aioni D Carmen Ortiz Michelle Rachael Feller Eva Reyes Cisnero Paola Andrea Torres Fredesvinda Guijarro Adrianne Trujillo Karol Ortuno Gabriel Fontela Ryan Adam Tracy Ysabel A. Guzman-Vasquez Humberto Ulloa Fabiola Pace Neil W. Fowler Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Carolina A. Ventura Jessica Rosemary Iglesias Dennis James Valdes Carlos Paino Armando G. Gali Sarah M. Bartels Anwar Janania Jeannie Karen Valladares Pamela Pamela Bryam Garcia Michelle C. Moreno Bachelor of Arts in Chem- Alejandro M. Jimenez Stephanie Vasquez Vivek Parekh Douglas N. Garland Natalie M. Rivera istry Sallam Joseph Oscar D. Vega Michael Pedroso Jessica Goicoechea Sana Ahmad Denise Lopez Racheal Olivia Williams Stephanie H. Perez Anthony Granados Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Herman Autore Ailina Marrero Tania Katiushka Witten Jessica C. Pino Frank J. Guzman Ryan F. Hubert Joan Carlos Chavez John Bernard Martin Michael L. Wolfson Douglas J. Platt Donald Warren Hanna Yasmin A. Khalaf Tiffany A. Chin You Rodolfo Martinez Adela Poudratchi Christina Harris Karina E. Luna Navila Collazo Sarah I. McBride Bachelor of Arts in Interna- Nelson Daniel Prieto Simon Hernandez IV Kimberly Anne Marmor- Alejandro Conde Perez Robert Alexander Melo tional Relations Javier Ismael Quiñonez Evelyn Izquierdo stone Elizabeth Carmen Duran Vanessa A. Miranda Alejandro F. Acuna Juan Camilo Ramirez Erin Beth Jackson Augusto Enrique Mendoza Marc E. Freeman Carmen Mise Ruben Osvaldo Aleman Stanley Rigaud Timothy Jobe Brian J. Murillo Candace George Gabriel A. Molina Eduardo Alorda Corey James Robinson Matthew Janson Kirby Caridad Ochoa-Gomez Andres Gonzalez Jorge Molina Carlos Andres Aponte Jermaine Robinson Hector Luis Lamourt Sergio Jose Rioseco Cesar Gonzalez-Espinoza Stephanie Novoa Wendy J. Appleton Andrea V. Rodriguez Demario C. Lee Jonathan Small Federica Helena Hulett Samuel Stephen Archibald Ana M. Arias Evelyn Rodriguez Juan Antonio Lopez Kayleigh Jordan Tanthorey Chionye-Edue Raymond Ogilvie Andrea Arteaga Frank Rodriguez Amanda Mercedes Manteiga Stephanie Valencia Nwofude Cristina M. Ordoqui Micah E. Badana Luis A. Rodriguez Ashley Martinez Alexandra Vetencourt Michelle Palacios Stephanie E. Pino Juan Rafael Baez Alena U. Rudziak Leah S. McNamara Jodi-Ann Natalie Richards Natalie F. Quincosa Angela Ballester Juan Diego Salim Karen Judith Mena Bachelor of Fine Arts in Brian D. Ryans Banesa Reyes Erik T. Barnard Carlos Sanmiguel Ashley Mestre Theatre Adei M. Shaqra Alexander T. Robbie Jeffrey Oniel Beckford Paola Andrea Santa Krista A. Monegain James Clarissa Cristina Brillem- Bryan Paul Shartrand Jonathan D. Roberts Rose A. Bestman George L. Sexton Jennifer Montes De Oca bourg Daniel Tunon Melissa Rodriguez Scarleth M. Borge Erika Shoemaker John Moonsammy Chelsea Duran Ana K. Vega Veronica Amanda Rodriguez Nisa Ann Boyle Dianah Elizabeth Silvera- Daniel Morales Lisa Marie Lagrande Lucy Seth Voltaire Melissa Ross Vanessa Brizo Tippens Vienchanmalay Moreno Lauretta Navarro-Watts Keba J. Williams Rina B. Russo Joanette Keisha Brookes Gabriela S. Simonelli Gabriel Mosquera Adam B. Ramos Sabrina D. Saint Jour Steven Camelo Pavel Soshnikov Helen Moy Bachelor of Arts in Econom- Enrique Alejandro Santiago Othon Fernando Cardelle Nicolas Spigner David Munoz Bachelor of Interior Design ics Aracelys Cherie Tapia Melissa Chirinos Erwin Ulisses Tejos Stacia Okoh Alicia Carolina Doroteo Virgilio J. Acuna Juan Teijeiro Romulus Joseph Cirone Patrice Michelle Thomas Gary Orr Vanessa Serbastian Jeffry Todd Adames-Smith Kristine Thorstensen Francesca Constantini Malena Torres Joan Manuel Palacios Esmaeel omar Alghareer Jillian Marie Tobie Adrian Cordero Andrew Simon Townsend Ashley M. Palau Bachelor of Landscape Christopher Joseph Annis Jessica Torgas Violeta M. Del Villar Hugo J. Urizar Julie Paul Architecture Gabriel J. Brito Michelle Torres Anthony C. Diaz Bernadette Vazquez Kenia M. Perez Gerry Cabrera Miguel H. Cevallos Loaiza Carmen C. Victoria Emma Yaiza Diaz Manuel Antonio Vigo Kimberly Danielle Philistin Ailyn T. Mendoza Juan Sebastian Coll Cayce Marie Wicks Shadday Diaz Lezlie Michelle Walker Caitlin A. Pyfrom Janet Guerra Daniel T. Wojcicki Carolina A. Dominguez Danielle Kimberly Watson Jennifer Ramos Bachelor of Music Keenan Ho Anna Maria Xiques Mehgan Elizabeth Dorman Annissa R. Wood Richard james Rentel Wade Jolivert Emily Martha Zarate Daniel Doudnik Graciela Zapata Janet Riesgo 4 The Beacon – Monday, December 13, 2010 FALL 2010 COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES www.fi usm.com

Rafael Andres Rodriguez Jill-Brittany Gabriella Rubin Stephanie Michelle Gardner Jessica M. Perez Carrillo Anne Elizabeth Moore Lara D. Stacey R. Russell Ericka Andrea Ruiz Erica M. Gibb Joanne Pierre-Louis Mariana Ochoa Krystal Omari Bally Maria Petronila Santos Andres Sandoval Elizabeth M. Godinez Vanessa M. Pineda Ana M. Ortuno Randi Krystle Blake Sharon Schmalbach Chantell C. Semper Christina Gomez Natasha Pineiro Gerardo L. Pichardo Valerie Alexis Bonilla Mary Laureen Scott Pamela St Fleur Lilian Gonzalez Irina Pinos Jacqueline Pico Victorea R. Butler Shawn P. Selcis Thomas Anthony Suri Victoria A. Gonzalez Dayanna Pirez Christine Pis-Dudot Diane Michelle Cacho Emmeline E. Sierra Rocio D. Terrones Stephanie A. Gottardi Rebeca Pita-Dominguez Olive Bernice Preston Vanessa Campa Yolimar Silva Samuel Roman Torrez Luciana M. Gottlieb Shoshana Dara Pollack Edward Paul Quinto Isabel Fernanda Capella Michael Soliman Aramys Vidal Delena Gutierrez Irene B. Portillo Jennifer Lee Rabaglia Jose Cardoso Ronnieka C. Solomon Andrea L. Vivas Angelyn Christine Havey Rosario M. Prado Jessica Rodriguez Jessica Castaneira Denise L. Soohong Priscilla S. Zaldivar Monica Henry Kellis Quinones Andrea Rojas Dairo Castillo Miguel Angel Suarez Elechukwu Andrew Hep- Alina Quintana Lauren A. Scull Edith Charpentier Samantha Lei Syms Bachelor of Arts in Portu- burn-Okehi Claudia A. Quintana Mario Fernando Serna Sabrina Chiu Tamar R. Thompson guese Adhara Mercedes Hernandez Susan Raddatz Jewel Saira Singh-Bhairo Eric C. Collazo Pamela A. Tobolowsky Rachel Jean Norman Dora Hernandez Adrian Alberto Ramirez Shearn Lea Spenard Alejandro Conde Perez Maggy Torres Jovanni Hernandez Leonardo M. Ramirez Seth R. Tatum Marvin Coombs Kertus M. Toussaint Bachelor of Arts in Psychol- Lien Hernandez Jessica M. Rego Samuel B. Thompson Gabriel J. Correa Mark Edward Tucker ogy Yudan Hernandez Claudia Reigosa Lorenzo Orlando Torres Victoria Katherine Crewdson Patricia M. Vazquez Daniel John Abou-Semaan Justine Hormell Katherine Carolina Rengel Monica Janet Torres Pablo E. Cueto Johanna Miny Waknine Megan Alderman Ana Maria Ibata Vladimir Rivas Erica Christina Urrutia Javier Andres Cutino Maya D. Wardally Yenlys Alonso Mavis V. Jackson Stephanie Marie Roche Alexia C. Van Orden Shiv Kailash Daryanani Brandon Alexander Webman Bryant Alvarado Percy Johnson Anthony R. Rodriguez Thelma Iris Velez Vaishali Dave Tye J. Wheatley Anacecilia Alvarez Geethu N. Johny Heather Rodriguez Jennifer A. Veltre Natasha Decal Gordon L. Wickson Jennifer C. Amy Madonna Junco Karem Rodriguez Linda Yagudaev Daniel Joseph Diaz Rashundra R. Williams Yuliette Antunez Michael Samuel Jurysta Lilysbel Rodriguez Elisa Yeung Jennifer Diaz Ivelisse Demnise Aparicio Tiziana Pereira Juvencio Vanessa Esmerelda Rodri- Miguel E. Diaz Bachelor of Arts in Philoso- Alejandra M. Arana Delia Keen guez Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Dolores Elena Difrenna phy Katherine Arencibia Vanessa M. Keller Katherine J. Rojas Brittany Bartlett-Pina Jason A. Dimart Alain Amador Roberto Arguelles Anam Khan Brittany Alexandria Rolle Sandra Berrios Nahima Elena Dominguez Raphael Dorsainvil Mariana Armelin Tanya D. Kyryluk Daisy Romani Maria Jose Del Carmen Milouse Dornevil Joseph Gonzalez Johanne Banica Edmundo Jose Lacayo Alejandra Romero Daiana Kucawca Garfi eld G. Edman Victoria A. Gonzalez Paula Andrea Barrera Sarah Lakdawala Karina Ruiz Carlos C. Marino Erica Jeanette Escarcega Michael Vincent Martinez Maria C. Basanez Dara Morgan Lamel Maria Teresa Sahonero Belen Nogue Bonet David Francisco Fandino Michael P. Mayoral Giani Basoa Gisele Soledad Lanza Laura C. Salado Elizabeth Saldana Laura Vanessa Florez Daniel Olsen Amber L. Baxter Tatiana Lucia Lara Astrid N. Salazar Amelia Sanchez Liz Fontanills Nalisa Simona Saati Maria Paula Beltran Dainelys Linares Ambar A. Sanchez Annelisse Sandoval Naveta Latoya Foster William L. Vesely Denise Benitez Krysthel Cassandra Lind- Jennifer Sanchez Rafael Oscar Trevino Elya H. Franciscus Jackelyn S. Zacarias Pedro Enrique Bigorra strom Liz M. Sanchez Diana Carolina Trillo Raquel Friera Vanessa Blanc Llanette L. Llanes Sarah E. Sanchez Ana Ivis Garcia Bachelor of Arts in Physics Craig Booker Carolina Lobo Rebecca C. Santos Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Stephanie Michelle Garmer Walter Gabriel Gonzalez Eddie L. Borges Johanna Logarzo Karina L. Saravia Studies Jacquelyn Lissette Gomez David A. Bound