©: Wexford Borough Council 2
13th January, 196U- A Quarterly Meeting of the Council was held this day in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, at half past seven o'clock, p.m., the members present being - His Worship the Mayor, Councillor Thomas Byrne in the Chair. Aldermen: Nicholas F. Corish, Kevin Morris, John Cullimore, John O ’Flaherty. Councillors: John Biemey, Patrick Cullen, Edward Hall, Patrick Doran and James Morris. The County Manager, Acting Borough Surveyor and Town Clerk were in .attendance, SYMPATHY: Before the business of the Meeting commenced Aid. Corish moved that the sympathy of the Corporation be extended t o the Widow and Family of the late John Byrne, St. Aidan's Crescent, and to his Worship the Mayor, his nephew. Mr. Byrne had, for a number of years,been an employee of the Corporation to whom he had given faithful service. The motion was seconded by Councillor Bierney, supported by all the members present, by the County Manager and Town Clerk, and adopted in respect ful silence. His Worship the Mayor returned thanks for the sympathy of the Council. MINUTE S : On the motion of Aid. Corish, seconded by Councillor Bierney, the Minutes of the previous meeting, a copy of which had been circulated with the Agenda for the present meeting, were taken as having been read, approved and signed by the Mayor. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS : Acknowledgments of votes of sympathy passed at previous meeting were read from - Mrs. Mary Ryan, Dunganstown, New Ross; Mr. James Kennedy, Dunganstown, Nev Eoss; Mother Clement, Loretto Convent; and Mrs. Margaret Kirwan, Priory Flace, Enniscorthy5 all relatives of the late Pre; .
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