LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT DECEMBER 2006 Welwyn Hatfield Annual Monitoring Report 2005/2006 Welwyn Hatfield Council Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report 2005/2006 December 2006 C. J. Conway Chief Planning & Environmental Health Officer Welwyn Hatfield Council Council Offices The Campus Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL8 6AE Tel: 01707 357000 Fax: 01707 357285 E Mail:
[email protected] If you would like this document in an alternative format, please contact Planning Policy on 01707 357532 or email at
[email protected] ii Welwyn Hatfield Annual Monitoring Report 2005/2006 Contents Page iii Executive Summary iv Glossary of terms vi 1. Introduction 1 2. Contextual Characteristics of Welwyn Hatfield 3 General, economic, environmental and social 3. Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment 8 4. Progress of the Welwyn Hatfield Local Development Framework 9 5. National Best Value and Local Performance Indicators 19 6. Monitoring and Implementation of ‘Saved’ Local Plan Policies 20 7. National Core Output & Local Indicator Themes: Introduction: 22 8. Sustainable Development 23 9. Green Belt and Settlement Pattern 24 10. Resources 27 11. Movement 32 12. Design 36 13. Implementation and Monitoring 37 14. Housing 37 15. Open Space 46 16. Community, Leisure and Tourism 47 17. Employment 50 18. Retailing and Town Centres 58 19. Hatfield Aerodrome 61 20. Rural Areas 62 Appendices 66 Housing Trajectory site level data Summary Table of National and Local Core Output Indicators iii Welwyn Hatfield Annual Monitoring Report 2005/2006 Executive Summary This is the second Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) to be submitted monitoring the Local Development Framework in Welwyn Hatfield.