Alejandro J. Lopez Claudia Segui Lis Alvarado Taylin Gonzalez Bachelor of Arts in Political Valerie Bourraine Angelica Marie Lopez Antonina Shachar Nicole Ceusters David Gordon Science Jaime Jhanell Bramwell Hassel Y. Lopez Annamarie Camille Smith Zahra Farooq Jonathan Gordon Aileen Almanzar Amy Bravo Shane Michael Oliver Lopez Kimberly Jeanette Soutien Michesther Mathurin Maya Greenberg Ana M. Arias Ty’Ree D. Brown Cristina Lopez-Guerrero Shana StGermain Terrica D. Merritt Edgar A. Gutierrez Arias Richard Auais Tchafi kah Buissereth Digna E. Lorenzo Janet Suau Melinda Moyston Irina Hechavarria Yaneth Del Carmen Baez Marisol Alicia Burgos Stephanie Lozada Zuleny L. Suero Phuc D. Ho Rahel B. Bekele Maria Katherine Callejas Jeanne Luis Astride Sydney Bachelor of Public Adminis- Gleidys Mabel Hoyos Lorelei Branam Bennett Brittany A. Cambo Tania I. Lumbreras Dave Jan Medina Tamola tration Jessica Ibanez Juan Guillermo Buitrago Evelyn Mary Cardoso Katrina Macias Yesenia D. Torres Karina Nicole Arauz Jackson K. Jacob Jose Castello Maria Teresa Castillo Tatyana A. Malinovskaya Daniella Trinchet Grazy Johanna Banegas William Jamette Pamela Elizabeth Chavez Carlos L. Cedeno Mishka Natalia Manborde Eric Xavier Urrutia Gladlyne Gabrielle Baton Priscilla S. Jin Andrea Simone Delgado Vanessa Jeanette Ceron Valeska Manechini Neivis Valdes Luis O. Bohorquez Arnold Joasil Jermaine Donald English Betty Marcela Chavarria Jennise Marimon Maria Jose Vallasciani Amanda L. Carrasco Janette Daria Jurado Christopher Exposito David Chavez Laverne Franceine Marley Sylvia Varela Alisa Cepeda Rachel Kernizan Fritz Edward Fandino Myrsha Y. Chow Ana Marques Silvia Magaly Vargas Ruth Dalberiste Aisha Khan Michael J. Foley Jennifer Lucia Collado David Philip Marrero Tiffany Villanueva Martha P. Echavez-Roman Mauricio Larenas Daniel T. Fortenbury Christine Caridad Collazo Ismary Martinez Ronald Voltaire Jose D. Escobar Olga Laskova Eduardo J. Garcia Geneva Comeau Carlos Javier Mata Andrea Kristin Watts Mario A. Fragueiro Janet Leon Kristopher Garcia Sol Altagracia Cordero Mariluz Mata Lauren Rachel Weisberg Michelle A. Heath Farrel A. Liger Gabriel A. Girado Francesca J. Corea Rejoy K. Mathai Danielle Noblet Wick Natalie Jimenez Sandra M. Lopez Ingrid Gonzalez Christopher Charles Cortes Christian Irlanda Medina Johayra Witter Caroline Marie Landera Priscila F. Marques Raimondo Gugliotta Isaac E. Cruz Giovanni Mejia Nicole Worthalter Rosa J. Lee Natalie D. Martinez Rashida Rashun Hawthorne Sandra Dauphin Evelyn Rebecca Melgar Michelle Marie Lopez Jennifer Matas Krista Renee Hemming Andre Ramone Dawson Christian Lucia Mendez Bachelor of Arts in Religious Antonio Luis Dennise M. Medina Cherelle Kendra Jacob Jessica Lynn Del Valle Yesenia Mendez Studies Sharon McGhee Christine D. Mendez Thomas Johnson Glenda Delacruz Mark Mereus Freha Choudhry Jose Ernesto Mendoza Vanessa Ines Mendez Jennifer Marie Laffi ta Carmen Liliana Delara Christine S. Miles Davis Garcia Njeri Leesandra Mwangi Mario Mendoza Mauricio G. Laos Gema Delgado Ana Maria Molano John C. Hopkins Krystal Marie Orejas Cristina Caridad Morales Kristen Grace Larson Sabrina Paola Delgado Mara S. Moline Carlos Ernesto Ramirez Tracy Poindijour Dennis Morel Aleksandar Ljustina Danielle N. Dematteis Tamara D. Montesino Daniel Patrick Teeter Naila Ramos Claudia L. Munoz Carlos Miguel Lollett Alejandro R. Diaz Juliana Montoya Bachelor of Arts in Sociol- Waldhys Junior Rodoli Corina Murzi Andrew Edward Lopez Maria Julia Dominguez Danielle Moraes Alves ogy/Anthropology Christopher J. Rojas Flavia C. Nunez Karla Lopez-Fernandez Jake G. Downs Cynthia Moreira Cinthya Agundez Bryan Luis Rossello Yanie Oliva Ashley MacLaren Mechelle L. Durgan Crystal R. Mueller Lis Alvarado Elizabeth G. Sanchez Shirley Osorio Romney M. Manassa William Escobar Monica Krystina Munoz Jessie Alvarez Tracy A. Sumpter Monica Maria` Ospina Vannessa Mari-Milhem Nicholas Estefan Shimela Murray Claudia L. Blair Maury O. Thomas Catalina Pardo Roberto Renaldo Martinez Marie Louise Elizabeth Myrlene Mutis Emiliano Camargo Rene Felix Verdezas Gabriela Perez Dayana Moreno Fabien Michelle A. Nahmias Carolina Cason Chantal Victor Jacqueline Perez Bodaniel Mulford Priscilla Fabregas Algenys Name Vanessa Castro Laura E. Perez Ricardo Nova Kimberly J. Ferguson Stefania Navarrete Carolina A. Chinchilla Bachelor of Science in Bio- Melissa M. Pimentel Kingsley C. Nwamah Alexandra Fernandez Jessica Navarro Stephanie Lynne Domena logical Science Carlos Manuel Quintero Charlotin Olivier Daniel Esteban Fernandez Stephanie Charity Nelson Carina Michele Edwards Hala Alabed Sana M. Qureshi Giancarlo Orichio Eric Fernandez Rashel Nimroozi Adrian Fernandez Morrell Mark Alexis Martha V. Ramirez Julio J. Parrales Melanie Ann Fernandez Stephanie Nunez Christine Ferrara Victor Manuel Alfonso Tatiana Encarnacio Regueiro Kenasha Paul Charlanda Fleurinord Katherine S. Ore Stephanie Fiet Zohar Alkoby Samer Riaz Charly Paz Erika N. Fountain Kelly Orejuela Paul Didier Jean Faaria Alli Hugo Alonso Rios Danishia Perez Jurnelle Patrice Francis Brian Ospina Barbara K. Jimenez Lissy B. Alonso Arelys D. Rodriguez Altanese P. Phenelus Monica Lorena Galindo Maria Otano Gabriel M. Lopez Nancy Alonso Jenny M. Rodriguez Barbara Michelle Ponce Brianna Maria Garcia Sarah L. Otero Stacy Reynard Mason Scotty Anicet Kevin J. Rodriguez Brandy Elizabeth Raulerson Jennifer C. Garcia Silvana Patino Sean P. McNulty Paola Daniela Aramayo Maria O. Roman Marilia Gabriela Richards Paula Garcia Melissa L. Pelaez Sandra Isabel Medina Laura Arteaga Tracy K. Rosas Luis F. Robayo Sylvia Victoria Garcia Nathalie Pena Michael D. Milton Bismark Asante Anthony Ruaix www.fi usm.com FALL 2010 COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES The Beacon – Monday, December 13, 2010 5

Melissa Ruiz Mauricio Jose Florez Isabel Cetina Vega Nisha Ludwig Master of Science in Crimi- Annette Beatriz Calderin James Sacco Sharon Kussner Fuentes Rina Michelle Velazquez Karsten Erik Pedersen-Ma- nal Justice Claudia C. Capellan James Micheal Salgado Rebeca Galan-Aranda Ivonne Denise Verde jors Andrew Ahye Daian Cardona Alexandra M. Sanchez Diana Marcela Garcia Annelys Mary Victores Jacquelyn Denise Sanabria Zachary Beer Manuel Casanova Elena Mercedes Santiago Kristina Garcia-Plasencia Jeremiah Weatherspoon Jennifer M. Sheran Ravi Joseph Brammer Vincent Chow Bilal Sheikh Teleisha Andrea Gibson Chamica Monique Williams Suarmis Travieso Kim L. Butler Merissa Xavier Chung Rae-Ann Sicam Rony Gilot Regina V. Winfrey Angela Marie West Leana Julia Carrington Katherine J. Cochran Paulo Joaquin Sosa Carolina A. Gonzalez Travis Lamont Wright Gregory R. Yates Francesca Paola Di Giovanni Anairis Cruz Andriana Stas Teresita D. Gorrin Neil Blakely Wyatt Melissa Dos Santos Andres Cruz Shane S. Stoby Simone Sobrena Graham Steven Yanes Master of Arts in Interna- Lisa Blair Fazenbaker Alexander Delgado Merly Suarez Michael E. Grant Claudia Zapata tional Studies Jennifer Figuereo Yasmani Delgado Caridad Wendy Suarez Rosmary Guevara Hanna Zhuromskaya Michael J. Aranda Germese Shantell Gee Rusudan Derisma Robin Crystal Thomas Lisa Caroelli Hasselmann Iman A. Khalil Ashley Elizabeth Harvey Micaela Di Luca Christine Toledo Justin A. Hendrickson Bachelor of Science in Envi- Vrettos William Notaras Mairelys Hernandez Sorge Luis Diaz Christine M. Torres Danay Lazara Hernandez ronmental Studies Brian Christopher Huffman Juan Pablo Duarte Yusleivy Trimino Jonathan Hernandez Tania Alfred Master of Arts in Latin Arnold Renaldo Ingram Katsiaryna N. Dubouskaya Carolina Troche Brian Herrera Brent Stephen Lewis American and Caribbean Daniel Edward Levasser Yovanny Duque Danielle Turek Kenny A. Herrera Stephanie A. Lewis Studies Nitza I. Maldonado Jovan Nmn Dushner Leonardo Enrique Urdaneta Shirley Elena Herrera Alfredo Lima Stephen N. Coakley Wells Christopher Marquez Maximo R. Espinoza Jayme Valdez Moeed Asad Ishrat Juan Sebastian Ortiz Ines Del Carmen Morales- Roger M. Mata Arianna Estevez Lester Alan Valladares Erica Lyn Jaen Laura Ashley Townsend Victori Jason Medina Franz R. Fairweather Mayte Valladares Rubens J. Jean Eric Emmanuel Vicaria Miguel A. Sahagun Ricardo Enrique Osorio Jason Fernandez Nadia V. Vascianna Adora Jean-Joseph Michelle Lynn Packler Carla Ferris Omar Vazquez Ana M. Jimenez Bachelor of Science in Geo- Master of Arts in Linguistics Shanna Nickie Presume Dilia Frias Danny Villa Jamey C. Kennelly sciences Winnie Paulino Rachael Ann Riley-Kinlaw Maria L. Garcia Matthew P. Wander Lakirah D. Kincy Luz Maria Espona Ingrid M. Riechmann Karen L. Silvera Katherine Garzon Robert Benjamin Wander Keydy Gabriela Lainez Daniel A. Gonzalez Sherika S. Smith Monika Gerstenkorn Candace Williams Beverly Carroll Langley Gaston Alejandro Heredia Master of Arts in Political Jeremy L. Thompson Christopher Marc-Andrew Nicole Wirbiezcas Porscha Lewers Francis A. Matthews Science Mychara Waynesha Wordly Glasgow Leanet Zaballa Jorge Lazaro Llanes Pedro Miguel Ross Anthony Marcos Yeber Alaina