Taurus College News Letter
Taurus College News Letter Vol. VII Issue:2, February ’19 LAKIREDDY BALI REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING(Autonomous) Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to JNTU-K, Accredited by NAAC and NBA Under Tier-I(CSE,IT,ECE,EEE&MECH) ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution MYLAVARAM – 521230, KRISHNA Dt., A.P EVENTS @ LBRCE: Celebrating 21 glorious years !!! The 21st Annual Day Celebrations The college entered into yet another year of glorious existence, as students and staff celebrated the 21st Annual Day in a grand spectacle on 23rd Feb‟ 19. Sri.Devineni Uma Maheswara Rao, Hon‟ ble Minister of Irrigation, Govt. of AP attended the programe as the chief Guest. Our Co-chairman, Sri. Lakireddy Jaya Prakash Reddy presided over the function, flanked by Honor of the Guest Dr.P.Uday Bhaskar, Chairman , APPSC,Lakireddy Prasad Reddy, Vice Chairman, Sr.G.Srinivasa Reddy, President among others. Dr.K.Appa Rao, Principal presented the Annual report, while Dr.K.Sreenivasa Reddy, Vice Principal proposed the vote of thanks. The day ended with a colorful cultural extravaganza presented by students. APPSC chairman addressing the audience @ 21st College Day. A nostalgia & fellowship @Annual Alumni Meet-2019 The Annual Alumni meet was organized on 23rd Feb.’19 in the august presence of our Co- chairman, Sri. Lakireddy Jaya Prakash Reddy and Lakireddy Prasad Reddy among others. The meet was attended by around 200 old students who came from various parts of the country. While inaugurating the meet, the founders appealed to the Alumni to don the role of goodwill ambassadors of the institute. The alumni had a great time reminiscing their good old days with friends and faculty.
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