1 in Squamish Pem Berton ,Britannia Beach Wood Fibre Brackendale A
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F HOWE S OUND L ET J ER'S Eiitor, The Times; The History 12 Travel Club would like to take this time io, inform the community that due Second Class Mail Registration Number I147 to circumstacces beyond our Return Postqc Guaranteed ourcontrol trip ($$$)to Russia. we Ancannot alternate take Published by tioodspith Publishing Co. Ltd., every Thursday at Squamish. B.C. trip to Victoria has been plae- CLAUDE S Q. HOODSPIVH - Pldbb3hW ned. ROSE YATLBW - AWJbtan! Publisher StCd Ull~ We would also like to thank BOYD IAUCH - Adwertieing Manager all the people who have helped JUNE HALVORSON - Circulation us during our various activities. A special thanks goes out to OUP B.0. Box 107, Squamloh, B.C. sponsor, Mr. Hubner. We hope you will understand Subscription Rates (Delivered by Mail): '$7.50per Year and will continue to support %10.00per Year Outside Canada other school groups who, in the Cqrighl and or pr~ipcfl~right- suh\i\l In dl displdy .uJvCrllu~gand ~rihcrmdlrrld dppedrlng in thus edlliun (11 The Squdmilh Times. future, will have the opportunity Pcrmi\riiin 181 reproduce whull) or In pdrr and In .my Itwm whaiwcvcr. pdrllculrrly hy Q pbotographic 111 olber process in a to take the trip we were unable puhliciliiin inu\l he hl.iincJ In *rilinK lrm Ihc puhlishcr Any undulhor!rcd rcpri~ducll~~nwdl hc 5uhieci III rectlltrsc In law - IKIOUSPITH PUflI.ISHINCi CO I.TD to. On behalf gf the History 12 Vol. 20 - No. I3 SQUAMISH. B.C.-THURSDAY. MARCH 25, 1976 Travel Travel Club, thank you. History 12 Travel Club Editor, The Times: Police pointers The nicest Easter Bonnet in town, as far as we are con- cerned. is the postman's. For the In a recent newspaper column called and tough. Their best disguise is to look or- past few weeks, every postie in "Police Pointers", West Vancouver police dinary. every town has been doing one have been urging residents who spot anything So we called the police. We gave them a heck of a job getting the Easter or anybody suspicious to call them im- description of the young man. A few minutes Seal mail to the people of British Columbia. mediately. The usefulness of this advice was later a policeman came to interview us. Later I fEACHERS WERE BUSY at the mini-convention held in the primary teachers are working on one of the mathematics More than 925,000 blue and illustrated to use recently when we followed plainclothesmen brought us mug shots and Mamauam elementarv school March I2 and here the .: assignments. whiteEaster envelopesSeals havecontaining been the advice. we identified one of them as the man we had Sitting at home one day, our front door seen. delivered throughout the handle was tested by somebody. The first It turned out that the man is part of a province in the name of crip- pled cliildren. thought that came to mind was that it was gang of break and enter experts which has The 5,500. Lions of British simply somebody who had the wrong apart- been plaguing the Vancouve. area for some Forest industry defines I Columbia would like to thank ment; an innocent mistake. But remembering time now. All of them look \ery neat and the 2,OOO letter carriers on the advice from the police, we opened the well dressed, and are very good at their behalf of the 25,000 han- door (with the chain still on) and saw a nice work. The police told us that they often use a dicapped children in the province.Yours very sincerely, looking young man walking down the hall. pipe device to break door knobs, and that the policy on use of 'forest landsI carrying a coat over his arm. coat-over-the-arm we had seen probzbly con- Cone collection and the ex- by artificial or natural means. T. H. Tsit PDC At point we could have again There is new recognition of this cealed the device. the rights of many users of forest traction of seeds should be should be evaluated for dis. :$sed the incident as nothing, but we We don't know if the police have c'aught lands. There is also a growing 1-LfIi~-~~()(~11 carefully supervised by stocking, growth and general Ehitor, The Ti-; On reading your paper I have remenl ered something else the police had their man yet, but we do know we did all we awareness that forests have 'liI-fl$l~)l~#srll qualilied personnel to make health, as required; periodically limitations to the uses that can sure that the quality of the seed during the first I5 years Io found that quite a few people said, nailrely that criminals look like or- could to help them out. If we had dismissed feel that the fire department is dinary pcqple. You won't see