A. Goindoo Natalie Zea Jose Luis Lugo Bachelor of Science in Ma- Jacquelyn A. Gomez Alejandra Andrea Maiben rine Biology Master of Arts in Religious Master of Science in Envi- Jessica Alexandra Gomez Bachelor of Science in Xaviet Mare Hada M. Herring Studies ronmental Studies Suarez Chemistry Maria Julissa Marin Jessica A. Lee Jonathan J. Koscheski Dionne J. Da Costa Yasmany Gonzalez Laurie Jean Eng Erika M. Martinez Saeed Coto Tabibi Jeremy S. Paulovkin Mengistu B. Defersha Juan Guillermo GonzáLez Reinier Hernandez Rodri- Cavell Latoya Mason Saeha Paulovkin Genevieve M. Diamond Daryl Thomas Hartranft guez John Lawrence McGlynn Bachelor of Science in Math- Sandra G. Wells Amida Frey Teresa Hernandez Youraline Bertin Decima Lauron Ashleigh McKenzie ematical Sciences Master of Arts in Spanish Teddy L’Houtellier Jimmy Herrera Joseph Leidy R. Menoya David Abecassis Inemis Medina Shelby Moneysmith Erik Hjartnes Ailen Anhson Nguyen Jared Michael Moise Sudha R. Iyengar Nelia Nogues Priyanka Narendar Jemie Carolina Ho Alien Nguyen Montas Miryam R. Pena Martha Theresa Ibarra Nery Perez Jason Bentley Moore Bachelor of Science in Math- Pablo De Jesus Perez Master of Science in Foren- Yesenia Jara Adelheid Prado Matthew Varela Mora ematics Jose Carlos Terradas sic Science Darsen Jean-Baptiste Bernardo Vellon Jennifer M. Morales Kathleen Theresa Annis Krista S. John Williams Betzy Jimenez Diane P. Williams Rachel L. Morales Alejandro Ginory Master of Fine Arts in Cre- Harlette Lacau Larysa Kavaleva Greter Morejon Justin A. Harper ative Writing Natalia Leyva Porchia Lazier Bachelor of Science in Jaime Muniz Jean G. Jerome Jennifer Lee Ammon Robyn E. Thompson Lisette Lifschitz Criminal Justice Fitim Mustafa Adam Colt Pelea Cecilia Margarita Fernandez Master of Science in Geosci- Jose Augusto Llamas Viviana Acosta Angel Antonio Nacianceno Henry O. Zorrilla Sheldon M. Frank ences Rhonette I. Lloyd Javier Agosto Mark J. Naughton Molly A. McGreevy Raul Brens Jennyfer I. Lopez Melissa M. Aguilar Gino Mauricio Navia Bachelor of Science in Phys- Paula Lopez John D. Ahumada Timothy Nero ics Master of Public Administra- Master of Science in Math- Jamila Lowe Candelaria Al-Abdallah Devon Kelton Nobles Eddy Salgado tion ematical Science Bonze Luc Natasha Belinda Alexis Emmanuel Obas Eugene Alonso Frank Coro Suarez Maurice Lugo Ronald Martin Ali Dick M. Ortega Master of Arts in Asian Ivette Capote Federico Elmetti Ana V. Madriz Alejandro Angel Patricia A. Osburn Studies Mary Shannon Clark Masson Liang Christina Mayorquin Anthony Baez George Luis Palmer Christina M. Donahue Sandra Francois Kylah K. Porter Candice L. Mc Crae Elsa Raquel Barahona Staoder Richard Paul-Noel Lisa Mary DosSantos Andrea Jeannette Gonzalez Alvaro F. Medina Gabriela Esthel Beltre Carlos A. Paz Veljko Dujin Eliamelisa Gonzalez Master of Science in Physics Michelle Bess Merz Michel R. Bonaventure Carlos Pelaez Amber L. Goodwin Adnan Salem Luis J. Meurice Maria L. Borrajero Amada Joyce Perez Master of Arts in Economics Casty Guillaume Rachel Milbauer Sarajen Cynthia Butler Giancarlo Perez Edward M. Decambra Yelipza Gutierrez Master of Science in Psy- Marko Milosevic Alejandro Miguel Cabezas .Andrew Poe Yi Ding Kazeem O. Hamed chology Stephanie Michele Minto Jose F. Cabrera Jaime Rafael Polo Camilo A. Gomez Cecilia O. Jauregui Laura M. Alonso Hisham Mohammad Victor Manuel Calonje Vickie Delcarmen Ramirez Michael Isaiah Good Rousseline Julot Gina M. Gonzalez Ailyn Moreno Kristopher Camaraza Katherine Rangel Eda Ozdas Monika R. Kar Alexander Hernandez Jamaal Rashaad Newman Claudia Camayd Adia Alamea Reid Emrah Ozpelit Isidoro Rafael Lopez Jenna M. Kieckhaefer Michael Christopher Novar Johanna V. Cardona Selena Nicole Reid Zhengzheng Qian Victoria Myriam Louis Teresita Caridad Martinez Liliana Novoa Jose Enrique Cardona Geofrey Horacio Reynoso Keran Song Henna Mir Leslie Marie Mendez Viktorija Orlova Stephanie Janeth Carrion Quincy S. Richards-Thomas Jiangyun Wan Elika A. Nerette Merceydes Morassi Andres Palacio Erroll Alberto Castrillo Michael Roberts Li Xu Marsha N. O’Field Kerry A. Newness Roberto M. Palacio Jackelin Victoria Castro Christina C. Rodriguez Maggie A. Perez Pascale Marie Sangiovanni Vanessa Penate Eric R. Cento Eva Luz Rodriguez Master of Arts in English Maria A. Pineda Jimena Vaillant Gretel Perez Schcola Chambers Michelle Rodriguez Diana I. Fernandez Eliza Quezada Kristina Diane Perez Grettel Fabiola Chavarria Richard D. Rodriguez Arlene Garcia Dayan Quintana R. Kirk Landon Sarahi Perez Diego Javier Combe Anthony James Ruiz Rachel M. Honeyman Jennifer Ramos Christopher Robert Perez De Demetrus A. Coppet Jaqueline K. Rumens William J. Lisenbee Pedro Miguel Ross Undergraduate Alejo Darcy E. Courten Janio Rene Sanchez Christina Machado Alison D. Rutkowski School of Business Doris M. Phillips Alexis Cueto Anamaria Santana Ana Cristina Simon Christina K. Semeraro Daryna Piddubna Malva Caridad Danger Robert Santana Alfredo L. Soto Andrae Swaby Aryelle Pierre Bachelor of Accounting Amanda S. Danna Anthony R. Sarhan Edward T. Wallington Ashley Thomas Ismael Pineiro Abdallah Abed Dayanara De La Cruz Miriam Flor Schlesinger Brandy Lee Urbine Anaelys Puig Carina V. Aguilar Gretchen De La Cruz Kimberly Monique Sim- Master of Arts in Global and Angel Williams Carley Radcliff Ayman I. Al-Abdullah Juan Eduardo Del Rio mons Sociocultural Studies Anthony Marcos Yeber Alfredo J. Reynoso Elias V. Alarcon Keith Dorvee Veronica LaShawn Simmons Jaclyn N. Colona Fabio Luis Rios-Nogales Richard L. Alfonso Christopher Patrick Edwards Lizbeth Solano Cynthia H. Malakasis Master of Science in Statis- David Rodriguez Pedro Alizo Carlos Javier Escobales Yasmany Solis Mario Mendoza tics Gustavo Rodriguez Monica Andrade Laura Cristina Espinosa Arthur A. Sosa Jeanette E. Smith Norma Piloto Yorleydis Rodriguez Maria P. Arroyave Precious Nicole Everett Janesse C. Soto Nathalie Rojo Yailin Au Kristin Farrell Tremaine Taffe Master of Arts in History Master of Science in Chem- Magly Rosales Paola Jimena Beltran Rivas Eric Michael Feldman Miguel V. Tellado Luona Michelle Body istry Adriana M. Ross Orestes Bercande Karen M. Ferretti Stephanie Mary Torres Ricardo Jose Correa Melissa Victoria Fernandez Alena U. Rudziak Guy-Frederic Blanchard Antonio C. Fierro Jonathan J. Urtecho Alberto D. Hernandez Xiaozhou Xu Naisla C. Sabie-Miguel Valery Brosntein Ever L. Flores Melanie Vazquez Elizabeth L. Hoisington Ariel Salazar 6 The Beacon – Monday, December 13, 2010 FALL 2010 COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES www.fi usm.com

Lorena Sharim Samame Ericka P. Blanco Mary Juliette Correa Gabriel Alejandro Fuentes Fidel Ernesto Hoyos Villar Lisette Martinez Alfredo Santibanez Lyzette Blanco Sandra Patricia Corzo Daphne Michelle Gaetjens Nihshon Tony Hulin Samantha Martinez Asia Seuc Aguilera Reynaldo Blanco Kedelim Coss Christian Camilo Gaitan Lourdes Emilia Ibarra Mark Dj Marzouca Sebastian Simich Miriam Blasco Barbara Coto Christopher Galindez Luis Iglesias Luckie Matias Odalys Solares Ricardo Blasco Cid M. Cotto Laura I. Gallegos Valeria Iglesias Roxana Marie Matos Beatriz Sosa Stefano Bolanos Nikolas Couto Natalia Kristin Gallo Trey Michael Irwin Irina Matyukhina Tracy Lauren Stant Daniel Abelardo Bonilla Bryan Cragnolini Nicolas Gallo Nahuel K. Itzcovitch Stephen John Mayhew Krizia A. Storr Jose R. Borja Andrea Sofi a Cuenca Stefany B. Gamba Marlena Anna Iwanska Laquisa J. McDowell Talha Ghani Syed Natalia Botero Mariano Cuesta Adrian Garcia Diego Jacome Leonid Medvinsky Eduardo Tapanes James Boulos Luis E. Cure Andrew J. Garcia Shaily Javier Martin Mendez Stephen Joseph Temeyer Ruth M. Bravo Kristina M. Damico Jacqueline Garcia Susana Jimenez Mario Jose Mendoza Rebecca Tucker Jesus Brito Lami Dantata Janel Ruth Garcia Vanessa Kristine Jimenez Nellsy Joanna Mendoza Doris V. Urteaga Alessandro Bruni Phillip Darias Maria L. Garcia Kristal D. John Michael Dominick Menen- Maria Elena Valido Emperatris Builes Alan Davidson Nathalie Garcia Janice P. Johnson dez Lisette Velasquez Andrea Wright Burchell Jose Ignacio Davila Malvin Garnett Jeanette Marie Jolis Jannath Victoria Merckaert Daniel Zamora Daylon E. Burke Michael John De Guzman Melissa Arianna Garzia Tahir Idrissa Jolly Jannath Victoria Merckaert Kate I. Burke Noelia De Jesus Abraham Rolando Gavidia Immacula Aliette Joseph Eric P. Mermet-Marechal Bachelor of Business Admin- Roy Jesus Bustillo Alyssa Maria De La Cruz Tannette Shavon Gayle Nikolaus Eric Jurgensen Anthony Junior Mesa istration Jorge Alejandro Buzzi Allinson Celeste De La Flor Dennis Gebken Tomoko Kamehata Joany Marilyn Meurice Andres Isaac Abadi Felipe Cabrera Alexandra De la Madriz Anthony A. Gil Habiba Siraj Kathiria Chantal A. Meza Aaron Michael Abelto Betty Aracelly Caceres Dahiana A. De La Vega Robby Gillis Jesse Ryan Kaytes Jorge Mico Victor M. Acevedo Michael Brenton Caceres Yelany De Varona Gabriel Giron Ashley Ann Kendall Alan Roy Miculitzki Ana Maria Acuna Giovanna P. Calenzani Alison Crystal Debose Alaina