Parish Council

Chair: Mrs Julie Emberton, Sunny Bank, , SY10 8LJ Tel: 01691 831041 Email: [email protected] Clerk: Deborah Starkings, 6 Ash Grove, Pontesbury, SY5 0RQ Tel: 01743 790398 Email: [email protected]

Minutes of a meeting of Llanyblodwel Parish Council held on November 10 2016 at Llanyblodwel and Porthywaen Memorial Institute (7.30 p.m. – 9:45 p.m.)

Present: Cllr A R Beckett, Cllr D Counsell, Cllr B Edwards (Vice-Chairman), Cllr J Emberton (Chair), Cllr T Lewis, Cllr M E Roberts, Cllr R Thomas, Cllr A E Walpole and Cllr N Williams

In attendance:

PSCO Charles Iremonger. No member of the public was present.

1. 1Apologies for Absence . None

2. 2Public Participation Session . No public present

3. 3Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and requests for dispensations .under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011


4. Minutes - of the last meeting held on 8 September 2016 were approved and signed. 5. 5.1 Planning Appeals - Appeals are in progress for:- 16/02450/REF Address: Land north of River Tanat, Llanyblodwel. Outline application for the erection of four dwellings including one affordable dwelling PERMITTED 16/02449/REF Address: Bryn Benlli Turners Lane Llynclys. Outline application for proposed dwelling REFUSED 5.2 Planning Applications for consideration. 16/04366/FUL Demolition of existing garage court and erection of 2No. one bedroom affordable bungalows with associated parking and amenity space and 9no. additional parking spaces - Garage Court Off Brynmelyn Llynclys It is unclear from the plans whether the parking area shown covers part of the play area. This is owned by but managed by the Parish Council. Clerk instructed to contact Planning department to confirm whether the proposed development 16/04366/FUL encroaches on playing field. Also confirm that STAR has not included Brian Edwards’ land within its application. If the application does not affect Mr Edwards’ land or the playing field, then Parish Council will support the application. If there is any land encroachment Clerk will issue a holding objection awaiting clarification for discussion at the next meeting. 16/04372/FUL Erection of single storey and two storey side extensions and new entrance porch - Mill Farm Pen-Y-Bont Oswestry Shropshire SY10 9JQ committee resolved to 92

SUPPORT 5.4 Trefonen, Treflach and Nantmawr Village Design Statement 2016 – The Parish Council supports the Village Design Statement Clerk to issue letters of support for application 16/04372/ at Mill Farm and for the Village Design Statement. 6. A Partnership Approach to Designing Local Services Parish Council had previously resolved to report back in January. No intermediate updates. 7. Proposed removal of BT phone box LLYNCLYS OSWESTRY, postcode; SY10 8LL; Tel; 01691830227 Shropshire Council’s policy is to object to the removal of payphones unless there is a strong local view to the contrary. In the past the phone at Llynclys has been retained because of the high frequency of accidents at this location although BT information shows there have been no calls from the phone in the last 12 months. The Parish Council resolved that they did not feel the need to retain the phone service although they would like to keep the box. Clerk to respond to consultation with this response.

8. Police report The Police have attended the following incidents recently within the Parish:  Assault at Dolgog  Loose cows and horses between Llynclys Crossroads and Pen y Bont  Complaints regarding mud on road from fields  2 collisions at Llynclys Crossroads  4 lads acting suspiciously on the disused railway line but they dispersed of their own accord PC Mark Moth responded to the Council’s concerns about speeding vehicles on the A483. He said the police were not in support of the change in speed limit without additional highway engineering by Shropshire Council which has not been undertaken. He does however carry out speed enforcement with a handheld device. The Parish Council can approach the Safer Roads Partnership and request they consider the area for full speed enforcement and he will continue to carry out hand held device checks around Dolgoch. Clerk to write to Safer Roads Partnership and ask them to focus particularly on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons when the road is used as a rat run by traffic keen to get away for the weekend.

Members of the Parish Council also alerted Mr Iremonger to commercial fly-tipping from a skip hire company near , a van for sale on the public highway which has been left for a couple of months and a high number of people driving whilst using a mobile phone at Llynclys crossroads. 9. Parish Matters 9.1 Street lighting: request for street lighting at bus shelter near The White Lion - Spoken to Tom at Kier. He has offered to come out and meet with me or council members to look at the issues in detail. Clerk to organise a visit by Kier. Andrew Bennet and Bob Thomas offered to accompany a visit. 9.2 Morton church wall – Clerk spoke to spoke to Walford College to see if their students would be interested in a real project. This was considered not suitable for short courses and has been unable to contact anyone from the full-time countryside management course. She has also phoned God’s Acre a few times but been unable to catch anyone. Will keep trying. 93

