1993 Dizzy Gillespie/Sun Ra Memorial Invitational November 12-13, 1993



Home of the annual National Rotten Sneaker competition, this city was also the birthplace of Admiral George Dewey. Located on the Winooski River, its major industries include granite, insurance, and tourism. FTP, name this capital of the 14th state admitted to the union.

ANSWER: Montpelier, VT

Chris Evert, Henry of Navarre, Longfellow, Peter Pan, Oedipus, John Henry, and . These are, FTP, members of what sport's national Hall of Fame, located in Saratoga Springs, New York, whose members also include Alydar, Seabiscuit, and ?

ANSWER: (accept "Race Horses" or equivalent answer on an early buzz)

A museum dedicated to him opened on June 17, 1993 in a classical-style renovated Christian Science church in Huntington, Indiana. FTP, name this former National Guardsman turned politician.

ANSWER: J. Danforth Quayle

Famed for works of dreamlike incongruity, such as Rape, in which he substitutes a torso for a face, his other major paintings include The Wind and the Song and The Human Condition. For 10 points, identify this 20th century Belgian surrealist.

ANSWER: Rene Magritte

For a quick ten points, the name's more or less the same: the second-largest city in EI Salvador, the winds that contributed to the devastating fires near Los Angeles in October 1993, and the former president of Mexico who commanded the victorious army at the Alamo in 1836.

ANSWER: Santa Ana (or Santa Anna)

The most famous was that issued by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI in 1713, which was confirmed in 1748 by the treaty of Aix-Ia-Chapelle. For 10 points, identify this two word term which referred in that instance to the decree permitting Maria Theresa to succeed her father as ruler of Hapsburg Austria.

ANSWER: pragmatic Sanction For a quick ten points, the catalogue of which composer's works includes the opera Pelleas et Melisande, the ballet Jeaux, the tone poem La Mer, the popular piano piece Clair de Lune, and the experimental composition which first won him great fame, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun?

ANSWER: Claude Debussy

The daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, Poseidon had her chained to a rock from which she was rescued by Perseus. For 10 points, identify this mythological namesake to a constellation of the northern sky.

ANSWER: Andromeda

A performance artist born in Strasburg, he has been a leading exponent of his art for 45 years. For 10 points, identify this performer known world-wide for his appearances on stage and television as the white-faced character "Bip".

ANSWER: Marcel Marceau

Born in Jerusalem and educated at Cairo University, he then worked as an engineer in Kuwait. In 1959 he began contributing to the Beirut magazine Our Palestine. For 10 points, name this co-founder of the AI Fatah resistance group and longtime leader of the PLO.

ANSWER: Vasser Arafat

Toys in the Attic, Another Part of the Forest, Watch on the Rhine, and An Unfinished Woman. FTP, identify the author of these works, who also wrote The Children's Hour, Pentimento, and Little Faxes.


He was an engineer whose infant son suffered from arthritis; in an attempt to relieve the pain by hydro-therapy he devised a pump that produced a whirlpool effect in a bath. For 10 points, who was this Italian-born American inventor?

ANSWER: Candido Jacuzzi

During the War of 1812 he sided with the British and served under Tecumseh. In 1832 he led 1500 followers across the Mississippi in an attempt to resettle his homeland in Illinois. Subsequently he was chased by the Illinois militia into southern Wisconsin and decisively defeated at the battle of Bad Axe. For ten points,who was this Sauk warrior?

ANSWER: Black Hawk (also accept: Makataimeshekiakiak)

Travelling around the U.S. in his mid-twenties, he assembled a collection of songs and folk ballads which he later published as The American Songbag. Other publications include a book for children titled Rootabaga Stories and his autobiography, Always the Young Strangers. For ten points, identify this writer awarded one Pulitzer for his Complete Poems, and another for his monumental biography of our 16th President.

ANSWER: Carl Sandburg

Performed on a scale larger and more dramatic than that of a cantata, the term designates a musical setting of religious texts, scored for orchestra, chorus, and solo voices. Haydn's The Creation and The Seasons, Mendelssohn's Elijah, and Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius are examples. So are Handel's Messiah and a "Christmas" one by J.S. Bach. For ten points, what is this eight-letter musical term?

ANSWER: Oratorio

Since 1989 its head of state has been General Andres Rodriguez, who led a military coup ousting longtime president General Alfredo Stroessner. Though its official language is Spanish, the first tongue of 90% of its population is Guaranf--which is also the name of its currency. For ten points, name this landlocked country.

ANSWER: Paraguay

It can be defined as a path traced out by a point that moves in such a way that the distance from a fixed point, or focus, is equal to its distance from a fixed straight line, or directrix; thus, it has an eccentricity of 1. For ten points, name this curve which is also yielded by cutting a right circular cone with a plane parallel to the sloping side of the cone.