A. Goindoo Narjis Khan Nelson Milian Hernan David Adamo Ricardo Calvo Joni Jessica Deckert Altagracia Elizabeth Gomez Christian Khater Craig D. Mitchell Jazmine Aguiar Carlos Camacho Nicole Ashly Dee Ana Gomez Josee Emerald Therese King Joseph Robert Molko Adriana Maria Aguirrega- Luis Eduardo Camacho Oliguet Deis Irene Gomez Evgenia Kirilova Luis David Montes viria Jennifer Camejo Jorge Edward Delgadillo Walter Gomez Benjamin K. Klotz Lupe Montes Iftekhar Ahmed Susana Camero Eva J. Delgado Vanessa M. Gomez-Rios Bijan L. Knight Vanesa Montes Abdulaziz A. Al Mulaifi Janet Camji Leslie Alexandra Delgado Brittany A. Gonzalez Edward Irving Kohn Raiza Mercedes Montiel Haydar K. Alchalaby Gerardo Campos Jr Michael Delgado Carlos Javier Gonzalez Cecilia Kurniadjaja Carolina Isabel Mora Mariel A. Aleman Belkenia Candelario Paola Alexandra Delgado Diana TereSA Gonzalez Emmanuelle Laham Eduardo Mora Samy F. Alexis Adam Caratini Sarah Delgado Jennifer Gonzalez Maylin Lamelas Danay Morales Alejandro Alfonso Alexis Nicole Cardenas Melissa Delrey Maite Gonzalez Jude Mick Larochelle Katy Morales Xiomara Lazo Alfonso Johanna Cardona Micaela Di Luca Omar A. Gonzalez Jacqueline Marie Latour Roberto Morales Cilene K. Ali Sherwin George Carey Elissa M. Diaz Reinier Alberto Gonzalez Alberto Lazo Thelma Elvira Morales Brian David Allen Mariano Cariola Pedro B. Diaz Roby Gonzalez Ronallie Anthony Lemard Lis Morales Matheu Fahad Abed Almalki Marvin I. Carranza Stephanie Elena Diaz Zulema Gonzalez Janice Leon Alden Moreno Walisson Silva Almeida Mariana Carrasquel Santiago Diaz Trujillo Leticia Gonzalez-Estefani Rodolfo Leyva Michael A. Moreno Kerline Almonor Joann S. Carrero Allison Laine Dienstag Timeka Goodwin Carla Vanessa Liberman Marcel O. Morgan Katherine Alonso Douglas Oscar Carrillo Nicole Marie Dixon Anil Gopaul Devon Liladrie Meir Elias Moskona Marissa Angelica Alonso Vivian Peters Carvalho Ivan Daniel Do Amaral Alexandria Michelle Gordon Robert Llanio Navin Motielal Wendy Suyapa Alvarado Donna Juliana Casanova Paul Dominguez Renzo Daniel Grados Tremain Lockhart Anabella M. Mowbray Gabriella Alvarenga Michelle Theresa Casillas Jessica Elizabeth Doolittle Andrene S. Grant Stephanie Londono Juan Carlos Munoz Sara Alvarez Khaleid D. Castelle Phillip Daniel Dufresne Jesus Amilcar Guerrero Andrea Lopez Carlos Jose Murgas Tatiana Alvarez Indiana Eugenia Castillo Yerisell Abigail Echeverria Rohit Gulrajani Elias Lopez Kristina A. Murray Stephen Wayne Amanzio Jennifer Leonor Castillo Christopher A. Echo Annette Gutierrez German Baltazar Lopez Gina Margarita Nason Carlos M. Amastha Kathia Julissa Castillo Joel Eguiluz Crystal T. Gutierrez Ilia Carolina Lopez Kimberly Ocean Nason Hector I. Ambrogi Keyla Cristina Castillo James Matthew Elias Jury J. Gutierrez Jason Lopez Amanda Nateram Mustapha Anako Jennifer M. Castrillo Samantha Catherine Eligon Miryam Jennifer Gutierrez Jorge A. Lopez Jorge Navarro Jonathan Raul Andrade Sylvia E. Castro Amy C. Elliott Natalia Guzman Alex Lopez O Bryan Philippe Andres Neumann Shinelle Angel Karen Caterham Ricardo Juan Encinosa Elea N. Hakoun Elizabeth Losada Hong Trang Thi Nguyen Fabiane Araujo Daniel A. Caviedes Vanessa Enriquez Dean Hall Jason Meing Louie Esteban M. Nicolini Jessica E. Arce Jessica Cedeno Ana K. Escobar David Halfen Feguin Louis Leonardo Jose Nieves Diana Sofi a Arenas Ruth Mery Cedeno Jonathan Edward Espinosa Allyson Han Nathalie Lozano Nina Nikolic Lady Johanna Arismendy Andrea Marie Cejas Brian Espitia Lisa R. Hanley Stephanie H. Luis Fidencio Jr. Nino Estefania Arosemena Ena L. Centeno Joe Esquerra Ivana Harris Stephanie H. Luis John Randall Northrup Jonathan Aserraf Carolina M. Chaljub David L. Estopinan Nicolas Henao Ignacio Erasmo Luque Jesus Nunez Mor Assouline Margarita A. Charadan Juliana Falavigna Emmanuel Henrizier Pedro M. Machado Elias Obando Jacqueline Avello Yuly Ximena Chaux Andre Anthony Ferguson Aloima Hernandez Shankea Madison Cesar Andre Olivera Jessica Avina Issa Chavez Alan J. Fernandez Christine Hernandez Natalia Madrid Andrea Ordonez Densly Azemar Mariya Chernyshenko Jorge A. Fernandez Elvia Nelly Hernandez Nirala Roma Maharaj Ryan Patrick Ore Densly Azemar Nian Cheyne Ricardo Fernandez Emilio Jose Hernandez Juliana Maldonado Diana C. Ortega Rita Baroudi Victor Chiang Vanessa A. Fernandez Adolfo L. Herrera Sasha A. Maldonado Neida A. Ortiz Jose A. Barrios Kevin Chok Victor Manuel Fernandez Mauricio Herrera Stephanie Mammana Vanessa Ortiz Carlos A. Barzola Serena Chung Carla Ferris Hilary A. Hess Karen Milena Manjarres Cynthia Michelle Ortuno Robert D. Belsky Yailin Cimadevila Rafael Alberto Fiallo Joshua Alexander Hidalgo Javid Phillip Maragh Jose D. Osorno Delia Cristina Bermudez Michelle Marie Colon Rigoberto Fiallos Trevor Maxwell Higgs Agustin Marcos Pamela Ossa Gabriela Maria Berrido Pablo Colunga Jacques Antoine Fidelia Trevor Maxwell Higgs Mayra A. Mari Kirstin Osterberger Damian Bertot Irvin Guido Contreras Juan J. Fondeur Jaime Andres Higuera Michel-Olivier Martelly Richard J. Overton Michael Betancourt Mauricio Contreras Alejandro Fonseca Christian Hilyard Christine Martin Theresa Padilla Brian Betancurth Jessenia Cordoba Brenda T. Fonseca Maria Valeria Hinojosa Javier Miguel Martin Alberto K. Padro Janina Jacqueline Bianchi Ricardo Jose Cordova Michael Alex Franco John R. Hinton Rene Victor Martin Alexander M. Pagola Chevonie Velma Bidders- Andonie Daniel Friedman Adiel Hoch Gretchen Martinez Karla Patricia Palacio ingh Stefanie A. Coroalles Stephanie Lynn Fritz Phillip Raymond Hoffman Ingrid N. Martinez Carlos J. Parada Cardenas Cory Edward Blanco Andres Correa Adriano Froes Josimar L. Hordatt Laura V. 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Eirymar Parra Luces Jessika Joselyn Rivera Yadira Sanabria Obaid Ullah Alex Brau Juan Carlos Patterson Andrea Carolina Rocha Aysel Ileana Sanchez Cecilia Un Alejandro Bringas Kieara Patterson Maria Hilda Rocha Camilo Sanchez Anat Vainer Gabriel Alejandro Cano Adrian Pena Bruce Benjamin Roden Jhon Alexander Sanchez Carlos M. Valencia Wenjun Lin Juliet Di Benedetto Elizabeth Elena Perez Shelly D. Rodes Giovanni Gabriel Sandino Joseph C. Van Miguel Jean-Baptiste Marie Veronika Dosseva Melissa M. Perez Ana Rodriguez Victor Hugo Sandoval Pablo A. Vargas Javier Eduardo Duenas Rigoberto I. Perez Andres Rodriguez Abraham Santiago Carla Y. Vasquez Master of International Gerdhis Penelope Garcia Jesus Perez-Castaneda Brandon Vidal Rodriguez Jesse N. Santos Giovanni E. Vasquez Business Karina M. Grande John Anthony Perez-Valle Camilo Rodriguez Olga Cristina Santos Veronica Vassallo Finizola Angel Francesco Alvarado Gustavo Luis Gross Jonathan Perlman David A. Rodriguez Grecia Sardinas Jonathan Ray Vazquez III Diana Pamela Guerrero Cidny Pierre Elizabeth Rodriguez Andros Giordano Sarduy Leonardo Vazquez Ian Carlos Alvarez Oscar Hernandez Gabriel E. Pimentel Jean Jose Rodriguez Josselyn Sarduy Brian O. Vega Landys Jose Castillo Alexis Krystina Hervis Alexander Louis Pinacho Luanne Rodriguez Jessica Eileen Segarra Evelys Vega Mercedes C. Cesin Vanessa Jean Poix Aude J. Piriou Valeska Rodriguez Marcos A. Segrera Carol Eliana Venegas Susette De Castro Palomino Kamoya Lawrence Jose L. Placeres jr Vanessa M. Rodriguez Patricia S. Senosiain Maxim L. Venjik Karina C. Edwards Xiangling Li Alejandro Plata Yailyn Rodriguez Ascanio Serna Yaimis Vera Joshua Alexander Emory Michelle Annette-Cheri Deborah Platzman Maria Isabel Rodriguez John Paul Serret Yesenia C. Vera Brenda M. Folch Lopez Kendra Pollock Romo Kyle Mayorga Shannon Eric Vicens Mario Jose Ernesto Garcia Kevin Mapp Jessica Pompa Gustavo Rojas Meggan Shaw-Butler Elizabeth Vila Selene Gonzalez-Ferregu Dionne Lem Mbanya Sergey D. Potashnikov Karol F. Rojas Ghislana Sierra Shirley Fabiola Villalobos Héctor Rosendo Janampa Ameibi Molina Catalina Potes Karol F. Rojas Cesar Silveira Bendana Kristel Kouly Beatriz Consuelo Palomino Vanessa Koso Powell Deyanira Romero Ryan A. Silvera Karina Alejandra Ana Villca Silvio E. Lacayo John Michael Quijano Harold Preciado Vanessa L. Romero Earl A. Simpson Jason John Vogel Federico Ignacio Lamberti Charlotte Romero Diana Prieto Yarimar Rosa Saudia Francesca Sital Demetrio Wazar-Santana Zhaojun Li Lilibeth J. Sanchez Maria P. Puerta Carlos A. Rosado Christopher M. Smith Rodolfo E. Wehrhahn Veronica Carolina Mora Karissa Ashley Sewell Osmel Onsay Quesada Josue Orlando Rosado Kyla Danielle Smith Frank H. Weisener Jose Enrique Núñez Karen Marie Somoano Leidy Yulie Quiceno Nicholas Rosati Nicole E. Smith Tia-Toni Williams Anamaria Ordonez Albert R. Tamayo Adrian Ramirez Yoel Rosell Hidalgo E. Socorro Dwayne A. Wint Julio Perez Krause Paula A. Vallejo Francy Ramirez Jean A. Roseme Sophia Rajo Sookdeo You-Ri Won Monika Anna Rabenda Rigoberto Arturo Vargas Cecilia M. Ramos Alejandra E. Rubio Ernesto Soriano Bing keung Wu Ines K. Reilly Marleni Vera Olvin Javier Ramos Lindsey Ruiz Kristina Marie Soriano Saskia Anya Wyngaarde Daniel J. Salazar Kendra Walker Caroline Reategui Olivier Rafael Ruiz