Brian Edwards has identified two builders with experience of this kind of work. It was agreed that at the budget setting meeting, a budget for the project would be set and then we would approach builders and see how much they could repair for a set budget. 9.3 Footpath between Llyncyls nurseries and Llynclys crossroads – Keir above 9.4 Car park at Bryn Melyn – mostly dealt with under the planning application above. 9.5 Boxes for flood kits- No action/ Phone box would be an idea place to site one. Clerk to contact Emergency Planning team at Shropshire Council to see if we can get replacement water and food which are within their best before dates. Discussion re defibrillators. None currently in Parish. Costs vary from £650 to £2200 Clerk to investigate funding for a defibrillator 9.6 Street lights – see above Repairs have been undertaken to Parish owned lights at 10 Bryn Melyn, Bryn Melyn Bridge and between Hafod & Brookfield although the repair at Bryn Melyn bridge has failed within a month and the light outside 12 Dolgoch is also out. Clerk to chase Highline for repair

9.7 Bollard by Llanyblodwel notice board run over - fixed 9.8 Fly tipping by Carreghofa Lane - Dealt with 9.9 Loose Gravel on Blodwel Bank near Cartref – Clerk to report 9.10 Blocked drain by quarry bridge Clerk to report 9.11 Pothole by white lion and one past Llynclys Farm on the main road Clerk to report

10. Shropshire Councillor’s report 10.1 Shropshire Council finances – The Council is still trying to finalise its finances and looking to share its estate with other public bodies where appropriate although further information regarding the settlement is expected in the autumn statement 10.2 NHS Trusts are required to implement Sustainability and Transformation Plans. This may well change the outcome of the current Future Fit discussions regarding urgent care centres and A&E requirements. The intention is that 70-80% of patients currently attending A&E will in future have their needs met at Urgent Care Centres. There is significant concern in the western part of the catchment (Shropshire /Wales borders) that people are already some distance from a treatment centre and the initial hour is critical, therefore moving critical services further east would risk lives in rural communities. It was also notes that further east there are a range of existing hospital facilities in Stoke, Stafford and Wolverhampton. 10.3 Schools The new cabinet has decided not to push through the proposed Academies Bill which would force all schools to become academies. A new funding formula, which it was hoped would provide greater support for rural schools, has been 94

deferred. 10.4 Temporary Road closure – Rhyd Meredith Bridge A495 This bridge will be closed o 8th February 2017 between 09:00-16:00. This route is used for school transport but the proposed working hours are not thought to be an issue. 10.5 Morton War memorial – Rededication service 3pm Sat 12 November. Councillor Roberts to collect the wreath. 10.6 – The canal has been awarded £4.2m Lottery funding to open a further one and a quarter miles of the canal and a ‘winding hole’ allowing access to Crickheath, Shropshire. It will also improve access to the canal, create new nature reserves (needed in view of Site of Special Scientific Interest aspects) and improve almost four miles of towpath between Welshpool and Llanymynech on the English border.

11. Financial matters Invoices received: Scottish Power £176.78 Mazars Auditors £120 Highline Electricals street light repairs £51 and £208.50 (Sept and Oct bills) Memorial Hall use for meetings 2016 £119 Only one cheque remaining in cheque book so payment made to Mazars. Clerk to contact bank to identify why some payments are automatically transferred between accounts and to request a new cheque book. Income: - none 12. No item 12 on agenda 13. St Oswald and Llanymynech LJC - No meeting held 14. Parish Council website The clerk and her husband have prepared a draft website. The Council was generally happy with the colour and the layout, finding it easy to read. Requests were made to include information on local history and to invite contributions from local organisations. A page was also to be set up to identify Parish Councillors, including their contact details. Clerk to progress. 15. Training - To note the latest training events schedule and authorise any members/clerk to attend as required. CiLCA Session 1 postponed until 25 November Budgets and Audit Training – Wednesday 23rd November 2016, Business Planning - Friday 2nd December 2016, Clerk requested to attend budgets and audit training. Approved. 16. The following correspondence was noted:  Invitation to Citizens Advice Bureau AGM - at University Centre Shrewsbury at 5:30pm on Wednesday 23 November.  Shropshire Playing Fields Association – request for donations £25-35 suggested  Invitation to SALC AGM - Saturday 19th November 2016  Connecting Shropshire (Broadband) Public Consultation Focus is on getting everyone up to a reasonable standard rather than really high- speed broadband for some and people paying business rates will be considered more favourably – so focus on commercial rather than residential users  Grants and funding opportunities for the area Other items considered:  PCC posters – A5/A6 postcards considered appropriate given size of notice boards.


Clerk to see if these may be obtained  Transparency Fund - Clerk to review website costs against grant previously awarded and additional tasks required. Clerk to repot to next meeting  Scottish Power Scottish Power cannot find a record of our account despite managing to issue bills. Cheques being paid but not cashed. Clerk to write to Scottish Power and seek resolution  Publication of accounts The Council is required to publish the results of the audit on its website and to make copies of the accounts available to purchase. It was agreed that the audited accounts be made available for £5 (inc postage) Clerk to update website with this information


Public Open Space- consultation questionnaire issued to inform open space standards and Place Plan. Clerk to complete online survey in light of discussion held at meeting

17. Dates of future meetings To note meetings have been arranged for 12 January and 9 March 2017.

Signed by Chair …………………………………Date ………………………………………..