ANSWER: Parabola

His writings include a life of Johann Sebastian Bach and The Quest for the Historical Jesus. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952 for his teaching of "reverence for life." FTP, identify this founder of a hospital in Lambarene in Gabon.

ANSWER: Albert Schweitzer

The title of an opera by Philip Glass, it is Sanskrit for "insistence on truth." As an idea, it owed much to the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. For ten points, what is this word describing the program of non-violent resistance employed by Mahatma Gandhi to oppose British rule in India?

ANSWER: Satyagraha

His later excavations were at Mycenae, where he discovered the ruins of Mycenean civilization. But his earlier digging had centered on a hill called "Hissarlik," which had yielded the ruins of nine consecutive cities. For ten points, who was this archaeologist who proved that Hissarlik was the site of ancient Troy?

ANSWER: Heinrich Schliemann This Hollywood film studio concentrated on producing the works of independent filmmakers and adaptations of literary works in the 1930s and 1940s, including Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, and Major Barbara. It nearly collapsed after the box-office disaster of Heaven's Gate in 1980, and was subsequently purchased by MGM. For ten points, identify this studio founded in 1919 by Chaplin, Pickford, Fairbanks, and Griffith.

ANSWER: United Artists

It took a no-hitter by Oakland's Ed Walsh, Jr. to end this 18 year old's 61 game hitting streak in the summer of 1933. FTP, who was this Pacific Coast League rookie outfielder better remembered for another streak, eight years later, which reached 56 games?

ANSWER: Joe DiMaggio

Among the phrases most closely associated with his name were "effete corps of impudent snobs," "nattering nabobs of negativism," and" nolo contendere." For 10 points, who was this former governor of Maryland once referred to by Richard Nixon as his "insurance policy against assassination attempts?"

ANSWER: Spiro Agnew

In the context of time, A.M. stands for ante meridiem. For 10 points, what does AM stand for in the context of radio?

ANSWER: amplitude modulation

Its inventor was Charles B. Darrow, but in 1935 Darrow sold the rights to Parker Brothers. It might be called the game that made Atlantic City, NJ famous. For ten points, what is this best­ selling board game of all time?

ANSWER: Monopoly

A key figure of the Enlightenment, this dramatist, critic, and Deist philosopher finished his career as librarian at Wolfenbuttel. For 10 points, identify this German, whose works include the masterpiece of criticism entitled Laokoon, as well as the plays Minna von Barnheim, Emilia GaIotti, and Nathan the Wise.

ANSWER: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Located in the throat, it is the muscular and membranous cavity of the alimentary canal leading from the mouth and nasal passages to the larynx and esophagus. FTP, identify this seven-letter Greek word.

ANSWER: pharynx A person with informed and astute discrimination is a connoisseur [CON-OH-SEWR]. Show how informed and astute YOU are, for 10 points, by spelling "connoisseur."


"Charles Augustus Milverton," "The Solitary Cyclist," "Silver Blaze," "The Stockbroker's Clerk," "The Musgrave Ritual," and "A Scandal in Bohemia" are all stories featuring, for 10 points, the adventures of what successful sleuth?

ANSWER: Sherlock Holmes

The term originated with James Watt, who determined its value experimentally while drawing coal from a a coal pit. It is equivalent to 550 foot-pounds per second, or about 746 watts. For 1 0 points, identify this increasingly obsolete unit of power.

ANSWER: horsepower 1993 Dizzy Gillespie/Sun Ra Memorial Invitational November 12-13, 1993



(20 pts) 20 points are yours if you can give me the name for the viscous yellow fluid that bathes movable joints between the bones of vertebrates, and that nourishes and lubricates the cartilage at the end of each bone.

ANSWER: Synovial fluid

(25 pts) Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Provide the German word given an English definition, for 5 points apiece:

A. world view ANSWER: Weltanschauung B. forming, formation, or education ANSWER: Bildung C. health or wholesomeness ANSWER: Gesundheit D. the spirit of the age ANSWER: Zeitgeist E. passion for traveling; desire to see the world ANSWER: Wanderlust

(30 pts) Given a brief description of a work published by Norman Mailer, provide the title, for 10 points apiece:

A. A Pulitzer Prize winning work about convicted murderer Gary Gilmore, published in 1979

ANSWER: The Executioner's Song

B. A journalistic account of an anti-Vietnam War protest march in Washington, published in 1968

ANSWER: Armies of the Night

C. A novel of island combat in the Pacific during World War II, published in 1948

ANSWER: The Naked and the Dead

(30 pts.) The chess world recently was treated to two "world championship" matches running simultaneously. On October 21, 1993 Gary Kasparov clinched a victory in the Professional Chess Association's world chess championship match. Name the opponent defeated by Kasparov for 15 points.