too many the suspicious incident, the police would be served. that there are choices is high. The seed should be of determine if juvenile spacing, to be made, and that a wise and the species most suited to the brush control or other stand undertrained and inex- criminals wearing those little black masks have just that much less information to use sensitive approach to en- areas planned for replanting and management measures . are perienced. I felt that I should tical* There with eye holes. They don't always look mean against this criminal. vironmental protection is .a be 'a further inventories adequate for the necessary. write and let you know that last re-examination of the site within program should be maintained. week we had a small fire and responsibility that all must two vears. The report recbmnends that share. had to call in the fire depart- 0 Seed procuremen1 . The.report from the Council annual seedling production ment. In view of this the Council of An important part of the of Forest Industries recom- from nurseries must continue to 1 would like to say that they ' Controls don't work Forest Industries, composed of reforestation program is the mends that the collection of the, be increased to meet pro,iected were here in five minutes and many forest companies in this acquisition of sufficient tree seeds should be done by the requirements, and that the very well organized. We had The development industry has been we find ourselves incapable of providing one province, has developed some seed to support the provincial B.C. Forest Service except in production of seedlings should nothing but praise for them. We saying it for years - rent controls don't of the most basic types of housing - apart- environmental and land use reforescation program. These cases of the Tree Farm Licences continue to remain the major felt that they knew what they work. Now they have an excellent ally in ments. policy statements and these will seeds should be collected from and Crown granted lands. responsibility of the Forest Ser- were doing and executed it with be the subiect ofa six-part series Barry Clark, B.C.3 rentalsman. There is one and only one reason for this selected stands of high quality They already have the ex- ' vice. speed and efficiency. They were on various aspects of forest use trees. Ultimately all seed used pertise and the organization as However. there may also be a Speaking last week to a HUDAC con- mess - government bungling. With rent con- very considerate of the house and the environment; should be of a superior genetic well as the capability to carry need for pr.ivate nurseries to and left no mess for us to clean vention in Ottawa, Clark said that in B.C. trols leading the list. management of watersheds. quality and should be obtained out the seed collection program produce planting stock for use UP. rent controls give tenants a false impression We have the land to build apartments on reforestation, environmental through a tree breeding on a province-wide basis. on Crown lands. This should be I just felt that having beedin of the real cost of their accommodations. The and we have a development industry ready policy and objectives, use of program. Stands, whether established encouraged. a volunteer fire department for prescribed fire. land use and controls sour the atmosphere for investment and willing to build them. five years my alf on Vancouver I.rudd access policy. in housing and tenants suffer as the supply of We have everything we need, in fact, ex- \ Island I knoy the worklthat Is These statements should de involved learning how to use apartments dries up and the maintenance of cept a 'chance to show a profit by building interest to the people of new equipment and training new buildings is cut back. rental apartments. Until the free marketplace Squamish in view of the fact that men. So my hat goes off to them If anybody still doubts the dangers of rent is allowed to do its job this ridiculous this community is forest- Letters from Jane-Anne all. oriented. Ray Gudcrttm controls all he needs to do is look at the situation will continue. *** Ed. Note: Jane Anne Manson Dec 29. We had a very nice you sent. Did I tell you that my latest CMHC figures for Vancouver. Developers 'cannot be expected to put up is on a year's exchange in Brazil Christmas. Lots of sunshine; it first sister gave me a ring for Editor, Timu; The city still has what amounts to a zero buildings they know will lose money. Unless PART II as a Rotary exchange student Christmas and I-also received a Tk Reforestat ion doesn't feel like Christmas when We were returning to vacancy rate.