Population in Ire Lan D

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Population in Ire Lan D POPULATION, IRELAND. C ENS US 0 F THE POP U L AT ION, 1831. COMPARATIVE ABSTRACT OF THE POPULATION IN IRE LAN D, AS TAKEN IN 1821 AND 18S1,. ARRANGED IN THE ORDER OF PARISHES, BOROUGHS, COUNTIES, AND PROVINCES; • Distinguishing the AGGREGATE POPULATION of CONNECTED PLA.CES, as framed for GREAT BRITAIN. (Mr. Rice.) ; Ordered, by The House of Commons} to be Printed, 19 F,bruaT!} 1833 . 2 COHPARATIVJ,: ABST!(ACl' Of' Tift.: LIS T. PROVINCE OF LEINSTER , PISC: County of ell. RLOW , 3 DUDI,lN 4 KILDARE 6 KII,KENNY 7 KINO'S COUNTY 9 LONGFORD 10 LOUTH II MEATH I' QUEEN'S COUNTY 14 WESTMEATH 15 \V £:11: FORD 16 WI CK LOW 18 PROVINCE OF MUNSTER, bounty of CLA R E 19 CORK - 21 KERJty LIMERICK TtPPERARY WATERFORD PROVINCE OF ULSTER, County of ANTRIM 30 ARMAGH 31 CAVAN 31 DONEGAL 3' DOWN 33 FERMANAGH 34 LONDONDERRY 35 MONAGHAN 36 TYRONE 36 PROVINCE OF CONNAUGHT, CounlyofGALWAY 37 LEITRIM 38 MAYO - 39 R OSCOl'llWN 40 SLIGO - • 4' POPULATrON IN IRELAND : 1821 AND 1831. 3 COMPARATIVE ABSTRACT OF THE POP V L A T ION 1 N 1 R E LAN D, lB21 AND IB31. PROVINCE OF LEINSTER. COUNTY OF CARLOW. Agg~r-te Aggregate POPULAll0N. PovuJallOD of POPULATION. Population of PARrsH, &e. 1---....,-----1 Connr(:letl PARISH, &c. 1----,---1 COllnected PlOOf!, t'1 ~ eN, 1821. 1831. 1(131. 1821. 1831. 183t. l\ghada - - - Pari$h no return 368 Lorum - - Aghold - - - Parish no return ,60 Ardristan -- - Parish 1,648 543 Moyacumb Parisb ~,246 Clonegal Town no return OZ,14° Ballynacllrrig - - Parish 644 Ballon - _ _ Parish 1,077 Myshall - - - Pari!b 1,439 Bailon - - _ \' iIlage 3" Myshall - - Village Halleyellon -- Parish 1,70 4- Darragh - - - Parish 3,779 Newtownbarry(l) Town Nurney & Augha Pariah ~,667 '77 Leighlin Bridge(') Town 00 retun: Bendonstown -- Pamh 994 358 Nurncy - • _ Village no return Hennekerry -- Parish "4 35 Old Leighlin _ _ Parish 2,867 3"'4 1 Cllrlow· Paruh , 9' 010 Lcighlin _ Village no return ",6 J Carlow • - Borough 8,035 9.597 Clody - - - - Parish 1,230 PainstowlI -- Clonegoose - - Pamh 2,152 Pubblcdrum - - Boris - - - Town no return Clonmore -- Parish 1,62!! Clonmulsk Parish 612 Rahill & Brough-} atstown _ _ Pariah '" 7· RathviJIy - - - Parish 3,173 } Dunleckney - _ Parish 4,431 Rathvilly - _ Village 30' Dagnalstown - To .... no return Rathmore - Pamh Fennagh - - - PariSh 2,31h Dallynocker - Village no return 3,809 Slyguff - - - Parish St. Mullin's - - Parish Tinnehinch e) - Village Grangeforth - - Parisb 742 9,6 TankardSlOwo Hacketstowo - _ Parish Pamh 1,101 1,051 Templepctcr - - Parish 680 Hacke18tOl'l'n - Town 2,882 349 Thurmagurna Parish I, I 21 I,ll I Haroldstown - Tullowerine - '.344 Tullowphdim 1, 288 } Tullow - - 1,929 Kernanstown - Paris!. Killan:lnc - - Parish Royal Oak _ _ Village 899 Ullard - Parish 1,089 Killerigg _ _ _ Parish Urglin --- Parish 970 Killistown __ Parish Kiltennell - - - Parish Kiledmund - Village Wells - Pilrish 430 e) The Enumerator states there is no part of tJle Town of Newtownbarry in the County of Carlow. (~ Part of the Town of Lcighlin Bridge is in the Pari.sh of Wells, containing ',ogo Inhabitants; but the cntil"C Population is returned here as in Nurney and Augha. (I) The Enumerator statc5 that there is now no Village or Tinnehinch. 