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The D avie R ecord DAVIE COUNTY’S ODDEST NEW SPAPER-THE PAPER THE PEOPDE READ •HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." VOLUMN XLII. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2. 1941 NUM BER 37 HEWS OF LONG AGO MY NOTIONS. Sounds a Challenge. An Open Letter. Delayed Marriage An Seen Along Marn Street John Wesley Clay, in Winston Journal. The Sampson Independent:— Editor Record:—From what I Br The Street Rambler. Wbat Was Happeoing In Davie We have just read in the papers In the course of an address we can see and hear from the back, nouncements. 000000 Before The New Deal Used Up of two incidents that are depress heard recently an officer at Fort woods section in which I live, it Statesville Dally. Felix Harding sitting in drug Bragg made a statement that is a This paper has had lots of trouble The Alphabet, Drowned The ing In the extreme. A young tauck seems that the schools these days store looking sad—Mrs. John G. driver found himself a long dist • challenge to the towns In the area are being turned into movie houses as a result of publishing delayed Benson and Mrs. W. S. Reid shop, Hogs and Plowed Up The ance from home without money and surrounding the soldier training and dance halls. Just what has announcement of marriages, espec ping in department store—Ralph Cotton and Corn. without gas. He narked bis car center. He made the statement become of tbe old-fashioned three ially when such marriages take Mooney talking to pretty girls on that there is little difficulty In band R’s that were once stressed in our place in other states. (Davie Record, April 2 , 19191 and went into a “road house'’ and main drag—Haynes Yates bidding drank some beer perhaps with the ing the soldiers'while on the gov public schools? Hereafter such announcements friends an revoir but not goodbye Rufus Brown and C. F. Stroud idea of drowning his troubles. (We ernment reservation, adding that We must be living in a new age ill he title only in the form of a —Misses. Davis and Bowles sitting spent W ednesday in Statesville. have known people who were ap the greatest trouble experienced is and under a New Deal when a man paid advertisement at our regular In parked auto—Robinson Powell Mr. and Mrs. W. S. W alker, of parently sensible otherwise, have when the soldiers are allowed to can go to Raleigh and pass a law advertising rate and the name of walking around town carrying big Kanpa, were in town Friday shop the same idea that they conld drown visit. the surrounding towns on to. give a man a four-year term in the person authorized to make the stick—Arthur Daniel getting ready p i n g . their troubles with drink.) The leave. office when he was only elected for announcement must accompany no- to go fishing—Two young ladles , T. A. L- Sbertner, of near Yad- poor young fellow had no money His appeal was that the towns in two years. Which reminds me tice. Cashin advancewill be re with painted cheeks passing movie kinville, was in town last week on with which to pay for the beer so the vicinity of Fort Bragg assist the that.I heard a good man say a few quired for such notices and no such show—Misses Ellen Allen, Mabel b u s i n e s s . an argument ensued. The road authorities there by providing the days ago that W. L. Moore would notice will he taken over telephone. and Lois Wilson sitting In automo. Miss M arv Sanford returned Sat house man, according to the papers, right sort of enviroment for the never again represent Davie county We would like to explain that it bile watching the crowd pass by— urday from a short visit to friends took an article of raiment (perhaps soldiers while on leave. in the North Carolina legislature. is not'the money we are after. We Mrs. Mack Kimbrough and Mfss in Charlotte. a coat) in satisfaction for the beer. This statement would indicate He should have had his own term just don’t care to be used this way. Jane McGuire taking bicycle ride— Born to Mr. and Mrs. FrankM o It was after midnight, and the that the environment on the govern of office extended to four years We ate always glad to handle mar Miss Martha Call looking at pretty Cnbblns, on Wednesday, March night was cold. The young man ment reservation is better than that while he was in the extending bus riages as news. There is no news flower—Misses Hazel Turner, Ru 2 6 th, a fine daughter. went staggering down the road to found in the surrounding towns, iness. COUNTRY VOTER. to a marriage that took place long by Collette and Miss Bowles leav Miss Annie Foster, of Advance, ward the nearest city, which was and we don’t doubt the truth of the before the announcement. The ing town on bus—Bunch of politi spent the week end in town with miles away, costless. It is suppos insinuation. The WetsnGty-Slicked truth is, we don’t believe in keep cians discussing the coming town M iss Essie Call. ed he went into an abandoned hut Of course, it is easier for the ing marriages spcret, but hereafter election—Crowd of hungry folks C. C. Smoot and J. Lee Cartner, and built a fire, for next morning authorities at Fort Braggtoenforce ’Em. this paper will see that the secret sitting around waiting for the bar of South Calahaln. were in town regulations than it Is for the autho. the hut was burned to the ground The United Dry Forces might is kept unless tbe parties wish pub* becue to be passed—Clint Wilson F r i d a y . rities in the town todo so but every and human bones and the kev to have known when they thought lication as an advertisement. making his way up Main street Miss M argaret Allison, who is in the youno man’s truck were found thing possible should be donetore< tbev won a victory in that com through heavy traffic—Crowd of school at Charlotte, spent the week in the ashes. move from the towns the evils mittee room down at Raleigh and Let’s Get Busy. loafers watching work on new store end here w ith home folks. which beset the visitiing soldiers, After reading the story in the the battle was tossed into the lap of A town that never has anything building—Wayne Merrell selling Miss Linda G ray Clement, a stu and others as well. One of the ex newspapers we remarked to a friend another committee, they would get to do in a public way, is on tbe onion and cabbage plants—Doctor dent at W aIlburg1 spent the week, isting evils mentioned by the speak lIf we sold beer and wine Ho a man citv-licked before it was over. And Mason getting a hair cut. end here with home folks. way to the cemetery. Any citizen and made him drunk we could not er is the ease with which soldiers how they did. Private Ed G aither, of Sheffield, who will do nothing for his own have had the heart to thke his coat can get spirituous liquors, after Held For Driving Mule who has been stationed at Catnv The Democratic wets just used town is helping to dig the grave. and turn him out into the cold leaving the reservation. His infer Jackson, received an honorable dis that simple old method of moving A man that curses the town furn night to die.’’ ence was that towns, not having Intoxicated. charge last week and arrived home to table and the battle for the peo ishes the coffin. The man who is “ Oh, yes, yo u would,” said the ABC stores are infested with boot pie of North Carolina was over. A rare case on the Recorder’s S a t u r d a y . so selfish as to have no time from friend. “If you sold beer and wine leggers and other vices not calcu< court docket, was that of a colored Miss A lverta H unt went to W all- The General Assembly does not his business to give to city affairs in a roadhouse you would.” lated to upbuild the morals of ser< man charged with driving a mule burg Sunday to spend a day or two meet again until 1943. Until then is making the snroud. The man There is something to think a vice men. 2 6 while intoxicated. with friends. we will have tbe saloon of the who will not advertise is driving bout there. down eastern” counties to keep Will McLelIand local colored Miss Rose Owens, of W allburg, the hearse. Tbe mau who is al A Bit Too Gushy. is the defendant. According spent the week-end in town with feeding liquor to our people. And ways pulling back from any public Lookbg Forward. Tbe, greatest educational gover. thanks be to the Democrats in the to the officers who investigated the home folks. enterprise throws bouquets on the nor of all time in North Carolina1 case, McLelland was making the Clinard LeGrand1 a student at . Usnally most of us look forward 1941 General Assembly- grave. The man who is so stingy to the coming of spring. Bnt some ts Dr.