The Removal of the Winnebago Indians from Wisconsin in 1873-4 by Lawrence W
NAME INDEX THE REMOVAL OF THE WINNEBAGO INDIANS FROM WISCONSIN IN 1873-4 BY LAWRENCE W. ONSAGER No attempt has been made to update Winnebago with Ho-Chunk. Ah-ha-cho-gah (see also Ah-ha-cho-ker/Blue Wing) (?-1893), 222, 223, 254 Ahuzipga see Winneshiek, Old, 145 Anderson, Moses, 148 Merchant, La Crosse, WI; signed document certifying good character of Winnebago, 1873. Arnold, Alexander A. (1833-1915), 92, 95-100, 104-5, 107, 113 Captain, Company C, 30th Wis. Inf; native of Trempealeau County, Wis (errata, 30th Regt, not 13th). Arthur, Evan, 243 Merchant, Portage, testified to the good character of the Winnebago/Ho chunk, 1874. Atkinson, Henry (1782-1842), 35, 38-9, 41, 53-61 General Atkinson led troops from St. Louis, 1827. Atwater, Caleb (1778-1867), 9, 10, 12-13, 22 Commissioner at the 1829 Winnebago treaty; politician, historian, and early archaeologist from Ohio; wrote “Remarks Made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien . 1829.” Austin, Mrs. Isaac (Emily A. Thrall, c1839-?), 108 Resident on Germantown Road, Juneau Co, WI, 1863. Bacon, J. M., 209 Wrote letter to U. S. Adjutant General Baker, William T., 219, 242-4 Resident of Oakdale Township, Monroe Co, Wis; a removal agent; swore under oath that the Winnebago were not ill-treated, 1874 (errata, William T., not William Y). Banfield, E. C., 128 Office of Indian Affairs, 1874. Barber, J(oel) Allen (1809-1881), 137-140, 149, 170, 257-8 U. S. congressman from Lancaster, Wis., 1873-74. Barron, Henry Danforth (1833-1882), 248-50 Wis. State Senator from St.
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