4 COl'llJ'ldtATI\'E ABSTRACT 0.' TtlE PROVINCE OF LEINS'l'ER-contd, COUNTY OF DUBLIN. Aggregme Aggregate POPULATION. Population of POPULATION. Populatloll of PARISH, &ce. C<lnn~ted PARIS.H. &c. Conne<.:t~d Flacu, PIIlffJ, 1821. 1831. 18.31. 1ij21. I 1831. 1831. Artune· - - - Parish '37 '30 DUBLIN, County of the City of: , St. Andrew's Parish 7,726 7,870 Baldoyle • - - Parish 1,457 '09 1,n8 - Baldoyle - - Town no return 1,009 } St. Anne's - - l'arish 8,689 8.361 St. Audeon's Pari$ll 5,180 4.599 Baldulgan -- Parish '06 88 -- 20 10,639 12,543 llallyboghill -- Parish 509 5 66+ St. Bridget's - - Pari,h Ballyboghill Village >08 } - '44 8t. Catharine's (part of') Parish 17,472 18,273 Ballybought - - Parish '34 '''7 St. James's (part of) Parish 5.862 6.576 l3nJlyf~rmot Parish , 7' - - 40' St. John's - - Paruh 4,408 4.351 Ballymodum Parish 475 - -- 7" 795 .- Ballymodum - lIamlet ,,6 } St. Mr.ry's -- Pan,h 2"',902 25,3 11 " St. Mary's DOllllybrook Pan,h 7,278 9,935 Ballymore Eustace Pari~h 1,308 1,244- 2,085 203,752 Ballymore Eustace To.. n 760 84' } St. Mark's - - Paruh 11,80g 14,811 St. Michael's - - Parish 1,748 2,288 Balrothery - - Pari}I, 1,747 1,68 7 Balbri~gan - - Town 3,1 ~4 3,016 5,°78 St. Michan's - - Parish 22,923 23;918 Balrot ery - Village 400 } - 375 St. Nicholas-within Parish 1,582 1,845 Balscadden -- Parish 974 1,011 St. Nicholas·without Parish 8,g22 9.207 Belgriffin Parish ,85 - -- '59 St. Paul's - Parish 12,81l 10,570 Booterstown - - ('amh no return 3,549 -- Bray - - - - Parish 59' see Old Connaught. St. Peter's - - Parish 16,202 19,033 St. Thomas's - - Parish 17,108 20,877 Castleknock - - Parish 2,984 3,721 St. Wcrburgh's - Parish 2,6..,0 3,38... CasLleknock - Village ,6, 188 4,25 1 Village 0 } Blanchardstown 3 ' 3<' DUBLIN, inside the Circular Road, .and as connected-with the County inside the Cir- Chapelizod -- Parish 67' 549 2,181 cularRoad - __ -- _ 232.362 Chapelizod C) - '1'o ..n 597 1,632 } no rcturn DUBLIN and its Suburbs outside the Circular Chapel midway - Parisi. 335 Road, and as conne"ted with the County Pari~h 0 Cloghran - - 59 6'3 inside and outside the Circular Road _ 16 - Pari!h l,n8 265.3 Clondalkin -- 2,237 2,993 Clondalkin - - Town 88, 756 } , Esker - Pari ~ h 466 1,075 Clonsellagh - - Pari,h 7,8 9<3 - - - 8 Clonturk ~ - - Parish 1,73 1,944 2,534 DrumcOlldra Town 50' 590 } - Fin~lass - - - Parish 1,184 1,270 1 Finglass T owu 2,110 Paruh 1,253 2,01 4 - - 67' 840 J Clontarf - -- 3,323 Clontarf -- Tow" 1,434 1.3OfJ } Garristown - . PariSll 1,504 1, 124 Clonmethan - Paruh 4<0 6)7 - - Pari,h Garristown To",,, '1,083 Coolock - - 509 7'4 9'4 - 5" 74' Coolock - - Village '76 '90 } lla1dwinstown - Village 132 218 } Cotlalldstown - - Parish no return 6< Cruugh - - - Parish 1,036 1,216 Glassnevin -- P&J'i~h <,8 44' Glassnevin Town 1,001 Crumlin - -- Parish 67' "4 r>66 - - 3'3 559 } Crumlin - - T,~ '37 54' } Grallagh - - - Pui:.h '96 236 .Grange Gorman - Puish 6,072 7.382 Parish 8 Dnlkey - - - 755 85 1,402 T(lwu 1 Hollywood Pariah Dalkey - - - 5 7 544 } - - 976 1 ,02~ Holrnpatrick - - Parish 46, 553 ,65 Skerries To.. n '};,272 3, 100 Donabate --- Pari!h <80 386 - - 2,556 } Donabate - - Village no return } '" Howth - - - - Paruh 1,536 . 