Alfan- Susana E. Sosa Hanna Yarmolik Shuheng Shen Meagan Suzanne Whitaker Abhiram Chavva Reddy dari Nikisha Terrez Stanley Leslie Zambrana Anita Victoria Sheran Jingjing Wu Juliana Restrepo Jairo Ruizmarin Eli P. Stephan Etzer Zamor Ivan Tapavicki Marcela Restrepo Sylvester Rush Aliosha Stern Adil Abdul-Aziz Zaveri Alberto Toni Master of Business Admin- Paola Andrea Restrepo Carissa Angi Rusland Mitzue Kimberly Stockdale Andres Zawadzki Kevin Touati istration Viroselie Reyes Giancarlo Russo Monica Suarez Victor Fernando Zevallos Francisco Xavier Vanoni Lourdes C. Abraham Carlos Milton Reyna Nalisa Simona Saati Elina Marie Tabuchi Juan Guillermo Zuluaga Viteri Adelaida Yadolis Adames Natalia Ribero Adrian Gino Sabatini Alex Tarhini Christopher N. Zumarraga Rowena M. Zacharia Alexander Alvarez Graham Pierce Richards Marwen W. Sabbagh Lynnette Terrelonge Juan Carlos Zuniga Marco Jesus Alvarez Gwen Hamilton Rimart Philippe Frantz Saintil Sherene N. Thomas Master of Accounting Julio Andres Alvarez Sarria Daniel A. Rios Dorian Salazar Glen Todd Alvah H. Chapman Bracey Trey Alexander Sebastian Arciniegas Diego A. Rios Veronica Salazar Rolando Torres Yaima Alvarez Natalia Artamonova Antonio Neil Rivera Jessica Saldarriaga Christopher M. Toughill Gradaute School of Miten S. Beyene Ruben Oscar Asencio Carolina Rivera Rony Samson Alexandre Guillaume Tronel Business Jaclyn Diane Blickley Andres Ayala 8 The Beacon – Monday, December 13, 2010 FALL 2010 COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES www.fi usm.com

Karen Battle Irene Rojas Stanbury Ricardo Kramer Heather L. Bessell Carmen Teresa Urbaez Francisca Naulin Kurt Bauer Emanuel Romero Sandra Lomena Kathleen Maria Blanco Jacqueline Natalie Valdes- Ana M. Paz Alexandrina Alexandrova Maricela Rovira Vanessa Lora Arelis Cahuasqui Limonchi Melissa Reyes Biraltchanova Mayara Costa Sa Oxal V. Ortiz Denise A. Caicedo Amanda D. Valdivia Janelle Rieumont Marco Bonilla Johanna Catalina Salazar Michael Nicholas Quagliato Lakeisha Kayo’Sha Caldwell Vanessa Vazquez Sasha Salva James Marion Boykin Anita B. Sambor Raktim Saha Alyssa Janei Calero Nathalia Velasquez Melissa Marie Sanchez Robert Busto Matthew Sanders Marvin Santana Jennifer Carrion Deborah Ventura Yusiley Sierra Inamul Haq Butt Glenny Santos Luiz A. Vacanti Shauntel Cesar Nancy Vixamar Sophia Souffrant Lenys Del Carmen Camacho Elizabeth Sanzone Gilbert Varela Jazmin Colon Patricia L. Watson Talisa Suarez Angel Alberto Ceja De Leon Priyanka Saxena Marsha A. Walker Michelle Amanda Comptis Danielle F. Whiting Stephanie Urena Anupa Patel Chanda Cecilia Corina Schmidt William Martin Wandurraga Mildred Correa Alexandra N. Wolfe Elizabeth Urgell Alex Coburn Veronica Semino Ivanka V. Crespo Rebekah Joy Verzi Yuri Jones Cooper Michelle R. Shaughnessy Master of Science in Taxa- Kristan Marie Davalos Bachelor of Science in Exer- Alba Cristina Zamora Viviana Alexandra Cordero Ricardo Smart tion Monica Maria Del Campo cise and Sports Sciences Monica Sofi a Cordoba Andrew B. Smith Sandra Acosta Daniel Diaz Dustin A. Elliott Master in the Art of Teaching Deyanira C. Corrales Jessica Mercedes Sordo Guillermo Aguilar Undiano Trina M. Doret Jorge A. Lopez Aileen Marie Marti Ramon Ricardo Cortes Julia Pauline Spinella Jimmy Alor Yarlenis Egozcue Christine Rodriguez Wendy X. Ordonez Hurtado Linet Crichlow-Blondet Dan Suciu Martha Maria Castillo Elisa Maria Escasena Orlando M. de Atienza Simone P. Tavares Carlos Alberto Diaz-Fernan- Michelle Judy Fernandez Bachelor of Science in Math- Master of Science in Adult Yannira Del Rosario-Rivera Melissa Margarita Tonos dez Stephanie M. Fernandez ematics Education Education Mariamilagros Delgado Andres Toro Pamela Pauline Donado Nicole Angel Florian Luis Alvarez Janet Evans David Manuel Dominguez Marcos Daniel Urena Hector Garcia Dana M. Fornabaio Robyn Sack Michelle Lombard Janvier Knicole Gavasco Edwards Maria C. Vargas Edgar Manuel Gomez Jessica Delacaridad Fraga Leyvani Maria Escallon Jessica Marie Vazquez Michelle Tania Gonzalez Natalia Garcia Bachelor of Science in Mod- Master of Science in Art Alberto Enrique Fernandez Evelia Vera Sade Elise Jenkins Krystina Garrido ern Language Education Education Lilian Beatriz Fernandez Vivian Marie Vogt-Lowell Ana Francis Jimenez Amanda Gauzens Yadira C. Roca Noemi Cecilia De Yarza Brenda M. Folch Steve E. Weaver Farah A. Luis-Fayat Jacalyn M. Gomez Nathan Delinois Sergio M. Frias JaRenae E. Whitehead Sergio Armando Luis-Fayat Danaisy Gonzalez Bachelor of Science in Physi- Amelia-Ann Monroe Gustavo Alfonso Galvez Catherine Amelia Wood Soraya Martinez Gisella Soledad Gonzalez cal Education Rossana Elizabeth Montoya Edwin Garcia Joe Lim Yeung Alana Holanda Medina Maria Gabriela Gonzalez Mick M. Arteaga Doris Rodriguez-Graber Luis Garcia Robin Elizabeth Young Katherine Millan Monica I. Grandal Alan Michael Llanes Robert E. Garcia Carmina Rivero Zamora Ileana Ortiz Alexandra Groso Daniel Lopez Master of Science in Coun- Jose Leonardo Gautreau Rosmery Osuna Melissa A. Guillen Rachel R. McCoy selor Education Christian Getachew Master of Science in Finance Sonia Estela Quevedo Barbara K. Hernandez Amanda F. Mclean Tania F. Abouzeide Felix Gonzalez Mohammed Saad Albarrak Iria Quijano Christina M. Hernandez Kimberly Rawles David Nicson Augustin Luis Armando Gonzalez Saad Alsedairey George Ramos Linette E. Hernandez Jason M. Schimer Kobitta Chopra Oscar L. Grau Dania Alvarez Luis Enrique Rivero Yuleisi Hernandez Edlin Serrano Emily E. Colter-Green Jorge L. Hallon Arnold Arguello Vijil Patricia Robinson Krystle Herrera Maria E. F. Concepcion Hans Hamminga John Bendana Michael Daniel Rosillo Victoria Hobson Bachelor of Science in Rec- Raquel Framil Concepcion Eric Antonio Handal Jacquelyn Christine Breines Boris Shir Lissette Icaza reation and Sport Manage- Anna Christina Escoto Carlos Ricardo Henriquez Isheunesu Oliver Chidawu Yevgeniy Vinitskiy Kerland Jacques ment Ana Teresa Gonzalez Melissa A. Hew Romaine Devaul Sanny Jimenez Liz Acuna Patricia Elena Gutierrez Nino Ieromazzo Diego Hernan Estrada College of Educa- Marcus A. Johnson Micson Amilcar Corina P. Hernandez Daniel N. Jacobson Andres Gonzalez Vanessa Jorge Denise M. Arder Shantius Jackson Gricel Mercedes Jimenez Jean Manuel Landeo tion Helen Kassim Manuel G. Arrojo Jacqueline Teri Kawarsky JuanPablo Juarez Hang Yu Lau Antoinette M. Klucar Kreg Marcus Brown Jacqueline Teri Kawarsky Alex F. Keanchong Soledad Andrea Lauzon Min-Chiu Kuo Ronald Darryl Butler Terina K. Lopez Bachelor of Science in Early David Nicholas Kell Wenjun Lin Catherine Jean Lee Steven Jair Cabas Stephen Peter Loynaz Childhood Education Lisa M. Knight Miguel Jean-Baptiste Marie Lorena Lougedo Diana Maria Cabrera Camille Ann Marsh Leandra Marina Acuna- Laura Margarita Latimer Kevin A. Martin Erica A. Lovett Raul Alberto Carmona Sandra E. Menendez Grinen Hang Yu Lau Paul Matthew Neel Erica Martinez Jaime Alberto Catano Eric Charles Olin Kim Adderly Femi Rayshawn Lewis Jenniffer Pachon Yasinia Martinez Terrence D. Fashaw Kaleena Marisse Pou Nadia Alteus Samantha Anne Mark Daniel Gabriel Pena Orlando J. Mastrapa Priscilla Maria Gascon Nicole Mercado Valencia Heidy F. Amador Anna Mae Marquez Sunil Ranjan Jennifer Christina Meneses Samantha L. Girard Sandra D. Walker Marie Elmire Colimon Luis Martinez Daniel Rieger Elizabeth Money Christopher W. Grullon Dasha Fernandez Oscar Alexis Martinez Mayara Costa Sa Ibis Marie Nieves Shelecia Horton Master of Science in Cur- Kristina Garcia Craig L. McCollough Sheena M. Spaleny Naovanni Noa Christopher L. Hovde riculum and Instruction Melissa Goetze Charles E. McDermott Laura Ines Villanueva Lisa Oien Marcus A. Jenkins Qubert George Beale Shaina Hernandez Alexandra Medina Ferreras Oren Warren Jenna Lee Oliver Steven K. Jimenez Monica Cabrera Diana Jijon Rafael Giurizatto Melanda Rowena M. Zacharia Diana Orama Rhea Diane Krigger Carlene Andrea Marie Milenis Jimenez-Bravo Shahal Meser Ronald Zander Jacqueline Maria Pajon David Earl Lawson Cadogan Kevin Lennon Sharon Minski Barbara Penton Katora A. Lockley Makini Ashaki Campbell Sandra Gabriela Liberman Arturo Enrique Miranda Master of Science in Human Arlene Perez Dhima Martin Verona Patricia Campbell Adriana M. Lopez Edgar Javier Miranda Resource Management Katrina Perez Katherine Mathias Neisha Simone Dawson Yvette Lopez Ulises Mones Nathalie Antenor Elaine Pinillos Briana McCord Keneisha Anna-Lise Goul- Patricia Macedo Andres Alejandro Moreno Heather Marie Borgese Jeanette Prado Lloyd Brandon Moss bourne Andrea M. Malave Jeanette-Rose Morris Christina Gialleli Carolyn M. Prato Moses Richard Perodin Ruth Kareen Hamilton Krystine Marin Nicole Tashe’ Morrison Brenda Lee Hernandez Carolina Quesada Pravish C. Persaud Keisha Simone Heslop Saragine Fatima Megie Javier A. Munoz Jeimmy Zulay Lema Jessica Raffo John William Prahl Norda James Gladys Monne Paul Matthew Neel Andrea Elizabeth Moreira Tania Y. Reina Edward J. Redick Ii Yvonne Francella Johnson- Jocelyn Morffi Carlos Eugenio Nibot Meena Rama