ANSWER: Nigel Short

Then on November 1, Anatoly Karpov clinched the championship of the World Chess Federation. Name the opponent defeated by Karpov for another 15 points.

ANSWER: Jan Timman (30 pts) 30-20-10. Identify this NFL franchise.

A. They are the only team other than the 4gers never to have been beaten by Joe Montana in a regular season game.

B. In this team's first Super Bowl victory, the game's MVP was Safety Jake Scott.

C. In 1972, they were undefeated, a feat that has never been repeated.

ANSWER: Miami, or Dolphins

(30 pts.) 30-20-10. Name this writer.

A. His plays Cromwell and Hernani established him as a major figure in romantic drama.

B. Although his father was a general under Napoleon, he himself was banished from France due to his opposition to Napoleon III.

C. His novels include Toilers of the Sea and 93. He currently resides in the Pantheon, in Paris.

ANSWER: Victor Hugo

(25 pts) The October 14, 1993 issue of Rolling Stone ranked the Top 100 Music Videos of all time. See if you can name these songs that made the top 10 for 5 points each.

A. No it's not Milli Vanilli, but this song, written by Prince, was lip-synched in the video by Sinead O'Connor.

ANSWER: Nothing Compares 2 U

B. This song, released in 1967, was featured in D.A. Pennebaker's film Don't Look Back. It shows Bob Dylan through cue cards outside of London's Savoy Hotel with Allen Ginsberg standing in the background looking on.

ANSWER: Subterranean Homesick Blues

C. This 1989 Madonna video was inspired by Fritz Lang's 1924 silent film opus Metropolis.

ANSWER: Express Yourself

D. This 1992 video by Van Halen displays such messages on the screen as "Pigs are becoming lunch." The song is perhaps more famous for being sold-out as an ad campaign for Pepsi.

ANSWER: Right Now

E. Affectionately known as "4 minutes and 32 seconds of video violence" this 1991 Nirvana video depicts a riot in a high school gym at the end of the song.

ANSWER: Smells Like Teen Spirit (20 pts) One of the pioneers of the sciences of comparative anatomy and paleontology, he was also the great systematizer and defender of the doctrine of catastrophism--he believed that the Earth was periodically flooded, and explained fossils as remnants of lifeforms that had been destroyed in the most recent deluge. For 20 points, name this Frenchman whose greatest work was The Animal Kingdom, published in 1817.

ANSWER: Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert, Baron Cuyjer

(30 pts.) For 10 points apiece name these surprise Republican winners in the elections held earlier this month:

A. This person defeated incumbent governor Jim Florio in New Jersey.

ANSWER: Christine Todd Whitman

B. This person defeated incumbent mayor David Dinkins in New York City after having lost to him in the 1989 election.

ANSWER: Rudolph Giuliani

C. This person defeated Democrat Mary Sue Terry for the governorship of Virginia.

ANSWER: George Allen

(25 pts) Two characters recur in more than one of the novels of John Updike: former basketball player "Rabbit" Angstrom, who was first introduced in the novel Rabbit, Run, and novelist Henry Bech. You will score five points apiece for naming the three sequels to Rabbit, Run, as well as the two novels which feature Henry Bech.

ANSWER: Rabbit Rradux, Rabbit is Rich, Rabbit at Rest, Bech: A Book, and Bech is Back

(20 pts.) A familiarity with astronomy will be useful for this bonus. For ten points apiece, give the word beginning with the letter "S" which:

A. denotes a period defined as the interval between successive conjunctions or oppositions of celestial bodies, such as those of a planet or the moon with the sun.

ANSWER: synodic(al)

B. denotes time which is based upon the axial and orbital rotation of the earth with reference to the background of stars.

ANSWER: sidereal

(25 pts) Surprisingly, since the NBA draft began in 1966 only five men have ever won the Rookie of the Year award after having been selected number one overall in the draft. For 5 points apiece, name this quintet. ANSWER: Lew Alcindor (accept Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) Ralph Sampson David Robinson Derrick Coleman Shaquille O'Neal

(20 pts) Given the name of a city, you tell me on which major river it lies, for 5 points apiece:

A. Tours ANSWER: L2im B. Albuquerque ANSWER: Rio Grande C. Bamako ANSWER: Niger D. Kiev ANSWER: Dneiper

(25 pts) Given the title of a famous work of art, name the artist for 5 points apiece:

A. Three Graces (c.1632-35) ANSWER: Peter Paul Rubens B. Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp (c.1632) ANSWER: Rembrandt van Rijn C. The Ecstasy of St. Theresa (1645-52) ANSWER: Gianlorenzo Bernini D. Peasant Wedding (1568) ANSWER: Pieter Brueghel the elder E. The Ambassadors (1533) ANSWER: Hans Holbein the Younger

(30 pts) Catherine of (blank) . Fill in the blank, for 10 points apiece.