9'0 0 Donnybrook - - PIIf;,h 1,94\ 459 Howth - - TO"D no return 797 } 1,7 7 (') Part of the Town of Chapelizod, containing 602 Inhabitants. is in the Parish of Palrnerston ; the entire Population is here returned. POPULATION iN IRELAND: 1821 AND 1831. PROVINCE of LI!.Uf8TER-t'o)!/". COUNTY OF DUBLIN-colltillutd. Aggl't'glte A~g.le POPULATION. POi'ULATlON. Popu Ilion of Populalkm of PARISH, &e. Connected PARISH, &e. Connec(ed PIeces, PlICa, 1821. 1831. 1831. 1821. 1031. 1831. - Uathfarnhnm - PAri.h 1,662 3,001 Kilbarl'3ck -- Parish no return '70 - 4,573 Rathfarnbam - Town 1.480 1,572 } Kilgobbin - - - Plr;, h 1,021 1,149 Kill- - - - - Parish 974 1,305 Rnthmichael - - Pariah 3;4 1,'lg6 KiJlcek - - - ParmI ,66 '75 Rathtoole -- · l'arioh no return \l38 Killester · - · l'ari,h ,68 113 Parish 0 Killilley · - · 4 3 495 -St. Catharine's - Parish 4,521 4,548 4,548 00 80 KillO$scry - - - Parish 3 3 St. Dolough -- Parish '74 345 8 Kilmactalway - Parhb 45 47:1: -St. George - - Parillo H,64S 14,6g2 14,6g2 58, Kilsalaghan - - PlI'isI, 550 -St. James - · l'ar;,h 7,684 6,63'2 6,63~ 0 Killsealy - - - Pariah 495 65 -St. Kevin -- Pari,h - - lte St. Peter. Kihernan - - - Plri,h S15 913 "St. Luke - - - I'arish 6,686 6,605 6,605 St. Margaret -- Pari'h 307 "9 Lucan PariJh 878 508 } 3'.:5 - - -- 1,737 St. Margaret · "mage "4 g6 Lucan · - - Town 1,162 1,'129 } "St. Nicholas without Par1$h 3,25° 3.1S4 3,184 Lusk - Parilh 3,319 '2,798 - -- 1 Rush - - · Tu.. n 1,004 2,144 5,866 1St. Patrick's Libert)' Pari. h 2,289 2,'291 2,29 Lusk - - To.. n 874 9'4 } - ·St. Peter - - l'arish 10,754 1°.799 Haroldscross - Town 1,°49 1,101 16,161 Malahide Parish I, I '27 930 I\fihown - - Tuwn 760 673 - - - 1,224- Ranelagh TOWII 1,988 Malahide - ViU'gc nureturn '94 } -- 9'3 · Rathmilles - - 'I'U"'" 1,108 ,,600 f Miltown PRr1$h 868 7" --- Parish 1,400 0 Sa§gart • - - 1,4 5 1,671 Village no rcturn ,66 } l\'lonk.town -- Pari,h 2,03 1 2,02S aggart - · Kin~town - Town 1,505 5,736 1 9,8 1+ - Santry - - P,ri.h ?it 1,034 lllac noek - Town 1, 276 2,050 J - - 1,159 Santry - - - YiIl'ge '47 "5 } M u1lahidart - - }'.ri:ih 5 12 47' . Stillorgan - - Parish !J64 1,495 2,145 Stillorgan -- Tuwn 494 650 } Naul · - Parid, 4i2 54' 8 -- 0 ,,6 } 75 Swords Parish 1,249 1, 185 1 Naul - -- ViU'ge '3 - - - 3.72 >= Swords - . - To .. " 1,727 '1.537 r Newcastle - -- Parish 973 7°3 1,100 Newcastle -- "i!lage no return 397 } l'.n~h 3,838 28 TaJlaffht - - - 4, 7 4,646 Tal aght - - "ill'ge 5'0 359 } Old C:onnaught - Par~h 44' 893 1,959 Little Bray C) TUWII 468 1,066 } P.,ish Taney - - - - 2,746 3.340 4,0'20 Dundrum - - To.
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