Ponnapalli Michele Louise Rey Chantel M. Rivero Smith Katharine N. Pedyk Juan L. Noceda Silvia V. Quinones-Silva Crystal M. Reyes Toronto Smith Patsy Patricia Lindo-Wood Angela Marie Reimundo Ruth Elbecia Noriega Milton F. Rodriguez Melanie N. Rivas Scott Tenreiro Lilieth Antoinette Malcolm Elizabeth J. Remington Nicole Ockelmann Yeimy Carolina Rojas Kyonel Marie Rivera Trenard Turner Myra McKee Suralkis Rodriguez Swahily Lizbeth Ortega Ana Margarita Rojo Cheyne Rodriguez Hendrick Lee Varona Cynthia Shonn Meggoe Rayda A. Rojas-Meijides Marylaura Pacheco Jaeuk Shin Janela Rodriguez Carlos Montalvo Veronica Pilar Salcedo William Patricio Perugachi Sheetal Sujan Vanessa Y. Rodriguez Bachelor of Science in Social Arthur John Pinnock Fabienne Valdes Bradley Petersen Shannon De Cespedes Melissa Kaye Roque Studies Education Dionne Evadne Richards Belinda Joy Vargas Daniel Gabriel Pena Torsiello Stephanie Anne Roque Gabriela M. Otero Evette Marciana Smith Marianne Vilasuso Ana Maria Pimentel Diana Cristina Vasquez Reina P. Rosales Tarah Lamoy Smith-Palmer Tatiana Maria Viquez Debbie Quintana Sylvia M. Watts Samantha Ruiz Bachelor of Science in Spe- Heather Angela Stewart Deborah Lee Walters Maria Alejandra Quintero Maria Sanchez cial Education Shedina Rosemarie Suther- Rosangel O. Quintero Master of Science in Raquel Esther Santiago Bianca Danielle Anghel land Bachelor of Science in Amanda M. Ramirez Management Information Aylec Sarduy Silvia Cristina Buigas Judith Sandra Taylor Elementary Education Wady Ramirez Systems Claudia D. Sedeno Kim Jamecia Campbell Nicole dawn Thomson Jeniffer Marie Abreu Pedro Ramos Camilo Hernando Bernal Jennifer Ashley Selwood Noemi Maria Castellanos Julie Marie Vivian Nicki Aguilar Rafael Antonio Rivas Rahul Bhandari Leslie Veronica Serrano Kristi Rose Ebert Michelle Marie Williams Michele J. Alamo Rosa L. Rivera Victor Hugo Colmenares Brett Lawrence Spence Marta Fenton Bernadette Laurikay Wilson Kissie Z. Amadiz Michel Rizo Louis Conserve Alexandra Lee Stackpole Vanessa Gonzalez Amber L. Anderson Stephanie Michelle Rod- Paul Garces Jennifer A. Stolarski Daniel Granada Master of Science in Early Giselle Araya abaugh David M. Granda Gelany E. Tapia Charlotte Mae Heard Childhood Education Linda Arroyo Frances Rodriguez Andrea E. Green Hilda M. Torres Gema Francis Henriquez Anna Christie Fuentes Sandra Atila Ramon Antonio Rodriguez Danesa Maria Guzman Eduardo L. Trujillo Matha Michel Paula Moujalli Jennifer A. Barrios Yolanda Rodriguez Anastasia Koukiou Ashley A. Umlah Vannessa Dale Monroe www.fi usm.com FALL 2010 COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES The Beacon – Monday, December 13, 2010 9

Master of Science in Educa- Maya Ronique Scott Kenneth Berry Bonet Yadiel Lopez Georges Edouard Etienne Harika Chirumamilla tional Leadership Daniel Tacoronte Walter Bertot Iv Ariel Lorenzo Manny Farinas Jorge Jauregui Claudine A. Abdullahi Yusiley Troya Jorge Emilio Chavez Fernando Martin Montes de Frederick Fiallos Gabriel M. Lizarraga Christopher Garner Nathalie Vazquez Freddy R. Figueroa Oca Christopher S. Fine Lazaro Pi Sandra Laborde Armando Antonio Viltre Marvin S. Forbes Marlene E. Morejon Jareem Donnell Forbes Hemanth K. Pothula Vivian Loriga Sandy Richard Garcia Gerard A. Nobrega Sheldon A. Francis Hong Ming Soong Jessica Theresa Perez Master of Science in Urban Magnolia G. Hernandez Norberto A. Nunez Jesus Fernando Garcia Gowthami Thota Johnna Noelle Weise Education Jose Rodolfo Iraheta Scott Parrish Larhone Dalcon-Junior Liala Abreu Daniel Alfredo Narain Maria D. Perez Gayle Master of Science in Con- Master of Science in Foreign Melissa Carlan Abril Ronald Ocampo Julio Cesar Rodriguez Jorge Enrique Gonzalez struction Management Language Education Alison Taylor Bisesi Alain Joseph Percial Cesar Sanchez Edward J. Guerra Ii Nivardo Beaton Cindy Alonso Roselyn Pereira Maria Antonieta Sicilia Christian E. Gutierrez Lina Beltran Heidi Steen Anderson Educational Specialist in William A. Raad Anderson J. Strickland Patrick J. Haizlip Laurence Butler Lauren Kathleen Harold Curriculum and Instruction Adolfo Raul Rassi Robert L. Tascione Omar Nigel Hepburn Cetin Canbek Luis A. Prado Rhodia Constant Francis X. Ruiz Marco A. Torres Pavel Hernandez Ana Maria Casas Sandra Roman Nicole M. Howett Wilmer Saint-Hilaire Sergio Vargas George Issac Howard Critchfi eld Alberto Salazar Robert Yount Mark Morris Jones Mariela Alejandra Davalos Master of Science in Higher Educational Specialist in Bismarck Sylne Irvin D. Zelaya Marc Anthony Legoas Armando Diaz Education Administration Educational Leadership Yuleisys Torres Lilawatee Lookrwah-An- Nagarjuna Ezapa Arvind Ariadna Figueredo Sherie Humberston Abbey Maksim Vitaliy Tsarenko Bachelor of Science in Elec- drews Milo Davin Fernandez Andrea Denise Jay Emily De Leon Alfredo Valdivia trical Engineering Arlein Marin Jenny Fiallo Natali L. Mas Giselle T. Gonzalez Ivan Vega Gloria Addo Charles Martinez Cara Leigh Gallagher Jacqueline Moreno Karen Gustinger Alfredo Alonso Robin Nadal Carlos Jose Garcia Marie-Odile Val Camilo Gutierrez Bachelor of Science in Com- Rafael Antonio Arevalo Rafael Santos Pedron Emmanuel Garcia Rafael Emanuel Harley puter Science Kenneth Berry Bonet Makens Petion Saipavan Garikipati Master of Science in Human Yenire Melchor Jorge Andres Arenas Jose Carlos Boluarte Alarcon Claudio Gustavo Quiroz- Isaac N. George Resource Development Elinor Milian Luis Gabriel Bautista David A. Brenner Diez Janet Gonzalez Edele Desir Robert Rolando Perez Alwyn M. Berkeley Collin Lloyd Brown Bryan Ramirez Michael Anthony Gonzalez Nina Julius Judith Anne Suarez Stephen A. Bromfi eld Wilson Cabarcas Tracie-Ann A. Ramsay Brandon Patrick Hillebrecht Jennifer M. Repaci Annis Lauriston Thornton Carlos Daniel Bustamante Daniel Exequiel Chevez Larry Rios Jailall Jairam Monica Vigna Liz G. Cardenas Alex Nicholas Chong Carlos J. Rodriguez Kiran Kadam Master of Science in Interna- Christopher Stefano Casa- Juan F. Fernandez Maria Belen Rojas Robert Charles Knauer tional Intercultural Educa- College of Engi- nova Daniel Galano Fabian Mauricio Salazar Gilberto Limon tion Marcelo Delgado Qing Gao Jeffrey Adam Schempp Arlene Lora- Alcantara Pamela S. Bausher neering and Com- Marcos Alejandro Di Pietro Janty S. Ghazi Bethticha Ann Sterling Alejandra Maria Lozano Michael Christopher Burch puting Marcial Donet Luis Gomez Irene M. Suazo Erika R. Olsen Joel Gadcliffe Huggins Johnalbert Duverge Erick Gonzalez Rebecca Valdivia Robert Thomas-Egan Ryan Juliann M. Lacey Isel Maria Fernandez Frank Gualchi Ralph Vassor Julio Cesar Torres Bachelor of Arts in Informa- Ivan Maldonado Eduardo Jose Flores Jose Rodolfo Iraheta Ignacio Javier Villalobos Manuel Augusto Vela tion Technology Danielle Natoli Raul B. Fuentes Orlando Joseph Leone Jr. Gerald C. Waligora Vasquez Caridad E. Macyke Daniel Galano Fabio E. Magliano Matthew P. Wander Sumalatha Villagaddi Emelanio Martinez Master of Science in Physi- Mario Garcia Lesther Marti James Wesley Leon Wells Adrian O. Triana cal Education Alberto M. Gomez Ilierkis Mejias Master of Science in Electri- Yaneash A. Donaldson Barbara Nadia Gonzalez Hebert Metellus Bachelor of Science in Me- cal Engineering Bachelor of Science in Bio- Jonatan Gonzalez Christopher J. Morrison chanical Engineering Tarun R. Dhandu medical Engineering Master of Science in Reading Joseph Gregory Hayon Melisa C. Orozco Daniella A. Aking Jose Garcia Carolina Bautista Shannon Marie Arczynski Carlos Alberto Hernandez Luis Eduardo Pabon Shamil Baldeosingh Sari Kulthm Julian Felipe Currea Ileana Arias Wang Kei Lee Jose Rafael Padron Hernando Buendia Yousuf Shafi q Liset K. Hilares Vanessa M. Arias John O. Llombart Claudio Pallais Fred Coll Molino Thomas Andrea Rolong Kristine Franchesca Behar Analay Morejon Mario Palomino Marina Nascimento Correia Sree Hari Kishore Vadl- Andrea Sanchez Tarcia L. Black Juan E. Obregon Moises A. Paulino Soto De Araujo amudi Konstantinos Sebekos Carmen Perez Concepcion Ivan Dario Olmos Enrique Jose Perez Ryan Matthew Diana Katherine N. Vandenberg Laura E. Correa Dayana Paez Eloy Javier Reyes Lazaro Galban Master of Science in Engi- Christofer P. Zapata Darlene Diaz Alexander Pataky Joseph Anthony Rodriguez Kirk St. Christopher Harvey neering Management Johanna Miranda Giunta Eduardo Antonio Pena Alberto Salazar Miguel Jimenez Julian A. Castaneda-Gomez Bachelor of Science in Civil Jennifer Marie Gonzalez Vanessa N. Ramirez Daniel Guillermo Santillan Dasney Joseph Taneisha N. Gammon Engineering Gia C. Goodman Gustavo Vicente Rodriguez Vinicius Ferreira Schuina Ricardo Andres Lugo Arjit Joshi Pedro Alberni Misty L. Lopez Luis Mario Rodriguez Pedro Jose Tovar Joseth A. Moreno Sandra M. Morales Hugo Ignacio Altimari Lorenzo Elizabeth Rosado Holger Paas Nellymar M. Parejo Maria Cristina Alvarez Jacklyn Z. Machado Gregory R. Saint-Jean Bachelor of Science in Envi- Marcel A. Padilla Juan C. Pineda Bodler Barthelemy Lauren Martin Eduardo J. Tibau ronmental Engineering Homero H. Perez Poonam Ranka