A. She was the queen of Henry V of England, and mother of Henry VI. After the death of Henry V she secretly married Owen Tudor in 1425.

ANSWER: Catherine of Valois

B. She was originally engaged to Prince Arthur of England. On his death in 1502 she became betrothed, instead, to Arthur's younger brother Henry--by whom she had six children.

ANSWER: Catherine of Aragon

C. The daughter of John IV of Portugul, she married Charles II of England in 1682. She is credited with introducing tea drinking to England.

ANSWER: Catherine of Braganza

(20 pts.) Name the writer from his or her works. 10 points after one pair of works, 5 if you need the second pair.

A. 10 pts: Past and Present and The Early Kings of Norway 5 pts: The French Revolution and Sartor Resartus

ANSWER: Thomas Carlyle

B. 10 pts: Amelia and The Tragedy of Tragedies, or the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great 5 pts: Joseph Andrews and The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon ANSWER: Henry Fielding

(20 pts) Marcus Garvey founded the U.N.I.A. in Jamaica in 1914, and established branches in New York and other northern cities when he moved to the U.S. two years later. For 20 points, all or nothing, what was the complete name of the "U.N.I.A."?

ANSWER: Universal Negro Improvement Association

(20 pts) Pick up 20 points, all or nothing, by arranging the following operas in chronological order of composition. It should not be too difficult, as no two were composed within a quarter-century of each other. The operas are: The Barber of Seville, Cos{ fan Tutti, Madame Butterfly, and La Traviata.

ANSWER: Cos{ fan Tutti (1790), The Barber of Seville (1816), La Traviata (1853), Madame Butterflv (1904)

(25 pts) [MODERATOR: For this bonus do not indicate whether answers are correct or incorrect until after the entire question has been completed.)

Take down the following list of inventions important to the Industrial Revolution [READ SLOWLY): flying shutt/e, power loom, roller spinning frame, spinning jenny, and spinning mule or muslin­ wheel. Now, for 5 points apiece, which of these should you associate with the name:

A. Richard Arkwright? ANSWER: roller spinning frame B. Edmund Cartwright? ANSWER: power loom C. Samuel Crompton? ANSWER: spinning mule or muslin-wheel D. James Hargreave? ANSWER: spinning jenny E. John Kay? ANSWER: flying shuttle

(30 pts) 30-20-10. Identify the philosopher.

A. He was born in 1844 in Saxony. His father was a Lutheran pastor who died when he was five.

B. He was appointed professor of classical philology at the University of Basel at the age of 24. He later served as a medical orderly in the Franco-Prussian War.

C. His works include Ecce Homo, The Joyous Science, and On the Genealogy of Morals.

ANSWER: Friedrich Nietzsche (25 pts) You can expect to see a lot of attention focused next summer on the 50th anniversary of the "D-Day" invasion of Normandy. On June 6, 1944 Allied forces stormed ashore on five beaches, identified by soon-to-be familiar codenames. Score 5 points apiece for each of those beaches whose codename you recall.

ANSWER: Utah, , Gold, Juno, Sword

(20 pts) How well do you remember facts about the origins of CD technology? Answer these questions for 10 points apiece:

A. In 1983, what Billy Joel album with a geographical title became the first commercially available pop CD?

ANSWER: 52nd Street

B. Sony's president at the time, Norio Ohga, reportedly forced company technicians to increase the maximum length of a CD's playing time from 60 minutes to 80 minutes because he wanted to be able to listen without interruption to which Beethoven symphony, with a running time of 74 minutes?

ANSWER: Ninth Symphony (or "Choral")

(30 pts) This bonus concerns the capitals of some rather small island nations of the Pacific. You have a choice. I can name three nations, and you provide the capitals for 10 points apiece--30 points possible--or I will name three capitals and you provide the nations, for 5 points apiece--15 points possible. Captain, make your choice now.


A. Tuvalu Funafuti B. Vanuatu Port Vila C. F ij i Suva

(30 pts) John Glenn had the Right Stuff--do you? If you do, you will earn 30 points--5 for each of the other six original Mercury astronauts you are able to name.

ANSWER: Scott Carpenter, L.Gordon Cooper Jr., Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Walter "Wally" Schirra Jr., Alan Shepherd Jr., and Donald "Deke" Slayton

(25 pts) On Halloween the world said "a rivederci" (AH REE-VA-DEHR-CHEE) to that well-known trick or treater, Federico Fellini. Besides the Oscar he received last March for lifetime achievement, II Maestro won four other Oscars for best foreign language film. You'll receive 5 points for each Oscar-winning Fellini film you can name. If you get all four you'll receive an additional 5 points and the respect of Marcello Mastroianni.

ANSWER: La Strada (1956), The Nights of Cabiria (1957), 8 1/2 (1963), and (1974)