The 46 Th Annual Academy Awards Pre&Entation
The 46 th Annual Academy Awards Pre&entation • On the night of April 2, 1974, an estimated 76,000,000 television viewers throughout the United States gathered expectantly in front of their receivers to watch the telecast, over the NBC Television Network, of Hollywood's Big Night—that night on whichi the artists and artisans of the motion picture industry gather annually to honor their own. • In addition to its beaming to the millions in America, the 46th ANNUAL ACADEMY AWARDS PRESENTA- TION was made available live or on a delayed broadcast basis in 17 locales outside the continental United States. The ceremonies, which took place in the plush Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Los Angeles Music Center, were carried live by Australia, Brazil, Canadla, Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and St. Thomas. Delayed-basis telecasts were seen in Colombia, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, New Zealand, Spain, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Peru. Also, the show was transmitted to Unilted States servicemen statiomed in for- eign lands via Armed Forc- Page design ai by JAY K sands of fans, many of whom had been' waiting in the bleachers since dawn, cheered and applauded their favorites of the silver screen. The lavishly staged Awards Presenta- tion program lasted more than three hours (the longest ever) and was high- lighted by ambitious musical production numbers, film clips from pictures and the extra-curricular performance of a "streaker", who enlivened that portion of the program considerably and man- aged to unnerve the usually unflappable Elizabeth Taylor. Outside the Dorothy Chandler Pavil- ion, star-struck fans had been gathering since dawn and the 3,000 bleacher seats were filled hours before the event, with several hundred more people thronging the sidewalk across the street.
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