Valerie I. Bottaioli Mazal S. Menasche Michael A. Tracy Yulyan K. Arias Brian O. Posse Pablo Emilio Rivero Ortiz Jaclyn Castellanos Michelle Moreno Alexander F. Lopez Snehil Raisinghani Marcos Jose Rojas Juan Luis Cesin Pamela Kay Mosser Bachelor of Science in Con- Emma V. Lopez Carlos Rojas Diego Tomaz De Sa Patricia De Lara Eilyn Sanabria struction Management Natalia Palacio Shiv Vimal Shah Melissa Ubri Penzo Erik A. Echezabal Carolyn Stella Vasquez Rafael Ignacio Aguado II Melissa Maria Sanchez William Alexander Tejada Leydi Y. Velez Kristifer Shane Hall Freeman Daniel Alonso Jose Manuel Ugas Rositsa Petrova Ganovska Master of Science in Recre- Leonard Arippol Bachelor of Science in Robert Ivan Vergara Master of Science in Envi- Aaron Gonzales ation and Sport Management Zakia G. Atkins Industrial and Systems David Virzi ronmental Engineering Andres Manuel Gonzalez Samantha Charles Jeff Baldridge Engineering Jomal Whiteside Melina Idarraga Pablo Arodi Gonzalez Nakole K. Coleman Michael Luis Barba Manuel S. Aranda Eric Zuniga Diana B. Jo Dante L. Gutierrez Jonathan Cesar Gilman Camy Bertrand Paola Karina Bula Natalia Laurenti Greg Bernard Harnick Jonathan George Nasser Andres Betancourt Liliana M. Cano Master of Science in Civil Wilhelmina V. Montero Pablo Jimenez Kristopher F. Swogger Ronald Calero Claudia Yasmin Echegaray Engineering Maria T. Mora Tovar Marvin J. Joseph Amanda Marie Tomlinson Julian Andres Cardona Mariana Ferrera Hugo C. Adriazola Weber Elisa M. Orduy Alexandra Kalyuzhnaya Nicolas C. Correa Claudia Karina Gomez Sampson Asare Veneel K. Ponnada Oscar Eduardo Mahecha Master of Science in Special Christopher Costas Lorena Jasmin Gomez- Jose A. Cruz-Velez Fasiuddin Syed Medina Education Victoria Eugenia Cuello Icabalceta Leonardo Duran Pereyra Praveen K. Varala Ervin Carlos Margolles Carolyn Joann Andrade Philip Michael Cullen IV Romelle Harvey Serge Alain Feuze Lekem Carolina Vargas Loren Marquez Miladys Baeza Alana D. Darville Maria J. Mendoza Andy Gregg Howard Alexis Martinez Valarie Letanya Brown Guillermo Decun Carolina Ortega Jean L. Joseph Master of Science in Me- Raysa Mena Heidy Falcon Marcos Delgado Adriana Rodriguez Leanet Mujica chanical Engineering Aaron Osborne Lismarie Gierbolini Flynn Cameron Durham Julio Rospigliosi Giancarlo Pena Donovan Orlando Buckley Yamisleidys Perez Yessenia Liliana Gonzalez Benjamin Garcia Paola Cristina Soto Luis G. Perez Cesar Eduardo Nunez Alvaro A. Quinonez Brendette Stokes Hudson Clarel Georges Jeffrey Vasquez Rudolf Roux-Bruno Sunil Kumar Pasupuleti Corina D. Robles Tionne Martin Alicia Hernandez Erik Sibila Gurjashan Singh Ariel Rodilla Jonathon Joel Milian Oliver Heyna Bachelor of Science in Infor- Amelia Sifres Gurjiwan Singh Alejandro M. Torres Yuneisy Y. Morell Brent Wesley Huffman mation Technology Amanda A. Vianna Reyna Esther Urdaneta Mercedes Parada Amanda Elizabeth Jones Jorge F. Alvarino Master of Science in Com- Jullissa Perez Mohammed S. Khan Blanca N. Barney puter Engineering Master of Science in Bachelor of Science in Com- Kimberley Suzanne Rosen- Muhammad Nasim Khan Juan Barquero Richard Beljour Telecommunications and puter Engineering thal Garth E. King Kenney Campo Networking Orlando Bacallao Seilarine Christine Samuels- Michael John Leon Brian Adolfo Dominguez Master of Science in Com- Abdullah Alkhathlan Gabriel Baron Pink Dominic Arnaud Liladrie Frank Estupinan puter Science Wilmar Alfonso Campos 10 The Beacon – Monday, December 13, 2010 FALL 2010 COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES www.fi usm.com

Robert A. Fults Anette C. Leiton Yaremi Farinas Aisha L. Williams Joan Howard Vyoma Gandhi Tatyana Leiva Bachelor of Science in Travel Michael Alexander Fernan- Danica B. Wingate Darlyne Joseph Chanii L. Haley David Benjamin Lesser and Tourism Management dez Ashley Wojnar Stella Junco George A. Medina Sijing Li Sharon Joy Dziedzic Stephanie Fernandez Kathy Ann Wonsik Anne-Marie Kirkland Quenedy Pierre-Louis Sui Li Hilary Amber Geren Ronnie Figueroa Lisa Margarita Zuniga Tracy Ann Koblinski Andres Enrico Rodriguez Yangyang Li Elizabeth Wong Lauren Olly Fischer DeeDee Marjorie Latham Lazo Ivan Joel Licata Master of Science in Hospi- Dalia A. Fishman Master of Science in Mass Erika Yessenia Lopez Alejandro Schmidt Alexander K. Lipin tality Management Angie M. Freire Communication Greta Liz Lopez Guanbo Liu Alexis N. Andrade Tiffany Garcia Jorge N. Amador Zulia Lorenzo School of Hospi- Jia Liu Ali Arjomand-Kermani Amanda B. Ghetia Burcu Ayrim Crystal Michelle Martin Jennifer Lopez Jacqueline Sarah Bacheikov Jennifer Marie Grau Mariella Yanet Bejarano Ana Maria Mata De Queiroz tality and Tourism Arturo Macias Paulo E. Bettega Andre David Griner Christine M. Berry Beth Megan McCarthy Management Rohini Maharaj Petra N. Brennan Laura Guaqueta Gloria Milena Catano Christina M. Mellon Imari L. Manzano Alberto Burgos Jennifer Alyse Hanlon Tere Marie Dardon Juan Enrique Mora Vanessa A. Martinez Jhonatan Oscar Cano Dyron Hernandez Leigh-Ann Dawes Natalie A. Mora Bachelor of Science in Hos- Amanda C. McAlister Nathalie Cortes-Roman Jennifer Esther Hernandez Nadia Fazila Dawood Chantell Kristen Ortega pitality Management Xianfei Meng Marlent Margarita Cruz Oehleo Quintat Higgs Kimberley N. Doodnath David Patterson Karen Acosta Amber N. Miller Qian Ding Vincena Ashley Jackson Miral Ezzat Elfakharany Juan P. Reyna Jennifer Amador Ivania Alejandra Molina Domina D’Isanto Iman Jeffrey Jeannine Ann Froget Candita Aldecka Rodriguez Casey Marie Arauz Ronquil Melodie Mootoo Eleanor Dougherty Marcela E. Jiron-Bendana Danielle Garcia Troy Saintable Patricia G. Armand Giannina Mora Qing Feng Thomas Johnson Johanna Goldring Michael Steven Salinero Shay Avitan Ali Moradi Nicole Genta Soraya Fae Joseph Brittany Elyse Graham Shaneka Salmon Yaoyao Bai Edgar E. Morales Bustam Halim Asaf Kathein Marcela Gurdian Stephanie C. Sandoval Miriam Cristina Balladares Maria Mur Sung Hoon Hwang Daiana Kucawca Thoa Kim Huynh Heidy Sanson Jenny Baluja Cherell Irene Murray Fabiola Jean Pierre Anna C. Lopes Marcibel Loo Nicolas Alfonso Serrano Natalia A. Barbona Ding Nan Ashli Johnson Cindy Lopez Evelyn P. Macki Marilyn Sims Jonathan M. Barrett Miao Nie Hongbum Kim Alejandra Isabel Lucero Lorenzo vacca Mayra Patricia Soriano Kevon Barrington David H. Nunez Ilhwan Kim Sasha Luque Joanne Martin Giovanna Spadaro Joel Joseph Becerra Richard Oramas Natalie Nicole Koller Charles Julian Mabry Ozelle Fallon Martin Krystal Tapia Bianca Linda Behar Melissa Orostegui Bon I. Ku Cheryl K. Malone Jhonny Alberto Minaya Guadalupe M. Tefel Luis A. Benavides Susanne A. Ovidez Jing Liu Ailina Marrero Natalia M. Nevarez Rovira Samuel Thermidor Selwyn Benjamin Camila Pabon Yajie Liu Melissa E. Marrero Thu-Nhi T. Nguyen Irma Y. Torres Eduardo Javier Blandino Katlin M. Page Lauren McKown Vanessa Marrero Jaclyn Christina Otero Fara Vazquez Mayara da Fonseca Bordin Angel Rose Palmieri Joseph Charles Metivier III Cristina Inez Martin Daniela Ottati Reperger Ana M. Vecin Delfi na Brest Camilo Patino Rodney Moss Jose S. Mateo Myya Nowe Passmore Marta Rosa Verde Pamela Bueso Catherine Patino Gabriela Munoz Zerith Z. McMillan Michelle H. Richardson Jean C. Vicioso Lisette Giuliana Busot Jingjing Pei Lee H. Nance Nicole Mendez Glenda Y. Rosado Rosado Rohi Farheen Warsi Liubov Leonidovna Butko Gabriela A. Perez Nathatai Nildam Caridad Mesa Jennifer E. Salama Giuliana G. Yockteng Linette C. Cairo Gabriela C. Perez Euna Park Lis M. Mesa Teresa M. Samada Roxana Antonia Camara Michelle Perez Ryan K. Parker Jonathan Minguez Michelle Luisa Somborn Master of Science in Nursing Dayanna Grace Camere Julia Justine Piazza Ariel Perla Maria Elena Monasterios Lucio Vazquez Lydia Alvarado Gerardo Campos Jr Maxine A. Pierre Yolanda Reid Nastasha Nicole Monell Dametreus D. Vincent Dana Courtney Anderson Gyujin Chae Annessa L. Pogson Diana K. Saiz Sergio M. Montealegre III Paola I. Visbal Andrea Bauer Che-Hao Chang Catherine Louise Pugh Brian Harris Schachter Kristina Alexandra Montes Sabrina Michelle Vollrath- Jocelyne Blanc Chen Chen Amelia M. Rauzin Jorge Abraham Selman Jessica L. Morris Bueno Narjara F. Borges Heming Cheng Robert M. Renfroe Alana Cierra Serrao Elsa M. Naranjo Yiyi Wang Daniel Brian Brady Chris Jay Cook Amanda L. Rivera Nervien El Hussein Sharaby Kelly E. Nercess Jordan Wiener Jennifer Bruno Carolina M. Corral Giselle Barbara Roach Christina Smith Robert Matthew Nevel Gregg Timothy Cardin Angela Marie Crocetti Lyndon Robinson Chun Pang Suen Christina M. Nochea College of Nursing and Donna Marie Chambers-Lyn Heqi Cui Melissa Ann Robinson Jan Tomancik Vanessa Nunez Health Sciences Kariane Combs Rivka Miriam Dardashti Aimee Rodriguez Christine Victoria Valdes- Lauren A. Oliver Bachelor of Science in Stephen Scott Cooper Mercedes Caridad De Oro Marie Rousseau Lora Christie Maimo Orozco Health Sciences Sarai Eunice Cortes Erick Diaz Kristen Cayla Saenger Cholshik Won Diego Fabian Parra Kristin Cox Zulkifl i R. Darojat Tzvetelina Tzvetkova Ashley