“Powerful, but with great poise, it is also the life and soul of the party” 6RQXVIDEHU6HUDƂQR7UDGLWLRQ HiFi News - Nick Tate “The Amati is one sexy-sounding speaker.” Sonus faber Amati Tradition HiFi News - Ken Kessler “They have acted as custodians of the Sonus faber ethos” Sonus faber Guarneri Tradition HiFi Plus - Alan Sircom We all want to live “the sweet life” and Sonus faber’s new Homage Tradition loudspeakers let you do just that. Inspired by the work of traditional luthiers in Cremona DQGWKHƂQLVKRIWKHPRGHUQLFRQLF5LYD<DFKWOLQHWKH VWDQGPRXQW*XDUQHULDQGƃRRUVWDQGLQJ$PDWLEXLOG on remarkable loudspeakers from Sonus faber’s past DQGDUHMRLQHGE\WKH6HUDƂQR Designed to ignite musical passion in the listener, but with a sculptural intent that is a perfect foil for even the most design-oriented home. These aren’t simply music makers; in the Homage Tradition series, Sonus faber has created audio art that will look as elegant decades from now as it does today. absolute sounds ltd. International Distributors & Consultants of Specialised Hi-End Audio & Video Systems 58 Durham Road, London, SW20 0TW T: +44 (0)20 89 71 39 09 W: www.absolutesounds.com E:
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