J. Schild Weiyi Xia Adriana Marietta Paschen Amarilys Fernandez Denise Debone Dinkova Jacqueline Suzanne Shedden Mingxin You Erica Monique Perez Desiree F. Hurtado Sharese Ameka Dixon- Soraya Massouda Doura Marc Jansen Siegel Fei Yuan Erika C. Perez Mileydis N/A La Fe Banks Qiancheng Du Alex Smulevich Xiaoxiao Zhang Jorge A. Pico Eddy Laurent Samantha Lee Ellis Rafaela Dulanto Angelica M. Solis Jianchao Zhu Hannel Pina Sandro Giscardini Louis Armando Ernesto Escoto Michael Abraham Ellman Ambar Yesenia Soto-Rivera Monica M. Posada Ywaidree Caridad Machin- Adriana Patricia Escudero Veronica Ann Farinas Henry M. Stewart School of Jour- Thais Del Carmen Prado Quirantes Kevin Bilang Faustino Ewa Ferguson Michael C. Summers Andrea Ivette Prophete Brent Richard Maniscalco Aaron Forbes Ayelen Ferrer Arpha Suwansatisakorn nalism and Mass Natalia Ramirez Christina Lynne McDonald Johanna M. Forero Jose Manuel Ferro Loraine N. Tejada Communication Isadora Rangel Yenisleidy Paez Beatriz M. Galiano Victor Manuel Figueroa He Tian Paola Andrea Rebellon Luis R. Quinto Holly Lynn Hefner Kenia Garcia Xu Tian Maria Rico-Arguello Maytebel Sarria Patricia Herrand Stephan G. Gayle Samson M. Tirfagnehu Bachelor of Science in Com- Joseph Jonathan Rigal Christopher Vicente Vasquez Erica Beth Hoyt Yi Ge Priscilla Lynn Urra munication Gisella R. Rivas Dierdre Videau Keniston Yufeng Ge Ricardo Valle Terry S. Afl alo Jennifer Rodriguez Bachelor of Science in Nurs- Gisella M. Lacayo-Dettbarn Rebecca Geneve Carmen Vallecillo Jessica Agudelo Loren Rodriguez ing Edita Limpioso Jessica Ellen Ghazal Jill Victoria Vargas Aaron Alvarez Priscilla Liz Rojas Erika Aguirre Kelly Lutz Krystal Marie Gonzalez Prissila Vargas Melissa Arabitg Ayeisha Romero Oluwakemi I. Ajayi Helen Marti Diana Grijalba Luis F. Vasquez Gianfranco Arias Stephanie M. Rosario Elizabeth A. Alderfer Gigi W. McHale Te Gu Sergio Maximiliano Vergara Ashyln R. Balensiefer Jacques E. Rozier Kristine Alvarez Maxo Nazaire Xiang Guo Aurelie Verne Ashley Bertot Daniel Ernesto Salazar Jessica Valeria Arias Brian Scott Neilan Stephanie C. Guzman Heinrich Vieweg German J. Blanco Jessica Marie Salgado Mona N. Balsara Anthony Muiru Njenga Alejandra Hernandez Massiel Villar Mariagracia Boscan Fernanda Salinas Chastity P. Bastian Vania Noel Denise A. Hernandez Oscar Villegas Dara K. Boudlal Chanell Sanchez Elena Bermudez Evelyn Ortiz Raquel Hernandez Chao Wang Krystle Cala Rafael S. Sanchez Paulette Marie Bernadeau Russel Joy S. Paragas Mingyue Hou Lin Wang Isabel Camara Alexa Sandoval Bohorque Loyda Lisbet Carrascal Natalia Poliakova Chen Huang Eli Weil Janet Careaga Angelica Santiago Megan J. Cavalier Laura Maria Lasseter San- Galina Dimitrova Ilcheva Da Wen Orane S. Carney Lucia S. Sastre Erika Marie Delgado chez Tanya Iyriboz Camille Alexandria Whit- Luz A. Castillo Christina Simon Carolina Devarona Charlene Natalee Scarlett Derrick Evans Jadotte tingham Ana Karina Contreras Witchcliff Earle Simpson Stephanie Marie Dewberry Victor Manuel Valdivia Yu Jiang John M. Wydler Teressa Cherelle Cooper Angelina Marino Soares Marietta D. Diaz Johnnilynn VanBoxtel Hyeryn Joo Stephanie E. Xiques - McMullen Alani Chari Sohan Victoria Lorena Diez Kisten Dian Walker Exceliane Joseph Longyue Yan Andres Cordero Betsy Soler Kimberly Ann Dizon Lauren Beth Kaylin Chao Yu Charilee Crespo Melissa Suarez Mandy Sarah Duarte Jackson Master of Science in Oc- Leslie Kellner Ana S. Zepeda Isel Cruz Sascha Toyloy Michelle A. Emokpae cupational Therapy Hyunsuk Kim Huan Zhang Marianela Del Carmen Alyssa Ivana Urroz Melissa M. Fasco Genevieve Marianne An- Dehao Kong Xiaomeng Zhang Cubas Valeria Valdes Gini Ferrari derson Youngjoo Kwon Xiuping Zhang Jamie Curet Melissa Vargas Adalena Gato Anna Sabina Arias Chelsea Lamberti Xiushi Zhang David Diaz Ayxa A. Barbel Vecino Annaivis Gonzalez Monica A. Arias Gisset Amparo Laverde Ying Zhang DeAndra Denae Dixon Carolina Villa Ann Elisabeth Guillaume Craig R. Ayash Zhaolong Lei Bintao Zheng Valerie Anne Duardo Aileen Roxane Villar Nadia Helou Erika Bermeo www.fi usm.com FALL 2010 COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES The Beacon – Monday, December 13, 2010 11

Tanya Andrea Betancur Jodi-ann Georgia Brown Monika Gulhar Isabel C. Cantor Harry Chung Rachel Amy Guran Tania Carolina Desme Ann-Marie Cools Mary Jeanetta Howard Lorraine Jennifer Domin- Jannick myriam rosa Davis Ricardo A. Jaramillo-Gon- guez Claudia Roxana Delgado zalez Yenessa Echevarria Jeanelle J. Desvarieux Karina Jimenez Keira N. Gandy Ludmilla Fleury Lizzette Jimenez Yulianet Garrido Alessandra Alves Franco Josue Lopez Lourdes Garrote Lissa Nicole Garcia Ximena Lopez Anna E. Haskell Geraldine M. Gomez Fabio R. Machado Narda Trudi-Ann Henry Danielle Hamo Zully Coromoto Maldonado Kevin S. Lee Antoine Nicolas Kodsi Cristina Marina Darys Lopez Jessica Lizarraga Debbie Maxwell Jessica Lopez Julieta Zoraida Lupo Resha Mehta Katalina Montoya Patricia Marquez Angelico Mendy Emma C. Newton Melissa Quesada Kenneth Scott Menzer Ramon A. Palomo Michelle Rallo Betsy F. Napoleon Sandra E. Pekarek Arianna Rivero Amanda Nugent Maikhanh Thi Phan Adam Lloyd Samson Erika Kristy Odio Carolina Restrepo Yashoada Sandoval Derek Olsen Mike Ben Retske Luciana Adib Soares Evelyn Osemeikhian Lucy E. Rodriguez Jeffrey Tamayo Pamela B. Owens Vanessa Rodriguez Alina Terem Rozina A. Parbtani Andrea Maria Romero Ashley Lynn Tracey Ashish N. Patel Sabrina Salazar Lennette Veguilla Rahulkumar Patel Sol Angela Sibilia Debbie A. Ward Sandra Sinclair Patterson Mary Beth Vincent Katherine Nicole Wyatt Angelica Pereira Jessica R. White Louis Robert Perez Florence Yoong Ying Yew Bachelor of Science in Social Lindsey Yvonne Phipps Work Vanita P. Potdar Master of Science in Speech Catherine Rocio Achutegui Maria-Alejandra Quintero- Language Pathology Aaron Kenneth Alvin Cusguen Courtney Gwen Einhorn Lytisha Alexandra Anderson Mirelys M. Ramos Stephanie Jasmin Aroca Rakesh Ravikumaran Nair Robert Stempel Nancy Bonise Donyelle Ruthaetta Russ Laura Botero Elena Christine Schumacher College of Public Cynthia Campbell Deltrisa Simmons Health and Social Alexander Shaun Coffman Felicia L. Sutton Ruth Marilliza Davis Salem Tesfa Work Maryann Dente Vivienne Ionie Thompson Eunide Josette Desrosiers- Chan Huyen Tran Denis Trang M. Van Bachelor of Health Services Lesline Fleurinord Mary Suzanne Wheeler Administration Lorena L. Garces Sheree D. Williams Davina Allert Idisleidi Gonzalez Erica Woodard Ashley Latoya Andrews Diana Laforest Dave Bernard Antoine Joy E. Lambert Master of Science in Dietet- Laura A. Barreto Patricia Dolores Lopez ics and Nutrition Soraya Glenda Bastien Guipxy Anadel Martinez Lacey R. Chapa Rolando Jose Briceno Gelerme Metellus Melody Garza Manuel R. Buigas Laquita Sharese Minor Rebecca K. Jones Jorge Burgos Kairsten F. Mitchell Sharon S. Markowicz Denise Elizabeth Castro Marileidys Ortega Hiral Modi Michelle Chavez Tania M. Poveda Stephanie M. Pillow Kayla C. Cruz Ana Lucia Rojas Monica Ribeiro Patricia Desir Sardou Saint Val Tiffanie Shauna-Jeanne Mahreen Din Ivena Simplice Stewart Rosemene Eugene Chantel Sippio Maria J. Trabazo Natalie S. Forde Evis Soto Diana C. Vargas Jeanne Marie Gomez Wendy E. Soza Jessica Weissman Latoya Gray Kate V. Steadman Shirley Julme Rachel Vargas Master of Social Work Juliana Aura Larrosa Eva Cristina Vasquez Aurora Alonso Ruth Emily Lutes Kesia Vazquez Sandra J. Barros Victor Luis Martinez Patricia Wong Annika Monique Cooke Safi a Jude Michel Helen L. Cuan Yunie Nasco Master of Health Services Diana Margarita da Fonseca Jaron Ulyesses Nash Administration Seyny Michele Dressler Fabienne S. Payen Besart Bakraci David Neil Duffy Lilyette Perez Marques W. Holland Farile Erase Kassandra Stephanie Pool Melissa Marmanillo Christina Figueroa Jennette Prieto Shaista M. Mohammed Marelys Noemi Garcia Tania Camile Rami Luis A. Nunez Adrienne A. Grudzien Mayrin Michelle Ramirez Natalie K. Sosa Alejandra Hagopian Chad R. Regis Zahra Aliya Weaver Felecia Nathelia Harry Ruth Regis Isis Cherell Hones Stephanie Lynn Reinoso Master of Public Health Janet R. Hoppe Stefani Reyes Lisa Abreu Janelle Job Maykelin E. Rocha Tonika H. Accius Marie Karline Joseph Michael Edward Rojas Tanoe Ida Aka Stephanie Lima Nicolle C. Rosario Nathalie Basma Naassan Maykel Raul Mateo Niurka Rouco Jason M. Carreras Diane Perez Fiorella A. Salguero Suzie Carisma Lisset Rodriguez Jaisibit Zulymar Segovia Amarelys J. Carrizo Gisela Sonera Danaes Stecco Ana Rocio Castellanos Hilda Lissette Sosa Monica Lucia Sutera Shannon Anthony Charles Katrina Denean Tillman Nicole A. Torres Grethel Clark Eduardo Augusto Villavi- Karen Elena Veigas Heather Marie Cook cencio Tharisa Rosann Walker Laura G. Dalemarre Charlotte Letisha Williams Felipe E. Zayas Santra Denis Lakesha R. Wyche-Mitchell Daniel Anthony Estape Alejandro A. Zuccaro Bachelor of Science in Di- Jessica Gay etetics and Nutrition Jaisy George Bashayer W. Bader 12 The Beacon – Monday, December 13, 2010 FALL 2010 COMMENCEMENT CANDIDATES www.fi usm.com